3,823 research outputs found

    Micromammalian faunas from the middle miocene (middle Aragonian) of the Tudela formation (Ebro Basin, Spain)

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    Two new fossil micromammal localities of Middle Miocene age (Pico del Fraile 2, PF2 and Sancho Abarca 5, SA5) from the Tudela Formation (northeastern Ebro Basin) are described. PF2 contains rodents and insectivores of Aragonian age (local zone Dc). The rodent assemblage from the locality SA5 is very scarce and probably of Middle Aragonian age, like PF2. The micromammal fauna from the locality PF2 is very similar to that from Valdemoros 3B (VA3B) (Calatayud-Daroca Basin), including Microdyromys cf. remmerti, a species until now only described from the Miocene of the Daroca-Villafeliche area. Among the fauna recorded in PF2, a form of Democricetodon is described. The sedimentary record of the Pico del Fraile and Sancho Abarca sections and the mammalian findings extend the stratigraphic and paleontological knowledge of this part of the Ebro Basin, and allow its study in a continuous stratigraphic context

    Primera cita de cocodrilos zifodontos en el Cenozoico de Asturias: Royo Gómez y los supuestos dientes de dinosaurio del Eoceno de Llamaquique

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    In 1928, José Royo Gómez mentioned the find of “two teeth similar to those of theropod dinosaurs from the Secondary” in the Eocene of Llamaquique (Oviedo Basin, Asturias). Royo Gómez was aware of the interest of the discovery, “because they would be the youngest remains found of these gigantic reptiles”. According to the hitherto unpublished documents preserved in the Archives of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid, Royo Gómez photographed five teeth from Llamaquique in April 1932, which he regarded as belonging to theropods. The whereabouts of this material is currently unknown. However, the revision of the Llamaquique collection in the above mentioned museum has allowed to recover one labiolingually compressed and serrated tooth (ziphodont condition). We reject here that the tooth belongs to a theropod, and we assign it to a Mesoeucrocodylia indet. This is the first mention of the discovery of ziphodont crocodyliforms in the Paleogene of Asturias.En 1928, José Royo Gómez informó del hallazgo de “dos dientes idénticos a los de los Dinosaurios terópodos del Secundario” en el Eoceno de Llamaquique (Cuenca de Oviedo, Asturias). Royo Gómez era consciente del interés de este descubrimiento, “pues serían los restos más modernos que se conocerían de estos gigantescos reptiles”. Según la documentación conservada en el Archivo del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales en Madrid, hasta ahora inédita, Royo Gómez fotografió en abril de 1932 cinco dientes de Llamaquique que él consideraba pertenecientes a terópodos. Este material se encuentra actualmente en paradero desconocido. No obstante, la revisión de la colección paleontológica de Llamaquique en el mencionado museo ha permitido recuperar un diente comprimido lateralmente y provisto de carenas denticuladas (condición zifodonta). Se descarta que el diente pertenezca a un terópodo, asignándose a un Mesoeucrocodylia indeterminado. Se trata de la primera mención del hallazgo de cocodrilos zifodontos en el Paleógeno de Asturias

    Ancient landscapes of north-western Iberia: historical aerial photographs and the interpretation of Iron Age and Roman territories

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    This paper presents the use of historical aerial photographs in research of past landscapes in the north-western Iberian Peninsula, through several examples taken from a larger regional study, all connected with the diachronic study of social and territorial changes during the Iron Age and Roman period (5th century BC to 3rd century AD). Technical procedures are explained, but also the different solutions adopted and the consequences of the use of the historical aerial photographs. An important point of this paper is to demonstrate the great value of such imagery in an age when the use of other sources, such as Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS or LiDAR) data or modern aerial orthoimages, might be seen as all that is needed

    Isomer shift and magnetic moment of the long-lived 1/2+^{+} isomer in 3079^{79}_{30}Zn49_{49}: signature of shape coexistence near 78^{78}Ni

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    Collinear laser spectroscopy has been performed on the 3079^{79}_{30}Zn49_{49} isotope at ISOLDE-CERN. The existence of a long-lived isomer with a few hundred milliseconds half-life was confirmed, and the nuclear spins and moments of the ground and isomeric states in 79^{79}Zn as well as the isomer shift were measured. From the observed hyperfine structures, spins I=9/2I = 9/2 and I=1/2I = 1/2 are firmly assigned to the ground and isomeric states. The magnetic moment μ\mu (79^{79}Zn) = -1.1866(10) μN\mu_{\rm{N}}, confirms the spin-parity 9/2+9/2^{+} with a νg9/21\nu g_{9/2}^{-1} shell-model configuration, in excellent agreement with the prediction from large scale shell-model theories. The magnetic moment μ\mu (79m^{79m}Zn) = -1.0180(12) μN\mu_{\rm{N}} supports a positive parity for the isomer, with a wave function dominated by a 2h-1p neutron excitation across the N=50N = 50 shell gap. The large isomer shift reveals an increase of the intruder isomer mean square charge radius with respect to that of the ground state: δrc279,79m\delta \langle r^{2}_{c}\rangle^{79,79m} = +0.204(6) fm2^{2}, providing first evidence of shape coexistence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, Accepeted by Phys. Rev. Lett. (2016

