255 research outputs found

    Ratchet behavior in nonlinear Klein-Gordon systems with point-like inhomogeneities

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    We investigate the ratchet dynamics of nonlinear Klein-Gordon kinks in a periodic, asymmetric lattice of point-like inhomogeneities. We explain the underlying rectification mechanism within a collective coordinate framework, which shows that such system behaves as a rocking ratchet for point particles. Careful attention is given to the kink width dynamics and its role in the transport. We also analyze the robustness of our kink rocking ratchet in the presence of noise. We show that the noise activates unidirectional motion in a parameter range where such motion is not observed in the noiseless case. This is subsequently corroborated by the collective variable theory. An explanation for this new phenomenom is given

    Strong modulation of optical properties in black phosphorus through strain-engineered rippling

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    Controlling the bandgap through local-strain engineering is an exciting avenue for tailoring optoelectronic materials. Two-dimensional crystals are particularly suited for this purpose because they can withstand unprecedented non-homogeneous deformations before rupture: one can literally bend them and fold them up almost like a piece of paper. Here, we study multi-layer black phosphorus sheets subjected to periodic stress to modulate their optoelectronic properties. We find a remarkable shift of the optical absorption band-edge of up to ~0.7 eV between the regions under tensile and compressive stress, greatly exceeding the strain tunability reported for transition metal dichalcogenides. This observation is supported by theoretical models which also predict that this periodic stress modulation can yield to quantum confinement of carriers at low temperatures. The possibility of generating large strain-induced variations in the local density of charge carriers opens the door for a variety of applications including photovoltaics, quantum optics and two-dimensional optoelectronic devices.Comment: 16 pages main text + 13 pages S

    Extended Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches for Cerebral Aneurysms: Anatomical, Virtual Reality and Morphometric Study

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    Introduction. The purpose of the present contribution is to perform a detailed anatomic and virtual reality three-dimensional stereoscopic study in order to test the effectiveness of the extended endoscopic endonasal approaches for selected anterior and posterior circulation aneurysms. Methods. The study was divided in two main steps: (1) simulation step, using a dedicated Virtual Reality System (Dextroscope, Volume Interactions); (2) dissection step, in which the feasibility to reach specific vascular territory via the nose was verified in the anatomical laboratory. Results. Good visualization and proximal and distal vascular control of the main midline anterior and posterior circulation territory were achieved during the simulation step as well as in the dissection step (anterior communicating complex, internal carotid, ophthalmic, superior hypophyseal, posterior cerebral and posterior communicating, basilar, superior cerebellar, anterior inferior cerebellar, vertebral, and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries). Conclusion. The present contribution is intended as strictly anatomic study in which we highlighted some specific anterior and posterior circulation aneurysms that can be reached via the nose. For clinical applications of these approaches, some relevant complications, mainly related to the endonasal route, such as proximal and distal vascular control, major arterial bleeding, postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak, and olfactory disturbances must be considered

    Clinical aspects of visceral leishmaniasis caused by L. infantum in adults. Ten years of experience of the largest outbreak in Europe: what have we learned?

