59 research outputs found

    Dynamical accelerating structures of thermoionic plasma

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    The conditions of dynamical accelerating structures of double layer type forming on the edge of thermo-ionic plasma are investigated. Plasma was created by the way of material thermo-evaporation with further ionization under the influence of intensive electron beam. It has been shown that since thermo-ionic plasma forming the double electrical layer of volume charge (DL) creates where the ions of evaporated material (thermo-ions) are accelerate with further possible deposition on substrate. The conditions of intensive thermo-ion flows formation were determined.Досліджуються умови формування динамічних структур, що прискорюють, типу подвійний шар на фронті термоіонної плазми. Плазма створювалася шляхом термічного випаровування з подальшою іонізацією матеріалу під впливом інтенсивного електронного пучка. Показано, що в міру утворення термоіонної плазми, формується подвійний електричний шар об'ємного заряду (ПШ), в якому відбувається прискорення іонів (термоіонів) матеріалу, який випаровується з подальшим можливим осадженням на підкладці. Визначені умови формування інтенсивних термоіонних потоків.Исследуются условия формирования динамических ускоряющих структур типа двойной слой на фронте термоионной плазмы. Плазма создавалась путем термического испарения с последующей ионизацией материала под воздействием интенсивного электронного пучка. Показано, что по мере образования термоионной плазмы, формируется двойной электрический слой объемного заряда (ДС), в котором происходит ускорение ионов испаряемого материала (термоионов) с последующим возможным осаждением на подложке. Определены условия формирования интенсивных термоионных потоков

    Dynamics and directions of extreme ultraviolet radiation from plasma of the high-current pulse diode

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    The time behavior and orientation of radiation in the range of wavelengths 12.2…15.8 nm, which is generated in the high-current impulse plasma diode, working on tin vapor, are investigated in this paper. It is shown, that the intensive radiation in this range arises at an inductive stage of the discharge, it is multi-peak (τpulse~ 200 ns) and the near anode area is the region of its generation. The intensity and primary orientation of radiation depend on a discharge voltage and are various for different peaks.Досліджуються часові характеристики і спрямованість випромінювання в діапазоні довжини хвиль 12,2...15,8 нм, що генерується в сильнострумовому імпульсному плазмовому діоді, який працює на парах олова. Показано, що інтенсивне випромінювання в цьому діапазоні виникає на індуктивній стадій розряду, носить багатопіковий характер (τімп~ 200 нс), і зоною генерацій служить прианодна плазма. Інтенсивність і переважна спрямованість випромінювання залежить від розрядної напруги і відмінна для різних піків.Исследуются временные характеристики и направленность излучения в диапазоне длин волн 12,2…15,8 нм, которое генерируется в сильноточном импульсном плазменном диоде, работающем на парах олова. Показано, что интенсивное излучение в этом диапазоне возникает на индуктивной стадии разряда, носит многопиковый характер (τимп~ 200 нс), и зоной генерации служит прианодная плазма. Интенсивность и преимущественная направленность излучения зависит от разрядного напряжения и различна для разных пиков

    Partial wave analysiss of pbar-p -> piminus-piplus, pizero-pizero, eta-eta and eta-etaprime

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    A partial wave analysis is presented of Crystal Barrel data on pbar-p -> pizero-pizero, eta-eta and eta-etaprime from 600 to 1940 MeV/c, combined with earlier data on d\sigma /d\Omega and P for pbar-p->piminus-piplus. The following s-channel I=0 resonances are identified: (i) J^{PC} = 5^{--} with mass and width (M,\Gamma) at (2295+-30,235^{+65}_{-40}) MeV, (ii) J^{PC} = 4^{++} at (2020+-12, 170+-15) MeV and (2300+-25, 270+-50) MeV, (iii) 3D3 JPC = 3^{--} at (1960+-15, 150+-25) MeV and (2210+-4$, 360+-55) MeV, and a 3G3 state at (2300 ^{+50}_{-80}, 340+-150) MeV, (iv) JPC = 2^{++} at (1910+-30, 260+-40) MeV, (2020+-30, 275+-35) MeV, (2230+-30, 245+-45) MeV, and (2300+-35, 290+-50) MeV, (v) JPC = 1^{--} at (2005+-40, 275+-75) MeV, and (2165+-40, 160 ^{+140}_{-70}) MeV, and (vi) JPC = 0^{++} at (2005+-30, 305+-50) MeV, (2105+-15, 200+-25) MeV, and (2320+-30, 175+-45) MeV. In addition, there is a less well defined 6^{++} resonance at 2485+-40 MeV, with Gamma = 410+-90 MeV. For every JP, almost all these resonances lie on well defined linear trajectories of mass squared v. excitation number. The slope is 1.10+-0.03 Gev^2 per excitation. The f_0(2105) has strong coupling to eta-\eta, but much weaker coupling to pizero-pizero. Its flavour mixing angle between q-qbar and s-sbar is (59-71.6)deg, i.e. dominant decays to s-sbar. Such decays and its strong production in pbar-p interactions strongly suggest exotic character.Comment: Makes available the combined fit to Crystal Barrel data on pbar-p -> 2-body final states. 29 pages, 11 figures. Typo corrected in version

    Transverse spin effects in hadron-pair production from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering

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    First measurements of azimuthal asymmetries in hadron-pair production in deep-inelastic scattering of muons on transversely polarised ^6LiD (deuteron) and NH_3 (proton) targets are presented. The data were taken in the years 2002-2004 and 2007 with the COMPASS spectrometer using a muon beam of 160 GeV/c at the CERN SPS. The asymmetries provide access to the transversity distribution functions, without involving the Collins effect as in single hadron production. The sizeable asymmetries measured on the NH_ target indicate non-vanishing u-quark transversity and two-hadron interference fragmentation functions. The small asymmetries measured on the ^6LiD target can be interpreted as indication for a cancellation of u- and d-quark transversities.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, updated to the published versio

    The Spin-dependent Structure Function of the Proton g_1^p and a Test of the Bjorken Sum Rule

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    The inclusive double-spin asymmetry, A_1^p, has been measured at COMPASS in deepinelastic polarised muon scattering off a large polarised NH3 target. The data, collected in the year 2007, cover the range Q2 > 1 (GeV/c)^2, 0.004 < x < 0.7 and improve the statistical precision of g_1^p(x) by a factor of two in the region x < 0.02. The new proton asymmetries are combined with those previously published for the deuteron to extract the non-singlet spin-dependent structure function g_1^NS(x,Q2). The isovector quark density, Delta_q_3(x,Q2), is evaluated from a NLO QCD fit of g_1^NS. The first moment of Delta_q3 is in good agreement with the value predicted by the Bjorken sum rule and corresponds to a ratio of the axial and vector coupling constants g_A/g_V = 1.28+-0.07(stat)+-0.10(syst).Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Measurement of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries on transversely polarised protons

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    The Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged hadrons produced in deeply inelastic scattering on transversely polarised protons have been extracted from the data collected in 2007 with the CERN SPS muon beam tuned at 160 GeV/c. At large values of the Bjorken x variable non-zero Collins asymmetries are observed both for positive and negative hadrons while the Sivers asymmetry for positive hadrons is slightly positive over almost all the measured x range. These results nicely support the present theoretical interpretation of these asymmetries, in terms of leading-twist quark distribution and fragmentation functions.Comment: 9 Pages, 5 figure

    Leading order determination of the gluon polarisation from DIS events with high-p_T hadron pairs

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    We present a determination of the gluon polarisation Delta g/g in the nucleon, based on the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry of DIS events with a pair of large transverse-momentum hadrons in the final state. The data were obtained by the COMPASS experiment at CERN using a 160 GeV/c polarised muon beam scattering off a polarised ^6LiD target. The gluon polarisation is evaluated by a Neural Network approach for three intervals of the gluon momentum fraction x_g covering the range 0.04 < x_g < 0.27. The values obtained at leading order in QCD do not show any significant dependence on x_g. Their average is Delta g/g = 0.125 +/- 0.060 (stat.) +/- 0.063 (syst.) at x_g=0.09 and a scale of mu^2 = 3 (GeV/c)^2.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures and 3 table

    Experimental investigation of transverse spin asymmetries in muon-p SIDIS processes: Collins asymmetries

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    The COMPASS Collaboration at CERN has measured the transverse spin azimuthal asymmetry of charged hadrons produced in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering using a 160 GeV positive muon beam and a transversely polarised NH_3 target. The Collins asymmetry of the proton was extracted in the Bjorken x range 0.003<x<0.7. These new measurements confirm with higher accuracy previous measurements from the COMPASS and HERMES collaborations, which exhibit a definite effect in the valence quark region. The asymmetries for negative and positive hadrons are similar in magnitude and opposite in sign. They are compatible with model calculations in which the u-quark transversity is opposite in sign and somewhat larger than the d-quark transversity distribution function. The asymmetry is extracted as a function of Bjorken xx, the relative hadron energy zz and the hadron transverse momentum p_T^h. The high statistics and quality of the data also allow for more detailed investigations of the dependence on the kinematic variables. These studies confirm the leading-twist nature of the Collins asymmetry.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Quark helicity distributions from longitudinal spin asymmetries in muon-proton and muon-deuteron scattering

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    Double-spin asymmetries for production of charged pions and kaons in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic muon scattering have been measured by the COMPASS experiment at CERN. The data, obtained by scattering a 160 GeV muon beam off a longitudinally polarised NH_3 target, cover a range of the Bjorken variable x between 0.004 and 0.7. A leading order evaluation of the helicity distributions for the three lightest quarks and antiquark flavours derived from these asymmetries and from our previous deuteron data is presented. The resulting values of the sea quark distributions are small and do not show any sizable dependence on x in the range of the measurements. No significant difference is observed between the strange and antistrange helicity distributions, both compatible with zero. The integrated value of the flavour asymmetry of the helicity distribution of the light-quark sea, \Delta u-bar - \Delta d-bar, is found to be slightly positive, about 1.5 standard deviations away from zero.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Exclusive rho^0 muoproduction on transversely polarised protons and deuterons

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    The transverse target spin azimuthal asymmetry A_UT in hard exclusive production of rho^0 mesons was measured at COMPASS by scattering 160 GeV/c muons off transversely polarised protons and deuterons. The measured asymmetry is sensitive to the nucleon helicity-flip generalised parton distributions E^q, which are related to the orbital angular momentum of quarks in the nucleon. The Q^2, x_B and p_t^2 dependence of A_UT is presented in a wide kinematic range. Results for deuterons are obtained for the first time. The measured asymmetry is small in the whole kinematic range for both protons and deuterons, which is consistent with the theoretical interpretation that contributions from GPDs E^u and E^d approximately cancel.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures and 4 tables, updated author lis