97 research outputs found

    Predicting dengue fever outbreaks in French Guiana using climate indicators

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    Background Dengue fever epidemic dynamics are driven by complex interactions between hosts, vectors and viruses. Associations between climate and dengue have been studied around the world, but the results have shown that the impact of the climate can vary widely from one study site to another. In French Guiana, climate-based models are not available to assist in developing an early warning system. This study aims to evaluate the potential of using oceanic and atmospheric conditions to help predict dengue fever outbreaks in French Guiana. Methodology/Principal Findings Lagged correlations and composite analyses were performed to identify the climatic conditions that characterized a typical epidemic year and to define the best indices for predicting dengue fever outbreaks during the period 1991-2013. A logistic regression was then performed to build a forecast model. We demonstrate that a model based on summer Equatorial Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures and Azores High sea-level pressure had predictive value and was able to predict 80% of the outbreaks while incorrectly predicting only 15% of the non-epidemic years. Predictions for 2014-2015 were consistent with the observed non-epidemic conditions, and an outbreak in early 2016 was predicted. Conclusions/Significance These findings indicate that outbreak resurgence can be modeled using a simple combination of climate indicators. This might be useful for anticipating public health actions to mitigate the effects of major outbreaks, particularly in areas where resources are limited and medical infrastructures are generally insufficient

    Association analysis of PRNP gene region with chronic wasting disease in Rocky Mountain elk

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) of cervids including white-tailed (<it>Odocoileus virginianus</it>) and mule deer (<it>Odocoileus hemionus</it>), Rocky Mountain elk (<it>Cervus elaphus nelsoni</it>), and moose (<it>Alces alces</it>). A leucine variant at position 132 (132L) in prion protein of Rocky Mountain elk confers a long incubation time with CWD, but not complete resistance. However, variants in regulatory regions outside the open reading frame of <it>PRNP </it>have been associated with varying degrees of susceptibility to prion disease in other species, and some variants have been observed in similar regions of Rocky Mountain elk <it>PRNP</it>. Thus, additional genetic variants might provide increased protection, either alone or in combination with 132L.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>This study provided genomic sequence of all exons for <it>PRNP </it>of Rocky Mountain elk. Many functional sites in and around the <it>PRNP </it>gene region were sequenced, and this report approximately doubled (to 75) the number of known variants in this region. A haplotype-tagging approach was used to reduce the number of genetic variants required to survey this variation in the <it>PRNP </it>gene region of 559 Rocky Mountain elk. Eight haplotypes were observed with frequencies over 1.0%, and one haplotype was present at 71.2% frequency, reflecting limited genetic diversity in the <it>PRNP </it>gene region.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The presence of 132L cut odds of CWD by more than half (Odds Ratio = 0.43; P = 0.0031), which was similar to a previous report. However after accounting for 132L, no association with CWD was found for any additional variants in the <it>PRNP </it>region (P > 0.05).</p

    Prion Protein Modulates Cellular Iron Uptake: A Novel Function with Implications for Prion Disease Pathogenesis

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    Converging evidence leaves little doubt that a change in the conformation of prion protein (PrPC) from a mainly α-helical to a β-sheet rich PrP-scrapie (PrPSc) form is the main event responsible for prion disease associated neurotoxicity. However, neither the mechanism of toxicity by PrPSc, nor the normal function of PrPC is entirely clear. Recent reports suggest that imbalance of iron homeostasis is a common feature of prion infected cells and mouse models, implicating redox-iron in prion disease pathogenesis. In this report, we provide evidence that PrPC mediates cellular iron uptake and transport, and mutant PrP forms alter cellular iron levels differentially. Using human neuroblastoma cells as models, we demonstrate that over-expression of PrPC increases intra-cellular iron relative to non-transfected controls as indicated by an increase in total cellular iron, the cellular labile iron pool (LIP), and iron content of ferritin. As a result, the levels of iron uptake proteins transferrin (Tf) and transferrin receptor (TfR) are decreased, and expression of iron storage protein ferritin is increased. The positive effect of PrPC on ferritin iron content is enhanced by stimulating PrPC endocytosis, and reversed by cross-linking PrPC on the plasma membrane. Expression of mutant PrP forms lacking the octapeptide-repeats, the membrane anchor, or carrying the pathogenic mutation PrP102L decreases ferritin iron content significantly relative to PrPC expressing cells, but the effect on cellular LIP and levels of Tf, TfR, and ferritin is complex, varying with the mutation. Neither PrPC nor the mutant PrP forms influence the rate or amount of iron released into the medium, suggesting a functional role for PrPC in cellular iron uptake and transport to ferritin, and dysfunction of PrPC as a significant contributing factor of brain iron imbalance in prion disorders

    Involvement of VDAC, Bax and Ceramides in the Efflux of AIF from Mitochondria during Curcumin-Induced Apoptosis

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    Contains fulltext : 80085.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: We previously identified curcumin as a potent inducer of fibroblast apoptosis, which could be used to treat hypertrophic scar formation. Here we investigated the underlying mechanism of this process. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Curcumin-induced apoptosis could not be blocked by caspase-inhibitors and we could not detect any caspase-3/7 activity. Curcumin predominantly induced mitochondria-mediated ROS formation and stimulated the expression of the redox-sensitive pro-apoptotic factor p53. Inhibition of the pro-apoptotic signaling enzyme glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta) blocked curcumin-induced apoptosis. Apoptosis was associated with high molecular weight DNA damage, a possible indicator of apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) activity. Indeed, curcumin caused nuclear translocation of AIF, which could be blocked by the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine. We next investigated how AIF is effluxed from mitochondria in more detail. The permeability transition pore complex (PTPC), of which the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) is a component, could be involved since the VDAC-inhibitor DIDS (4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid) efficiently blocked AIF translocation. However, PTPC is not involved in AIF release since cyclosporine A, a specific inhibitor of the complex did not block apoptosis. Alternatively, the pro-apoptotic protein Bax could have formed mitochondrial channels and interacted with VDAC. Curcumin caused mitochondrial translocation of Bax, which was blocked by DIDS, suggesting a Bax-VDAC interaction. Interestingly, ceramide channels can also release apoptogenic factors from mitochondria and we found that addition of ceramide induced caspase-independent apoptosis. Surprisingly, this process could also be blocked by DIDS, suggesting the concerted action of Bax, VDAC and ceramide in the efflux of AIF from the mitochondrion. CONCLUSIONS: Curcumin-induced fibroblast apoptosis is totally caspase-independent and relies on the mitochondrial formation of ROS and the subsequent nuclear translocation of AIF, which is released from a mitochondrial pore that involves VDAC, Bax and possibly ceramides. The composition of the AIF-releasing channel seems to be much more complex than previously thought

    West African Monsoon water cycle: 1. A hybrid water budget data set

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    International audienceThis study investigates the West African Monsoon water cycle with the help of a new hybrid water budget data set developed within the framework of the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses. Surface water and energy fluxes are estimated from an ensemble of land surface model simulations forced with elaborate precipitation and radiation products derived from satellite observations, while precipitable water tendencies are estimated from numerical weather prediction analyses. Vertically integrated atmospheric moisture flux convergence is estimated as a residual. This approach provides an advanced, comprehensive atmospheric water budget, including evapotranspiration, rainfall, and atmospheric moisture flux convergence, together with other surface fluxes such as runoff and net radiation. The annual mean and the seasonal cycle of the atmospheric water budget are presented and the couplings between budget terms are discussed for three climatologically distinct latitudinal bands between 6°N and 20°N. West Africa is shown to be alternatively a net source and sink region of atmospheric moisture, depending on the season (a source during the dry season and a sink during the wet season). Several limiting and controlling factors of the regional water cycle are highlighted, suggesting strong sensitivity to atmospheric dynamics and surface radiation. Some insight is also given into the underlying smaller-scale processes. The relationship between evapotranspiration and precipitation is shown to be very different between the Sahel and the regions more to the south and partly controlled by net surface radiation. Strong correlations are found between precipitation and moisture flux convergence over the whole region from daily to interannual time scales. Causality is also established between monthly mean anomalies. Hence, precipitation anomalies are preceded by moisture flux convergence anomalies and followed by moisture flux divergence and evapotranspiration anomalies. The results are discussed in comparison to other studies

