38 research outputs found

    RXTE Hard X-ray Observation of A754: Constraining the Hottest Temperature Component and the Intracluster Magnetic Field

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    Abell 754, a cluster undergoing merging, was observed in hard X-rays with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) in order to constrain its hottest temperature component and search for evidence of nonthermal emission. Simultaneous modeling of RXTE data and those taken with previous missions yields an average intracluster temperature of 9\sim 9 keV in the 1-50 keV energy band. A multi-temperature component model derived from numerical simulations of the evolution of a cluster undergoing a merger produces similar quality of fit, indicating that the emission measure from the very hot gas component is sufficiently small that it renders the two models indistinguishable. No significant nonthermal emission was detected. However, our observations set an upper limit of 7.1×1014ergs/(cm2skeV)7.1 \times 10^{-14} ergs/(cm^2 s keV) (90% confidence limit) to the nonthermal emission flux at 20 keV. Combining this result with the radio synchrotron emission flux we find a lower limit of 0.2 μ\muG for the intracluster magnetic field. We discuss the implications of our results for the theories of magnetic field amplifications in cluster mergers.Comment: Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journal, 22 pages, 5 figure

    Induced star formation in interacting galaxies

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    Measurements of H alpha emission line fluxes and FIR fluxes in approx. 100 interacting spirals were used to investigate the effects of close tidal interactions on the disk and nuclear star formation rates in galaxies. Two samples of interacting spirals were studied, a complete sample of close pairs, and a set of strongly perturbed systems from the Arp atlas. Both the integrated H alpha luminosities and FIR luminosities are enhanced in the interacting galaxies, indicating that the encounters indeed trigger massive star formation in many cases. The response of individual galaxies is highly variable, however. A majority of the interacting spirals exhibit normal star formation rates, while a small fraction are undergoing bursts with luminosities which are rarely, if ever, observed in noninteracting systems. Virtually all of the latter are in the Arp sample, indicating that the Arp atlas is heavily biased to the most active star forming systems

    X-ray and Radio Interactions in the Cores of Cooling Flow Clusters

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    We present high resolution ROSAT x-ray and radio observations of three cooling flow clusters containing steep spectrum radio sources at their cores. All three systems exhibit strong signs of interaction between the radio plasma and the hot intracluster medium. Two clusters, A133 and A2626, show enhanced x-ray emission spatially coincident with the radio source whereas the third cluster, A2052, exhibits a large region of x-ray excess surrounding much of the radio source. Using 3-D numerical simulations, we show that a perturbed jet propagating through a cooling flow atmosphere can give rise to amorphous radio morphologies, particularly in the case where the jet was ``turned off'' and allowed to age passively. In addition, the simulated x-ray surface brightness produced both excesses and deficits as seen observationally.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Deep VLA Observations of the Cluster 1RXS J0603.3+4214 in the Frequency Range of 1–2 GHz

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    We report L-band VLA observations of 1RXS J0603.3+4214, a cluster that hosts a bright radio relic, known as the Toothbrush, and an elongated giant radio halo. These new observations allow us to study the surface brightness distribution down to one arcsec resolution with very high sensitivity. Our images provide an unprecedented detailed view of the Toothbrush, revealing enigmatic filamentary structures. To study the spectral index distribution, we complement our analysis with published LOFAR and GMRT observations. The bright `brush' of the Toothbrush shows a prominent narrow ridge to its north with a sharp outer edge. The spectral index at the ridge is in the range 0.70α0.80-0.70\leq\alpha\leq-0.80. We suggest that the ridge is caused by projection along the line of sight. With a simple toy model for the smallest region of the ridge, we conclude that the magnetic field is below 5μG5\,\rm\mu G and varies significantly across the shock front. Our model indicates that the actual Mach number is higher than that obtained from the injection index and agrees well with the one derived from the overall spectrum, namely M=3.780.2+0.3{\cal M}=3.78^{+0.3}_{-0.2}. The radio halo shows an average spectral index of α=1.16±0.05\alpha=-1.16\pm0.05 and a slight gradient from north to south. The southernmost part of the halo is steeper and possibly related to a shock front. Excluding the southernmost part, the halo morphology agrees very well with the X-ray morphology. A power-law correlation is found between the radio and X-ray surface brightnessComment: 23 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Astrophysical turbulence modeling

