917 research outputs found

    A justiça das vítimas: fundamento ético e perspectiva hermenêutica

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    Este trabalho pretende realizar uma reflexão crítica sobre o sentido moderno da justiça procedimental, desenvolvendo uma nova hermenêutica da justiça a partir da alteridade das vítima

    Las paradojas de la ética y el derecho: la hermenéutica y sus efectos de poder

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    Trata dos paradoxos existentes entre a ética e o direito, analisando-os em face da hermenêutica jurídica, tendo em vista a construção do discurso sobre a propriedade privada, especificamente no que tange à terra, ponderando sobre o seu valor ético, a interpretação jurídica e as diversas relações de poder

    Archaeology of human mimesis. The paradoxical condition of imitative action

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    Este ensayo presenta un análisis arqueo-genealógico de la mímēsis humana en dos momentos: en su arkhē pre-socrático y en la interpretación platónica de la misma. El mismo desarrolla la tesis de que la mímēsis es una facultad humana atravesada por la condición paradójica a partir de la cual es factible su instrumentalización alienante de las conciencias, pero también su uso creativo para producir diferencias de lo semejante y semejanzas de lo diferente. la condición paradójica impide el reduccionismo de la mímēsis a una única perspectiva. Se concluye el ensayo con algunos desdoblamientos críticos del carácter paradójico de la mímēsis en nuestro presente.This paper presents an archaeological analysis of human mimesis in two stages: in the pre-Socratic arkhē and Platonic interpretation of it. the proposition of this paper is that mimesis is a human faculty crossed by the paradoxical condition from which it is possible to alienate and manipulate the consciences, but also is possible the creative use to produce the differences of similar and similarities of the different. the paradoxical condition prevents the reductionism of mimesis to a single perspective. this paper concluded with some critics references about the paradoxical nature of mimesis in our present

    Un nuevo hallazgo de moneda bizantina en "Malaca" (Málaga): El conjunto monetario de calle Cañón-Postigo de los Abades

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    Al igual que otros períodos mal documentados de la historia de la ciudad, la Malaca tardoantigua es hoy, por fortuna, mucho mejor conocida. Ello, en parte, es una lógica y feliz consecuencia del notable impulso que han recibido los estudios sobre la antigu?edad tardía de Hispania, en los que la siempre valiosa contribución de las fuentes literarias se ve complementada con la decisiva aportación de la Arqueología (Ramallo, Vizcaino 2002). La moneda, en su condiciónde singular objeto arqueológico, tiene una especial cabida enestos estudios

    Effects of exercise in addition to a family-based lifestyle intervention program on hepatic fat in children with overweight

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    ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT02258126Background: Paediatric hepatic steatosis is highly prevalent and closely related to type 2 diabetes. Aims: To determine whether the addition of supervised exercise to a family-based lifestyle- and psycho-educational intervention results in greater reduction of percentage hepatic fat (HF), adiposity, and cardiometabolic risk factors in children with overweight/obesity. Methods: The study subjects of this non-randomized, two-arm, parallel design, clinical trial were 116 overweight/obese children (10.6±1.1 years, 53.4% girls) living in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain). For 22 weeks they followed either a lifestyle- and psycho-education program (control intervention [CI], N=57), consisting of two family-based education sessions/month, or the same plus supervised exercise (intensive intervention [II], N=59) focused mainly on high-intensity aerobic workouts (3 sessions/week, 90 min/session). The primary outcome was the change in percentage HF (as measured by MRI) between baseline and the end of the intervention period. Secondary outcomes included changes in body mass index (BMI), fat mass index (FMI), abdominal fat (measured by dual-X-ray-absorptiometry), blood pressure, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, gamma-glutammyl-transferase, glucose and insulin concentrations. Results: A total of 102 children completed the trial (N=53 and N=49 in the CI and II groups, respectively). Percentage HF decreased only in the II group (-1.20±0.31% vs. 0.04±0.30%, II and CI, respectively), regardless of baseline value and any change in adiposity (P<0.01). BMI, FMI, abdominal fat (P≤0.001) and insulin (P<0.05) were reduced in both groups. Conclusions: Multicomponent intervention programs that include exercise training may help reduce, adiposity, insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis in overweight/obese children.Spanish Ministry of Health "Fondos de Investigation Sanitaria del Institute de Salud Carlos III" PI13/01335Spanish Ministry of Industry and Competitiveness DEP2016-78377-REU Fondos Estructurales de la Union Europea (FEDER) funds ("Una manera de hacer Europa")Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports FPU14/03329Education Department of the Government of the Basque Country PRE_2016_1_0057 PRE_2017_2_0224 PRE_2018_2_0057University of Granada Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016-Excellence actions: Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades (FEDER) SOMM17/6107/UG

