547 research outputs found

    Depression-related difficulties disengaging from negative faces are associated with sustained attention to negative feedback during social evaluation and predict stress recovery

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    The present study aimed to clarify: 1) the presence of depression-related attention bias related to a social stressor, 2) its association with depression-related attention biases as measured under standard conditions, and 3) their association with impaired stress recovery in depression. A sample of 39 participants reporting a broad range of depression levels completed a standard eye-tracking paradigm in which they had to engage/disengage their gaze with/from emotional faces. Participants then underwent a stress induction (i.e., giving a speech), in which their eye movements to false emotional feedback were measured, and stress reactivity and recovery were assessed. Depression level was associated with longer times to engage/disengage attention with/from negative faces under standard conditions and with sustained attention to negative feedback during the speech. These depression-related biases were associated and mediated the association between depression level and self-reported stress recovery, predicting lower recovery from stress after giving the speech

    Associations between Social Support Dimensions and Resilience Factors and Pathways of Influence in Depression and Anxiety Rates in Young adults

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    Emerging adulthood is an important developmental period, associated to mental health risk. Resilience research points to both social and personal protective factors against development of psychopathology, but there is paucity with their comprehensive study in young adults. This study provides and initial integrative approach to model multiple dimensions of perceived social support (i.e., from family, friends, significant others) and personal factor of trait resilience (i.e., coping and persistence during stress, tolerance to negative affect, positive appraisals, trust) and their hypothesized contributions to reducing depression and anxiety rates. The study was conducted with a sample of 500 Spanish emerging adults (18 to 29 years old). Regression analyses and multiple mediation models were performed to test our hypotheses. Results showed that social support from family was the dimension with the highest strength relating individual differences in resilience. Furthermore, analyses supported a differential mediating role of specific resilience factors (coping and persistence during stress, tolerance to negative affect, positive appraisals, trust) in partially accounting for the association between higher social support from family and lower depression and anxiety levels in young adults. These results may inform new programs of mental health during emerging adulthood via the promotion of different sources of social support and their related resilience pathways contributing to low emotional symptomatology at this stage of development

    Identification of emotions in mixed disgusted-happy faces as a function of depressive symptom severity

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    Interpersonal difficulties are common in depression, but their underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood. The role of depression in the identification of mixed emotional signals with a direct interpersonal value remains unclear. The present study aimed to clarify this question. A sample of 39 individuals reporting a broad range of depression levels completed an emotion identification task where they viewed faces expressing three emotional categories (100% disgusted and 100% happy faces, as well as their morphed 50% disgusted - 50% happy exemplars). Participants were asked to identify the corresponding depicted emotion as "clearly disgusted", "mixed", or "clearly happy". Higher depression levels were associated with lower identification of positive emotions in 50% disgusted - 50% happy faces. The study was conducted with an analogue sample reporting individual differences in subclinical depression levels. Further research must replicate these findings in a clinical sample and clarify whether differential emotional identification patterns emerge in depression for different mixed negative-positive emotions (sad-happy vs. disgusted-happy). Depression may account for a lower bias to perceive positive states when ambiguous states from others include subtle signals of social threat (i.e., disgust), leading to an under-perception of positive social signals

    Repetitive Negative Thinking Processes Account for Gender Differences in Depression and Anxiety During Adolescence

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    Rumination and worry are vulnerability factors involved in the early development of depression and anxiety during adolescence, particularly in girls. Current views conceptualize rumination and worry as transdiagnostic forms of repetitive negative thinking (RNT). However, most of research has analyzed them separately, without considering gender differences. We analyzed common and specific roles of rumination and worry in accounting for depressive and anxiety symptom levels overall and as a function of gender in adolescents (N = 159). Rumination and worry items were loaded into separate RNT factors. Girls showed a higher use of rumination and worry and higher levels of depression and anxiety than boys. Structural equation modeling supported that both RNT factors accounted for gender differences in symptom levels: rumination was the strongest mediator for depression and worry the strongest mediator for anxiety. Our findings support both general and specific contributions of RNT to account for affective symptomatology during adolescence, particularly in girls

    Dietary level of fibre and age at weaning affect the proliferation of Clostridium perfrigens in the caecum, the incidence of Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy and the performance of fattening rabbits

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    An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary fibre content and weaning age on Clostridium perfringens proliferation in the caecum and fattening mortality in growing rabbits farmed in a facility having Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy. The experiment consisted in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with two weaning ages (28 days vs. 42 days) and two levels of dietary neutral detergent fibre assayed with a heat stable amylase and expressed exclusive of residual ash (aNDFom; 330 g/kg vs. 425 g/kg). Controls were made during two consecutive experimental periods that differed in hygienic environmental conditions by modifying the intensity of cleaning and disinfection in the farm previous to the trial. An interaction (P<0.001) was detected among the independent variables studied on Cl. perfringens enumeration in the caecal contents, as minimal values for this trait were obtained in non-medicated animals reared in a clean environment, and especially when they were weaned at a later age and fed the diet with the lower fibre content. The treatments studied also led to a variation in fattening mortality (from 4.7% to 34.0%), which was highly and positively correlated (P<0.001) to the average Cl. perfringens caecal counts in each combination of treatments. The results of the current study indicate that high counts of Cl. perfringens in the caecum can be used as an indicator of Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy, and suggest that strategies designed to control its proliferation in the caecum might help to limit fattening mortality in rabbit fed diets not-medicated with antibiotics

    Global Emergence of Resistance to Fluconazole and Voriconazole in Candida parapsilosis in Tertiary Hospitals in Spain During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Candida parapsilosis; Antifungal resistance; OutbreaksCandida parapsilosis; Resistencia antifúngica; BrotesCandida parapsilosis; Resistència antifúngica; BrotsBackground Candida parapsilosis is a frequent cause of candidemia worldwide. Its incidence is associated with the use of medical implants, such as central venous catheters or parenteral nutrition. This species has reduced susceptibility to echinocandins, and it is susceptible to polyenes and azoles. Multiple outbreaks caused by fluconazole-nonsusceptible strains have been reported recently. A similar trend has been observed among the C. parapsilosis isolates received in the last 2 years at the Spanish Mycology Reference Laboratory. Methods Yeast were identified by molecular biology, and antifungal susceptibility testing was performed using the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing protocol. The ERG11 gene was sequenced to identify resistance mechanisms, and strain typing was carried out by microsatellite analysis. Results We examined the susceptibility profile of 1315 C. parapsilosis isolates available at our reference laboratory between 2000 and 2021, noticing an increase in the number of isolates with acquired resistance to fluconazole, and voriconazole has increased in at least 8 different Spanish hospitals in 2020–2021. From 121 recorded clones, 3 were identified as the most prevalent in Spain (clone 10 in Catalonia and clone 96 in Castilla-Leon and Madrid, whereas clone 67 was found in 2 geographically unrelated regions, Cantabria and the Balearic Islands). Conclusions Our data suggest that concurrently with the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, a selection of fluconazole-resistant C. parapsilosis isolates has occurred in Spain, and the expansion of specific clones has been noted across centers. Further research is needed to determine the factors that underlie the successful expansion of these clones and their potential genetic relatedness.O.Z. was funded by grants SAF2017–86912-R and PID2020–114546RB-I00 from the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation. This work was also funded by the National Centre for Microbiology (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) through the Surveillance Program of Antifungal Resistance and the Center for Biomedical Research in Network of Infectious Diseases CIBERINFECTCB21/13/00105 (O.Z. and L.A.F.), CIBERINFEC-CB21/13/00009 (M.P.-A.), CIBERES-CB06/06/0037 (C.A.-T.), and CIBERES-CB06/06/0058 (J.G). L.A.-F. was supported by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (MPY 117/18 and MPY 305/20). We thank Dr. David Campany Herrero (Vall d’Hebron Hospital), Noelia Garrido Peño (Móstoles Hospital), David Gómez Gómez y Aitziber Illaro Uranga (Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital), María Ángeles Machín Morón (Burgos Hospital), Jose Manuel Caro Teller (Doce de Octubre Hospital), Marina Calvo (Puerta de Hierro Hospital), and Ariadna Padulles (Bellvitge Hospital) for providing the data on antifungal consumption from their hospitals. We also thank Ángel Zaballos and Pilar Jiménez from the Genomics Core Facility from Instituto de Salud Carlos III for their technical help with the microsatellite analysis technique

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XX Otoño-Invierno 2002 n. 3 pp. 649-689]

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaGonzález Enciso, A. (ed.): El negocio de la lana en España (1650-1830) (Por Emilio Pérez Romero).-- Marichal, C, y Marino, D. (comps.): De colonia a nación. Impuestos y política en México, 1750-1860 (Por Rafael Dobado).-- Martín, J. L. (dir.), y Robledo, R. (coord.): Historia de Salamanca, IV. Siglo XIX (Por Enrique Llopis Agelán).-- Carmona, J.: Aristocracia terrateniente y cambio agrario en la España del siglo XIX (Por Richard Herr).-- Martorell, M.: Historia de la peseta. La España contemporánea a través de su moneda (Por Pablo Martín Aceña).-- Cabrera, M., y del Rey, F.: El poder de los empresarios. Política y economía en la España contemporánea (1875-2000) (Por Eugenio Torres).-- Gálvez, L.: Compañía Arrendataria de Tabacos (1887-1945). Cambio tecnológico y empleo femenino (Por Luciano Segreto).-- Vivenza, G.: Adam Smith and the Classics. The Classical Heritage in Adam Smith's Thought (Por Carlos Rodríguez Braun).-- O'Rourke, K., y Williamson, J. G.: Globalization and History. The Atlantic Economy in the Nineteenth Century (Por Leandro Prados de la Escosura).-- Hayes, P.: Industry and Ideology. IG Farben in the Nazi Era (Por Nuria Puig)Publicad

    Myoglobinopathy is an adult-onset autosomal dominant myopathy with characteristic sarcoplasmic inclusions

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    Myoglobin, encoded by MB, is a small cytoplasmic globular hemoprotein highly expressed in cardiac myocytes and oxidative skeletal myofibers. Myoglobin binds O-2, facilitates its intracellular transport and serves as a controller of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species. Here, we identify a recurrent c.292C>T ( p.His98Tyr) substitution in MB in fourteen members of six European families suffering from an autosomal dominant progressive myopathy with highly characteristic sarcoplasmic inclusions in skeletal and cardiac muscle. Myoglobinopathy manifests in adulthood with proximal and axial weakness that progresses to involve distal muscles and causes respiratory and cardiac failure. Biochemical characterization reveals that the mutant myoglobin has altered O-2 binding, exhibits a faster heme dissociation rate and has a lower reduction potential compared to wild-type myoglobin. Preliminary studies show that mutant myoglobin may result in elevated superoxide levels at the cellular level. These data define a recognizable muscle disease associated with MB mutation.Peer reviewe

    Model of teleconsultation pharmaceutical integrated in the electronic clinical history of the patient

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    OBJECTIVE: Describe the phases of implementation, scaling and integration of a pharmacy teleconsultation model in electronic history, to coordinate the care transition of patients. METHOD: Descriptive and retrospective study in a health area of 500,000 inhabitants (3 years). In the first phase, a working group was created, a communication platform was designed and a continuity program was piloted between a hospital pharmacist and the 13 primary care pharmacists. The objective was to solve problems related to medications (especially those of sanitary approval) in polymedicated patients hospitalized in the Short Stay Unit- Emergency. In a second phase, the program included all the patients in any unit and all the pharmacists in the hospital. In the third phase, the program was extended to the teleconsultation format within the corporate information systems of the Health Service. Quantitative descriptive variables were recorded (number, motives and resolution of the teleconsultations). RESULTS: In total, more than 470 consultations were registered (118 in the first phase, 158 in the second and 194 in the third), which were resolved in 90% of the cases. The main reasons were discrepancies in type approval drugs, prescribed in the care transition and nutritional assessment. CONCLUSIONS: Teleconsultation allows the coordination of pharmaceutical care between levels, quickly and easily. Increase the visibility and access of professionals. Problems are resolved without displacements or time delays for patients