320 research outputs found

    Pulsation models for the roAp star HD 134214

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    Precise time-series photometry with the MOST satellite has led to identification of 10 pulsation frequencies in the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HD 134214. We have fitted the observed frequencies with theoretical frequencies of axisymmetric modes in a grid of stellar models with dipole magnetic fields. We find that, among models with a standard composition of (X,Z)=(0.70,0.02)(X,Z) = (0.70,0.02) and with suppressed convection, eigenfrequencies of a 1.65M1.65\,{\rm M}_\odot model with logTeff=3.858\log T_{\rm eff} = 3.858 and a polar magnetic field strength of 4.1kG agree best with the observed frequencies. We identify the observed pulsation frequency with the largest amplitude as a deformed dipole (=1\ell = 1) mode, and the four next-largest-amplitude frequencies as deformed =2\ell = 2 modes. These modes have a radial quasi-node in the outermost atmospheric layers (τ103\tau \sim 10^{-3}). Although the model frequencies agree roughly with observed ones, they are all above the acoustic cut-off frequency for the model atmosphere and hence are predicted to be damped. The excitation mechanism for the pulsations of HD 134214 is not clear, but further investigation of these modes may be a probe of the atmospheric structure in this magnetic chemically peculiar star.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The first evidence for multiple pulsation axes: a new roAp star in the Kepler field, KIC 10195926

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    We have discovered a new rapidly oscillating Ap star among the Kepler Mission target stars, KIC 10195926. This star shows two pulsation modes with periods that are amongst the longest known for roAp stars at 17.1 min and 18.1 min, indicating that the star is near the terminal age main sequence. The principal pulsation mode is an oblique dipole mode that shows a rotationally split frequency septuplet that provides information on the geometry of the mode. The secondary mode also appears to be a dipole mode with a rotationally split triplet, but we are able to show within the improved oblique pulsator model that these two modes cannot have the same axis of pulsation. This is the first time for any pulsating star that evidence has been found for separate pulsation axes for different modes. The two modes are separated in frequency by 55 microHz, which we model as the large separation. The star is an alpha^2 CVn spotted magnetic variable that shows a complex rotational light variation with a period of Prot = 5.68459 d. For the first time for any spotted magnetic star of the upper main sequence, we find clear evidence of light variation with a period of twice the rotation period; i.e. a subharmonic frequency of νrot/2\nu_{\rm rot}/2. We propose that this and other subharmonics are the first observed manifestation of torsional modes in an roAp star. From high resolution spectra we determine Teff = 7400 K, log g = 3.6 and v sin i = 21 km/s. We have found a magnetic pulsation model with fundamental parameters close to these values that reproduces the rotational variations of the two obliquely pulsating modes with different pulsation axes. The star shows overabundances of the rare earth elements, but these are not as extreme as most other roAp stars. The spectrum is variable with rotation, indicating surface abundance patches.Comment: 17 pages; 16 figures; MNRA

    MOST photometry of the roAp star 10 Aql

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    Context: We present 31.2 days of nearly continuous MOST photometry of the roAp star 10Aql. Aims:The goal was to provide an unambiguous frequency identification for this little studied star, as well as to discuss the detected frequencies in the context of magnetic models and analyze the influence of the magnetic field on the pulsation. Methods: Using traditional Fourier analysis techniques on three independent data reductions, intrinsic frequencies for the star are identified. Theoretical non-adiabatic axisymmetric modes influenced by a magnetic field having polar field strengths Bp = 0-5kG were computed to compare the observations to theory. Results: The high-precision data allow us to identify three definite intrinsic pulsation frequencies and two other candidate frequencies with low S/N. Considering the observed spacings, only one (50.95microHz) is consistent with the main sequence nature of roAp stars. The comparison with theoretical models yields a best fit for a 1.95Msun model having solar metallicity, suppressed envelope convection, and homogenous helium abundance. Furthermore, our analysis confirms the suspected slow rotation of the star and sets new lower limits to the rotation period (Prot>1 month) and inclination (i>30\pm10deg.). Conclusions:The observed frequency spectrum is not rich enough to unambiguously identify a model. On the other hand, the models hardly represent roAp stars in detail due to the approximations needed to describe the interactions of the magnetic field with stellar structure and pulsation. Consequently, errors in the model frequencies needed for the fitting procedure can only be estimated. Nevertheless, it is encouraging that models which suppress convection and include solar metallicity, in agreement with current concepts of roAp stars, fit the observations best.Comment: accepted by A&