    Estudio de los Portafolios en el Practicum: An álisis de un PLE - Portafolio

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    The specialized literature agrees to notice that even existing some conditions, it is not a generalized methodology at universities. In the new grades and knowledge areas is found the subject of external practices that would be able to show conditions for using the portfolios. Whereas, there are some questions in the educational area: What conditions exist for the use of the portfolios in the Practicum of the education grades in Spain? What level of utilization are evident? What problems of understanding, the students express about the documentation of evidences in portfolios? The research performs a mixed methodology: a first quantitative study with descriptive methodology, interview to 31 coordinators of Practicum of all grades in 10 (20%) Faculty of Education, along with a qualitative study and content analysis of 256 Practicum guides of all grades of 36 (72%) Faculties of Education of public universities in Spain. A second case study, perform a content analysis of 592 annotations of 212 students to show and evaluate the evidences in ePortfolios of the Practicum of the degree of Pedagogy. The results reveal that there are 11 students per tutor 2,88h medium for tutoring and assess ePortfolios. Being mail (between 37.77% and 46.66%) followed by the platforms most used technologies. The eRúbricas and video annotations help document the evidence, however, students still show difficulties in some competencesFunded by Spanish Plan of R+D+i Excellence (2014-16) No. EDU2013-41974P. Project entitled: “Study of the Impact of Federated eRubrics on Assessing Competences in the Practicum”. http://goo.gl/u07aN

    Effects of a Family-Based Lifestyle Intervention Plus Supervised Exercise Training on Abdominal Fat Depots in Children With Overweight or Obesity. A Secondary Analysis of a Nonrandomized Clinical Trial

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    IMPORTANCE Excess abdominal fat is a major determinant in the development of insulin resistance and other metabolic disorders. Increased visceral adipose tissue (VAT) seems to precede the development of insulin resistance and is therefore a prime target of childhood lifestyle interventions aimed at preventing diabetes. OBJECTIVES To examine the effect of added exercise to a family-based lifestyle intervention program designed to reduce VAT plus subcutaneous (ASAT), intermuscular (IMAAT), and pancreatic (PAT) adipose tissue in children with overweight or obesity and to explore the effect of changes in VAT on insulin resistance. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This 2-group, parallel-design clinical trial was conducted in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. A total of 116 children with overweight or obesity participated and were assigned to a 22-week family-based lifestyle program (control group [n = 57]) or the same program plus an exercise intervention (exercise group [n = 59]). Data were collected between September 1, 2014, and June 30, 2017, and imaging processing for fat depot assessments and data analysis were performed between May 1, 2019, and February 12, 2021. INTERVENTIONS The compared interventions consisted of a family-based lifestyle and psychoeducation program (two 90-minute sessions per month) and the same program plus supervised exercise (three 90-minute sessions per week). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome of this study was the change in VAT between baseline and 22 weeks as estimated by magnetic resonance imaging. The secondary outcomes were changes in ASAT, IMAAT, and PAT. The effect of changes in VAT area on insulin resistance was also recorded. RESULTS The 116 participants included in the analysis (62 girls [53.4%]) had a mean (SD) age of 10.6 (1.1) years, and 67 (57.8%) presented with obesity. Significantly greater reductionswere recorded for the exercise group in terms of reduction in VAT (−18.1%vs −8.5%for the control group; P = .004), ASAT (−9.9%vs −3.0%; P = .001), and IMAAT (−6.0%vs −2.6%; P = .02) fat fractions compared with the control group. Changes in VAT explained 87.6%of the improvement seen in insulin resistance (β = −0.102 [95%CI, −0.230 to −0.002]). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE These findings suggest that the addition of exercise to a lifestyle intervention program substantially enhanced the positive effects on abdominal fat depots in children with overweight or obesity. In addition, the reduction in VAT seemed to largely mediate the improvement of insulin sensitivity. These results highlight the importance of including exercise as part of lifestyle therapies aimed at treating childhood obesity and preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.Spanish Ministry of Health's Fondos de Investigacion Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI13/01335 Spanish Government DEP2016-78377European Commission 0011-1365-2019-000085Regional Government of Navarra's Department of Economic Development - ERDF Government of Navarra's Department of Health 47/2021Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Spanish Government FJC2018-037925-IMarie Sklodowska Curie 101028929 European CommissionEducation Department of the Government of the Basque Country BES-2017-080770 PRE_2016_1_0057 PRE_2017_2_0224 PRE_2018_2_0057 PRE_2019_2_0004Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades, ERDF SOMM17/6107/UG

