1,615 research outputs found

    Modification of cysteine residues by cyclopentenone prostaglandins: Interplay with redox regulation of protein function

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    40 p.-5 fig.-1 tab.Cyclopentenone prostaglandins (cyPG) are endogenous lipid mediators involved in the resolution of inflammation and the regulation of cell proliferation and cellular redox status. Upon exogenous administration they have shown beneficial effects in models of inflammation and tissue injury, as well as potential antitumoral actions, which have raised a considerable interest in their study for the development of therapeutic tools. Due to their electrophilic nature, the best-known mechanism of action of these mediators is the covalent modification of proteins at cysteine residues through Michael addition. Identification of cyPG targets through proteomic approaches, including MS/MS analysis to pinpoint the modified residues, is proving critical to characterize their mechanisms of action. Among the targets of cyPG are proinflammatory transcription factors, proteins involved in cell defense, such as the regulator of the antioxidant response Keap1 and detoxifying enzymes like GST, and key signaling proteins like Ras proteins. Moreover, cyPG may interact with redox-active small molecules, such as glutathione and hydrogen sulfide. Much has been learned about cyPG in the past few years and this knowledge has also contributed to clarify both pharmacological actions and signaling mechanisms of these and other electrophilic lipids. Given the fact that many cyPG targets are involved in or are targets for redox regulation, there is a complex interplay with redox-induced modifications. Here we address the modification of protein cysteine residues by cyPG elucidated by proteomic studies, paying special attention to the interplay with redox signaling.Work in the authors’ laboratory is supported by grants from MINECO SAF2009-11642 and SAF2012-36519, RETIC RIRAAF RD07/0064/0007 and RD12/0013/0008 from ISCIII and COST action CM1001. CLO is the recipient of a FPI fellowship from MINECO.Peer reviewe

    SAMIR, Samir Khalil (ed.), Actes du Secundum Symposium Syro-Arabicum (Sayyidat al-B†r, septembre 1998). Études Arabes Chrétiennes. 2 vol., en: Parole de l’Orient 27 (2002) & 28 (2003)

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    Reseña de: Actes du IIum Symposium Syro-Arabicum (Sayyidat al-B†r, septembre 1998). Études Arabes Chrétiennes. 2 vol., en: Parole de l’Orient 27 (2002) & 28 (2003

    The redox-responsive roles of intermediate filaments in cellular stress detection, integration and mitigation

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    Intermediate filaments are critical for cell and tissue homeostasis and for stress responses. Cytoplasmic intermediate filaments form versatile and dynamic assemblies that interconnect cellular organelles, participate in signaling and protect cells and tissues against stress. Here we have focused on their involvement in redox signaling and oxidative stress, which arises in numerous pathophysiological situations. We pay special attention to type III intermediate filaments, mainly vimentin, because it provides a physical interface for redox signaling, stress responses and mechanosensing. Vimentin possesses a single cysteine residue that is a target for multiple oxidants and electrophiles. This conserved residue fine tunes vimentin assembly, response to oxidative stress and crosstalk with other cellular structures. Here we integrate evidence from the intermediate filament and redox biology fields to propose intermediate filaments as redox sentinel networks of the cell. To support this, we appraise how vimentin detects and orchestrates cellular responses to oxidative and electrophilic stress

    Comments on "nonlinear H-infinity output feedback control with integrator for polynomial discrete-time systems'

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    [EN] This note points out that controllers resulting from Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 and Theorem 3.1 in Saat and Nguang (Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 2013; 10.1002/rnc.3130) do not improve over the open-loop performance.The research in this area has been supported by the Spanish Government (MINECO) under research project DPI2011-27845-C02-01.Sala, A.; Pitarch Pérez, JL. (2015). Comments on "nonlinear H-infinity output feedback control with integrator for polynomial discrete-time systems'. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 25(15):2869-2870. https://doi.org/10.1002/rnc.3237S28692870251

    Plan de negocios para una consultora de programas de acompañamiento social inmobiliario

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    El presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo determinar la factibilidad económica de la idea de negocio planteada poniendo en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos durante la maestría. La importancia de esta investigación radica en la necesidad detectada en el desarrollo de proyectos de viviendas multifamiliares que son ejecutados por las promotoras inmobiliarias en el país, donde no existe, en la mayoría de casos, una gestión adecuada del plano social organizativo de los futuros habitantes, lo que genera problemas entre la inmobiliaria y sus clientes finales y puede afectar la sostenibilidad del complejo de viviendas. El negocio se basa en la creación de una empresa consultora dedicada a la asesoría en programas de acompañamiento social inmobiliario y tiene un enfoque hacia la mejora de calidad de vida de las personas

