292 research outputs found

    Pulmonary mycobiome of patients with suspicion of respiratory fungal infection – an exploratory study

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    Objective: This pilot study aimed to characterize the pulmonary mycobiome of patients with suspicion of fungal infection of the respiratory tract as well as to identify potentially pathogenic fungi colonizing/infecting their lungs. Methods: A cohort of 10 patients was analyzed, including HIV+ patients and patients with active infection caused by Mycobacterium species. Their respiratory samples (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid/ bronchial secretions) were pre-treated with lyticase and proteinase K; DNA was extracted using the High Pure PCR Template Preparation kit following the manufacturer’s instructions. The internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) and calmodulin gene were amplified by PCR and the resulting amplicons were sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform with pair-end reads of 150 bp. The obtained results were analyzed using the PIPITS pipeline as described by Gweon et al. [1]. Operational taxonomic units (OTU) to which less than 0.1% of the total reads attributed were disregarded. Results: Thirty-seven different OTU were identified from which two belonged to the Plantae kingdom, 11 had less than the 0.1% threshold of the total reads and were therefore disregarded. The remaining 24 different OTU (grouped in 17 phylotypes), were considered as part of the pulmonary mycobiome of patients. Two phyla were identified: Basidiomycota (33.3%) and Ascomycota (54.2%). Regarding the Basidiomycota phylum, reads were classified in three classes (Agaricomycetes, Tremellomycetes and Walleomycetes), while for the Ascomycota phylum four different taxonomical classes were identified: Pneumocystidomycetes, Dothideomycetes, Eurotiomycetes and Saccharomycetes, with the latter being the most frequent class. Twelve fungal genera were identified, being Candida the most frequently detected. The median number of fungal genera detected in patients’ pulmonary mycobiome was six (ranging from two up to nine). The genus Papilotrema and the potentially pathogenic genera Cryptococcus and Pneumocystis were exclusively found in the pulmonary mycobiome of HIV+ + patients. Other potentially pathogenic fungi such as Aspergillus spp., Trichosporon spp., Saccharomyces spp. and Schizophyllum spp. were also detected. Conclusion: This pilot study illustrates how the pulmonary mycobiome is rich and highly variable in patients with fungal infections. The obtained results suggest that the described metagenomic analysis may possess a great ability to quickly and effectively detect potentially pathogenic fungi in the mycobiome of patients, making it a promising future diagnostic tool. Thus, further optimization, standardization and clinical validation of these NGS methodologies should be warranted in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wildlife pathogen detection:Evaluation of alternative DNA extraction protocols

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    Accurate detection of wildlife pathogens is critical in wildlife disease research. False negatives or positives can have catastrophic consequences for conservation and disease-mitigation decisions. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction is commonly used for molecular detection of wildlife pathogens. The reliability of this method depends on the effective extraction of the pathogen's DNA from host samples. A wildlife disease that has been in the centre of conservationist's attention is the amphibian disease Chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Here, we compare the efficiency of a spin column extraction kit (QIAGEN), commonly used in Bd DNA extraction, to an alternative spin column kit (BIOKÈ) used in extractions from other types of samples, which is considerably cheaper but not typically used for Bd DNA extraction. Additionally, we explore the effect of an enzymatic pre-treatment on detection efficiency. Both methods showed similar efficiency when extracting Bd DNA from zoospores from laboratory-created cell-cultures, as well as higher efficiency when combined with the enzymatic pre-treatment. Our results indicate that selecting the optimal method for DNA extraction is essential to ensure minimal false negatives and reduce project costs

    De quem é essa foto? : estudo sobre a autoria coletiva em fotografia

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2015.Esta dissertação trata das questões relativas ao problema da autoria na fotografia, especialmente nos coletivos fotográficos. Buscamos refletir o fenômeno da coletividade a partir da compreensão de que as relações humanas são relações complexas, portanto, devem ser descritas como tal. Através da premissa de que as interações sociais envolvem relações de afeto, buscamos elucidar o conceito e origem do termo amizade ao longo de toda a história. Partindo das iniciativas de produção coletiva em arte do período moderno até o atual, nossa hipótese é de que a coletividade surge por uma necessidade social de transformação da vida, assim como o principal motivo de formação de um coletivo é o compartilhamento de experiências e a busca de resolução de problemas comuns aos indivíduos pertencentes ao grupo.This dissertation deals with issues concerning the problem of authorship in photography, especially in photographic collectives. We seek to reflect the phenomenon of the community from the understanding that human relationships are complex relationships, therefore , should be described as such. Through the premise that social interactions involve affection relations, we seek to elucidate the concept and origin of the term friendship throughout history. Based on the collective production initiatives in art modern period to the present, our hypothesis is that the community arises from a social need for transformation of life, as well as the main reason for the formation of a collective is the sharing of experiences and search resolution of problems common to individuals within the group

    Actividade física e consumo de tabaco, álcool e haxixe : Estudo realizado com adolescentes do distrito da Guarda

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciência do Desporto, área de especialização em Desporto de Recreação e Lazer, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e de Educação Física da Universidade do Port

    Pro-environmental messages in job advertisements and the intentions to apply—The mediating role of organizational Attractiveness

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    : Environmental sustainability is a concept with increasing importance in the way organizations think and outline their cultures, practices, and business strategies to become more attractive. In this sense, the present study aims to understand whether organizations that publish job advertisements regarding sustainable culture and ecological concerns are perceived as more attractive and generate higher intentions to apply. A quantitative study was made with a sample comprising 443 participants. The results suggested that job advertisements with pro-environmental messages generate a higher organizational attractiveness. In addition, organizational attractiveness does not mediate the relationship between the type of advertisement (green vs. non-green) and intentions to apply. Additionally, the results suggested that individuals with greater individual environmental responsibility and intentions of pro-environmental behavior have a greater intention to apply, facing green job advertisements. The role of organizations in adopting green practices to attract and retain the best talent is also discussed, as well as suggestions for future studies.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Role of Plasticity and Adaptation in the Incipient Speciation of a Fire Salamander Population

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    Phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation via genetic change are two major mechanisms of response to dynamic environmental conditions. These mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, since genetic change can establish similar phenotypes to plasticity. This connection between both mechanisms raises the question of how much of the variation observed between species or populations is plastic and how much of it is genetic. In this study, we used a structured population of fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra), in which two subpopulations differ in terms of physiology, genetics, mate-, and habitat preferences. Our goal was to identify candidate genes for differential habitat adaptation in this system, and to explore the degree of plasticity compared to local adaptation. We therefore performed a reciprocal transfer experiment of stream- and pond-originated salamander larvae and analyzed changes in morphology and transcriptomic profile (using species-specific microarrays). We observed that stream- and pond-originated individuals diverge in morphology and gene expression. For instance, pond-originated larvae have larger gills, likely to cope with oxygen-poor ponds. When transferred to streams, pond-originated larvae showed a high degree of plasticity, resembling the morphology and gene expression of stream-originated larvae (reversion); however the same was not found for stream-originated larvae when transferred to ponds, where the expression of genes related to reduction-oxidation processes was increased, possibly to cope with environmental stress. The lack of symmetrical responses between transplanted animals highlights the fact that the adaptations are not fully plastic and that some level of local adaptation has already occurred in this population. This study illuminates the process by which phenotypic plasticity allows local adaptation to new environments and its potential role in the pathway of incipient speciation

    Memórias docentes: os cheiros e as cores da arte

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    This research focuses on the affective memories of teachers of Visual Arts, with the aim of understanding the role they play in their professional choice and the constitution of their teaching identities. The theoretical-methodological reference adopted is the Narrative Research, based mainly on Josso and Nóvoa. The reflections presented refer to the aesthetic and/or artistic experiences experienced by these teachers in their individual trajectories and are analyzed in the light of Dewey. The research evidenced the importance of such experiences in both school education and teacher training, since construction of knowledge and art practice imply a sensitization that is only possible through experiences and the elaboration of meanings that is done both personally and in a shared way in the most diverse educational spaces.Este trabalho põe foco nas memórias afetivas de professores de Artes Visuais, com o objetivo de compreender o papel que desempenham na escolha profissional e na constituição de suas identidades docentes. O referencial teórico-metodológico adotado é o da Pesquisa Narrativa, fundamentado principalmente em Josso e Nóvoa. As reflexões apresentadas referem-se às experiências estéticas e/ou artísticas vividas por esses professores em suas trajetórias individuais, e são analisadas à luz de Dewey. A pesquisa evidenciou a importância de tais experiências tanto na educação escolar quanto na formação docente, uma vez que para a construção dos saberes e fazeres em arte implica em uma sensibilização que só é possível por meio de vivências e da elaboração de sentidos que se faz tanto de forma pessoal quanto de forma partilhada nos mais diversos espaços educativos

    Memórias docentes: os cheiros e as cores da arte

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    This research focuses on the affective memories of teachers of Visual Arts, with the aim of understanding the role they play in their professional choice and the constitution of their teaching identities. The theoretical-methodological reference adopted is the Narrative Research, based mainly on Josso and Nóvoa. The reflections presented refer to the aesthetic and/or artistic experiences experienced by these teachers in their individual trajectories and are analyzed in the light of Dewey. The research evidenced the importance of such experiences in both school education and teacher training, since construction of knowledge and art practice imply a sensitization that is only possible through experiences and the elaboration of meanings that is done both personally and in a shared way in the most diverse educational spaces.Este trabalho põe foco nas memórias afetivas de professores de Artes Visuais, com o objetivo de compreender o papel que desempenham na escolha profissional e na constituição de suas identidades docentes. O referencial teórico-metodológico adotado é o da Pesquisa Narrativa, fundamentado principalmente em Josso e Nóvoa. As reflexões apresentadas referem-se às experiências estéticas e/ou artísticas vividas por esses professores em suas trajetórias individuais, e são analisadas à luz de Dewey. A pesquisa evidenciou a importância de tais experiências tanto na educação escolar quanto na formação docente, uma vez que para a construção dos saberes e fazeres em arte implica em uma sensibilização que só é possível por meio de vivências e da elaboração de sentidos que se faz tanto de forma pessoal quanto de forma partilhada nos mais diversos espaços educativos


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    A assistência médica suplementar no Brasil teve uma forte expansão nos últimos dez anos e hoje atende a mais de 25% da população. Recentemente este setor foi alvo de importantes modificações no que diz respeito a sua regulamentação. O estudo das relações que existem entre os agentes que fazem parte deste mercado e as falhas de informação que surgem nestas relações é fundamental para se compreender o funcionamento da assistência médica suplementar neste ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar como o problema de risco moral tem afetado o funcionamento do mercado brasileiro de assistência médica suplementar, antes e após o processo de regulamentação vivenciado pelo setor, destacando o comportamento das operadoras e seguradoras e a sua influência para os consumidores. A partir do estudo realizado, a principal constatação foi a de que as operadoras de planos e seguros de saúde estão utilizando diversos mecanismos de compartilhamento de risco, buscando inibir a sobreutilização dos serviços prestados, mesmo que isto acabe onerando os consumidores.Supplemental medical assistance in Brasil has expanded greatly over the last tem years. Today it serves, more than 25% of the population. To study the relationships that exist between the client and suppliers that make up this market and the lack of information which comes from these relationships, it is fundamental to understand this type of assistance, with this, we can define the role of each one within this particular market. Looking for adequate health assistance, which avoids over burdening any of the components. The aim of this wrote is to identify how the risk of moral hazard has effected the supplementary medical assistance market, hoe the operators and insurers are behaving and in what way this behaviour has effected the client. The principal conclusion of this study was the verification that health insurance operators are using every means to compartmentalise risk, principally diminishing the over use of services. However, using these means moved more of the onus onto the consumer Consequently, many are abandoning health insurance programmes and relying on the public health system