126 research outputs found

    Influential factors in motivation and learning strategies in grade students

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    Analizando los diferentes procesos mentales que se dan durante el aprendizaje desde diferentes paradigmas, donde el docente pasa de ser el protagonista y responsable del aprendizaje del alumno a ser quien planifica la enseñanza y la organiza para que sus alumnos realicen un aprendizaje significativo. En el aprendizaje autorregulado los aprendices son los que eligen y deciden sobre su conducta, siendo los artífices y promotores de sus aprendizajes. A través de este estudio sobre una muestra de estudiantes universitarios, utilizando el instrumento CEAM II (Cuestionario de Estrategias de Aprendizaje y Motivación), formado por preguntas sobre la motivación y las estrategias de aprendizaje pretendemos conocer la implicaciones de las diferentes dimensiones que lo forman. El análisis de las diferentes variables nos lleva a conocer qué valores son los más empleados por los estudiantes dentro de los factores de motivación (metas intrínsecas, valor de la tarea y autoeficacia) y de las estrategias de aprendizaje (elaboración, organización y metacognición), así como aquellos ítems más y menos valorados por los mismos. Los docentes debemos trasmitir a los estudiantes los contenidos de las diferentes asignaturas a través de una metodología que les resulte atractiva, así les facilitaremos la adquisición de los mismosAnalyzing the different mental processes that occur during learning from different paradigms, where the teacher happens to be the protagonist and responsible for student learning to be who plans and organizes teaching for their students make significant learning. It should motivate, highlighting the importance of the matter and its implications for acredentar interest in it. Self-regulated learning learners are those who choose and decide on their conduct, being the architects and promoters of their learning.. Through this study on a sample of university students using the CEAM II (Learning Strategies Questionnaire and Motivation) instrument, consisting of questions about motivation and learning strategies we tried to understand the implications of different dimensions that form. The analysis of the different variables leads us to know which values are the most used by students in motivational factors (intrinsic goals, task value and self-efficacy) and learning strategies (preparation, organization and metacognition) as well as those items most and least valued by them. Teachers must convey to students the contents of different subjects through a methodology that is attractive to them, so we will provide the acquisition thereo

    Suicidal Risk and Depression in Pregnant Women in Times of Pandemic

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    PurposePregnancy is a risk period for the development of mental disorders. About 10% of pregnant women worldwide experience a mental disorder, mainly depression, and this percentage has been aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of pregnant women.MethodsThree hundred and one pregnant women in the week 21.85 +/- 9.9 were recruited through social media and pregnant women forums from September 2020 to December 2020. A multiple-choice questionnaire was administered to evaluate the sociodemographic characteristics of the women, the care provided, and different aspects related to COVID-19. A Beck Depression Inventory was also delivered.ResultsOf the pregnant women 23.5% had seen or had considered seeing a mental health professional during pregnancy. Predictive models using multivariate logistic regression found that this fact was associated with an increased risk of depression (OR = 4.22; CI 95% 2.39-7.52; P < 0.001). Among women with moderate-severe depression, it was associated with an increased risk of having suicidal thoughts (OR = 4.99; CI 95% 1.11-27.9; P = 0.044) and age was found to be a protective variable (OR = 0.86; CI 95% 0.72-0.98; P = 0.053).ConclusionsThe COVID-19 pandemic represents a major mental health challenge for pregnant women. Despite the decrease in face-to-face visits, there are opportunities for health professionals to identify the existence of psycho-pathological alterations and suicidal ideation by asking the patient if she is seeing or considering seeing a mental health professional. Therefore, it is necessary to develop tools for early identification to ensure correct detection and care. SignificanceAmong women with moderate-severe depression, considered seeing a mental health professional during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of having suicidal thoughts and age was found to be a protective variable. Despite the decrease in face-to-face visits during COVID-19 pandemic, there are opportunities for health professionals to identify the existence of psycho-pathological alterations and suicidal ideation by asking the patient if she is seeing or considering seeing a mental health professional. Asking about their intention to seek specialized assistance can help to identify those women at risk of suffering affective disorders such as depression and suicidal ideation and to individually plan future medical visits.Universidad de Granada/ CBU

    Actitudes y prácticas profesionales que influyen en la detección de sintomático respiratorio en la consulta externa general, del hospital Gabriela Alvarado de Danlí, el Paraíso. Honduras, 2008

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    Recomienda: A la Dirección Médica del Centro de Salud Róger Osorio, realizar capacitaciones continuas y actualizadas para el personal médico y enfermería sobre el manejo correcto de los pacientes, así como de las enfermedades crónicas más frecuentes; realizar actividades recreativas para pacientes crónicos que fomenten el deporte acorde a su estado de salud y mantener siempre disponible en farmacia los tres tipos de hipoglucemiantes esenciales para el manejo de los pacientes. Garantizar en forma continua la prueba de los pacientes con DM. A los Pacientes recomienda: cumplir con las indicaciones médicas recibidas durante la consulta, incluyendo la realización de los exámenes laboratorio; asistir a los talleres educativos destinados para ellos en el Centro de Salud que son atendidos; practicar hábitos y estilo de vida saludable para el control de su enfermedad; solicitar dirección médica que se les garantice su tratamiento y exámenes de laboratorio de contro