    Inteligencia y medio ambiente : estudio mediante el test de Raven

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    En este trabajo, enmarcado en el campo de los estudios realizados para determinar la influencia de las condiciones ambientales en la expresión de la inteligencia, se pretende aportar una serie de hipótesis de trabajo que puedan ser realmente útiles en posteriores investigaciones. Dado su papel mediatizador, se ha hecho especial incapié en el instrumento de medida utilizado, Test de Matrices Progresivas-Nivel superior (Forma colectiva) y se ha cuestionado la representatividad de su baremación para la composición de nuestra muestra (alumnos de COU).This work is within the framework of studies carried out to determine the infiuence of ambiental conditions on the expression of intelligence. Some useful hypoteses for future research are proposed. The method used in the research (Advanced Progressive Matrices. Sets I and II) is emphasized for its role of mediation as well as the necessity of bringing up to date the standard scores of the test, as the results of our sample (students in the last year of secondary school) suggest

    Publicidad y educación en valores

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    En este artículo los autores reflexionan sobre el valor de la publicidad, los valores que ésta comunica y las valoraciones que se hacen de ella por parte de la sociedad. Insisten de un modo especial en los valores que transmite la publicidad en consonancia con las nuevas necesidades y mitos característicos de la sociedad de consumo.In this article, the authors reflect on the value of advertising, the values that it conveys, and the assessments made about it by society. They specially insist in the values that advertisements transmit in accordance with new necessities and myths featured by the consumer society

    Design and Operation of a Polygeneration System in Spanish Climate Buildings under an Exergetic Perspective

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    This work defines and analyzes the performance of a polygeneration system in five different locations in Spain to maintain the thermal comfort and air quality of an office building. The facility is based on a chiller and a CHP engine with PV panels that provide almost all the electricity demand of the chiller. According to the energy performance analysis results, the installation working in Bilbao is a full polygeneration system since no electricity needs to be imported from the grid in summer. To quantify the energy savings related to a separated production facility, polygeneration indicators (percentage of savings PES/PExS and equivalent electric efficiency EEE/EExE) have been calculated in energy and exergy terms. The main motivation for using exergy is based on the ambiguity that can arise from the point of view of the First Law. As expected, the exergetic indicators have lower values than the energetic ones. In addition, an in-depth analysis was conducted for the air-handling unit components. The study shows the behavior of components over the year and the efficiency values from both an energy and exergy point of view. From these facts, the need arises to develop methodologies based on exergy

    Squamous odontogenic tumor-like proliferation in a radicular cyst: A case report

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    The squamous odontogenic tumour is a rare benign neoplasm whose aetiology remains unknown. It usually appears in the jaw and its origin could be related to the ephitelial remnants of Malassez. Histologically comprises numerous islets of squamous, non-keratinized, well-differentiated and rounded epithelial cells a fibrous stroma without signs of atypical cells. There is a non-neoplastic lesion with the same histological pattern than the squamous odontogenic tumour. This entity is characterized by squamous odontogenic tumour proliferations isolated into the cyst wall of an odontogenic cyst. It is rare and has a benign behavior. It has been suggested that these epithelial proliferations could be the former expression of the neoplastic form. It is very important to carry out clinical and radiological controls periodically. So far it has not been documented any change towards a squamous odontogenic tumour nor toward malignancy in a squamous odontogenic tumour like proliferatio

    Dynamic energy-aware scheduling for parallel task-based application in cloud computing

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    Green Computing is a recent trend in computer science, which tries to reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint produced by computers on distributed platforms such as clusters, grids, and clouds. Traditional scheduling solutions attempt to minimize processing times without taking into account the energetic cost. One of the methods for reducing energy consumption is providing scheduling policies in order to allocate tasks on specific resources that impact over the processing times and energy consumption. In this paper, we propose a real-time dynamic scheduling system to execute efficiently task-based applications on distributed computing platforms in order to minimize the energy consumption. Scheduling tasks on multiprocessors is a well known NP-hard problem and optimal solution of these problems is not feasible, we present a polynomial-time algorithm that combines a set of heuristic rules and a resource allocation technique in order to get good solutions on an affordable time scale. The proposed algorithm minimizes a multi-objective function which combines the energy-consumption and execution time according to the energy-performance importance factor provided by the resource provider or user, also taking into account sequence-dependent setup times between tasks, setup times and down times for virtual machines (VM) and energy profiles for different architectures. A prototype implementation of the scheduler has been tested with different kinds of DAG generated at random as well as on real task-based COMPSs applications. We have tested the system with different size instances and importance factors, and we have evaluated which combination provides a better solution and energy savings. Moreover, we have also evaluated the introduced overhead by measuring the time for getting the scheduling solutions for a different number of tasks, kinds of DAG, and resources, concluding that our method is suitable for run-time scheduling.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (contracts TIN2015-65316-P, TIN2012-34557, CSD2007-00050, CAC2007-00052 and SEV-2011-00067), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2014-SGR-1051), by the European Commission (Euroserver project, contract 610456) and by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología of Mexico (special program for postdoctoral position BSC-CNS-CONACYT contract 290790, grant number 265937).Peer ReviewedAward-winningPostprint (published version