    Basal ganglia volume predicts speed processing performance in obese adolescents

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    La obesidad se ha relacionado con cambios estructurales en los ganglios basales y alteraciones en dominios transversales como la velocidad de procesamiento. El objetivo del presente estudio es investigar la relación entre velocidad de procesamiento y volumen de los ganglios basales en adolescentes con y sin obesidad. Treinta y tres participantes obesos y treinta y tres con peso normal fueron resonados (Siemens 3T Trio) y evaluados neuropsicológicamente. Se compararon los resultados de un índice de velocidad y la ratio de los ganglios basales controlando por edad, sexo y tamaño de la cabeza. Se realizaron regresiones lineales con las estructuras relacionadas con este índice. Se encontraron diferencias en el índice de velocidad, pero no en la ratio de los ganglios basales. El grupo con obesidad mostró una correlación positiva entre velocidad y ratio del globo pálido derecho (r= .41; p= .021). No hallamos relaciones significativas en el grupo normopeso. La ratio del globo pálido derecho predijo parte del rendimiento en velocidad en adolescentes obesos. Las diferencias en velocidad de procesamiento entre adolescentes con y sin obesidad podrían estar moderadas por el tamaño de estructuras subcorticales como el globo pálido.Obesity is related to structural changes in basal ganglia and alterations among transversal domains such as speed processing. The aim of the study is to address the relationship between speed processing and basal ganglia volumes in adolescents with and without obesity. Thirty-three obese and 33 normal-weight participants underwent MRI acquisition (Siemens 3T Trio) and neuropsychological assessment to obtain an index of speed processing. Speed processing index and basal ganglia ratios (VolBrain software) were compared controlling for age, sex and head size. Linear regressions were conducted in the structures related to such index. Groups differed for speed processing index, but did not differ for basal ganglia ratios. The obese group showed positive correlations between speed processing index and the right globus pallidum ratio (r= .41; p= .021). None relationship was found among normal-weight adolescents. Concretely, the right globus pallidum ratio predicted part of the performance in speed in obese participants. The differences in speed processing between adolescents with and without obesity might be mediated by the size of subcortical structures such as the globus pallidum

    Spain: Underwater Exploration on a Narrow Continental Shelf

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    In spite of Spain’s long coastline (nearly 8000 km) and its well-established tradition in underwater archaeology, the prehistoric settlement of the continental shelf is practically unknown with very few finds. Underwater research has focused on naval archaeology and, until very recently, no attempt had been made to look for prehistoric underwater sites. In the past decade,new research projects have been launched to explore selected areas on the Cantabrian shelf and offshore of Gibraltar. This chapter summarises the currently available evidence of submerged prehistoric archaeology and the preliminary results of these new project

    Paleoecología y cultura material en el complejo tumular prehistórico de Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real)

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    Castillejo del Bonete es un complejo tumular situado en el borde meridional de la Meseta Ibérica, ocupado en fechas calcolíticas y de la Edad del Bronce, vinculado a la Cultura de las Motillas. Materiales arqueológicos muy diversos han sido recuperados asociados a las arquitecturas del lugar (túmulos, corredores, potentes muros, etc.). Se presenta un avance de la investigación paleoecológica sobre las colecciones de carbón, polen y microvertebrados. Además se presentan cuentas de piedra y madera, colgantes de concha, material lítico, la colección cerámica, nuevas metalografías e industria metálica y botones de marfil. El conjunto de estas evidencias arqueológicas pone de manifiesto la celebración ritual de banquetes y ofrendas durante la Prehistoria Reciente en una cueva monumentalizada mediante túmulos en el interior de la Península Ibérica

    Symplectic geometry of quantum noise

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    We discuss a quantum counterpart, in the sense of the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization, of certain constraints on Poisson brackets coming from "hard" symplectic geometry. It turns out that they can be interpreted in terms of the quantum noise of observables and their joint measurements in operational quantum mechanics. Our findings include various geometric mechanisms of quantum noise production and a noise-localization uncertainty relation. The methods involve Floer theory and Poisson bracket invariants originated in function theory on symplectic manifolds.Comment: Revised version, 57 pages, 3 figures. Incorporates arXiv:1203.234