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    BACKGROUND: An outbreak of leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania infantum was declared in the southwest of the Madrid region (Spain) in June 2009. This provided a unique opportunity to compare the management of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in immunocompetent adults (IC-VL), patients with HIV (HIV-VL) and patients receiving immunosuppressants (IS-VL). METHODS: A cohort of adults with VL, all admitted to the Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada between June 2009 and June 2018, were monitored in this observational study, recording their personal, epidemiological, analytical, diagnostic, treatment and outcome variables. RESULTS: The study population was made up of 111 patients with VL (10% HIV-VL, 14% IS-VL, 76% IC-VL). Seventy-one percent of the patients were male; the mean age was 45 years (55 years for the IS-VL patients, P = 0.017). Fifty-four percent of the IC-VL patients were of sub-Saharan origin (P = 0.001). Fever was experienced by 98% of the IC-VL patients vs 73% of the LV-HIV patients (P = 0.003). Plasma ferritin was > 1000 ng/ml in 77% of the IC-VL patients vs 17% of the LV-HIV patients (P = 0.007). Forty-two percent of patients fulfilled the criteria for haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. RDT (rK39-ICT) serological analysis returned sensitivity and specificity values of 45% and 99%, respectively, and ELISA/iIFAT returned 96% and 89%, respectively, with no differences in this respect between patient groups. Fourteen (13.0%) patients with VL experienced treatment failure, eight of whom were in the IC-VL group. Treatment with < 21 mg/kg (total) liposomal amphotericin B (LAB) was associated with treatment failure in the IC-VL patients [P = 0.002 (OR: 14.7; 95% CI: 2.6-83.3)]. CONCLUSIONS: IS-VL was more common than HIV-VL; the lack of experience in dealing with IS-VL is a challenge that needs to be met. The clinical features of the patients in all groups were similar, although the HIV-VL patients experienced less fever and had lower plasma ferritin concentrations. RDT (rK39-ICT) analysis returned a good specificity value but a much poorer sensitivity value than reported in other scenarios. The patients with HIV-VL, IS-VL and IC-VL returned similar serological results. Current guidelines for treatment seem appropriate, but the doses of LAB required to treat patients with HIV-VL and IS-VL are poorly defined.This work received financial support from the Red de Investigación Cooperativa en Enfermedades Tropicales (RICET) (RD12/0018/0008; RD16/0027/0017) (ISCIII) and the FEDER.S

    La reinserción laboral en los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal

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    Aim: Employment and work-related disability were investigated in a cohort of colorectal cancer patients to describe a possible discrimination and other work issues. Patients and Methods: The study included consecutively 73 colorectal cancer patients who were employed at diagnosis. The questionnaire included cancer-related symptoms and work-related factors. Clinical details were obtained from the medical record. Patients were interviewed face to face. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of La Paz Hospital. All patients gave consent to participate. Results: Eighty six per cent of patients were unable to work after diagnosis, but 55% returned to work at the end of treatment. The age, having a metastatic illness and the sequelae of the disease or its treatment were independently associated with the ability to work after the end of treatment. Almost all patients told their employers and co-workers about their disease. Conclusions: This is the fi rst exploratory study in Spain about labour reintegration in colorectal cancer. Further studies are necessary.Objetivo: Analizar los factores que infl uyen en la vuelta al trabajo en una cohorte de enfermos con cáncer colorrectal y los posibles problemas de discriminación que pueden tener. Pacientes y métodos: El estudio incluyó 73 pacientes consecutivos diagnosticados de un cáncer colorrectal y empleados en el momento del diagnóstico. Los pacientes rellenaron un cuestionario que incluía aspectos demográficos, clínicos y laborales. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité Ético y de Investigación Clínica del Hospital La Paz. Todos los pacientes dieron su consentimiento para participar en el estudio y para la utilización de los datos de su historia clínica. Resultados: El 86% de los pacientes pasaron a inactivos tras comenzar el tratamiento de la enfermedad y un 45% lo seguían estando tras éste. No hubo diferencias en la influencia de las distintas variables analizadas con respecto a la actividad laboral tras el diagnóstico. Sin embargo, la edad avanzada, el tener un estadio IV de la enfermedad y la presencia de secuelas derivadas del tumor o del tratamiento de éste, sí infl uyeron en la reinserción laboral una vez fi nalizado el tratamiento específico. La mayoría de los pacientes no creían que el tener la enfermedad les perjudicaría en su puesto de trabajo y, en casi todos los casos, tanto sus compañeros como sus jefes conocían que tenían un tumor. Conclusiones: Éste es el primer estudio exploratorio en nuestro país acerca de la reinserción laboral de los pacientes diagnosticados de una neoplasia maligna colorrectal. Son necesarios más trabajos para poder establecer las medidas adecuadas para la mejora de este proceso

