212 research outputs found

    Enfermedad meningocócica e impacto de la vacunación sistemática con la vacuna conjugada antimeningocócica C en el área sanitaria de Andalucía

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    comenzó en julio de 2000 la vacunación con vacuna conjugada antimeningocócica C de todos los niños nacidos con posterioridad al 1 de enero de 1995, y en septiembre de 2001 se amplíó a los nacidos a partir del 1 de enero de 1991, esto es, hasta los 10 años de edad. El objetivo de este trabajo es valorar la efectividad de esta vacuna tras su introducción masiva en los niños del área geográfica de un distrito sanitario, midiendo su impacto. Métodos: Mediante un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo de incidencia poblacional se calculan las coberturas vacunales de los niños nacidos entre los años 1991 y 2001 y las tasas de incidencia de los casos declarados de enfermedad meningocócica en siete temporadas epidemiológicas (1997/98 a 2003/04). El impacto de la vacunación frente a la meningitis del serogrupo C se calcula comparando las tasas promedios anuales de las temporadas previas y posteriores a las campañas de vacunación en la población menor y mayor de 10 años, utilizando el test exacto de Fisher. Resultados: En el periodo de estudio se declararon 109 casos de enfermedad meningocócica, de los que 50 eran de meningitis C. A partir de la temporada 2000-2001 descendió la incidencia de meningitis C en los niños menores de 10 años. En este grupo de edad se encuentran diferencias significativas entre las tasas promedio anual de las temporadas prevacunales y postvacunales (de 8,2 a 2,0 por 100.000 habitantes). En la población mayor de 10 años no se observa este descenso en la incidencia. En el periodo de estudio no se ha declarado ningún caso de fallo vacunal. Conclusiones: La ausencia de fallos vacunales y la disminución de la incidencia de enfermedad meningocócica C en los niños menores de 10 años sugiere la buena efectividad de esta nueva vacuna conjugada frente al meningococo

    Sources, transport and fate of PAHs in sediments and superficial water of a chronically polluted semi-enclosed body of seawater: linking of compartments.

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    This paper describes a study of the occurrence, levels and temporal evolution of PAHs in a bay characterized by persistent chronic impacts. A total of 40 samples, 20 of sediment and 20 of water, were taken at each of five different stations, in four sampling campaigns. Analyses of pollutants have been made using GC-MS. Results indicate that in a coastal environment subjected to chronic pollution by pyrolytic PAHs, episodes of petrogenic pollution, like oil-spills, can be identified by the combination of different source ratios. Results also indicate that, in the study area, PAHs are transported from superficial water to sediment. This conclusion is based on the degree of coincidence found in the presence/absence of individual PAHs in both compartments and in their petrogenic/pyrolytic nature, the positive sedimentation rate in the study area, together with the performance of the analyses of unfiltered water and the distribution of sources of PAHs found

    Langerin-Heparin Interaction: Two Binding Sites for Small and Large Ligands as revealed by a combination of NMR Spectroscopy and Cross-Linking Mapping Experiments

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    Langerin is a C-type lectin present on Langerhans cells that mediates capture of pathogens in a carbohydrate-dependent manner, leading to subsequent internalization and elimination in the cellular organelles called Birbeck granules. This mechanism mediated by langerin was shown to constitute a natural barrier for HIV-1 particle transmission. Besides interacting specifically with high mannose and fucosylated neutral carbohydrate structures, langerin has the ability to bind sulfated carbohydrate ligands as 6-sulfated galactosides in the Ca2+ dependent binding site. Very recently langerin was demonstrated to interact with sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), in a Ca2+ independent way, resulting in the proposal of a new binding site for GAGs. Based on those results, we have conducted a structural study of the interactions of small heparin (HEP) like oligosaccharides with langerin in solution. Heparin-bead cross-linking experiments, an approach specifically designed to identify HEP/HS binding sites in proteins were first carried out and experimentally validated the previously proposed model for the interaction of Lg ECD with 6 kDa HEP. High-resolution NMR studies of a set of 8 synthetic HEP-like trisaccharides harboring different sulfation patterns demonstrated that all of them bound to langerin in a Ca2+ dependent way. The binding epitopes were determined by STD NMR and the bound conformations by transferred NOESY experiments. These experimental data were combined with docking and molecular dynamics and resulted in the proposal of a binding mode characterized by the coordination of calcium by the two equatorial hydroxyl groups OH3 and OH4 at the non-reducing end. The binding also includes the carboxylate group at the adjacent iduronate residue. Such epitope is shared by all the 8 ligands, explaining the absence of any impact on binding from their differences in substitution pattern. Finally, in contrast to the small trisaccharides, we demonstrated that a longer HEP-like hexasaccharide, bearing an additional O-sulfate group at the non-reducing end, which precludes binding to the Ca2+ site, interacts with langerin in the previously identified Ca2+ independent binding site

    Litter Decomposition can be Reduced by Pesticide Effects on Detritivores and Decomposers: Implications for Tropical Stream Functioning

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    Understanding which factors affect the process of leaf litter decomposition is crucial if we are to predict changes in the functioning of stream ecosystems as a result of human activities. One major activity with known consequences on streams is agriculture, which is of particular concern in tropical regions, where forests are being rapidly replaced by crops. While pesticides are potential drivers of reduced decomposition rates observed in agricultural tropical streams, their specific effects on the performance of decomposers and detritivores are mostly unknown. We used a microcosm experiment to examine the individual and joint effects of an insecticide (chlorpyrifos) and a fungicide (chlorothalonil) on survival and growth of detritivores (Anchytarsus, Hyalella and Lepidostoma), aquatic hyphomycetes (AH) sporulation rate, taxon richness, assemblage structure, and leaf litter decomposition rates. Our results revealed detrimental effects on detritivore survival (which were mostly due to the insecticide and strongest for Hyalella), changes in AH assemblage structure, and reduced sporulation rate, taxon richness and microbial decomposition (mostly in response to the fungicide). Total decomposition was reduced especially when the pesticides were combined, suggesting that they operated differently and their effects were additive. Importantly, effects on decomposition were greater for single-species detritivore treatments than for the 3-species mixture, indicating that detritivore species loss may exacerbate the consequences of pesticides of stream ecosystem functioning.This work was supported by the National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT; project APY-GC-2018B-052; contract no. 259e2018) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama (MEF; project 019910.001). AC was supported by a fellowship from SENACYT (contract no. 001e2015) and by the National Research System of Panama (SNI; PhD category; contract no. 186e2018). GC was supported by a fellowship from IFARHU- SENACYT (contract no. 270-2018-1011

    Authentication of strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) honeys from southern Europe based on compositional parameters and biological activities

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    Strawberry-tree (Arbutus unedo L.) honey is expensive and difficult to characterize by melissopalinology. This study aimed to authenticate strawberry-tree (A. unedo L.) honeys from southern Europe, determining arbutin, groups of polyphenols, volatile and semivolatile compounds, as well as biological activities such as trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, antioxidant activities against both hydroxyl (AOA) and superoxide radicals (SRS), oxygen radical absorbance capacity, anti-inflammatory activity, and antimicrobial activity against 7 microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium sp., and Penicillium commune). Arbutin, analyzed using HPLC-UV, was quantified in 83% of the samples. Polyphenols' contents were high. Norisoprenoids and benzene derivatives were the major compounds determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Theobromine was detected in 67% of samples. 2,6,6-Trimetyl-4-oxo-2-cyclohexen-1-carboxaldehyde, 3,4,5 trimethylphenol and 2-hydroxycyclopent-2-en-1-one were proposed as potential strawberry-tree floral markers. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities were significant. Honeys’ extracts showed higher AOA and SRS, and better antimicrobial activities than the honeys. This study highlights the potential of strawberry-tree honeys and/or their phenolic extracts for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic uses.Spanish Junta de Castilla y León, Spain (BU041G18

    Efecto de la política nacional de subsidios a la innovación según la localización de la empresa

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    Este trabajo se fundamenta en la reciente visión de que la actividad innovadora es un fenómeno territorial estimulado por la cooperación entre actores e infraestructuras locales. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar sí la localización de una empresa influye sobre el efecto que la política nacional de innovación tiene sobre su intensidad en I+D. El análisis está dirigido a comparar el efecto de esta política entre empresas ubicadas en Madrid, Cataluña y el País Vasco, regiones que concentran cerca del 70% de la actividad innovadora en España. El tipo de análisis empleado permite llegar a una situación próxima que soluciona importantes problemas metodológicos en la práctica de la evaluación de la política. Los resultados permiten concluir que la región ejerce un importante efecto diferenciador en el resultado final de esta política. Por lo tanto, este estudio recomienda incluir la localización de la empresa en futuras prácticas de evaluación.Este trabajo se fundamenta en la reciente visión de que la actividad innovadora es un fenómeno territorial estimulado por la cooperación entre actores e infraestructuras locales. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar sí la localización de una empresa influye sobre el efecto que la política nacional de innovación tiene sobre su intensidad en I+D. El análisis está dirigido a comparar el efecto de esta política entre empresas ubicadas en Madrid, Cataluña y el País Vasco, regiones que concentran cerca del 70% de la actividad innovadora en España. El tipo de análisis empleado permite llegar a una situación próxima que soluciona importantes problemas metodológicos en la práctica de la evaluación de la política. Los resultados permiten concluir que la región ejerce un importante efecto diferenciador en el resultado final de esta política. Por lo tanto, este estudio recomienda incluir la localización de la empresa en futuras prácticas de evaluación

    Detection and Quantitative Analysis of Two Independent Binding Modes of a Small Ligand Responsible for DC-SIGN Clustering

