1,637 research outputs found

    Planeamiento estratégico del sistema educativo universitario privado de la región Arequipa

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    El plan estratĂ©gico elaborado para el sistema educativo universitario privado en la regiĂłn Arequipa, busca priorizar las estrategias mĂĄs apropiadas para el sector sobre la base de anĂĄlisis internos y externos, combinaciĂłn de fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades, y amenazas, formulaciĂłn de estrategias alineadas a la visiĂłn, y filtrado de cada una de las estrategias por nivel de atractividad. Luego de haber finalizado esta etapa de formulaciĂłn, se ha procedido a la etapa de implementaciĂłn que consiste en establecer los objetivos a corto plazo, asignar recursos, definir polĂ­ticas, y proponer una nueva estructura organizacional. Finalmente, en la etapa de evaluaciĂłn estratĂ©gica se han formulado los indicadores para controlar el nivel de avance en el tablero de control del Balance Scored Card. Es necesario señalar que a la fecha los diversos rankings a nivel mundial, destacan mĂĄs las universidades privadas internacionales; asimismo, a nivel nacional tambiĂ©n se presenta un notorio liderazgo de las universidades de la capital. Arequipa, como segunda ciudad del paĂ­s, la cual se encuentra ubicada estratĂ©gicamente en la regiĂłn sur del PerĂș y tiene todas las condiciones para poder crecer tanto en nĂșmero de alumnos como en calidad educativa, mediante el aprovechamiento de su infraestructura, podrĂĄ lograr los objetivos que se proponga. El reto propuesto es lograr que para el año 2025, el Sistema Universitario Privado de Arequipa sea el mejor sistema universitario privado del PerĂș.The strategic plan developed for the Educational System Private University in Arequipa region, searches based on internal and external analyzes, the combination of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, to formulate strategies aligned to the vision, and filtering each strategies by level of attractiveness, have the necessary support to prioritize the most appropriate strategies for the sector. Having just completed this stage of development, we have proceeded to the implementation stage which is to establish short-term goals, allocate resources, define policies and propose a new organizational structure. Finally in the strategic evaluation stage are formulated, indicators to monitor the level of progress in the control board Balance Scored Card. It should be noted that currently the global ranking, private universities are more prominent international nationally is also true that it has a notorious leader of the university in the capital. Arequipa, as second city, which is strategically located in the southern region of Peru and has all the conditions to grow both in number of students and quality education through the use of their existing infrastructure, can achieve the objectives proposed. The proposed challenge is to ensure that by 2025, the Private University System of Arequipa is the best private university system in Peru.Tesi

    The molecular and structural bases for the association of complement C3 mutations with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome

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    Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) associates with complement dysregulation caused by muta-tions and polymorphisms in complement activators and regulators. However, the reasons why somemutations in complement proteins predispose to aHUS are poorly understood. Here, we have investigatedthe functional consequences of three aHUS-associated mutations in C3, R592W, R161W and I1157T. First,we provide evidence that penetrance and disease severity for these mutations is modulated by inheri-tance of documented “risk” haplotypes as has been observed with mutations in other complement genes.Next, we show that all three mutations markedly reduce the efficiency of factor I-mediated C3b cleavagewhen catalyzed by membrane cofactor protein (MCP), but not when catalyzed by factor H. Biacore anal-ysis showed that each mutant C3b bound sMCP (recombinant soluble MCP; CD46) at reduced affinity,providing a molecular basis for its reduced cofactor activity. Lastly, we show by electron microscopystructural analysis a displacement of the TED domain from the MG ring in C3b in two of the C3 mutantsthat explains these defects in regulation. As a whole our data suggest that aHUS-associated mutations inC3 selectively affect regulation of complement on surfaces and provide a structural framework to predictthe functional consequences of the C3 genetic variants found in patients