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    The role of turbulence in various astrophysical settings is reviewed. Among the differences to laboratory and atmospheric turbulence we highlight the ubiquitous presence of magnetic fields that are generally produced and maintained by dynamo action. The extreme temperature and density contrasts and stratifications are emphasized in connection with turbulence in the interstellar medium and in stars with outer convection zones, respectively. In many cases turbulence plays an essential role in facilitating enhanced transport of mass, momentum, energy, and magnetic fields in terms of the corresponding coarse-grained mean fields. Those transport properties are usually strongly modified by anisotropies and often completely new effects emerge in such a description that have no correspondence in terms of the original (non coarse-grained) fields.Comment: 88 pages, 26 figures, published in Reports on Progress in Physic

    The Physics of Cluster Mergers

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    Clusters of galaxies generally form by the gravitational merger of smaller clusters and groups. Major cluster mergers are the most energetic events in the Universe since the Big Bang. Some of the basic physical properties of mergers will be discussed, with an emphasis on simple analytic arguments rather than numerical simulations. Semi-analytic estimates of merger rates are reviewed, and a simple treatment of the kinematics of binary mergers is given. Mergers drive shocks into the intracluster medium, and these shocks heat the gas and should also accelerate nonthermal relativistic particles. X-ray observations of shocks can be used to determine the geometry and kinematics of the merger. Many clusters contain cooling flow cores; the hydrodynamical interactions of these cores with the hotter, less dense gas during mergers are discussed. As a result of particle acceleration in shocks, clusters of galaxies should contain very large populations of relativistic electrons and ions. Electrons with Lorentz factors gamma~300 (energies E = gamma m_e c^2 ~ 150 MeV) are expected to be particularly common. Observations and models for the radio, extreme ultraviolet, hard X-ray, and gamma-ray emission from nonthermal particles accelerated in these mergers are described.Comment: 38 pages with 9 embedded Postscript figures. To appear in Merging Processes in Clusters of Galaxies, edited by L. Feretti, I. M. Gioia, and G. Giovannini (Dordrecht: Kluwer), in press (2001

    Magnetic Field Amplification in Galaxy Clusters and its Simulation

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    We review the present theoretical and numerical understanding of magnetic field amplification in cosmic large-scale structure, on length scales of galaxy clusters and beyond. Structure formation drives compression and turbulence, which amplify tiny magnetic seed fields to the microGauss values that are observed in the intracluster medium. This process is intimately connected to the properties of turbulence and the microphysics of the intra-cluster medium. Additional roles are played by merger induced shocks that sweep through the intra-cluster medium and motions induced by sloshing cool cores. The accurate simulation of magnetic field amplification in clusters still poses a serious challenge for simulations of cosmological structure formation. We review the current literature on cosmological simulations that include magnetic fields and outline theoretical as well as numerical challenges.Comment: 60 pages, 19 Figure

    Merging history of three bimodal clusters

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    We present a combined X-ray and optical analysis of three bimodal galaxy clusters selected as merging candidates at z ~ 0.1. These targets are part of MUSIC (MUlti--Wavelength Sample of Interacting Clusters), which is a general project designed to study the physics of merging clusters by means of multi-wavelength observations. Observations include spectro-imaging with XMM-Newton EPIC camera, multi-object spectroscopy (260 new redshifts), and wide-field imaging at the ESO 3.6m and 2.2m telescopes. We build a global picture of these clusters using X-ray luminosity and temperature maps together with galaxy density and velocity distributions. Idealized numerical simulations were used to constrain the merging scenario for each system. We show that A2933 is very likely an equal-mass advanced pre-merger ~ 200 Myr before the core collapse, while A2440 and A2384 are post-merger systems ~ 450 Myr and ~1.5 Gyr after core collapse, respectively). In the case of A2384, we detect a spectacular filament of galaxies and gas spreading over more than 1 h^{-1} Mpc, which we infer to have been stripped during the previous collision. The analysis of the MUSIC sample allows us to outline some general properties of merging clusters: a strong luminosity segregation of galaxies in recent post-mergers; the existence of preferential axes --corresponding to the merging directions-- along which the BCGs and structures on various scales are aligned; the concomitance, in most major merger cases, of secondary merging or accretion events, with groups infalling onto the main cluster, and in some cases the evidence of previous merging episodes in one of the main components. These results are in good agreement with the hierarchical scenario of structure formation, in which clusters are expected to form by successive merging events, and matter is accreted along large--scale filaments