    Changes in Typical Organelles in Developing Cotyledons of Soybean

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    Soybean cotyledonary cells harvested every 5-10 days at 15 to 60 days after flowering (OAF), were investigated by means of light and transmission electron microscopy. In the early developing stages (15-20 OAF) most of the cells were occupied by large, centrally located vacuoles while the cytoplasm was restricted to a thin layer against the cell wall and contained numerous ribosomes, mitochondria, plastids, small amounts of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and minute lipid bodies. At about 25 OAF, spherical organelles which contained protein, lipid and sugar (PLS bodies), appeared and then increased in number and in size. Vacuoles had protein deposits lining the inner surfaces of the tonoplasts. At 30-35 OAF, the PLS bodies lost their characteristic ciccular shape because of invaginations containing cytoplasmic materials and small vacuoles . Such transformed PLS bodies, fragmented vacuoles and protein bodies became difficult to distinguish from each other. At this stage, the cytoplasm contained abundant rough ER with cisternae, dictyosomes , lipid bodies and plastids . At 35-40 OAF, protein bodies which varied in size and shape were observed in ce lls a long with lipid bodies and rough ER. At about 40 OAF the plastids reached maximum size and number and then most disappeared . In the final stage ( 55-60 OAF) , protein bodies became homogeneous in electron density with completion of protein accumulation

    Suppressed phase variations in a high amplitude rapidly oscillating Ap star pulsating in a distorted quadrupole mode

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    We present the results of a multisite photometric observing campaign on the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star 2MASS 16400299-0737293 (J1640; V=12.7V=12.7). We analyse photometric BB data to show the star pulsates at a frequency of 151.93151.93 d1^{-1} (1758.45μ1758.45 \muHz; P=9.5P=9.5 min) with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 20.68 mmag, making it one of the highest amplitude roAp stars. No further pulsation modes are detected. The stellar rotation period is measured at 3.6747±0.00053.6747\pm0.0005 d, and we show that rotational modulation due to spots is in anti-phase between broadband and BB observations. Analysis and modelling of the pulsation reveals this star to be pulsating in a distorted quadrupole mode, but with a strong spherically symmetric component. The pulsational phase variation in this star is suppressed, leading to the conclusion that the contribution of >2\ell>2 components dictate the shape of phase variations in roAp stars that pulsate in quadrupole modes. This is only the fourth time such a strong pulsation phase suppression has been observed, leading us to question the mechanisms at work in these stars. We classify J1640 as an A7 Vp SrEu(Cr) star through analysis of classification resolution spectra

    The Detonation Mechanism of the Pulsationally-Assisted Gravitationally-Confined Detonation Model of Type Ia Supernovae

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    We describe the detonation mechanism comprising the "Pulsationally Assisted" Gravitationally Confined Detonation (GCD) model of Type Ia supernovae SNe Ia. This model is analogous to the previous GCD model reported in Jordan et al.(2008); however, the chosen initial conditions produce a substantively different detonation mechanism, resulting from a larger energy release during the deflagration phase. The resulting final kinetic energy and nickel-56 yields conform better to observational values than is the case for the "classical" GCD models. In the present class of models, the ignition of a deflagration phase leads to a rising, burning plume of ash. The ash breaks out of the surface of the white dwarf, flows laterally around the star, and converges on the collision region at the antipodal point from where it broke out. The amount of energy released during the deflagration phase is enough to cause the star to rapidly expand, so that when the ash reaches the antipodal point, the surface density is too low to initiate a detonation. Instead, as the ash flows into the collision region (while mixing with surface fuel), the star reaches its maximally expanded state and then contracts. The stellar contraction acts to increase the density of the star, including the density in the collision region. This both raises the temperature and density of the fuel-ash mixture in the collision region and ultimately leads to thermodynamic conditions that are necessary for the Zel'dovich gradient mechanism to produce a detonation. We demonstrate feasibility of this scenario with three 3-dimensional (3D), full star simulations of this model using the FLASH code. We characterized the simulations by the energy released during the deflagration phase, which ranged from 38% to 78% of the white dwarf's binding energy. We show that the necessary conditions for detonation are achieved in all three of the models.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; Ap

