91 research outputs found

    Application Procedures and Practices Futures Human Resource Planning

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    The most effective element of human resource development and organization of their most valuable asset is of very high importance of the human resource planning and extension and improvement of the level of complexity on the other hand, the progress, the amazing growth of technology, communications, and changes in the period and the emergence of new current problems in the International community, planning methods based on predictions somewhat dumb enough to not seem unreasonable and meet the real needs of the micro and macro levels is not.The inability to accurately predict the future and the growing complexity of the changes made The researchers took advantage of the capabilities and benefits of futures and fixed as it is necessary for planning and forecasting of scientific developments and the political, military, technology, consider.Future research into the human ability to imagine a future issue are considered and makes progress.Future studies, systematic process to identify opportunities and future needs, and to assist major organizations in making decisions, so future studies approach quickly spread among the communities and organizations and special place different areas of science, so in this article has been tried and tested techniques and methods of futures research and application of each of these methods in the field of human resource planning, which can be crucial in the development and promotion organization is explained and described

    Estimation of topographical effects at Narni ridge (Central Italy): comparisons between experimental results and numerical modelling

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    In the present work the seismic site response of Narni ridge (central Italy) is evaluated by comparing experimental results and numerical simulations. The inhabited village of Narni is located in the central Italian Apennines at the top of a steep massive limestone ridge. From March to September 2009 the site was instrumented with 10 weak-motion stations, 3 of which located at the base of the ridge and 7 at the top. The velocimetric network recorded 642 events of ML up to 5.3 and hypocentral distance up to about 100 km. The great amount of data are related to the April 2009 L’Aquila sequence. The site response was analyzed using both reference (SSR, Standard Spectral Ratio) and non reference spectral techniques (HVSR, Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio). Moreover directional analyses were performed in order to evaluate the influence of the ridge orientation with respect to the selected source-site paths. In general the experimental results show amplification factors for frequencies between 4 and 5 Hz for almost all stations installed along the crest. The SSR technique provides amplification factors up to 4.5 detected considering directions perpendicular to the main elongation of the ridge. The results obtained from the monitoring activity were used as a target for bidimensional and tridimensional numerical simulations, performed using a hybrid finite-boundary element method for 2D and a boundary element method for 3D analyses respectively. In general, the results obtained through numerical simulation fit well the experimental data in terms of range of amplified frequencies, but they underestimate by a factor of about 2 the related amplification factors with respect to the observations

    Multi-Band Programmable Gain Raman Amplifier

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    Optical communication systems, operating in C-band, are reaching their theoretically achievable capacity limits. An attractive and economically viable solution to satisfy the future data rate demands is to employ the transmission across the full low-loss spectrum encompassing O, E, S, C, and L band of the single mode fibers (SMF). Utilizing all five bands offers a bandwidth of up to sim53.5 THz (365 nm) with loss below 0.4 dB/km. A key component in realizing multi-band optical communication systems is the optical amplifier. Apart from having an ultra-wide gain profile, the ability of providing arbitrary gain profiles, in a controlled way, will become an essential feature. The latter will allow for signal power spectrum shaping which has a broad range of applications such as the maximization of the achievable information rate × distance product, the elimination of static and lossy gain flattening filters (GFF) enabling a power efficient system design, and the gain equalization of optical frequency combs. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate a multi-band (S+C+L) programmable gain optical amplifier using only Raman effects and machine learning. The amplifier achieves >1000 programmable gain profiles within the range 3.5 to 30 dB, in an ultra-fast way and a very low maximum error of 1.6 cdot 10{-2} dB/THz over an ultra-wide bandwidth of 17.6-THz (140.7-nm)

    Inhibition of tumourigenicity of small cell lung cancer cells by suppressing Id3 expression.

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    Id3 is over-expressed in small cell lung cancer (SCLC). To test whether the tumourigenicity of SCLC cells can be inhibited by suppressing Id3 expression, we transfected siRNA into SCLC cell line GLC-19 and established two sublines (G-Id3-1 and G-Id3-7) which expressed only 30% of the level of Id3 measured in control transfectants. Suppression of Id3 expression in both G-Id3-1 and G-Id3-7 cells produced significant reductions in proliferation rates and in numbers of colonies formed in soft agar assay. When G-Id3-1, G-Id3-7 and the control transfectants were inoculated subcutaneously into 3 groups (8 each) of nude mice, respectively, all (100%) inoculated animals produced tumours. Although there was no difference in tumour incidents amongst the 3 groups, significant reductions were observed in both size and weight of tumours produced by either G-Id3-1 or G-Id3-7 cells. While the final average volume of tumours produced in control group was 1012.1+/-394 mm(3), it was significantly reduced (p2.4-fold higher than that in control. The results in this study suggest that highly expressed Id3 in SCLC cells may be an important therapeutic target for tumour suppression

