137 research outputs found

    Identifying copepod functional groups from species functional traits

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    International audienceWe gathered information on the functional traits of the most representative copepod species in the Mediterranean Sea. Our database includes 191 species described by 7 traits encompassing diverse ecological functions: minimal and maximal body length, trophic group, feeding type, spawning strategy, diel vertical migration and vertical habitat. Cluster analysis in the functional trait space revealed that Mediterranean copepods can be separated into groups with distinct ecological roles

    Climate change may have minor impact on zooplankton functional diversity in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Aim To assess the impact of climate change on the functional diversity of marine zooplankton communities. Location The Mediterranean Sea. Methods We used the functional traits and geographic distributions of 106 copepod species to estimate the zooplankton functional diversity of Mediterranean surface assemblages for the 1965–1994 and 2069–2098 periods. Multiple environmental niche models were trained at the global scale to project the species habitat suitability in the Mediterranean Sea and assess their sensitivity to climate change predicted by several scenarios. Simultaneously, the species traits were used to compute a functional dendrogram from which we identified seven functional groups and estimated functional diversity through Faith's index. We compared the measured functional diversity to the one originated from null models to test if changes in functional diversity were solely driven by changes in species richness. Results All but three of the 106 species presented range contractions of varying intensity. A relatively low decrease of species richness (−7.42 on average) is predicted for 97% of the basin, with higher losses in the eastern regions. Relative sensitivity to climate change is not clustered in functional space and does not significantly vary across the seven copepod functional groups defined. Changes in functional diversity follow the same pattern and are not different from those that can be expected from changes in richness alone. Main conclusions Climate change is not expected to alter copepod functional traits distribution in the Mediterranean Sea, as the most and the least sensitive species are functionally redundant. Such redundancy should buffer the loss of ecosystem functions in Mediterranean zooplankton assemblages induced by climate change. Because the most negatively impacted species are affiliated to temperate regimes and share Atlantic biogeographic origins, our results are in line with the hypothesis of increasingly more tropical Mediterranean communities

    Mare Incognitum: A Glimpse into Future Plankton Diversity and Ecology Research

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    Chust, Guillem ... et al.-- 9 pages, 1 figure.-- Corrigendum: Mare Incognitum: A Glimpse into Future Plankton Diversity and Ecology Research, Frontiers in Marine Science 4: 122 (2017) https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2017.00122With global climate change altering marine ecosystems, research on plankton ecology is likely to navigate uncharted seas. Yet, a staggering wealth of new plankton observations, integrated with recent advances in marine ecosystem modeling, may shed light on marine ecosystem structure and functioning. A EuroMarine foresight workshop on the “Impact of climate change on the distribution of plankton functional and phylogenetic diversity” (PlankDiv) identified five grand challenges for future plankton diversity and macroecology research: (1) What can we learn about plankton communities from the new wealth of high-throughput “omics” data? (2) What is the link between plankton diversity and ecosystem function? (3) How can species distribution models be adapted to represent plankton biogeography? (4) How will plankton biogeography be altered due to anthropogenic climate change? and (5) Can a new unifying theory of macroecology be developed based on plankton ecology studies? In this review, we discuss potential future avenues to address these questions, and challenges that need to be tackled along the wayThis research was funded by the EuroMarine Network (http://www.euromarinenetwork.eu), through the organization of the PlankDiv EuroMarine Foresight workshop, held at the Observatoire OcĂ©anographique de Villefranche-sur-mer, Villefranche-sur-mer, France, in March 2016, and cofounded by the Basque Government (Department Deputy of Agriculture, Fishing and Food Policy). The PlankDiv workshop was also supported by the Laboratoire d'OcĂ©anographie de Villefranche-sur-mer (LOV, UPMC/CNRS), the PlankMed action of WP5 MERMEX/MISTRAL, and by the French national programme EC2CO-LEFE (FunOmics project).Peer Reviewe

    Modelling the effect of temperature on phytoplankton growth across the global ocean

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    International audiencePhytoplankton are ectotherms and are thus directly influenced by temperature. They experience temporal variation in temperature which results in a selection pressure. Using the Adaptive Dynamics theory and an optimization method, we study phytoplankton thermal adaptation (more particulary the evolution of the optimal growth temperature) to temperature fluctuations. We use this method at the scale of global ocean and compare two existing models. We validate our approach by comparing model predictions with experimental data sets from 57 species. Finally, we show that temperature actually drives evolution and that the optimum temperature for phytoplankton growth is strongly linked to thermal amplitude variations