    The XMM–NEWTON Ω Project: I. The X-ray luminosity – temperature relation at z>0.4

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    We describe XMM-Newton Guaranteed Time observations of a sample of eight high redshift (0.45 < z < rvirial) bolometric luminosities, performed β-model fits to the radial surface profiles and made spectral fits to a single temperature isothermal model. We describe data analysis techniques that pay particular attention to background mitigation. We have also estimated temperatures and luminosities for two known clusters (Abell 2246 and RXJ1325.0-3814), and one new high redshift cluste r candidate (XMMU J084701.8 +345117), that were detected o ff-axis. Characterizing the L x − Tx relation as L x = L 6 ( T 6keV ) α , we find L 6 = 15 . 9 + 7 . 6 − 5 . 2 × 1044erg s − 1 and α =2.7 ±0.4 for an Ω Λ = 0 . 0 , Ω M = 1 .0, H0 = 50 km s − 1 Mpc − 1 cosmology at a typical redshift z ∼ 0 .55. Comparing with the low redshift study by Markevitch, 1998, we find α to be in agreement, and assuming L x − Tx to evolve as (1 + z ) A , we find A =0.68 ±0.26 for the same cosmology and A = 1 .52 + 0 .26 − 0 .27 for an Ω Λ = 0 . 7 , Ω M = 0 . 3 cosmology. Our A values are very similar to those found previously by Vikhlinin et al., 2002 using a compilation of Chandra observations of 0 .39 < z < 1 .26 clusters. We conclude that there is now evidence from both XMM-Newton and Chandra for an evolutionary trend in the L x − Tx relation. This evolution is significantly below the level expected from the predictions of the self-similar model for an Ω Λ = 0 . 0 , Ω M = 1 .0, cosmology, but consistent with self-similar model in an Ω Λ = 0 . 7 , Ω M = 0 . 3 cosmology. Our observations lend support to the robustness and completeness of the SHARC and 160SD surveys

    CANGAROO-III search for TeV Gamma-rays from two clusters of galaxies

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    Because accretion and merger shocks in clusters of galaxies may accelerate particles to high energies, clusters are candidate sites for the origin of ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic-rays. A prediction was presented for gamma-ray emission from a cluster of galaxies at a detectable level with the current generation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The gamma-ray emission was produced via inverse Compton upscattering of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons by electron-positron pairs generated by collisions of UHE cosmic rays in the cluster. We observed two clusters of galaxies, Abell 3667 and Abell 4038, searching for very-high-energy gamma-ray emission with the CANGAROO-III atmospheric Cherenkov telescope system in 2006. The analysis showed no significant excess around these clusters, yielding upper limits on the gamma-ray emission. From a comparison of the upper limit for the north-west radio relic region of Abell 3667 with a model prediction, we derive a lower limit for the magnetic field of the region of ~0.1 micro G. This shows the potential of gamma-ray observations in studies of the cluster environment. We also discuss the flux upper limit from cluster center regions using a model of gamma-ray emission from neutral pions produced in hadronic collisions of cosmic-ray protons with the intra-cluster medium (ICM). The derived upper limit of the cosmic-ray energy density within this framework is an order of magnitude higher than that of our Galaxy.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Accepted in Ap