26 research outputs found

    Lead-lag between female employment and economic growth: evidence from Canada

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    Based on estimations by (Aguirre, Hoteit, Rupp, & Sabbagh, 2012) there are 865 million women who have the potential to participate in their countries economic development worldwide. Thus, it is a matter of concern to see the effect of their contribution to the economy and how this contribution can be enhanced. In the recent years, there have been numerous studies on the issue of women labor force participation in the economy and economic growth. however, there is a limited number of studies focusing on the casual relation between the mentioned variables. This article is looking into the issue of the causal relationship of women labor force participation in the economy, gender equality in education, and economic growth by using the standard time series techniques such as, VECM and VDC. The results of the paper tend to indicate that there is a bilateral causality between women employment and economic growth where in the short-run GDP is the leading variable but in the long-run it is women employment which is the leader

    Experimental and Numerical Studies on Improving Cyclone Efficiency by Rotation of Cyclone Body

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    In this study, the separation of silica particles was investigated experimentally and numerically using a cyclone separator. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation was performed using a multi-phase Eulerian-Eulerian model for air-silica powder and a k-Δ turbulent model. In the experiments, the effects of operating parameters including silica particle size, airflow rate, and rotational speed on cyclone efficiency were examined. The results showed that by increasing the particle size, the flow rate, and the body speed, the cyclone efficiency enhances. Furthermore, body rotation in the opposite direction of the inlet flow decreases cyclone efficiency by around 48%, and increasing the flow rate and rotation speed increases tangential velocity, resulting in increased centrifugal force and improved cyclone efficiency. The experimental and simulation performance maximums are about 97 percent and 90 percent, respectively. At a constant flow rate and particle size, a 1900 rpm rotating speed of the current direction of inlet flow increases performance by approximately 10-13 percent compared to a stationary body

    Multiscale modelling methods in biomechanics

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    More and more frequently, computational biomechanics deals with problems where the portion of physical reality to be modelled spans over such a large range of spatial and temporal dimensions, that it is impossible to represent it as a single space-time continuum. We are forced to consider multiple space-time continua, each representing the phenomenon of interest at a characteristic space-time scale. Multiscale models describe a complex process across multiple scales, and account for how quantities transform as we move from one scale to another. This review offers a set of definitions for this emerging field, and provides a brief summary of the most recent developments on multiscale modelling in biomechanics. Of all possible perspectives, we chose that of the modelling intent, which vastly affect the nature and the structure of each research activity. To the purpose we organised all papers reviewed in three categories: さcausal confirmationざ, where multiscale models are used as materialisations of the causation theories; さpredictive accuracyざ, where multiscale modelling is aimed to improve the predictive accuracy; and さdetermination of effectざ, where multiscale modelling is used to model how a change at one scale manifest in an effect at another, radically different space-time scale. Consistently with the how the volume of computational biomechanics research is distributed across application targets, we extensively reviewed papers targeting the musculoskeletal and the cardiovascular system, and covered only a few exemplary papers targeting other organ systems. The review shows a research sub-domain still in its infancy, where causal confirmation papers remain the most common

    Fully-Coupled Time-Domain Simulations of the Transient Response of Floating Wind Turbines

