49 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian mengenai kesalahan mahasiswa dalam menggunakan Jouken Hyougen ~ba, ~nara, ~tara dan ~to. Penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat kesalahan apa yang sering muncul dan mencari penyebab terjadinya kesalahan pada mahasiswa tingkat III tahun akademik 2016/2017 Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia dalam menggunakan Jouken Hyougen. Penulis menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah tes pilihan ganda, tes penerjemahan (Indonesia-Jepang, Jepang-Indonesia), tes benar salah dan wawancara untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kesalahan pembelajar dalam penggunaan Jouken Hyougen dalam bahasa Jepang. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 39 orang mahasiswa tingkat III tahun akademik 2016/2017 Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia dengan menggunakan teknik random. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa jenis kesalahan yang sering muncul pada mahasiswa dalam menggunakan jouken hyougen yaitu penggunaan ~tara berikutnya diikuti penggunaan ~to lalu penggunaan ~ba dan ~nara dengan 5 faktor penyebab kesalahan yaitu language transfer, incomplete application of rules, ignorance of rule restrictions dan flase concepts hypothesize.----------This research is about the analisis of error regarding the use of Joken Hyougen ~ba, ~nara, ~tara dan ~to. Purposing to know error of using on jouken hyogen in the third year student on Indonesia Educating Universty. The writer use a descriptiv research and doing some tasking about quality anlisys. this research is maintaining of optional test, translating test, (ina-jpn jpn - ina,) true or false test, and interview for describing how many error that the students doing about using jouken hyogen in Japan language. A sample from this research containing at lest 39 students on the third year. Based on research result, shows that kind of mist who did by the students which is, ~tara after that ~to and then ~ba and ~nara , they have 5 reason to do those error , language transfer, incomplete application of rules, ignorance of rule restrictions dan flase concepts hypothesize

    Cutaneous Sinus Tract of Odontogenic Origin – A Misdiagnosed Lesion: Report of two cases

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    Svrha je ovog članka potaknuti raspravu o dvama slučajevima ekstraoralne fistule odontogenog podrijetla s naglaskom na dijagnosticiranje i liječenje. Inače, ekstraoralna kožna fistula rijetka je, ali dobro dokumentirana u literaturi. Vrlo se često pogrešno dijagnosticira kao lokalna kožna lezija, pa se i pogrešno liječi multiplim kirurškim ekscizijama i/ili sistemskim antibioticima, no ponovno se pojavljuje. To se događa zato što se zanemaruje primarna etiologija odontogenog podrijetla. U oba opisana slučaja pacijenti su naveli da pate od bolova i da imaju gnojni/krvavi iscjedak iz lezije. Klinički pregled i radiološka obrada pokazali su zahvaćene zube s periapikalnom lezijom. Nekirurški endodontski tretman bio je metoda izbora u prvom slučaju. U drugom je bila prijeko potrebna kirurška intervencija. Oba pacijenta reagirala su povoljno na terapiju i nisu imali nuspojave. Razumijevanje patogeneze kožnih fistula nastalih od odontogenih infekcija pomoći će da se što ranije postavi dijagnoza i omogućii uspješno liječenje.The aim of the present article was to discuss two different case reports of the extra-oral odontogenic cutaneous sinus tracts with emphasis on their diagnoses and treatment plans. Odontogenic cutaneous sinus is a rare but well documented condition. It is usually misdiagnosed as a local skin lesion and mistreated by multiple surgical excisions and/or systemic antibiotics with eventual recurrence. This is because the primary dental etiology is overlooked. We have described two cases of extraoral cutaneous sinus tract of an odontogenic origin. In both cases there were complaints of pain and purulent/hemorrhagic discharge from the lesions. Clinical and radiological examination showed inactive teeth, which were infected periapically in both cases. Non-surgical endodontic treatment was successful in Case 1. Surgical intervention was performed in Case 2. Both patients responded well and healing was uneventful. An understanding of the pathogenesis of cutaneous sinus tract arising from dental infection will lead to proper early diagnosis and successful treatment

    Analisis Ketimpangan Pendidikan pada Masa Covid-19 di Nagari Sisawah Kabupaten Sijunjung

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    The focus of this study is generally analyzing educational inequality in rural or rural areas during COVID-19. Specifically analyze the factors of educational inequality and solutions to overcome the educational inequality of rural areas or the mass country of COVID-19. Research attachment using qualitative research, data collection methods are facilitated from participant observation, in-depth interviews and document data collection. The results of this study showed the factors that caused the inequality of Education in Nagari Sisawah Sijunjung Regency during the Covid-19 period was a). condition of Nagari Sisawah area located in depth, b). Nagari Sisawah is one of the areas that are not reachable by cellular networks and internet networks making it difficult for students to learn online, c). Not all children have school support equipment or media or online lectures, d). The difficulty of determining learning methods for children who attend school in Nagari Sisawah. Solutions to overcome education inequality in Nagari Sisawah Sijunjung district are analyzed from solutions provided by the government, schools and parents who synergize to alleviate educational inequality in Nagari Sisawah during the Covid-19 pandemic so that education continues to be carried out and running well.  Indonesia mengalami tekanan akibat bencana Covid-19. Ancaman yang terjadi mengakibatkan terganggunya aktivitas dari segala sektor kehidupan terutama pada sektor pendidikan. Sektor pendidikan diharuskan untuk melakukan pembelajaran secara daring. Fokus penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor ketimpangan pendidikan pada masa Covid-19 di Nagari Sisawah Kabupaten Sijunjung dan solusi mengatasi ketimpangan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dimulai dari observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Analisis data diawali dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penjayian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya ketimpangan adalah: 1) Kondisi wilayah Nagari Sisawah yang terletak dipedalaman. 2) Nagari Sisawah merupakan salah satu daerah yang tidak terjangkau jaringan seluler dan jaringan internet, sehingga menyulitkan siswa untuk belajar daring. 3) Tidak semua anak memiliki peralatan atau media penunjang sekolah atau kuliah daring. 4) Sulitnya menentukan metode pembelajaran untuk anak-anak yang bersekolah di dalam Nagari Sisawah. Dari temuan tersebut, solusi untuk mengatasi ketimpangan yaitu melakukan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak terutama pihak pemerintah, sekolah dan orangtua untuk peningkatan kualitas pendidikan. Disamping itu, melakukan kolaborasi yang tidak hanya pada level lokal melainkan level global. &nbsp

    A scoping review of root canal revascularization: relevant aspects for clinical success and tissue formation

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    The aim of this scoping study was to evaluate the survival rate and nature of tissue formed inside root canals of human immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps (NIPT) under root canal revascularization (RCR). The search was performed in SciVerse Scopus®, PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science®, BIREME and in the grey literature up to November 2015. The keywords were selected using MeSH terms and DECs. Two independent reviewers scrutinized the records obtained considering specific inclusion criteria. The included studies were evaluated in accordance with a modified Arksey and Oâ Malley’s framework. From 375 studies that were evaluated, 75 were included. A total of 367 NIPT were submitted to RCR, from which only 21 needed further endodontic treatment. The weighted mean followâ up time was 17.6 months. The data were derived mainly from case reports (69%) or small case series (15%). NaOCl [0.5â 6%] was applied as the disinfecting solution in almost all studies. Triple antibiotic paste was as effective as Ca(OH)2 as on intracanal medicament. De novo tissue was cementum and poorly mineralized bone positive to bone sialoprotein (BSP) but negative to dentine sialoprotein (DSP). Failures were associated mainly with reinfection of the root canal. The majority of included studies reported a significant increase in both root length and width. However, as most of these data came from case reports, they must be interpreted with care, as most were focused on treatment successes (not failures). Therefore, wellâ designed randomized controlled trials comparing RCR with available apexification treatments are needed to address this gap in the literature.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138223/1/iej12711.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138223/2/iej12711_am.pd

    Biomaterials and implants for orbital floor repair

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    Aspek hukum pengaturan hak cipta atas pencipta dan ciptaan lagu minang

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    viii.; 134 hal.; ill.; 19 c

    Cutaneous Basal Cell Carcinoma Arising in Odontogenic Cutaneous Fistula

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    This study focused on the Implementation of Character Education by History Teachers The purpose of the study was to describe describing the implementation of character education and describing the obstacles faced by history teachers in the implementation of character education. The type of research used is qualitative analysis. The results of the study show: 1) The implementation of character education assigns tasks to students, gives direction, to be honest in doing assignments, cooperates together to clean each other, 2) Teacher constraints in carrying out character education there are still students who do not attend congregational prayers and throw trash carelessly, students do not do assignments, cheat when testing, not confidence when told to read the results of the discussion in front of the class, still behave poorly to friends and still argue the results of the discussion by maintaining opinions own. It can be concluded that the implementation of character education by history teachers has been carried out but there are many obstacles in its implementation.

    Radix-2 CORDIC Method with Constant Scale Factor

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    ABSTRACT: There are various simple hardware-efficient algorithms exist which can be used to increase speed while performing the desired signal processing tasks. One such simple and hardware-efficient algorithm is CORDIC which uses only Shift-and-Add arithmetic with table Look-Up to implement different functions. It can be used to efficiently implement Trigonometric and other functions. In this paper we present the conventional unrolled CORDIC architecture. The processor is designed using Verilog HDL using a structured coding method, simulated using ISIM simulator and implemented using Xilinx 14.2 FPGA synthesis Tool for 16 and 32 bit conventional radix-2 CORDIC architectures. The output of the CORDIC architectures are analyzed and verified, and compared with the actual values obtained from MATLAB