    Clasificación radiográfica de la cadera con desarrollo displásico

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    Por más de una década, la férula en abducción de cadera ha sido el método de tratamiento del desarrollo displásico de caderas, en el Hospital Pediátrico Universitario Paquito González Cueto de Cienfuegos. El objetivo de este trabajo es exponer la clasificación dinámica para las caderas con desarrollo displásico, desde el punto de vista radiográfico. Para ilustrar la clasificación se utilizaron esquemas representativos y radiografías de pacientes portadores de diferentes grados de la afección. El comportamiento dinámico de los parámetros radiográficos utilizados en la clasificación, permite realizar agrupaciones diagnósticas antes, durante y después del tratamiento, en función de evaluar los resultados finales de este

    Fosa de purines vs separación in situ de heces y orina en porcino de cebo: producción de purín y de estiércol

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar, en un alojamiento de cebo de porcino con enrejillado parcial (Laboratorio de Bienestar Porcino), la producción de residuos con un sistema tradicional de fosa de purines frente a un sistema de separación in situ con cinta plana. La fosa se vació cada cinco semanas, y la cinta se vació dos veces al día a lo largo del periodo de cebo. Ambos sistemas tuvieron el mismo tipo de ventilación por extracción bajo suelo. La cantidad de residuos generados con la separación in situ fue el 70,50% de la correspondiente al sistema tradicional, que, a su vez, fue sensiblemente menor que la habida en las explotaciones comerciales. El sistema de ventilación por extracción bajo suelo fue muy eficiente para la evaporación de agua de las deyecciones y la consecuente reducción de la cantidad de residuos generados; asimismo, los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que la separación in situ permitió una notable reducción adicional de dicha cantidad, en comparación con el sistema tradicional

    Futuro de los programas de mantenimiento con antagonistas en tratamiento de la dependencia de opiáceos.

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    Introducción: El tratamiento con naltrexona, constituye una de las alternativas dentro de los programas de prevención de recaídas en la dependencia de opiáceos. Objetivo: Se revisan las características farmacológicas de la naltrexona y los aspectos clínicos de su administración en el tratamiento de dependientes de opiáceos, junto con los factores que pueden ayudar a mejorar la eficacia de los programas de mantenimiento con naltrexona. Resultados: La naltrexona, a dosis de 50 mg, bloquea los efectos farmacológicos y subjetivos de los opiáceos. Es habitualmente bien tolerada, provoca pocos efectos secundarios y por lo general leves, siendo las reacciones adversas graves infrecuentes. Problemas de adherencia terapéutica y cumplimiento de la medicación en los programas de mantenimiento con naltrexona han causado que, a pesar de sus diversas ventajas aparentes, su utilización en la práctica clínica haya permanecido bastante limitada. Como parte de un programa estructurado, la naltrexona parece ser eficaz, particularmente en grupos de pacientes específicos con alta motivación o con un buen apoyo familiar. Conclusiones: Una evolución favorable en un programa de mantenimiento con naltrexona requiere una relación terapéutica positiva, la monitorización cuidadosa del cumplimiento con la medicación y la utilización de intervenciones psicosociales adecuadas

    Synthesis of 2D porous crystalline materials in simulated microgravity

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    Altres ajuts: the ICN2 is funded by the CERCA programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. The GIWAXS experiments were conducted on the NCD-SWEET beamline of the ALBA synchrotron, Spain. GIWAXS experiments of Ni(HITP) and COF-TAPB-BTCA were performed at the NCD-SWEET beamline at ALBA Synchrotron with the collaboration of ALBA staff.To date, crystallization studies conducted in space laboratories, which are prohibitively costly and unsuitable to most research laboratories, have shown the valuable effects of microgravity during crystal growth and morphogenesis. Herein, an easy and highly efficient method is shown to achieve space-like experimentation conditions on Earth employing custom-made microfluidic devices to fabricate 2D porous crystalline molecular frameworks. It is confirmed that experimentation under these simulated microgravity conditions has unprecedented effects on the orientation, compactness and crack-free generation of 2D porous crystalline molecular frameworks as well as in their integration and crystal morphogenesis. It is believed that this work will provide a new "playground" to chemists, physicists, and materials scientists that desire to process unprecedented 2D functional materials and devices