    KIC 10080943: a binary star with two γ Doradus/δ Scuti hybrid pulsators. Analysis of the g modes

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    We use 4 yr of Kepler photometry to study the non-eclipsing spectroscopic binary KIC 10080943. We find both components to be γ Doradus/δ Scuti hybrids, which pulsate in both p and g modes. We present an analysis of the g modes, which is complicated by the fact that the two sets of l = 1 modes partially overlap in the frequency spectrum. Nevertheless, it is possible to disentangle them by identifying rotationally split doublets from one component and triplets from the other. The identification is helped by the presence of additive combina- tion frequencies in the spectrum that involve the doublets but not the triplets. The rotational splittings of the multiplets imply core rotation periods of about 11 and 7 d in the two stars. One of the stars also shows evidence of l = 2 modes

    Hot Subdwarfs in Resolved Binaries

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    In the last decade or so, there have been numerous searches for hot subdwarfs in close binaries. There has been little to no attention paid to wide binaries however. The advantages of understanding these systems can be many. The stars can be assumed to be coeval, which means they have common properties. The distance and metallicity, for example, are both unknown for the subdwarf component, but may be determinable for the secondary, allowing other properties of the subdwarf to be estimated. With this in mind, we have started a search for common proper motion pairs containing a hot subdwarf component. We have uncovered several promising candidate systems, which are presented here.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of The Fourth Meeting on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects held in China, 20-24 July 2009. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    A Wide Symbiotic Channel to Type Ia Supernovae

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    As a promising channel to Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), we have proposed a symbiotic binary system consisting of a white dwarf (WD) and a low mass red-giant (RG), where strong winds from the accreting WD play a key role to increase the WD mass to the Chandrasekhar mass limit. Here we propose two new evolutionary processes which make the symbiotic channel to SNe Ia much wider. (1) We first show that the WD + RG close binary can form from a wide binary even with such a large initial separation as ai40000Ra_i \lesssim 40000 R_\odot. Such a binary consists of an AGB star and a low mass main-sequence (MS) star, where the AGB star is undergoing superwind before becoming a WD. If the superwind at the end of AGB evolution is as fast as or slower than the orbital velocity, the wind outflowing from the system takes away the orbital angular momentum effectively. As a result the wide binary shrinks greatly to become a close binary. Therefore, the WD + RG binary can form from much wider binaries than our earlier estimate. (2) When the RG fills its inner critical Roche lobe, the WD undergoes rapid mass accretion and blows a strong optically thick wind. Our earlier analysis has shown that the mass transfer is stabilized by this wind only when the mass ratio of RG/WD is smaller than 1.15. Our new finding is that the WD wind can strip mass from the RG envelope, which could be efficient enough to stabilize the mass transfer even if the RG/WD mass ratio exceeds 1.15. With the above two new effects (1) and (2), the symbiotic channel can account for the inferred rate of SNe Ia in our Galaxy.Comment: 29 pages including 14 firgures, to be published in ApJ, 521, No.

    Fragmentation and the formation of primordial protostars: the possible role of Collision Induced Emission

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    The mechanisms which could lead to chemo-thermal instabilities and fragmentation during the formation of primordial protostars are investigated analytically. We introduce approximations for H2 cooling rates bridging the optically thin and thick regimes. These allow us to discuss instabilities up to densities when protostars become optically thick to continuum radiation (n~10^16 cm^-3). During the collapse, instability arises at two different stages: at low density (n~10^8-10^11 cm^-3), it is due to fast 3-body reactions converting H into H2; at high density (n>10^13 cm^-3), it is due to Collisional Induced Emission (CIE). In agreement with the 3D simulations, we find that the instability at low densities cannot lead to fragmentation, because fluctuations do not survive turbulent mixing, and because their growth is slow. The situation at high density is similar. The CIE-induced instability is as weak as the low density one, with similar ratios of growth and dynamical time scales. Fluctuation growth time is longer than free fall time, and fragmentation seems unlikely. One then expects the first stars to be massive, not to form binaries nor harbour planets. Nevertheless, full 3D simulations are required. They could become possible using simplified estimates of radiative transfer effects, which we show to work very well in the 1D case. This indicates that the effects of radiative transfer during the initial stages of formation of primordial protostars can be treated as local corrections to cooling. (Abridged)Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA