35 research outputs found

    Human enhancement, ovvero una nuova sfida per il diritto: un passo a due tra diritto costituzionale e diritti a base religiosa Human enhancement, or a new challenge for the law: a two-step between Constitutional law and religiously based rights

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    In the time in which the borders between natural and artificial fade, an unprecedented human type knocks at the doors: the sapiens gives way to an updated version of itself through the use of technology and medical science which aims to enhance physical, mental and emotions beyond the range of typical functioning. This is where the examination of human enhancement methods and their inseparable link with transhumanism takes off. Moving within this horizon, the essay will first of all try to demonstrate how articles 2, 13, and 32 of Constitution constitute the fertile ground for such practices. Later, it will show how another triad of principles ˗ the articles 32, 13 and 3 of Constitution ˗ can act as a barrier to the expansion of human enhancement, also in the military sphere. Subsequently, we will investigate the fences that the rights of the three great monotheisms build against subjective volition: here the enhancement must deal with a superiorly given law and with an order of nature which is creational, and therefore divine. It will conclude by suggesting new syntheses between the constitutional chessboard and the foundation value table of the three religiously based rights

    Multisensorialità, Religione, Diritto. Nuove frontiere di valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale ravennate

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    Prendendo le mosse da una disamina dei significati politico-teologici dei mosaici ravennati, alla luce di quella feconda liaison tra fede e arte che impreziosisce la trama di alcune significative pronunce magisteriali, il presente contributo esaminerà innanzitutto l’art. 6 del Codice Urbani, evidenziando come l’impiego dei moderni strumenti digitali abbia contribuito a enfatizzare le intersezioni tra fruizione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale. Successivamente, muovendo dall’importanza della vista nel godimento delle opere d’arte in generale, e di quelle musive in particolare, si tenteranno di dischiudere inediti percorsi che, lungi dal privilegiare la dimensione visiva come unico codice interpretativo, possano gettare le basi per un nuovo approccio sinestetico per il bene artistico. In questo senso, si presenterà un’esperienza di visita multisensoriale al mausoleo di Galla Placidia, provando a dimostrare come l’utilizzo di un dispositivo aptico, unito a una suggestiva stimolazione acustica, possa realizzare un intenerarium stuporis tanto per le persone con disabilità visiva quanto per i ‘normodotati’. L’ampia illustrazione del progetto sarà preceduta da un breve studio sul funzionamento delle interfacce aptiche e sulle loro caratteristiche

    Una nuova epifania di bellezza: inedite piste di riflessione per una più feconda alleanza tra beni culturali ecclesiali e scienza informatica

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    Starting from an examination of the juridical discipline reserved for ecclesial cultural heritage ˗ in the light of their liens étroits with cultural tourism of religious interest ˗ this contribution aims first of all to dwell on the role of the ecclesiastical archives and libraries, underlining their digitization. Subsequently, by highlighting the transposition on the web of ecclesiastical museums, we will try to open up new avenues of research in order to highlight the fruitful effects that specific digital tools could have on the aforementioned cultural institutes. It will end with a foray into the IT sector, trying to glimpse how the application of particular technological solutions, in the translation into bits of an ecclesial cultural asset, could contribute to a transition towards models of full sustainability, cementing that now inseparable link between the teachings of the Catholic Church and "care of the common home"

    Heritabilities and Genetic Correlations of Body Condition Score and Muscularity with Productive Traits and their Trend Functions in Italian Simmental Cattle