    Polarization-multiplexed nonlinear inverse synthesis with standard and reduced-complexity NFT processing

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    In this work, we study the performance of polarization division multiplexing nonlinear inverse synthesis transmission schemes for fiber-optic communications, expected to have reduced nonlinearity impact. Our technique exploits the integrability of the Manakov equation—the master model for dual-polarization signal propagation in a single mode fiber—and employs nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) based signal processing. First, we generalize some algorithms for the NFT computation to the two- and multicomponent case. Then, we demonstrate that modulating information on both polarizations doubles the channel information rate with a negligible performance degradation. Moreover, we introduce a novel dual-polarization transmission scheme with reduced complexity which separately processes each polarization component and can also provide a performance improvement in some practical scenarios

    Neural networks for computing and denoising the continuous nonlinear Fourier spectrum in focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation

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    We combine the nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) signal processing with machine learning methods for solving the direct spectral problem associated with the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. The latter is one of the core nonlinear science models emerging in a range of applications. Our focus is on the unexplored problem of computing the continuous nonlinear Fourier spectrum associated with decaying profiles, using a specially-structured deep neural network which we coined NFT-Net. The Bayesian optimisation is utilised to find the optimal neural network architecture. The benefits of using the NFT-Net as compared to the conventional numerical NFT methods becomes evident when we deal with noise-corrupted signals, where the neural networks-based processing results in effective noise suppression. This advantage becomes more pronounced when the noise level is sufficiently high, and we train the neural network on the noise-corrupted field profiles. The maximum restoration quality corresponds to the case where the signal-to-noise ratio of the training data coincides with that of the validation signals. Finally, we also demonstrate that the NFT b-coefficient important for optical communication applications can be recovered with high accuracy and denoised by the neural network with the same architecture

    The Intracellular Localization of ID2 Expression Has a Predictive Value in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    ID2 is a member of a subclass of transcription regulators belonging to the general bHLH (basic-helix-loophelix) family of transcription factors. In normal cells, ID2 is responsible for regulating the balance between proliferation and differentiation. More recent studies have demonstrated that ID2 is involved in tumor progression in several cancer types such as prostate or breast

    Gamification of warehousing: exploring perspectives of warehouse managers in the UK

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    Contemporary warehouses are key links in the supply chains in competitive global business environments and with rapidly evolving trends in technology they need to adapt to the evolving needs of customers. Gamification recently emerged as a potential means of improving employee engagement leading to increased operational efficiency. This article therefore explores the perspectives of warehouse managers in the UK on gamification of warehousing activities. The findings suggest that gamification is applicable in the warehousing context with potential benefits such as improved worker engagement, increased morale and productivity, enforced competition, increased accuracy, and skills development. However, there are also significant barriers to effective implementation – these include resource constraints, gamification efficacy over time, ethical considerations, and ensuring fairness for all players. The findings from this study provide some valuable insights, thereby providing a rational basis for potentially fruitful future research in this area of growing interest

    Mechanistic evaluation of primary human hepatocyte culture using global proteomic analysis reveals a selective dedifferentiation profile

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    © 2016 The Author(s)The application of primary human hepatocytes following isolation from human tissue is well accepted to be compromised by the process of dedifferentiation. This phenomenon reduces many unique hepatocyte functions, limiting their use in drug disposition and toxicity assessment. The aetiology of dedifferentiation has not been well defined, and further understanding of the process would allow the development of novel strategies for sustaining the hepatocyte phenotype in culture or for improving protocols for maturation of hepatocytes generated from stem cells. We have therefore carried out the first proteomic comparison of primary human hepatocyte differentiation. Cells were cultured for 0, 24, 72 and 168 h as a monolayer in order to permit unrestricted hepatocyte dedifferentiation, so as to reveal the causative signalling pathways and factors in this process, by pathway analysis. A total of 3430 proteins were identified with a false detection rate of <1 %, of which 1117 were quantified at every time point. Increasing numbers of significantly differentially expressed proteins compared with the freshly isolated cells were observed at 24 h (40 proteins), 72 h (118 proteins) and 168 h (272 proteins) (p < 0.05). In particular, cytochromes P450 and mitochondrial proteins underwent major changes, confirmed by functional studies and investigated by pathway analysis. We report the key factors and pathways which underlie the loss of hepatic phenotype in vitro, particularly those driving the large-scale and selective remodelling of the mitochondrial and metabolic proteomes. In summary, these findings expand the current understanding of dedifferentiation should facilitate further development of simple and complex hepatic culture systems
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