    Validez y fiabilidad del test de correr-caminar 1/4 de milla en niños y adolescentes físicamente activos

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    We investigated the criterion-related validity and the reliability of the 1/4 mile run-walk test (MRWT) in children and adolescents. A total of 86 children (n=42 girls) completed a maximal graded treadmill test using a gas analyzer and the 1/4MRW test. We investigated the test-retest reliability of the 1/4MRWT in a different group of children and adolescents (n=995, n=418 girls). The 1/4MRWT time, sex, and BMI significantly contributed to predict measured VO2peak (R2= 0.32). There was no systematic bias in the cross-validation group (P>0.1). The root mean sum of squared errors (RMSE) and the percentage error were 6.9 ml/kg/min and 17.7%, respectively, and the accurate prediction (i.e. the percentage of estimations within ±4.5 ml/kg/min of VO2peak) was 48.8%. The reliability analysis showed that the mean inter-trial difference ranged from 0.6 seconds in children aged 6-11 years to 1.3 seconds in adolescents aged 12-17 years (all P<0.001). In conclusion, the present study shows that the criterion-related validity of the 1/4MRW test is relatively low in the sample of children and adolescents studied. Beside the statistical significance, the reliability of the 1/4MRWT was considered acceptable, i.e. mean difference between tests ranged from half second to one second.El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la validez de criterio y la fiabilidad del test de correr-caminar 1/4 de milla en jóvenes. Participaron un total de 86 jóvenes (42 niñas). Los participantes realizaron un test máximo en tapiz rodante para determinar el consumo de oxígeno pico (VO2pico), así como el test de correr-caminar 1/4 de milla. La fiabilidad test-retest se estudió en un grupo distinto de jóvenes (n=995, n=418 niñas). El tiemplo empleado en realizar el test de correr-caminar 1/4 de milla, el sexo, y el índice de masa corporal contribuyeron de forma significativa a predecir el VO2pico (R2= 0.32). No se observó diferencia sistemática en el grupo de cross-validación (P>0.1). La suma de los errores al cuadrado fue de 6.9 ml/kg/min y el porcentaje de error fue del 17.7%. El porcentaje de estimaciones entre un ±4.5 ml/kg/min del VO2pico fue del 58.8%. El análisis de fiabilidad mostró que la diferencia entre test osciló entre 0.6 segundos en niños de 6-11 años a 1.3 segundo en adolescentes de 12-17 años (todos P<0.001). En conclusión, el presente estudio muestra que la validez de criterio del test de correr-caminar 1/4 de milla es baja en los jóvenes estudiados. La fiabilidad fue sin embargo aceptable.The study was funded by Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte, Junta de Andalucía, Orden 4/02/05, BOJA nº 37 (Ref. JA-CTD2005-01) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2010-05957, RYC-2011-09011)

    Extracurricular Program for Girls to Improve Competencies and Self-Concept in Science and Technology

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    The gender gap in STEM areas is still a reality that constitutes a global concern. Many initiatives have sought to strengthen the scientific-technological aspirations of girls, among them extracurricular programs such as the one we present here. Its design is based on the available scientific evidence to promote female interest and self-concept in those areas. In this study, we analyze the impact of the extracurricular activities on the development of competencies and perceptive selfevaluation skills among eight girls aged between 8 and 11 years old regarding science and technology. The results showed the effectiveness of the extracurricular activities both for the development of skills and for the improvement of levels of self-concept, interest, and participation, which leads us to highlight the need to promote initiatives of this sort in order to overcome gender stereotypes and to achieve equality.This research was funded by Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, grant number FCT-19-15075