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    Compared with land-based wind turbines, offshore ones have two clear advantages: the access to steady and strong offshore wind resources, and the proximity to heavily populated coastal areas, so that the loss from transportation of electricity is diminished. Structurally, offshore floating wind turbines are different from their land-based counter parts and existing offshore structures. Thus, current design guidelines cannot be applied for offshore floating wind turbines, and extensive numerical studies are required to predict the dynamic behavior of these novel structures. In this research, a fully coupled time domain hydrodynamic, aerodynamic and mooring cables model is developed to study the transient response of offshore floating wind turbines. In hydrodynamic module of the coupled model, Boundary Element Method is employed to solve the boundary-value problem, and the 4th order Runge–Kutta time marching technique is used to update the position of the free surface. An unsteady wind-blade interaction model based on boundary elements has been developed to calculate the aerodynamic forces. This method achieves fully-3D and fully-unsteady simulations of the wind-blade interactions. A fully nonlinear cable dynamics model which accounts for bending, stretching, and torsional stiffnesses of the cables is employed to simulate the dynamics of the mooring system. Compared to current quasi-static approaches used in cable modeling, the fully nonlinear cable model proves a higher fidelity as it captures all the dynamics of the mooring cables. The information from the aerodynamic, hydrodynamic, and mooring system modules are passed to the dynamic equation of motion in each time step to calculate the responses of a 5MW offshore floating wind turbine.Various relaxation tests have been carried out to investigate the dissipation effects. For the floating turbine we studied, the relaxation tests indicate that in the pitching mode there is no sufficient damping effects to dissipate disturbances (caused by gusts etc.), even if the aerodynamic damping is counted for. However, by approximately including the viscous damping through a Morison-type approach, the decaying rate in pitch motion is significantly increased (indeed, it becomes comparable to the decaying rate in heave motion). Therefore, we conclude that viscosity is the most important source of damping in pitch motion. The response of the 5MW system to an incoming wave train generated by a pulsating pressure distribution on the free surface nearby is studied. This wave train causes responses in surge, heave and pitch directions. However, after it leaves the vicinity of the system the only remaining motion is in the heave direction, which will quickly decay due to the damping effects according to relaxation tests

    In vitro Comparative Study of Compressive Strength of DifferentTypes of Composite Resins in Different Periods of Time: Deposition of nano-crystalline fluorhydroxyapatite coatings on titanium substrates via sol-gel method

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    To evaluate the ultimate compressive strength of five composite resins after 1 hour,24 hours, 7 days and 1 month. Twenty four cylindrical 4 mm×8mm specimens ofeach commonly used composite resins in posterior region (Nulite-F , Z250 , P60,Biscore, Tetric ceram HB) were prepared. Each group of composite resins weredivided into four time groups of 1 h, 24 h, 7 days and 1 month. All of specimensstored in an incubator with 37 °C. After each period of time all of the specimenswere tested by Zwick/Roell Z020 (Germany) for ultimate compressive strength atcross head speed of 0.5 cm/min. Results were analyzed by ANOVAand Scheffe test.P60 and Z250 had the highest and Nulite-F and Tetric ceram HB had the lowestcompressive strength at all the times. The difference between these two groups wasstatistically significant (p<0.05). The results of the Biscore was steady among theother groups. It is suggested to use Z250 or P60 in posterior restorations instead ofthe other composite resins tested

    Prospects for Human Erythrocyte Skeleton-Bilayer Dissociation during Splenic Flow.

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    Prospects of vesiculation occurring during splenic flow of erythrocytes are addressed via model simulations of RBC flow through the venous slits of the human spleen. Our model is multiscale and contains a thermally activated rate-dependent description of the entropic elasticity of the RBC spectrin cytoskeleton, including domain unfolding/refolding. Our model also includes detail of the skeleton attachment to the fluidlike lipid bilayer membrane, including a specific accounting for the expansion/contraction of the skeleton that may occur via anchor protein diffusive motion, that is, band 3 and glycophorin, through the membrane. This ability allows us to follow the change in anchor density and thereby the strength of the skeleton/membrane attachment. We define a negative pressure between the skeleton/membrane connection that promotes separation; critical levels for this are estimated using published data on the work of adhesion of this connection. By following the maximum range of negative pressure, along with the observed slight decrease in skeletal density, we conclude that there must be biochemical influences that probably include binding of degraded hemoglobin, among other things, that significantly reduce effective attachment density. These findings are consistent with reported trends in vesiculation that are believed to occur in cases of various hereditary anemias and during blood storage. Our findings also suggest pathways for further study of erythrocyte vesiculation that point to the criticality of understanding the biochemical phenomena involved with cytoskeleton/membrane attachment