36 research outputs found

    Creative innovation in Spanish construction firms

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    "This material may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers"Small and medium-sized contractors are characterized by organizational structures that are highly focused on control. As a result, employees concentrate on day-to-day activities with little time or motivation to generate creative ideas. Generally, the technological improvements of these companies arise as a result of problem-solving at the construction site. Nevertheless, the actual status quo is changing. In fact, some Spanish public agencies are already considering innovation as an added value in public procurement; thus, large contractors are starting to systemize their innovative efforts. This means that small and medium-sized enterprises must modify their attitudes towards innovation in order to sustain their competitiveness. The implementation of a system that enhances innovation and acquisition of knowledge may be the solution to overcome this disadvantage. The authors analyzed the implementation of an innovation management system in a Spanish construction firm of medium size for nine years. The system builds on a set of processes aimed to generate innovation projects that allow the contractor to document the innovation, not only for internal purposes related to knowledge management, but also for external ones associated with obtaining better results in public tenders. These processes are: (a) technology watch; (b) creativity; (c) planning and executing innovation projects; (d) technology transfer; and (e) protection of results. The last step is the feedback of the entire process through the assessment of the final outcomes. The implementation of the innovation system is ensured within the organization, through training of personnel, participation of stakeholders and encouragement of the innovation culture.The research reported in this paper was partially funded by the Universidad Catolica del Maule (UCM) [Project Mejoramiento de la Calidad y Equidad de la Educacion Superior (MECESUP)-UCM0205], the Spanish Ministry of Infrastructure (Project 2004-36), and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) (Contract UPV-2008-0629). Francisco Vea, Ricardo Lacort, and Manuel Civera are thanked for their help and support throughout the implementation of the system. Dr. Debra Westall is thanked for revising the text.Yepes, V.; Pellicer Armiñana, E.; Fernando Alarcón, L.; Correa Becerra, CL. (2015). Creative innovation in Spanish construction firms. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 141:04015006-1-04015006-10. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000251S04015006-104015006-1014

    Study of DJ meson decays to D+π−, D0π+ and D∗+π− final states in pp collisions

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    A study of D+π−, D0π+ and D∗+π− final states is performed using pp collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb−1, collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the LHCb detector. The D1(2420)0 resonance is observed in the D∗+π− final state and the D∗2(2460) resonance is observed in the D+π−, D0π+ and D∗+π− final states. For both resonances, their properties and spin-parity assignments are obtained. In addition, two natural parity and two unnatural parity resonances are observed in the mass region between 2500 and 2800 MeV. Further structures in the region around 3000 MeV are observed in all the D∗+π−, D+π− and D0π+ final states

    Organisational culture and TQM implementation: investigating the mediating influences of multidimensional employee readiness for change

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    Despite the robust evidence for the direct relationship between organisational culture (OC) and total quality management (TQM), the mechanisms underlying this relationship are not fully explored and have received little empirical attention. This paper extends prior TQM research in a novel way by building and then empirically testing a theoretical model that includes the mediating role of employee readiness for change dimensions (ERFCs) in the OC-TQM relationship. The paper adds value through its contextual originality in being one of the first studies that are conducted in Algeria; which has special ties with the EU geographically, politically and economically. The empirical data for this study was drawn by distributing a questionnaire to 226 middle managers of Algerian firms. Our findings support the mediating roles of two dimensions of ERFC, namely: self-efficacy (ERFC1) and personal valence (ERFC4) in the OC-TQM relationship. This indicates that the improvement in TQM implementation is not a direct consequence of supportive organisational culture but rather of self-efficacy and personal valence transferring the impact of group and adhocracy culture to TQM. To this effect, these results go beyond previous research and contribute significantly in explaining the underlying psychological mechanisms in the OC-TQM relationships model

    Seeking organisational excellence by using the information coming from the EFQM excellence model as starting point: application to a real case

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    This paper describes how to use the information coming from applying the EFQM excellence model to analyse the perception that the members of an organisation have of it regarding their business vision. Such an analysis is made on the basis of the EFQM excellence model criteria and by applying statistical data analysis techniques. With this study, besides detecting both the strong and weak areas of actuation on which an organisation should focus and act, it is also possible to detect the relationships between the personal characteristics of members of the organisation and their business vision. The main goal is that organisations are able to reach excellence by jointly using an assessment method (the EFQM excellence model) and posterior statistical data analysis techniques (uni-variant and multi-variant). These techniques enable one to complement and enlarge the potential of the EFQM excellence model. Finally, the procedure is illustrated by presenting the main results of applying it to a real case of the Permanent Training Centre of the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.Alfaro Saiz, JJ.; Carot Sierra, JM.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM. (2011). Seeking organisational excellence by using the information coming from the EFQM excellence model as starting point: application to a real case. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 22(8):853-868. doi:10.1080/14783363.2011.597595S853868228Carlos Bou‐Llusar, J., Escrig‐Tena, A. B., Roca‐Puig, V., & Beltrán‐Martín, I. (2005). To what extent do enablers explain results in the EFQM excellence model? International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 22(4), 337-353. doi:10.1108/02656710510591192Calvo‐Mora, A., Leal, A., & Roldán, J. L. (2006). Using enablers of the EFQM model to manage institutions of higher education. Quality Assurance in Education, 14(2), 99-122. doi:10.1108/09684880610662006Dale, B. G., Zairi, M., Van der Wiele, A., & Williams, A. R. T. (2000). Quality is dead in Europe – long live excellence ‐ true or false? Measuring Business Excellence, 4(3), 4-10. doi:10.1108/13683040010377737Eskildsen, J. K., Kristensen, K., & Jørn Juhl, H. (2001). The criterion weights of the EFQM excellence model. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 18(8), 783-795. doi:10.1108/eum0000000006033Farrar, M. (2000). Structuring success: A case study in the use of the EFQM Excellence Model in school improvement. Total Quality Management, 11(4-6), 691-696. doi:10.1080/09544120050008084Hides, M. T., Davies, J., & Jackson, S. (2004). Implementation of EFQM excellence model self‐assessment in the UK higher education sector – lessons learned from other sectors. The TQM Magazine, 16(3), 194-201. doi:10.1108/09544780410532936Li, M., & Yang, J. B. (2003). A decision model for self‐assessment of business process based on the EFQM excellence model. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 20(2), 164-188. doi:10.1108/02656710310456608Martín‐Castilla, J. I., & Rodríguez‐Ruiz, Ó. (2008). EFQM model: knowledge governance and competitive advantage. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 9(1), 133-156. doi:10.1108/14691930810845858McAdam, R., & Welsh, W. (2000). A critical review of the business excellence quality model applied to further education colleges. Quality Assurance in Education, 8(3), 120-130. doi:10.1108/09684880010372716Ruiz-Carrillo, J. I. C., & Fernández-Ortiz, R. (2005). Theoretical foundation of the EFQM model: the resource-based view. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 16(1), 31-55. doi:10.1080/1478336042000309857Rusjan, B. (2005). Usefulness of the EFQM excellence model: Theoretical explanation of some conceptual and methodological issues. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 16(3), 363-380. doi:10.1080/14783360500053972José Tarí, J. (2006). An EFQM model self‐assessment exercise at a Spanish university. Journal of Educational Administration, 44(2), 170-188. doi:10.1108/09578230610652051Wongrassamee, S., Simmons, J. E. L., & Gardiner, P. D. (2003). Performance measurement tools: the Balanced Scorecard and the EFQM Excellence Model. Measuring Business Excellence, 7(1), 14-29. doi:10.1108/13683040310466690Yang, J. B., Dale, B. G., & Siow, C. H. R. (2001). Self-assessment of excellence: An application of the evidential reasoning approach. International Journal of Production Research, 39(16), 3789-3812. doi:10.1080/0020754011006907

    S-D logic-informed customer engagement: Integrative framework, revised fundamental propositions, and application to CRM

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    La influencia de la confianza y el compromiso sobre las funciones ceadoras de valor en las relaciones comerciales entre empresas

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    The aim of this paper is to study the effect of trust and commitment in customer value creation. Thus, firstly, the different value creating functions in business relationships are examined. Next, the conceptual model that connects trust and commitment with the value creating functions is proposed. At this point the causal connections of the specified structural model are studied. The empirical results reveal that distributor's commitment is a direct and positive antecedent of value creation in a relationship, understood from a functionalist perspective. With reference to the other relational variable, distributor's trust, it has an indirect effect in value creation through distributor's commitment

    Service innovation management in a modern economy : insights on the interplay between firms’ innovative culture and project-level success factors

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    Despite the growing importance of the service industry in modern economies, research on service innovation success has been far less prolific than has work on product innovation, and there is still a relative paucity of knowledge about the key factors to achieve new service success. The study of the relationships among these factors has also received very little attention and provides a significant opportunity for theoretical developments and managerial insights in service innovation. In this study, data drawn from a sample of 502 hotels and knowledge-intensive business service firms located in Spain allows testing the relationships among organizational and project-level success factors in new service development. Empirical evidence reveals several routes of effects useful to trigger external new service performance or market success, and internal new service performance, or the satisfaction, motivation, and commitment of front-line employees. Some relevant insights for managers include illustrating the crucial role of service firms’ innovative culture to configure project-level success factors; highlighting the social aspects of top management's support to the new service project; underlying the importance of human resource management practices during new service development for new service success, and the motivating effects that new service advantage has among front-line employees