34 research outputs found

    Anteproyecto arquitectónico "Complejo Ecoturístico Hostal Nanahuatzin" Departamento de Morazán

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    El turismo comprende una actividad importante en el sector servicios de nuestro país, nuestro país cuenta con áreas naturales llenas de belleza agradable para todo turista que visite estos lugares. La metodología de investigación se realizará utilizando la exploratoria y la explicativa. El objetivo general es colaborar con el patronato para el desarrollo de las actividades de las comunidades de Morazán y San Miguel a través del centro de formación para el desarrollo local. La conclusión es que en Perquin se están implementado políticas para el desarrollo ecoturístico a través de ONGS y otras organizaciones

    Validação da escala de morisky 8 em pacientes com doença do renal crônica

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    Introduction: It is important to provide long-term, adequate and timely treatment of the Chronic kidney disease, by pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies, however, low adherence of patients to drug treatment puts at risk the effectiveness of the intervention.Objective: Translate to Spanish, validate and adapt the scale of adherence Morisky 8 items patients with chronic kidney disease.Materials and methods: Translation from MMAS-8 was performed according to the guidelines for the translation and adaptation of measuring instruments for use in medical research. It was validated by expert judgment following the Delphi method. A pilot study was conducted cross-sectional, where 30 patients who consulted predialysis renal unit of the central military hospital in Bogota Colombia was surveyed.Results: MMAS-8 Scale translated into Spanish was submitted to the judges for validation, obtaining a percentage of agreement equal to or greater than 80% for all questions, the coefficient of Kendall W in this case was 0.8 with a p value of 0.0001 was calculated and it is interpreted as a high degree of consistency between the assessments made by the judges to the different items of the questionnaire. MMAS-8 is applied to 30 patients with a mean age 75.9 years (+/- 15), the level of adherence to treatment is performed according to the scale score Morisky 8 items, classified as low adherence to treatment in 62.5% of cases with lower score of 6, adhesion median 28.1% of patients score between 6 and 7, and high adhesion only 9.4% of patients with major score of 8.Conclusions: The scale measuring adherence Morisky 8 items It is valid to measure adherence to drug treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease according to expert judgment.Introducción: Es importante proveer un adecuado y oportuno manejo a largo plazo de la ERC, por medio de estrategias farmacológicas y no farmacológicas, sin embargo, la baja adherencia de los pacientes al tratamiento  farmacológico pone en riesgo la efectividad de la intervención.Objetivo: Traducir al español, validar  y adaptar la escala de adherencia al tratamiento de Morisky de 8 items a pacientes con ERC.Materiales y Métodos: La traducción del MMAS-8  se realizó de acuerdo con las directrices para la traducción y la adaptación de instrumentos de medida para ser utilizados en investigación médica, se validó mediante juicio de expertos siguiendo el método Delphi. Se realizó un estudio piloto corte transversal, donde se encuesto a 30 pacientes que acudieron a consulta de predialisis de la unidad renal del hospital militar central en Bogotá Colombia.Resultados: La escala MMAS-8 traducida al español fue sometida a los jueces para su validación obteniéndose un porcentaje de acuerdo igual o mayor al 80% para todas las preguntas, se calculó  el coeficiente de concordancia W de Kendall que en este caso  fue 0,8 con un p valor de 0,0001 y se interpretó como un alto grado de concordancia entre las valoraciones hechas por los jueces a los diferentes ítems del cuestionario. Se aplicó el MMAS-8 a  30 pacientes con una media de edad de 75,9 años (+/- 15), el nivel de adherencia al tratamiento se analizó según el puntaje de la escala  de Morisky de 8 items, clasificándose como baja adherencia al tratamiento en el 62,5% de los casos con puntaje menor de 6, mediana adherencia 28,1% de los pacientes puntaje entre 6 y 7 y alta adherencia solo el 9,4% de los pacientes  con puntaje mayor de 8.Conclusiones: La escala de medición de adherencia al tratamiento de Morisky de 8 items es válida para medir la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico de pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica según juicio de expertos.Introdução: É importante fornecer um tratamento a longo prazo, adequado e oportuno da doença renal crónica, através de estratégias farmacológicas e não farmacológicas, no entanto, a baixa adesão dos doentes ao tratamento medicamentoso põe em risco a eficácia da intervenção.Objetivo: Traduzir para o espanhol, validar e adaptar a escala de adesão Morisky 8 itens pacientes com doença renal crônica.Materiais e métodos: A tradução do MMAS-8 foi realizada de acordo com as diretrizes para a tradução e adaptação de instrumentos de medição para uso em uma investigação médica. Foi validado por um juízo especialista seguindo o método Delphi. Um estudo piloto foi realizado em corte transversal, onde foram entrevistados 30 pacientes que consultaram a unidade pré-diálise renal do hospital militar central em Bogotá Colômbia.Resultados: A escala de MMAS-8 traduzida para o espanhol foi submetida aos juízes para validação, obtendo-se uma percentagem de concordância igual ou superior a 80% para todas as questões, o coeficiente de Kendall W neste caso 0,8 com um valor de p de 0,0001 foi calculado e interpretado como um alto grau de consistência entre as avaliações feitas pelos juízes aos diferentes itens do questionário. O MMAS-8 é aplicado a 30 pacientes com idade média de 75,9 anos (+/- 15), o nível de aderência ao tratamento é realizado de acordo com o escore Morisky 8 itens, classificados como baixa adesão ao tratamento em 62,5% dos casos com Menor pontuação de 6, adesão mediana 28,1% dos pacientes pontuação entre 6 e 7, e alta adesão apenas 9,4% dos pacientes com pontuação maior de 8.Conclusões: A adesão escala de medição para tratamento Morisky 8 itens é válido para medir a adesão ao tratamen­to medicamentoso de pacientes com doença renal crônica, de acordo com o julgamento cientistas de investigaçã

    dolls/puppets like mensch – dolls/puppets as artificial beings. Part 1.2

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    Die dritte Ausgabe der Zeitschrift denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de:do), ein multi-disziplinäres Online-Journal für Mensch-Puppen-Diskurse, erscheint als Doppelheft, dessen gemeinsamer Themenschwerpunkt lautet: puppen/dolls like mensch – puppen als künstliche meschen. Mit diesem Fokus wird ein Thema aufgegriffen, das Menschen seit der Antike berührt und bis heute ihren Verstand und ihre Imagination, ihre Bedürfnisse und ihre Gefühle in Unruhe versetzt. In Mythologien, literarischen Fiktionen und Narrativen für Erwachsene und Kinder, in Werken der bildenden Künste, im Film, in mechanisch-technischen Anwendungen und Utopien, in den performativen Künsten, in der (Spiel-)Pädagogik und in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Popkultur wirft das Motiv der Puppe mit seinen unterschiedlichsten Ausdrucksformen immer auch existenzielle Fragen auf: Wer und was ist der Mensch? Die Puppe als künstlicher Mensch ist in gewisser Weise wie mensch, ohne Mensch zu sein. Als von Menschen geschaffene Abbilder, Vorbilder, Nachahmungen und Entwürfe des Menschen spiegeln und bestätigen Puppen vorhandene Lebenswelten und loten gleichzeitig Potenziale und Abgründe des Mensch-Seins zwischen Utopie und Dystopie, zwischen Neugier und Hingabe, zwischen Horror und Glückseligkeit, zwischen Macht und Ohnmacht aus. Puppen/dolls like mensch – der doppelte Wortsinn betont die gegebene Ambiguität der Puppen und die spannenden, ihnen innewohnenden Ambivalenzen. Im ersten Teilband (1.1) wird den Spuren und Erscheinungsformen des Puppenmotivs und der Puppe(n) – als literarisches Narrativ, als künstlerisches Motiv, als materialisiertes Objekt – vor allem im Kontext von bildender Kunst, Literatur, Fotografie, Theater und Androidentechnologien nachgegangen. Im zweiten Teilband (1.2) werden zum einen kinderliterarische und (spiel-)didaktische Texte akzentuiert, zum anderen sind hier verschiedene mediale und popkulturelle Formate aus den Bereichen Computerspiel, Comic-Film-Adaptation, Film (unterschiedlicher Genres) und dem Figurentheater versammelt sowie Thematisierungen der Verknüpfung von materiellen Artefakten und literarischen Narrativen. Rezensionen in Form von Essays über literarische Puppen-Narrative, eine Foto-Ausstellung und ein Ballett runden beide Ausgaben ab. Die zeitliche Spanne reicht vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart und Zukunft und zeigt einmal mehr, wie über das Narrativ der Puppe uralte Menschheitsfragen in Traditionslinien eingebunden werden und sie auf faszinierende Weisen fortschreiben.The third edition of the journal denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de: do), a multidisciplinary online journal for human-doll discourses, is a double issue whose shared thematic focus is: puppen/dolls like mensch – dolls/puppets as artificial beings. With this focus, we take up a topic that has concerned mankind since ancient times and has always upset their 'minds' and 'hearts’, their needs and feelings. In mythologies, literary fictions and narratives for adults as well as for children, in works of the visual arts, in film, in mechanical-technical applications and utopias, in the performative arts, in (play-)pedagogy and in the various fields of pop culture, the motif of the doll with its various forms of expression always raises existential questions: Who is man, what is human? The doll as an artificial human being is in a certain way like mensch without being human. As man-made images, as models, imitations and designs of humans, dolls/puppets reflect and confirm existing worlds and at the same time sound out the potentials and abysses of being human between utopia and dystopia, between curiosity and devotion, between horror and bliss, between power and powerlessness. Dolls/puppets like mensch – the double meaning of these words emphasizes the given ambiguity of the dolls/puppets and the intriguing ambivalences inherent in them. In the first part of volume (1.1) the traces and manifestations of the doll motif and of doll(s) – as literary narrative, as artistic motif, as materialized object – will be explored primarily in the context of the fine arts, of literature, photography, theater and android technologies. In the second part of the volume (1.2), on the one hand, children's literature and (play)didactic texts are accentuated; on the other hand, various media and pop-cultural formats from the fields of computer games, comic-film adaptations, films (of different genres) and puppet theater performances are gathered here, as well as issues that link material artifacts and literary narratives. Reviews in the form of essays on literary doll narratives, a photo exhibition and a ballet round off both editions. The time span extends from the Middle Ages to the present and future and shows once again how age-old questions regarding mankind and humanity are integrated into traditional lines and are carried on continuously in fascinating ways

    Infectious Diseases, Social, Economic and Political Crises, Anthropogenic Disasters and Beyond: Venezuela 2019 – Implications for Public Health and Travel Medicine

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    During last months, there have been a significant increase in the evidences showing the catastrophic health situation in Venezuela. There are multiple epidemics, increase in emerging and reemerging infectious, tropical and parasitic diseases as consequences of the social, economic and political crises, which would be considered today a clearly anthropogenic disaster. Venezuela is facing in 2019, the worse sanitary conditions, with multiple implications for public health and travel medicine. So far, from a global perspective, this situation will be an impediment for the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDG) in 2030. In this multiauthor review, there is a comprehensive analysis of the situation for infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, their impact in the Americas region, given the migration crisis as well as the comparative status of the SDG 2030. This discussion can provide input for prioritizing emerging health problems and establish a future agenda

    Infectious Diseases, Social, Economic and Political Crises, Anthropogenic Disasters and Beyond: Venezuela 2019 – Implications for Public Health and Travel Medicine

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    During last months, there have been a significant increase in the evidences showing the catastrophic health situation in Venezuela. There are multiple epidemics, increase in emerging and reemerging infectious, tropical and parasitic diseases as consequences of the social, economic and political crises, which would be considered today a clearly anthropogenic disaster. Venezuela is facing in 2019, the worse sanitary conditions, with multiple implications for public health and travel medicine. So far, from a global perspective, this situation will be an impediment for the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDG) in 2030. In this multiauthor review, there is a comprehensive analysis of the situation for infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, their impact in the Americas region, given the migration crisis as well as the comparative status of the SDG 2030. This discussion can provide input for prioritizing emerging health problems and establish a future agenda

    Zero by 2030 and OneHealth: The multidisciplinary challenges of rabies control and elimination

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    "Rabies, caused by a negative strand RNA-virus belonging to the genus Lyssavirus (family Rhabdoviridae of the order Mononegavirales), remains of global concern [1]. This vaccine-preventable viral zoonotic disease is present in more than 150 countries and territories [2]. Ac- cording to the World Health Organization (WHO), rabies is estimated to cause ~59,000 human deaths annually, with 95% of cases occurring in Africa and Asia [3,4]. However, rabies still occurs in other regions, such as Latin America and the Caribbean [5–8], Central Asia and the Middle East [9,10]. Whilst a number of animals can host the rabies virus, dogs are the main source of human rabies deaths, contributing up to 99% of all rabies transmissions to humans. Dog-mediated rabies has been eliminated from Western Europe, Canada, the United States of America (USA), Japan and some Latin American countries [11]. Nevertheless, the risk of reintroduction and disease among travellers to risk areas is a matter of concern [12–15]. As occurred with many other communicable and non-communicable diseases, the 2020–2022 COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the efforts of control and reemergence of rabies in certain countries [7,16,17]. Post-pandemic challenges to enhance con- trol and prevention are multiple and need urgent actions to achieve the goal in eight years by 2030 [16].

    VISIONES DE LA EDUCACION FINANCIERA: Analisis y perspectivas.

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    Este libro es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación por parte de todos los autores quienes integraron los capítulos, por lo que agradecemos su confianza e interés para ser parte de este gran proyecto académico. Gracias a los enlaces de cada una de las Instituciones que aceptaron respaldar este libro: Marlen Rocío Reyes Hernández, Profesora-Investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México; Rogelio Valenzuela Díaz, Decano de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Panamá; Samuel Alberto Moreno Peralta, Presidente del Colegio de Economistas de Panamá, a los miembros de la Asociación Mexicana de Especialistas en Educación Financiera, Asociación Valor México y la Federación de Economistas de la República Mexicana. Asimismo, hacemos una deferencia a los jóvenes talentosos que acompañaron en la coordinación del documento final, entrañables alumnos, becarios y amigos: Julio César Silva Vázquez y Alfredo Larry Vargas Hernández, que estamos convencidas que alcanzarán todas sus metas que se propongan en la vida. También es necesario reconocer a nuestras amadas familias que compartieron el tiempo de convivencia, para que lográramos la realización de este libroVisiones de la educación financiera: análisis y perspectivas es una obra que enmarca la importancia de la educación financiera en la sociedad en el contexto actual. Las decisiones que en este tema realiza un individuo pueden impactar positiva o negativamente su estabilidad económica por un periodo indeterminado, es aquí cuando la educación financiera actúa como una herramienta trascendental en su bienestar personal. Además de tener la función de armadura ante las batallas que se libran en los mercados —como la crisis financiera de 2008— funge como dinamizador de las economías al potenciar los proyectos de inversión con el aumento del emprendedurismo, impactando así en las variables macroeconómicas. Esta área del conocimiento ha adquirido importancia y popularidad a nivel internacional a raíz de las crisis económicas de los últimos años, sin embargo, aún existen, entre otras, brechas sociodemográficas, culturales, económicas, que no permiten el acceso a estas enseñanzas, excluyendo parte de la población del proceso del bienestar económico. Para ejemplificar esta desigualdad, en los capítulos se plasma un panorama internacional de la educación financiera, considerando las implicaciones y retos que han tenido las estrategias nacionales de educación financiera a nivel mundial

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries