23 research outputs found

    Three deaf mice: mouse models for TECTA-based human hereditary deafness reveal domain-specific structural phenotypes in the tectorial membrane

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    Tecta is a modular, non-collagenous protein of the tectorial membrane, an extracellular matrix of the cochlea essential for normal hearing. Missense mutations in Tecta cause dominant forms of nonsyndromic deafness and a genotype-phenotype correlation has been reported in humans, with mutations in different Tecta domains causing mid- or high-frequency hearing impairments that are either stable or progressive. Three mutant mice were created as models for human Tecta mutations; the TectaL1820F, G1824D/+ mouse for zona pellucida (ZP) domain mutations causing stable mid-frequency hearing loss in a Belgian family, the TectaC1837G/+ mouse for a ZP-domain mutation underlying progressive mid-frequency hearing loss in a Spanish family, and the TectaC1619S/+ mouse for a zonadhesin-like (ZA) domain mutation responsible for progressive, high-frequency hearing loss in a French family. Mutations in the ZP and ZA domains generate distinctly different changes in the structure of the tectorial membrane. ABR thresholds in the 8-40 kHz range are elevated by 30-40 dB in the ZP-domain mutants, whilst those in the ZA-domain mutant are elevated by 20-30 dB. The phenotypes are stable and no evidence has been found for a progressive deterioration in tectorial membrane structure or auditory function. Despite elevated auditory thresholds, the Tecta mutant mice all exhibit an enhanced tendency to have audiogenic seizures in response to white noise stimuli at low sound pressure levels (≤84 dB SPL), revealing a previously unrecognised consequence of Tecta mutations. These results, together with those from previous studies, establish an allelic series for Tecta unequivocally demonstrating an association between genotype and phenotype

    Differential Biological Role Of Cd3 Chains Revealed By Human Immunodeficiencies

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    The biological role in vivo of the homologous CD3 gamma and delta invariant chains within the human TCR/CD3 complex is a matter of debate, as murine models do not recapitulate human immunodeficiencies. We have characterized, in a Turkish family, two new patients with complete CD3 gamma deficiency and SCID symptoms and compared them with three CD3 gamma-deficient individuals belonging to two families from Turkey and Spain. All tested patients shared similar immunological features such as a partial TCR/CD3 expression defect, mild alpha beta and gamma delta T lymphocytopenia, poor in vitro proliferative responses to Ags and mitogens at diagnosis, and very low TCR rearrangement excision circles and CD45RA(+) alpha beta T cells. However, intrafamilial and interfamilial clinical variability was observed in patients carrying the same CD3G mutations. Two reached the second or third decade in healthy conditions, whereas the other three showed lethal SCID features with enteropathy early in life. In contrast, all reported human complete CD3 delta (or CD3 epsilon) deficiencies are in infants with life-threatening SCID and very severe alpha beta and gamma delta T lymphocytopenia. Thus, the peripheral T lymphocyte pool was comparatively well preserved in human CD3 gamma deficiencies despite poor thymus output or clinical outcome. We propose. a CD3 gamma >> CD3 gamma hierarchy for the relative impact of their absence on the signaling for T cell production in humans.WoSScopu

    Mid-frequency DFNA8/12 hearing loss caused by a synonymous TECTA mutation that affects an exonic splice enhancer.

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    Contains fulltext : 69348.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Autosomal dominant hearing loss is highly heterogeneous. Hearing impairment mainly involves the mid-frequencies (500-2000 Hz) in only a low percentage of the cases. In a Dutch family with autosomal dominant mid-frequency/flat hearing loss, genome-wide SNP analysis combined with fine mapping using microsatellite markers mapped the defect to the DFNA8/12 locus, with a maximum two-point LOD score of 3.52. All exons and intron-exon boundaries of the TECTA gene, of which mutations are causative for DFNA8/12, were sequenced. Only one heterozygous synonymous change in exon 16 (c.5331G>A; p.L1777L) was found to segregate with the hearing loss. This change was predicted to cause the loss of an exonic splice enhancer (ESE). RT-PCR using primers flanking exon 16 revealed, besides the expected PCR product from the wild-type allele, a smaller fragment only in the affected individual, representing part of an aberrant TECTA transcript lacking exon 16. The aberrant splicing is predicted to result in a deletion of 37 amino acids (p.S1758Y/G1759_N1795del) in alpha-tectorin. Subsequently, the same mutation was detected in two out of 36 individuals with a comparable phenotype. Owing to the position of the protein deletion just N-terminal of the zona pellucida (ZP) domain of alpha-tectorin, it is likely that the deletion of 37 amino acids may affect the proteolytic processing, structure and/or function of this domain, which results in a clinical phenotype comparable to that of missense mutations in the ZP domain. In addition, this is the first report of a synonymous mutation that affects an ESE and causes hereditary hearing loss

    Novel Autosomal Recessive Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment Locus DFNB90 Maps to 7p22.1-p15.3

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    A novel locus DFNB90 was mapped to 7p22.1-p15.3 by carrying out a genome scan in a multigenerational consanguineous family from Pakistan with autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing impairment (ARNSHI).DFNB90 is the eighth ARNSHI locus mapped to chromosome 7. A multipoint LOD score of 4.0 was obtained at a number of SNP marker loci spanning from rs1468996 (chromosome 7: 5.7 Mb) tors957960 (chromosome 7: 18.8 Mb). The 3-unit support interval and the region of homozygosity for DFNB90 spans from markers rs1553960 (chromosome 7: 4.9 Mb) to rs206198 (chromosome 7: 20.3 Mb). Candidate genes ACTB, BZW, OCM, MACC1, NXPH1, PRPS1L1, RAC1 and RPA3, which lie within the DFNB90 region, were sequenced and no potentially causal variants were identified