    5to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    El V Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, TecnologĂ­a e InnovaciĂłn para la Sociedad, CITIS 2019, realizado del 6 al 8 de febrero de 2019 y organizado por la Universidad PolitĂ©cnica Salesiana, ofreciĂł a la comunidad acadĂ©mica nacional e internacional una plataforma de comunicaciĂłn unificada, dirigida a cubrir los problemas teĂłricos y prĂĄcticos de mayor impacto en la sociedad moderna desde la ingenierĂ­a. En esta ediciĂłn, dedicada a los 25 años de vida de la UPS, los ejes temĂĄticos estuvieron relacionados con la aplicaciĂłn de la ciencia, el desarrollo tecnolĂłgico y la innovaciĂłn en cinco pilares fundamentales de nuestra sociedad: la industria, la movilidad, la sostenibilidad ambiental, la informaciĂłn y las telecomunicaciones. El comitĂ© cientĂ­fico estuvo conformado formado por 48 investigadores procedentes de diez paĂ­ses: España, Reino Unido, Italia, BĂ©lgica, MĂ©xico, Venezuela, Colombia, Brasil, Estados Unidos y Ecuador. Fueron recibidas un centenar de contribuciones, de las cuales 39 fueron aprobadas en forma de ponencias y 15 en formato poster. Estas contribuciones fueron presentadas de forma oral ante toda la comunidad acadĂ©mica que se dio cita en el Congreso, quienes desde el aula magna, el auditorio y la sala de usos mĂșltiples de la Universidad PolitĂ©cnica Salesiana, cumplieron respetuosamente la responsabilidad de representar a toda la sociedad en la revisiĂłn, aceptaciĂłn y validaciĂłn del conocimiento nuevo que fue presentado en cada exposiciĂłn por los investigadores. Paralelo a las sesiones tĂ©cnicas, el Congreso contĂł con espacios de presentaciĂłn de posters cientĂ­ficos y cinco workshops en temĂĄticas de vanguardia que cautivaron la atenciĂłn de nuestros docentes y estudiantes. TambiĂ©n en el marco del evento se impartieron un total de ocho conferencias magistrales en temas tan actuales como la gestiĂłn del conocimiento en la universidad-ecosistema, los retos y oportunidades de la industria 4.0, los avances de la investigaciĂłn bĂĄsica y aplicada en mecatrĂłnica para el estudio de robots de nueva generaciĂłn, la optimizaciĂłn en ingenierĂ­a con tĂ©cnicas multi-objetivo, el desarrollo de las redes avanzadas en LatinoamĂ©rica y los mundos, la contaminaciĂłn del aire debido al trĂĄnsito vehicular, el radĂłn y los riesgos que representa este gas radiactivo para la salud humana, entre otros

    Management of acute diverticulitis with pericolic free gas (ADIFAS). an international multicenter observational study

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    Background: There are no specific recommendations regarding the optimal management of this group of patients. The World Society of Emergency Surgery suggested a nonoperative strategy with antibiotic therapy, but this was a weak recommendation. This study aims to identify the optimal management of patients with acute diverticulitis (AD) presenting with pericolic free air with or without pericolic fluid. Methods: A multicenter, prospective, international study of patients diagnosed with AD and pericolic-free air with or without pericolic free fluid at a computed tomography (CT) scan between May 2020 and June 2021 was included. Patients were excluded if they had intra-abdominal distant free air, an abscess, generalized peritonitis, or less than a 1-year follow-up. The primary outcome was the rate of failure of nonoperative management within the index admission. Secondary outcomes included the rate of failure of nonoperative management within the first year and risk factors for failure. Results: A total of 810 patients were recruited across 69 European and South American centers; 744 patients (92%) were treated nonoperatively, and 66 (8%) underwent immediate surgery. Baseline characteristics were similar between groups. Hinchey II-IV on diagnostic imaging was the only independent risk factor for surgical intervention during index admission (odds ratios: 12.5, 95% CI: 2.4-64, P =0.003). Among patients treated nonoperatively, at index admission, 697 (94%) patients were discharged without any complications, 35 (4.7%) required emergency surgery, and 12 (1.6%) percutaneous drainage. Free pericolic fluid on CT scan was associated with a higher risk of failure of nonoperative management (odds ratios: 4.9, 95% CI: 1.2-19.9, P =0.023), with 88% of success compared to 96% without free fluid ( P <0.001). The rate of treatment failure with nonoperative management during the first year of follow-up was 16.5%. Conclusion: Patients with AD presenting with pericolic free gas can be successfully managed nonoperatively in the vast majority of cases. Patients with both free pericolic gas and free pericolic fluid on a CT scan are at a higher risk of failing nonoperative management and require closer observation