    Globally consistent quantitative observations of planktonic ecosystems

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    In this paper we review the technologies available to make globally quantitative observations of particles in general—and plankton in particular—in the world oceans, and for sizes varying from sub-microns to centimeters. Some of these technologies have been available for years while others have only recently emerged. Use of these technologies is critical to improve understanding of the processes that control abundances, distributions and composition of plankton, provide data necessary to constrain and improve ecosystem and biogeochemical models, and forecast changes in marine ecosystems in light of climate change. In this paper we begin by providing the motivation for plankton observations, quantification and diversity qualification on a global scale. We then expand on the state-of-the-art, detailing a variety of relevant and (mostly) mature technologies and measurements, including bulk measurements of plankton, pigment composition, uses of genomic, optical and acoustical methods as well as analysis using particle counters, flow cytometers and quantitative imaging devices. We follow by highlighting the requirements necessary for a plankton observing system, the approach to achieve it and associated challenges. We conclude with ranked action-item recommendations for the next 10 years to move toward our vision of a holistic ocean-wide plankton observing system. Particularly, we suggest to begin with a demonstration project on a GO-SHIP line and/or a long-term observation site and expand from there, ensuring that issues associated with methods, observation tools, data analysis, quality assessment and curation are addressed early in the implementation. Global coordination is key for the success of this vision and will bring new insights on processes associated with nutrient regeneration, ocean production, fisheries and carbon sequestration

    Machine learning techniques to characterize functional traits of plankton from image data

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    Plankton imaging systems supported by automated classification and analysis have improved ecologists' ability to observe aquatic ecosystems. Today, we are on the cusp of reliably tracking plankton populations with a suite of lab-based and in situ tools, collecting imaging data at unprecedentedly fine spatial and temporal scales. But these data have potential well beyond examining the abundances of different taxa; the individual images themselves contain a wealth of information on functional traits. Here, we outline traits that could be measured from image data, suggest machine learning and computer vision approaches to extract functional trait information from the images, and discuss promising avenues for novel studies. The approaches we discuss are data agnostic and are broadly applicable to imagery of other aquatic or terrestrial organisms

    Studying marine plankton from images and machine learning

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    Studying marine plankton from images and machine learning

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    The concept of resilience in ecology: Chosen examples from marine ecology

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    International audienceBiodiversity and ecosystems are currently facing two main challenges: the biodiversity crisis (IPBES, 2019) and climate change (IPCC, 2023). Since ecosystems provide crucial services to human societies (called “ecosystem services”, such as food supply, climate regulation, aesthetic values, or nutrient cycling), more attention has been given on how to increase the resilience of (socio-)ecosystems to perturbations. After a general introduction on the current biodiversity threats, I will present the various definitions that have been proposed for the concept of “resilience” in ecology and the associated mathematical frameworks and metrics. I will then explain the notions of stability landscapes and regime shifts in ecology, and give examples of several well-documented regime shifts in marine ecology. Finally, I will finish my presentation on discussing how the resilience of ecosystem, and more broadly of socio-ecological systems, can be increased through management actions

    Océans et intelligence artificielle, un couple d'avenir

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    National audienceL'intelligence artificielle, parfois appelĂ©e "IA", est un champ disciplinaire qui a le vent en poupe. Elle regroupe tout un ensemble de mĂ©thodes et techniques permettant de construire des machines "douĂ©es d'intelligence", ou tout du moins capables de faire preuve d'un comportement que l'on pourrait qualifier "d'intelligent". On peut ainsi dĂ©velopper des ordinateurs capables de jouer aux Ă©checs et de dĂ©fier les meilleurs joueurs du monde, construire des voitures capables de se conduire elles-mĂȘmes, ou encore fabriquer des robots autonomes chargĂ©s de l'inspection et de la maintenance des coques de navires. Mais l'intelligence artificielle est aussi au centre de nombreuses recherches en océanographie, et son rôle croissant n'est pas près de diminuer avec l'arrivée de données massives (ou "big data") qui nous renseignent sur l'état des océans