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    With the aim to study the genetics of energy and muscle balance in the Italian Simmental breed, the objectives of this study were: i) the estimation of the genetic parameters for body condition score (BCS) and muscularity (MU) score; ii) the estimation of genetic correlations of BCS and MU with productive traits; iii) the estimation of the expected pattern of BCS and MU over lactation. A total of 47,839 records of first-parity lactating cows, collected from 1999 to 2007 in 2794 herds, were used. Two-trait animal models were analyzed using restricted maximum likelihood (REML) procedures to estimate (co)variance components. The expected patterns of BCS and MU along the lactation of first parity cows were estimated from the solutions of DIM fixed effect obtained from an univariate mixed model for both the traits. The heritability estimated was 0.18 for BCS, 0.38 for MU, and ranged from 0.13 to 0.18 for yield traits. The genetic correlations between BCS, MU and yield traits were negative (-0.17 to -0.63). The genetic correlation between BCS and MU was strongly positive (0.88), indicating that cows that genetically tend to have high BCS are more likely to have high values of MU. The genetic parameters estimated suggested that selection for BCS and MU in dual purpose breeds may be possible, and BCS may indirectly improve MU. The expected patterns for BCS and MU showed the trend of these two traits along the lactation and can help farmers in planning the best management of the lactating cows

    Genetic parameters of fatty acids in Italian Brown Swiss and Holstein cows

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters and to predict experimental breeding values (EBVs) for saturated (SFA), unsaturated (UFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids, the ratio of fatty acids, and the productive traits in Italian Brown Swiss (BSW) and Holstein Friesian (HOL) cattle. Test-day yields from 235,658 HOL and 21,723 BSW cows were extracted from the Italian HOL and BSW Associations databases from November 2009 to October 2012 out of 3310 herds. The milk samples collected within the routine milk recording scheme were processed with the MilkoscanTM FT 6500 Plus (Foss, Hillerød, Denmark) for the identification of SFA, UFA, MUFA and PUFA composition in milk. Genetic parameters for fatty acids and productive traits were estimated on 1,765,552 records in HOL and 255,592 records in BSW. Heritability values estimated for SFA, UFA, MUFA and PUFA ranged from 0.06 to 0.18 for the BSW breed and from 0.10 to 0.29 for HOL. The genetic trends for the fatty acids were consistent between traits and breeds. Pearson's and Spearman's correlations among EBVs for SFA, UFA, MUFA and PUFA and official EBVs for fat percentage were in the range 0.32 to 0.54 for BSW and 0.44 to 0.64 for HOL. The prediction of specific EBVs for milk fatty acids and for the ratio among them may be useful to identify the best bulls to be selected with the aim to improve milk quality in terms of fat content and fatty acid ratios, achieving healthier dairy productions for consumers

    Current status and potential of genomic selection to improve selective breeding in the main aquaculture species of International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) member countries

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    Selective breeding has been successfully applied to improve profitability and sustainability in numerous aquatic species. Recent developments of high throughput genotyping technology now enable the implementation of genomic selection, a method aiming to predict the breeding value of candidates based on their genotype at genome-wide markers. In this review article, we review the state of the arts, challenges and prospects for the application of genomic selection in aquaculture species. The particular focus is on the status of genomic selection in several major aquaculture species of International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) member countries: Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, Atlantic cod, American catfish, Pacific oyster, European sea bass and gilthead sea bream. While the potential of genomic selection is clear, tailored species-specific applications will be needed to maximise its benefit for the aquaculture sector

    Norme concordatarie in materia matrimoniale. Appendice a G. BONI, Il matrimonio concordatario: istituto attuale o anacronistico?

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    Il presente contributo contiene una raccolta di tutte le disposizioni concordatarie relative alla materia matrimoniale, nonché un elenco dei concordati nei quali non compare una norma in materia. Per agevolare la consultazione sono state predisposte tabelle e grafici illustrativi

    AA.VV., Spiritu ferventes. Mélanges offerts en l’honneur de l’abbé Bernard Lucien à l’occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Fraternité Saint Vincent Ferrier, Chéméré-le-Roi, 2022 («Sedes Sapientiae dmm»), pp. 584.

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    Il volume recensito raccoglie una serie di saggi che spaziano dalla teologia al diritto canonico, dalla liturgia alla preghiera per poi estendersi alla mistica e alla filosofia