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    DC-SIGN (dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3 grabbing non-integrin) is a C-type lectin receptor (CLRs) present, mainly in dendritic cells (DCs), as one of the major pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). This receptor has a relevant role in viral infection processes. Recent approaches aiming to block DC-SIGN have been presented as attractive anti-HIV strategies. DC-SIGN binds mannose or fucose-containing carbohydrates from viral proteins such as the HIV envelope glycoprotein gp120. We have previously demonstrated that multivalent dendrons bearing multiple copies of glycomimetic ligands were able to inhibit DC-SIGN-dependent HIV infection in cervical explant models. Optimization of glycomimetic ligands requires detailed characterization and analysis of their binding modes because they notably influence binding affinities. In a previous study we characterized the binding mode of DC-SIGN with ligand 1, which shows a single binding mode as demonstrated by NMR and X-ray crystallography. In this work we report the binding studies of DC-SIGN with pseudotrisaccharide 2, which has a larger affinity. Their binding was analysed by TR-NOESY and STD NMR experiments, combined with the CORCEMA-ST protocol and molecular modelling. These studies demonstrate that in solution the complex cannot be explained by a single binding mode. We describe the ensemble of ligand bound modes that best fit the experimental data and explain the higher inhibition values found for ligand

    On the Road to Sustainable Energy Storage Technologies: Synthesis of Anodes for Na-Ion Batteries from Biowaste

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    Hard carbon is one of the most promising anode materials for sodium-ion batteries. In this work, new types of biomass-derived hard carbons were obtained through pyrolysis of different kinds of agro-industrial biowaste (corncob, apple pomace, olive mill solid waste, defatted grape seed and dried grape skin). Furthermore, the influence of pretreating the biowaste samples by hydrothermal carbonization and acid hydrolysis was also studied. Except for the olive mill solid waste, discharge capacities typical of biowaste-derived hard carbons were obtained in every case (≈300 mAh·g−1 at C/15). Furthermore, it seems that hydrothermal carbonization could improve the discharge capacity of biowaste samples derived from different nature at high cycling rates, which are the closest conditions to real applications.This research was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-107468RB-C21) and Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza (IT-1226-19 and IT-993-16)

    Strandings of cetaceans and sea turtles in the Alboran Sea and Strait of Gibraltar: a long-term glimpse at the north coast (Spain) and the south coast (Morocco)

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    ., 2011. Strandings of cetaceans and sea turtles in the Alboran Sea and Strait of Gibraltar: a long-time glimpse of the north coast (Spain) and the south coast (Morocco). Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 34.1: 151-163. Abstract Strandings of cetaceans and sea turtles in the Alboran Sea and Strait of Gibraltar: a long-term glimpse at the north coast (Spain) and the south coast (Morocco) .-A total of 13 species of cetaceans and three species of marine turtles were found in this study. Data were collected by eight independent and self-regulated stranding networks, providing information about 1,198 marine mammal (10 odontocetii, three mysticetii and one phocidae) and 574 sea turtle stranding events between 1991 and 2008. Trends in the strandings were analysed in relation to species composition and abundance, and their geographic and seasonal distribution. The most abundant species recorded were the striped dolphin and the loggerhead turtle. Some of the strandings, such as the humpback whale, harbour porpoise, hooded seal and olive ridley turtle, were considered 'rare' because their distribution did not match the pattern of the study. When the north and south coasts in the study area were compared, pilot whales stranded more frequently in the north, while delphinid species stranded more in the south coast, and loggerhead turtles stranded more frequently in the north while leatherback turtles stranded more in south coast. Key words: Strandings, South-western Mediterranean, Distribution, Marine turtle, Cetacean, Conservation. Resumen Varamientos de cetáceos y tortugas marinas en el mar de Alborán y el Estrecho de Gibraltar: un vistazo a largo plazo de la costa norte (España) y la costa sur (Marruecos) .-En este estudio se registraron un total de 13 especies de cetáceos y tres especies de tortugas marinas, proviniendo los datos de redes de voluntarios que prestan asistencia en los varamientos. Se recogió información de 1.198 mamiferos marinos (10 odontocetos, tres misticetos y un fócido) y 574 tortugas marinas entre los años 1991 y 2008. Se analizaron las tendencias de los varamientos en relación a la composición de especies, su abundancia y su distribución geográfica y estacional. Las especies más comunes fueron el delfín común y la tortuga boba. Algunos de los varamientos, como la ballena jorobada, la marsopa común, la foca de casco o la tortuga olivácea, pueden considerarse "anómalos" puesto que su distribución se escapa a los patrones del estudio. Comparando la costa norte del área de estudio con la sur, los calderones y tortugas bobas vararon con mayor frecuencia en la costa norte, mientras que las especies de delfines y las tortugas laúd vararon con mayor frecuencia en la costa sur