    Conformational changes and protein stability of the pro-apoptotic protein Bax

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    Pro-apoptotic Bax is a soluble and monomeric protein under normal physiological conditions. Upon its activation substantial structural rearrangements occur: The protein inserts into the mitochondrial outer membrane and forms higher molecular weight oligomers. Subsequently, the cells can undergo apoptosis. In our studies, we focused on the structural rearrangements of Bax during oligomerization and on the protein stability. Both protein conformations exhibit high stability against thermal denaturation, chemically induced unfolding and proteolytic processing. The oligomeric protein is stable up to 90 °C as well as in solutions of 8 M urea or 6 M guanidinium hydrochloride. Helix 9 appears accessible in the monomer but hidden in the oligomer assessed by proteolysis. Tryptophan fluorescence indicates that the environment of the C-terminal protein half becomes more apolar upon oligomerization, whereas the loop region between helices 1 and 2 gets solvent exposed

    Paradoxical Role of Prion Protein Aggregates in Redox-Iron Induced Toxicity

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    Imbalance of iron homeostasis has been reported in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob-disease (sCJD) affected human and scrapie infected animal brains, but the contribution of this phenotype to disease associated neurotoxicity is unclear.Using cell models of familial prion disorders, we demonstrate that exposure of cells expressing normal prion protein (PrP(C)) or mutant PrP forms to a source of redox-iron induces aggregation of PrP(C) and specific mutant PrP forms. Initially this response is cytoprotective, but becomes increasingly toxic with time due to accumulation of PrP-ferritin aggregates. Mutant PrP forms that do not aggregate are not cytoprotective, and cells show signs of acute toxicity. Intracellular PrP-ferritin aggregates induce the expression of LC3-II, indicating stimulation of autophagy in these cells. Similar observations are noted in sCJD and scrapie infected hamster brains, lending credence to these results. Furthermore, phagocytosis of PrP-ferritin aggregates by astrocytes is cytoprotective, while culture in astrocyte conditioned medium (CM) shows no measurable effect. Exposure to H(2)O(2), on the other hand, does not cause aggregation of PrP, and cells show acute toxicity that is alleviated by CM.These observations suggest that aggregation of PrP in response to redox-iron is cytoprotective. However, subsequent co-aggregation of PrP with ferritin induces intracellular toxicity unless the aggregates are degraded by autophagosomes or phagocytosed by adjacent scavenger cells. H(2)O(2), on the other hand, does not cause aggregation of PrP, and induces toxicity through extra-cellular free radicals. Together with previous observations demonstrating imbalance of iron homeostasis in prion disease affected brains, these observations provide insight into the mechanism of neurotoxicity by redox-iron, and the role of PrP in this process

    Utilizing mitochondrial events as biomarkers for imaging apoptosis

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    Cells undergoing apoptosis show a plethora of time-dependent changes. The available tools for imaging apoptosis in live cells rely either on the detection of the activity of caspases, or on the visualization of exposure of phosphatidyl serine in the outer leaflet of the cell membrane. We report here a novel method for the detection of mitochondrial events during apoptosis, namely translocation of Bax to mitochondria and release of cytochrome c (Cyt c) using bimolecular fluorescence complementation. Expression of split yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fragments fused to Bax and Cyt c, resulted in robust induction of YFP fluorescence at the mitochondria of apoptotic cells with very low background. In vivo expression of split YFP protein fragments in liver hepatocytes and intra-vital imaging of subcutaneous tumor showed elevated YFP fluorescence upon apoptosis induction. Thus, YFP complementation could be applied for high-throughput screening and in vivo molecular imaging of mitochondrial events during apoptosis