494 research outputs found

    Situational Awareness based Risk-Adapatable Access Control in Enterprise Networks

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    As the computing landscape evolves towards distributed architectures such as Internet of Things (IoT),enterprises are moving away from traditional perimeter based security models toward so called zero trust networking (ZTN) models that treat both the intranet and Internet as equally untrustworthy. Such security models incorporate risk arising from dynamic and situational factors, such as device location and security risk level risk, into the access control decision. Researchers have developed a number of risk models such as RAdAC (Risk Adaptable Access Control) to handle dynamic contexts and these have been applied to medical and other scenarios. In this position paper we describe our ongoing work to apply RAdAC to ZTN. We develop a policy management framework, FURZE, to facilitate fuzzy risk evaluation that also defines how to adapt to dynamically changing contexts. We also consider how enterprise security situational awareness (SSA) - which describes the potential impact to an organisations mission based on the current threats and the relative importance of the information asset under threat - can be incorporated into a RAdAC schemeComment: 6 page

    Aplicación híbrida para el proceso de almacén en la Empresa Jay-Pig

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    Este trabajo de investigación relata el desarrollo de una aplicación híbrida para el proceso de almacén en la empresa Jay-Pig, en la cual es notorio que, en la fase inicial de la investigación, la empresa mencionada tenía algunos inconvenientes y deficiencias en el porcentaje de merma y nivel de cumplimiento en despacho. El objetivo del presente caso de estudio es determinar la influencia de la aplicación híbrida en el proceso de almacén de la empresa Jay-Pig, tomando en consideración los objetivos específicos para el desarrollo y culminación de dicho sistema. La aplicación híbrida se desarrolló haciendo uso de una metodología ágil, para ser precisos Scrum, usando como lenguaje de programación en el lado del servidor PHP y como gestor de base de datos se usó MySql, además de usar el Framework Ionic. De esta forma, se trató de automatizar todas las tareas del personal encargado del proceso de almacén. Se empleó una investigación aplicada – experimental, con un diseño preexperimental. Los indicadores tomados fueron: porcentaje de merma y nivel de cumplimiento en despacho, en ambos casos se consideró 24 fichas de registro. Luego de procesar los datos, estos obtuvieron una una distribución normal para ambos indicadores, esto se determinó puesto que se aplicó la prueba de Shapiro Wilk. Después se usó la prueba de T – Student para la contrastación de la hipótesis para ambos indicadores. Finalmente se demostró que la aplicación híbrida mejora el proceso de almacén de la empresa Jay-Pig, debido a que se logra una disminución en el porcentaje de merma y un aumento en el nivel de cumplimiento en despacho

    Exploración geológica mediante perforaciones diamantina para la ampliación de reservas en la concesión minera Santa Filomena Sancos – Ayacucho, 2021

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    El presente trabajo de investigación es realizado por motivo de la alta demanda de metales preciosos como el oro y la plata y el paulatino agotamiento de las reservas mundiales han llevado a continuas actividades de exploración encaminadas a ampliar y descubrir nuevos depósitos minerales en zonas tanto inexploradas como conocidas. Los depósitos orogénicos han sido sometidos a perforación diamantina, lo que ha allanado el camino para el descubrimiento de nuevas estructuras de mineralización, distribución de leyes y mayores reservas de depósitos, extendiendo la vida útil de la mina y creando más oportunidades para los residentes de la zona. El estudio comenzó con la recolección de antecedentes, internacionales, nacionales y locales, se realizó la investigación actual, que es de tipo cuantitativo, de descriptivo, correlación, explicativo y de transversal en el tiempo. La geomorfología está compuesta por relieves módicos que consisten en la conformación de Cordillera de la Costa, comprende un área moderadamente ondulada de 20 a 30 km de ancho, formada entre el Océano Pacífico y las estribaciones occidentales de los Andes y que se eleva desde el nivel del mar hasta 1.500 m sobre el nivel del mar. Las Montañas Costeras consisten en una serie de cadenas montañosas de aproximadamente 2.200 metros sobre el nivel del mar y bordean la zona costera. El objetivo principal es realizar la exploración en la unidad minera Santa Filomena mediante sondajes diamantinos para determinar nuevas estructuras mineralizadas rentables para su futura explotación

    Identification and characterization of metabolite quantitative trait loci in tomato leaves and comparison with those reported for fruits and seeds

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    Nunes Nesi, Adriano. Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Departamento de Biologia Vegetal. Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.Alseekh, Saleh. Max - Planck- Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology. Potsdam, Germany.Oliveira Silva, Franklin Magnum de. Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Departamento de Biologia Vegetal. Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.Omranian, Nooshin. Max - Planck- Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology. Potsdam, Germany.Lichtenstein, Gabriel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Biotecnología. Castelar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Mirnezhad, Mohammad. Leiden University. Plant Ecology, Institute of Biology. The Netherlands.Romero González, Roman R. Leiden University. Plant Ecology. Institute of Biology. The Netherlands.Carrari, Fernando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Biotecnología. Castelar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.1-13Introduction To date, most studies of natural variation and metabolite quantitative trait loci (mQTL) in tomato have focused on fruit metabolism, leaving aside the identification of genomic regions involved in the regulation of leaf metabolism. Objective This study was conducted to identify leaf mQTL in tomato and to assess the association of leaf metabolites and physiological traits with the metabolite levels from other tissues. Methods The analysis of components of leaf metabolism was performed by phenotypying 76 tomato ILs with chromosome segments of the wild species Solanum pennellii in the genetic background of a cultivated tomato (S. lycopersicum) variety M82. The plants were cultivated in two different environments in independent years and samples were harvested from mature leaves of non-flowering plants at the middle of the light period. The non-targeted metabolite profiling was obtained by gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS). With the data set obtained in this study and already published metabolomics data from seed and fruit, we performed QTL mapping, heritability and correlation analyses. Results Changes in metabolite contents were evident in the ILs that are potentially important with respect to stress responses and plant physiology. By analyzing the obtained data, we identified 42 positive and 76 negative mQTL involved in carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Conclusions Overall, these findings allowed the identification of S. lycopersicum genome regions involved in the regulation of leaf primary carbon and nitrogen metabolism, as well as the association of leaf metabolites with metabolites from seeds and fruits

    Introduction to statistical simulations in health research

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    In health research, statistical methods are frequently used to address a wide variety of research questions. For almost every analytical challenge, different methods are available. But how do we choose between different methods and how do we judge whether the chosen method is appropriate for our specific study? Like in any science, in statistics, experiments can be run to find out which methods should be used under which circumstances. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate that simulation studies, that is, experiments investigating synthetic data with known properties, are an invaluable tool for addressing these questions. We aim to provide a first introduction to simulation studies for data analysts or, more generally, for researchers involved at different levels in the analyses of health data, who (1) may rely on simulation studies published in statistical literature to choose their statistical methods and who, thus, need to understand the criteria of assessing the validity and relevance of simulation results and their interpretation; and/or (2) need to understand the basic principles of designing statistical simulations in order to efficiently collaborate with more experienced colleagues or start learning to conduct their own simulations. We illustrate the implementation of a simulation study and the interpretation of its results through a simple example inspired by recent literature, which is completely reproducible using the R-script available from online supplemental file 1

    The crime drop and the security hypothesis

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    Major crime drops were experienced in the United States and most other industrialised countries for a decade from the early to mid-1990s. Yet there is little agreement over explanation or lessons for policy. Here it is proposed that change in the quantity and quality of security was a key driver of the crime drop. From evidence relating to vehicle theft in two countries it is concluded that electronic immobilisers and central locking were particularly effective. It is suggested that reduced car theft may have induced drops in other crime including violence. From this platform a broader security hypothesis, linked to routine activity and opportunity theory, is outlined

    Proyecto de producción y comercialización de macerados frutales y herbales a base de caña de azúcar

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    Según Euromonitor (2020) se estima que hasta un 35% de los ciudadanos limeños padece rinitis alérgica. Esto debido a la humedad que caracteriza el ambiente limeño. Por la contaminación, smog en la ciudad agrava los casos de este tipo de enfermedades en Lima y se proyecta que más del 50% de los peruanos tendrá algún tipo de alergia o enfermedad respiratoria continúa para el 2050. Además, por la coyuntura actual del Covid-19 en este año la tendencia por recurrir a una alimentación natural se incrementó considerablemente en muchas partes del mundo. En conclusión, con la información recopilada, se pasa a crear un modelo de negocio, al cual nombraremos Hilli Drink, el cual consistirá en la producción y comercialización de macerados a base de jugo de caña en dos presentaciones compuestos por plantas medicinales y frutas exóticas que fortalecen y alivian síntomas relacionados a la enfermedades respiratorias. Este proyecto surge, debido principalmente a la coyuntura actual de la Covid-19. La propuesta de valor de nuestro producto es fortalecer las defensas del sistema inmunológico y prevenir síntomas de enfermedades respiratorias mediante una bebida con un sabor agradable. Asímismo, otro objetivo de nuestro producto es ofrecer una bebida natural, sin fármacos y conservantes para evitar las consecuencias negativas para la salud. El proyecto nos permite ver todo los retos, al cual ha tenido que sobrellevar, superar y determinar su plan estratégico en el mercado altamente competitivo. Además, de identificar nuestras ventajas competitivas y nuestro valor diferenciador con respecto a la competencia.According to Euromonitor (2020) it is estimated that up to 35% of Lima citizens suffer from allergic rhinitis. This is due to the humidity that characterizes the Lima environment. Due to pollution, smog in the city aggravates the cases of this type of disease in Lima and it is projected that more than 50% of Peruvians will have some type of allergy or respiratory disease continues by 2050. In addition, due to the current situation of Covid -19 in this year the tendency to resort to a natural diet increased considerably in many parts of the world. In conclusion, with the information collected, a business model is created, which we will name Hilli Drink, which will consist of the production and commercialization of macerates based on cane juice in two presentations made up of medicinal plants and exotic fruits that strengthen and relieve symptoms related to respiratory diseases. This project arises, mainly due to the current situation of Covid-19. The value proposition of our product is to strengthen the defenses of the immune system and prevent symptoms of respiratory diseases through a drink with a pleasant taste. Likewise, another objective of our product is to offer a natural drink, without drugs and preservatives to avoid negative consequences for health. The project allows us to see all the challenges, which it has had to overcome, overcome and determine its strategic plan in the highly competitive market. In addition, to identify our competitive advantages and our differentiating value with respect to the competition.Trabajo de investigació

    Aging restricts the ability of mesenchymal stem cells to promote the generation of oligodendrocytes during remyelination.

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that leads to severe neurological deficits. Due to their immunomodulatory and neuroprotective activities and their ability to promote the generation of oligodendrocytes, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are currently being developed for autologous cell therapy in MS. As aging reduces the regenerative capacity of all tissues, it is of relevance to investigate whether MSCs retain their pro-oligodendrogenic activity with increasing age. We demonstrate that MSCs derived from aged rats have a reduced capacity to induce oligodendrocyte differentiation of adult CNS stem/progenitor cells. Aging also abolished the ability of MSCs to enhance the generation of myelin-like sheaths in demyelinated cerebellar slice cultures. Finally, in a rat model for CNS demyelination, aging suppressed the capability of systemically transplanted MSCs to boost oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) differentiation during remyelination. Thus, aging restricts the ability of MSCs to support the generation of oligodendrocytes and consequently inhibits their capacity to enhance the generation of myelin-like sheaths. These findings may impact on the design of therapies using autologous MSCs in older MS patients.The authors would like to thank the following funding agencies for their support: Paracelsus Medical University PMU-FFF Long-Term Fellowship L-12/01/001-RIV (to and Stand-Alone Grant E-12/15/077-RIT (both to F.J.R.); Chilean Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) FONDECYT Program Regular Grant Nº 1161787 (to F.J.R.), Regular Grant Nº 1141015 (to L.F.B.); Chilean CONICYT PCI Program Grant Nº REDES170233 (to F.J.R.), Grant Nº REDES180139 and Grant Nº REDI170037; Chilean CONICYT FONDEFIDeA Program Grant Nº ID17AM0043 (to M.E.S. and F.J.R.); European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreements N HEALTH-F2-2011-278850 (INMiND) and HEALTH-F2-2011-279288 (IDEA). The work in the Küry laboratory was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG; KU1934/2_1, KU1934/5-1) and the Christiane and Claudia Hempel Foundation for clinical and iBrain. The work in the Franklin laboratory was supported by grants from the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Adelson Medical Research Foundation, and a core support grant from the Wellcome Trust and MRC to the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. In addition, the present work was supported by the state of Salzburg (to L.A.). We thank Armin Schneider, Sygnis Pharma AG Heidelberg, Germany, for the MBP promoter construct. We disclose any conflict of interest

    Redundant roles of photoreceptors and cytokinins in regulating photosynthetic acclimation to canopy density

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    The regulation of photosynthetic acclimation to canopy density was investigated in tobacco canopies and in tobacco and Arabidopsis plants with part of their foliage experimentally shaded. Both species acclimated to canopy light gradients and partial shading by allocating photosynthetic capacity to leaves in high light and adjusting chloroplast organization to the local light conditions. An investigation was carried out to determine whether signalling mediated by photoreceptors, sugars, cytokinin, and nitrate is involved in and necessary for proper photosynthetic acclimation. No evidence was found for a role for sugars, or for nitrate. The distribution of cytokinins in tobacco stands of contrasting density could be explained in part by irradiance-dependent delivery of cytokinins through the transpiration stream. Functional studies using a comprehensive selection of Arabidopsis mutants and transgenics showed that normal wild-type responses to partial shading were retained when signalling mediated by photoreceptors or cytokinins was disrupted. This indicates that these pathways probably operate in a redundant manner. However, the reduction of the chlorophyll a/b ratio in response to local shade was completely absent in the Arabidopsis Ws-2 accession mutated in PHYTOCHROME D and in the triple phyAphyCphyD mutant. Moreover, cytokinin receptor mutants also showed a reduced response, suggesting a previously unrecognized function of phyD and cytokinins

    Citizen Journalism at the Margins

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    Amidst burgeoning literature on citizen journalism, we still know relatively little about how and why genuinely marginalised groups seek to use this form of reporting to challenge their exclusion. In this article, we aim to address this gap by analysing two UK citizen journalism initiatives emanating from The Big Issue Foundation, a national homeless organisation, and Access Dorset, a regional charity for disabled and elderly people. These case studies are united by the authors’ involvement in both instances, primarily through designing and delivering bespoke citizen journalism education and mentoring. Based on over 40 hours of interviews with participants of the workshops and 36 hours of participant observation, we analyse the challenges participants faced in their journey to become citizen journalists. This included: low self-esteem, physical health and mental wellbeing, the need for accessible and adaptable technology, and overcoming fear associated with assuming a public voice. We also analyse marginalised groups’ attitudes to professional journalism and education, and its role in shaping journalistic identity and self-empowerment. Whilst demonstrably empowering and esteem building,our participants were acutely aware of societal power relations that were seemingly still beyond their ability to influence. Those who are marginalised are, nevertheless, in the best position to use citizen journalism as a conduit for social change, we argue - though challenges remain even at the grassroots level to foster and sustain participatory practices