1,472 research outputs found

    A Ground Water Quality Summary for Alaska: a Termination Report

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    The expanding economic activity throughout the State of Alaska has created an urgent demand for water resource data. Ground water quality information is of particular interest since this is the most used source for domestic and industrial supplies. Many agencies and individuals have accumulated large quantities of data but their value has been marginal due to a lack of distribution to potential users. It was the original intent of the work reported herein to gather, collate, and publish all ground water quality data available in the files of university, state, and federal laboratories. Soon after the inception of the project the major contributor, the U.S. Geological Survey, found it was administratively impossible to contribute either the monies or the data necessary to accomplish the ultimate goals of the project -- An Atlas on Alaskan Ground Water Qualities. At the time the above decision was made the Institute felt too much information was on hand to allow it to lay fallow. Therefore, this report was prepared, In a more limited scope than originally planned, to fill the need for a readily available source of information.The work upon which this report is based was supported by funds provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Water Resources Research, Project Number A-024-ALAS and Agreement Number 14-01-0001-1070

    Solving the degeneracy of the lepton-flavor mixing angle theta_atm by the T2KK two detector neutrino oscillation experiment

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    If the atmospheric neutrino oscillation amplitude, sin^2 2theta_atm is not maximal, there is a two fold ambiguity in the neutrino parameter space: sin^2 theta_atm>0.5 or sin^2 theta_atm<0.5. In this article, we study the impact of this degeneracy, the so-called octant degeneracy, on the T2KK experiment, which is a proposed extension of the T2K (Tokai-to-Kaimoka) neutrino oscillation experiment with an additional water cherenkov detector placed in Korea. We find that the degeneracy between sin^2 theta_atm= 0.40 and 0.60 can be resolved at the 3sigma level for sin^2 2theta_rct>0.12 (0.08) for the optimal combination of a 3.0^circ off-axis beam (OAB) at SK (L=295km) and a 0.5^circ OAB at L=1000km with a far detector of 100kton volume, after 5 years of exposure with 1.0(5.0) time 10^21 POT/year, if the hierarchy is normal. We also study the influence of the octant degeneracy on the capability of T2KK experiment to determine the mass hierarchy and the leptonic CP phase. The capability of rejecting the wrong mass hierarchy grows with increasing sin^2 theta_atm when the hierarchy is normal, whereas it is rather insensitive to sin^2 theta_atm for the inverted hierarchy. We also find that the 1sigma allowed region of the CP phase is not affected significantly even when the octant degeneracy is not resolved. All our results are obtained for the 22.5 kton Super-Kamiokande as a near detector and without an anti-neutrino beam.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Type-Ia Supernova-driven Galactic Bulge Wind

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    Stellar feedback in galactic bulges plays an essential role in shaping the evolution of galaxies. To quantify this role and facilitate comparisons with X-ray observations, we conduct 3D hydrodynamical simulations with the adaptive mesh refinement code, FLASH, to investigate the physical properties of hot gas inside a galactic bulge, similar to that of our Galaxy or M31. We assume that the dynamical and thermal properties of the hot gas are dominated by mechanical energy input from SNe, primarily Type Ia, and mass injection from evolved stars as well as iron enrichment from SNe. We study the bulge-wide outflow as well as the SN heating on scales down to ~4 pc. An embedding scheme that is devised to plant individual SNR seeds, allows to examine, for the first time, the effect of sporadic SNe on the density, temperature, and iron ejecta distribution of the hot gas as well as the resultant X-ray morphology and spectrum. We find that the SNe produce a bulge wind with highly filamentary density structures and patchy ejecta. Compared with a 1D spherical wind model, the non-uniformity of simulated gas density, temperature, and metallicity substantially alters the spectral shape and increases the diffuse X-ray luminosity. The differential emission measure as a function of temperature of the simulated gas exhibits a log-normal distribution, with a peak value much lower than that of the corresponding 1D model. The bulk of the X-ray emission comes from the relatively low temperature and low abundance gas shells associated with SN blastwaves. SN ejecta are not well mixed with the ambient medium, at least in the bulge region. These results, at least partly, account for the apparent lack of evidence for iron enrichment in the soft X-ray-emitting gas in galactic bulges and intermediate-mass elliptical galaxies.[...]Comment: 37 pages, 19 figures, submitted to MNRAS; comments are welcom

    Cerebral fat embolism after bilateral total knee replacement arthroplasty -A case report-

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    Fat embolism syndrome is a rare and potentially lethal complication most commonly seen in long bone fractures and intramedullary manipulation. The clinical triad of fat embolism syndrome consists of mental confusion, respiratory distress, and petechiae. This study reports a case of cerebral fat embolism syndrome following elective bilateral total knee replacement. After an uneventful anesthesia and initial recovery, the patient developed neurologic symptoms nine hours postoperatively

    Hepatocellular adenoma: what is new in 2008

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    Patients (85%) with hepatocellular adenoma (HCA) are women taking oral contraceptives. They can be divided into four subgroups according to their genotype/phenotype features. (1) Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1α (HNF1α) biallelic somatic mutations are observed in 35% of the HCA cases. It occurs in almost all cases in women. HNF1α-mutated HCA are most of the time, highly steatotic, with a lack of expression of liver fatty acid binding protein (LFABP) in immunohistochemistry analyses. Adenomatosis is frequently detected in this context. An HNF1α germline mutation is observed in less than 5% of HCA cases and can be associated with MODY 3 diabetes. (2) An activating β-catenin mutation was found in 10% of HCA. These β-catenin activated HCAs are observed in men and women, and specific risk factors, such as male hormone administration or glycogenosis, are associated with their development. Immunohistochemistry studies show that these HCAs overexpress β-catenin (nuclear and cytoplasmic) and glutamine synthetase. This group of tumours has a higher risk of malignant transformation into hepatocellular carcinoma. (3) Inflammatory HCAs are observed in 40% of the cases, and they are most frequent in women but are also found in men. Lesions are characterised by inflammatory infiltrates, dystrophic arteries, sinusoidal dilatation and ductular reaction. They express serum amyloid A and C-reactive protein. In this group, GGT is frequently elevated, with a biological inflammatory syndrome present. Also, there are more overweight patients in this group. An additional 10% of inflammatory HCAs express β-catenin, and are also at risk of malignant transformation. (4) Currently, less than 10% of HCAs are unclassified. It is hoped that in the near future it will be possible with clinical, biological and imaging data to predict in which of the 2 major groups (HNF1α-mutated HCA and inflammatory HCA) the patient belongs and to propose better guidelines in terms of surveillance and treatment

    Gravitational Quenching in Massive Galaxies and Clusters by Clumpy Accretion

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    We consider a simple gravitational-heating mechanism for the long-term quenching of cooling flows and star formation in massive dark-matter haloes hosting ellipticals and clusters. The virial shock heating in haloes >10^12 Mo triggers quenching in 10^12-13 Mo haloes (Birnboim, Dekel & Neistein 2007). We show that the long-term quenching in haloes >Mmin~7x10^12 Mo could be due to the gravitational energy of cosmological accretion delivered to the inner-halo hot gas by cold flows via ram-pressure drag and local shocks. Mmin is obtained by comparing the gravitational power of infall into the potential well with the overall radiative cooling rate. The heating wins if the gas inner density cusp is not steeper than r^-0.5 and if the masses in the cold and hot phases are comparable. The effect is stronger at higher redshifts, making the maintenance easier also at later times. Clumps >10^5 Mo penetrate to the inner halo with sufficient kinetic energy before they disintegrate, but they have to be <10^8 Mo for the drag to do enough work in a Hubble time. Pressure confined ~10^4K clumps are stable against their own gravity and remain gaseous once below the Bonnor-Ebert mass ~10^8 Mo. They are also immune to tidal disruption. Clumps in the desired mass range could emerge by thermal instability in the outer halo if the conductivity is not too high. Alternatively, such clumps may be embedded in dark-matter subhaloes if the ionizing flux is ineffective, but they separate from their subhaloes by ram pressure before entering the inner halo. Heating by dynamical friction becomes dominant for massive satellites, which can contribute up to one third of the total gravitational heating. We conclude that gravitational heating by cosmological accretion is a viable alternative to AGN feedback as a long-term quenching mechanism.Comment: 24 pages, 20 figures, some improvements, MNRAS accepted versio

    Gravitational Quenching in Massive Galaxies and Clusters by Clumpy Accretion

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    We consider a simple gravitational-heating mechanism for the long-term quenching of cooling flows and star formation in massive dark-matter haloes hosting ellipticals and clusters. The virial shock heating in haloes >10^12 Mo triggers quenching in 10^12-13 Mo haloes (Birnboim, Dekel & Neistein 2007). We show that the long-term quenching in haloes >Mmin~7x10^12 Mo could be due to the gravitational energy of cosmological accretion delivered to the inner-halo hot gas by cold flows via ram-pressure drag and local shocks. Mmin is obtained by comparing the gravitational power of infall into the potential well with the overall radiative cooling rate. The heating wins if the gas inner density cusp is not steeper than r^-0.5 and if the masses in the cold and hot phases are comparable. The effect is stronger at higher redshifts, making the maintenance easier also at later times. Clumps >10^5 Mo penetrate to the inner halo with sufficient kinetic energy before they disintegrate, but they have to be <10^8 Mo for the drag to do enough work in a Hubble time. Pressure confined ~10^4K clumps are stable against their own gravity and remain gaseous once below the Bonnor-Ebert mass ~10^8 Mo. They are also immune to tidal disruption. Clumps in the desired mass range could emerge by thermal instability in the outer halo if the conductivity is not too high. Alternatively, such clumps may be embedded in dark-matter subhaloes if the ionizing flux is ineffective, but they separate from their subhaloes by ram pressure before entering the inner halo. Heating by dynamical friction becomes dominant for massive satellites, which can contribute up to one third of the total gravitational heating. We conclude that gravitational heating by cosmological accretion is a viable alternative to AGN feedback as a long-term quenching mechanism.Comment: 24 pages, 20 figures, some improvements, MNRAS accepted versio

    Functional links between clustered microRNAs: suppression of cell-cycle inhibitors by microRNA clusters in gastric cancer

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) play integral roles in diverse processes including tumorigenesis. miRNA gene loci are often found in close conjunction, and such clustered miRNA genes are transcribed from a common promoter to generate polycistronic primary transcript. The primary transcript (pri-miRNA) is then processed by two RNase III proteins to release the mature miRNAs. Although it has been speculated that the miRNAs in the same cluster may play related biological functions, this has not been experimentally addressed. Here we report that the miRNAs in two clusters (miR-106b∼93 ∼ 25 and miR-222 ∼ 221) suppress the Cip/Kip family members of Cdk inhibitors (p57Kip2, p21Cip1 and p27Kip1). We show that miR-25 targets p57 through the 3′-UTR. Furthermore, miR-106b and miR-93 control p21 while miR-222 and miR-221 regulate both p27 and p57. Ectopic expression of these miRNAs results in activation of Cdk2 and facilitation of G1/S phase transition. Consistent with these results, both clusters are abnormally upregulated in gastric cancer tissues compared to the corresponding normal tissues. Ectopic expression of miR-222 cluster enhanced tumor growth in the mouse xenograft model. Our study demonstrates the functional associations between clustered miRNAs and further implicates that effective cancer treatment may require a combinatorial approach to target multiple oncogenic miRNA clusters