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    INTRODUCTION. To obtain quality education, we must emphasise the importance of assessment and be aware of the assessment strategies of the programmes, the level of involvement of teaching staff, learning abilities, etc. METHOD. Using the WISC-R questionnaire and bearing in mind the definitions proposed by various authors for identifying the learning difficulties indicated for the relevant purposes, which may be etiology and diagnosis, operational, legal or research (Miranda, 1994; Carbonero, 1994). Even with the progress of recent years in Spanish society in relation to the perception of people with disabilities, there is still a long way to go to full inclusion. RESULTS. This study focuses on a group of subjects with mild mental retardation, with the objectives of exploring their real educational situation and seeing what tools are available to them for greater personal development. DISCUSSION. With suitable psychoeducational assessment, the teaching staff in education centres can offer a suitable response for each student

    Management of time and use of ICT in university students

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    Con este trabajo de investigación pretendemos dar a conocer la incidencia de la variable sociodemográfica, edad, en el uso de internet y el teléfono móvil, la autopercepción de los estudiantes sobre ellas y la frecuencia con que su uso les causa problemas. Realizándose un estudio descriptivo sobre una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Se ha utilizado el Cuestionario de Uso Problemático de Nuevas Tecnologías (UPNT). Los resultados indican que no existen diferencias significativas para ambos grupos de edad establecidos, pero sí la gran cantidad de tiempo que les dedican tanto a diario como semanalmente a internet y el teléfono móvil. Como conclusión, destacamos la relevancia de educar en un correcto uso de las NT, para prevenir problemas derivados de su exceso de uso, así como, problemas en su entorno social. Como consecuencia del excesivo tiempo dedicado y la necesidad del uso muy frecuente por parte de la muestra, indica tendencias a la adicción en el uso de estas herramientas.With this research we intend to present the incidence of the sociodemographic variable, age, in the use of the internet and the mobile phone, the students' self-perception about them and the frequency with which their use causes them problems. A descriptive study was carried out on a sample of university students from the Faculty of Education of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. The Questionnaire for the Difficult Use of New Technologies (UPNT) has been used. The results indicate that there are no significant differences for both established age groups, but the large amount of time devoted daily and weekly to the internet and mobile phone. In conclusion, we emphasize the relevance of educating in a correct use of the NT, to prevent problems derived from their overuse, as well as, problems in their social environment. As a consequence of the excessive time spent and the need for frequent use by the sample, it indicates tendencies to addiction in the use of these tools

    Perfil motivacional en estudiantes del grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil y Primaria

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    En este trabajo, se han analizado las orientaciones motivacionales en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios. Durante tres cursos académicos, participaron en ella 675 alumnos del grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil y Primaria de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, un 92% de los cuales eran mujeres y entre todos tenían una edad media de 22 años. La motivación fue evaluada mediante el Cuestionario de Estrategias de Aprendizaje y Motivación (CEAM II). Se pretenden conocer las subescalas motivacionales de los estudiantes y la repercusión que sobre estos tiene compaginar sus estudios de grado con o sin un trabajo remunerado. Los datos son expuestos mediante medidas de tendencia central, de dispersión y de posición. Posteriormente, se realiza la comparación de medias independientes de tipo no paramétrico. Se contrasta la hipótesis sobre las diferencias motivacionales entre el grupo de estudiantes que trabaja y el que no trabaja. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas en las subescalas Orientación a metas extrínsecas y Autoeficacia para el rendimiento entre los universitarios que tienen un trabajo remunerado y los que no. Como conclusión, vemos que, para lograr una intervención docente eficaz, es necesario conocer a nuestros alumnos y a sus metas para ayudarles a lograr el éxito académico.En aquest treball, s'hi han analitzat les orientacions motivacionals en una mostra d'estudiants universitaris. Durant tres cursos acadèmics, hi van participar 675 alumnes del grau de Mestre en Educació Infantil i Primària de la Universitat de Castella-la Manxa, un 92% dels quals eren dones i entre tots tenien una edat mitjana de 22 anys. La motivació va ser avaluada amb el Qüestionari d'Estratègies d'Aprenentatge i Motivació (CEAM II). Es pretenia conèixer les subescales motivacionals dels estudiants i la repercussió que sobre aquests té compaginar els seus estudis de grau amb un treball remunerat o sense. Les dades són exposades mitjançant mesures de tendència central, de dispersió i de posició. Posteriorment, es realitza la comparació de mitjanes independents de tipus no paramètric. Es contrasta la hipòtesi sobre les diferències motivacionals entre el grup d'estudiants que treballa i el que no treballa. Els resultats mostren diferències significatives a les subescales Orientació a metes extrínseques i Autoeficàcia per al rendiment entre els universitaris que tenen una feina remunerada i els que no. Com a conclusió, veiem que, per aconseguir una intervenció docent eficaç, és necessari conèixer els nostres estudiants i les seves metes per ajudar-los a assolir l'èxit acadèmic.In this paper we study the motivational profile of a sample of students enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood and the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. A total of 675 (92% female) students with a mean age of 22 years participated in the study. The motivations of the participants were assessed using the Learning Strategies and Motivation Questionnaire (CEAM II). The main objective was to determine the motivational subscales of students and the relationship between motivation and working at the same time. The data are described according to measures of central tendency, dispersion and position. Nonparametric comparison of independent means was applied to test the hypothesis on motivational differences between students who work and those who do not. Significant differences were observed in the subscales of extrinsic goals orientation and self-efficacy between students who work and those who only study. In conclusion, for effective educational interventions, it is necessary to know what motives students to learn and how they achieve academic success

    Optimización de propiedades magnéticas de nanopartículas de óxido de hierro obtenidas por síntesis verde

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEn el desarrollo de este trabajo se implemento un metodo de sintesis verde mediante la utilización de extractos de plantas orientados a la optimización de las propiedades magnéticas de las nanopartículas obtenidas, de igual manera se analizó cuál es la influencia que tiene el diámetro de la nanopartícula en las propiedades magnéticas teniendo un referente teórico respecto a la fuerza de magnetización y energía libre.PregradoIngeniero Civil1. ALTERNATIVA 2. LÍNEA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 3. RESUMEN 4. INTRODUCCIÓN 5. PROBLEMA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 6. ANTECEDENTES 7. JUSTIFICACIÓN 8. MARCO TEÓRICO 9. ESTADO DEL ARTE 10. OBJETIVOS 11. ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES 12. METODOLOGÍA 13. RESULTADOS Y ANÁLISIS 14. CONCLUSIONES 15. REFERENCIAS 16. ANEXO

    Oxidative stress parameters and antioxidants in patients with bipolar disorder: Results from a meta-analysis comparing patients, including stratification by polarity and euthymic status, with healthy controls

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    Abstract Objective: To investigate oxidative stress markers and antioxidants in bipolar disorder (BD). Methods: Electronic MEDLINE/PubMed/Cochrane-Library/Scopus/TripDatabase search until 06/30/2019 for studies comparing antioxidant or oxidative stress markers between BD and healthy controls (HCs). Standardized mean differences (SMD) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for ≥3 studies. Results: Forty-four studies (n = 3,767: BD = 1,979; HCs = 1,788) reported on oxidative stress markers malondialdehyde (MDA), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and total nitrites; antioxidants glutathione (GSH), uric acid, and zinc; or antioxidantenhancing enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and GSH-transferase (GST). Compared with HCs, BD was associated with higher GST (P = .01), CAT (P = .02), nitrites (P < .0001), TBARS (P < .0001), MDA (P = .01), uric acid (P < .0001), and lower GSH (P = .006), without differences in SOD, GPX, and zinc. Compared to HCs, levels were higher in BD-mania for TBARS (P < .0001) and uric acid (P < .0001); in BD-depression for TBARS (P = .02); and BD-euthymia for uric acid (P = .03). Uric acid levels were higher in BD-mania vs BD-depression (P = .002), but not vs BD euthymia. TBARS did not differ between BD-mania and BD-depression. Medication-free BD-mania patients had higher SOD (P = .02) and lower GPX (P < .0001) than HCs. After treatment, BD did not differ from HCs regarding SOD and GPX. Conclusions: Beyond a single biomarker of oxidative stress, the combination of several parameters appears to be more informative for BD in general and taking into account illness polarity. BD is associated with an imbalance in oxidative stress with some phase-specificity for uric acid and TBARS and possible treatment benefits for SOD and GPX. Future studies should take into account confounding factors that can modify oxidative stress status and simultaneously measure oxidative stress markers and antioxidants including different blood sources


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    INTRODUCTION. To obtain quality education, we must emphasise the importance of assessment and be aware of the assessment strategies of the programmes, the level of involvement of teaching staff, learning abilities, etc. METHOD. Using the WISC-R questionnaire and bearing in mind the definitions proposed by various authors for identifying the learning difficulties indicated for the relevant purposes, which may be etiology and diagnosis, operational, legal or research (Miranda, 1994; Carbonero, 1994). Even with the progress of recent years in Spanish society in relation to the perception of people with disabilities, there is still a long way to go to full inclusion. RESULTS. This study focuses on a group of subjects with mild mental retardation, with the objectives of exploring their real educational situation and seeing what tools are available to them for greater personal development. DISCUSSION. With suitable psychoeducational assessment, the teaching staff in education centres can offer a suitable response for each student