    Una mirada interdisciplinar sobre los retos actuales de la infancia en un mundo globalizado (RETIN)

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    El concepto de infancia ha ido evolucionando a lo largo de la historia. En el siglo XX, especialmente en sus Ășltimos años, se ha prestado mayor atenciĂłn al desenvolvimiento de los seres humanos en esta etapa de la vida, atenciĂłn que se ha concretado, entre otras cuestiones, en el interĂ©s creciente hacia los derechos de la infancia. En 1989 este proceso se ve reforzado por la aprobaciĂłn de la ConvenciĂłn de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los niños y las niñas, que reconoce a las personas menores de 18 años de edad derechos civiles, sociales, econĂłmicos, culturales y polĂ­ticos, derechos de ciudadanĂ­a en suma para el colectivo infantil, considerado previamente como puro objeto de protecciĂłn. En el ĂĄmbito de las ciencias sociales se ha producido tambiĂ©n una transformaciĂłn. Desde un enfoque sociolĂłgico se considera que la infancia es un espacio temporal en la trayectoria de vida de las personas, y tambiĂ©n el espacio social definido para el desarrollo de la vida de los niños. Se reconoce que tambiĂ©n los niños, como grupo social, no sĂłlo pueden actuar, sino que actĂșan de hecho, y se relacionan con los demĂĄs grupos sociales, modificando, construyendo y contribuyendo a los cambios que se producen en la sociedad. En este marco, el objetivo del presente proyecto es la elaboraciĂłn y difusiĂłn de materiales audiovisuales pedagĂłgicos basados en entrevistas sobre los retos actuales de la infancia en un mundo globalizado, como son: cuidados en la ciudad, infancia migrante no acompañada, desigualdades socioeconĂłmicas, nuevas tecnologĂ­as y gĂ©nero

    Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in patients with critical influenza pneumonia

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    In an international cohort of 279 patients with hypoxemic influenza pneumonia, we identified 13 patients (4.6%) with autoantibodies neutralizing IFN-alpha and/or -omega, which were previously reported to underlie 15% cases of life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia and one third of severe adverse reactions to live-attenuated yellow fever vaccine. Autoantibodies neutralizing type I interferons (IFNs) can underlie critical COVID-19 pneumonia and yellow fever vaccine disease. We report here on 13 patients harboring autoantibodies neutralizing IFN-alpha 2 alone (five patients) or with IFN-omega (eight patients) from a cohort of 279 patients (4.7%) aged 6-73 yr with critical influenza pneumonia. Nine and four patients had antibodies neutralizing high and low concentrations, respectively, of IFN-alpha 2, and six and two patients had antibodies neutralizing high and low concentrations, respectively, of IFN-omega. The patients' autoantibodies increased influenza A virus replication in both A549 cells and reconstituted human airway epithelia. The prevalence of these antibodies was significantly higher than that in the general population for patients 70 yr of age (3.1 vs. 4.4%, P = 0.68). The risk of critical influenza was highest in patients with antibodies neutralizing high concentrations of both IFN-alpha 2 and IFN-omega (OR = 11.7, P = 1.3 x 10(-5)), especially those <70 yr old (OR = 139.9, P = 3.1 x 10(-10)). We also identified 10 patients in additional influenza patient cohorts. Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs account for similar to 5% of cases of life-threatening influenza pneumonia in patients <70 yr old

    Higher COVID-19 pneumonia risk associated with anti-IFN-α than with anti-IFN-ω auto-Abs in children

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    We found that 19 (10.4%) of 183 unvaccinated children hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia had autoantibodies (auto-Abs) neutralizing type I IFNs (IFN-alpha 2 in 10 patients: IFN-alpha 2 only in three, IFN-alpha 2 plus IFN-omega in five, and IFN-alpha 2, IFN-omega plus IFN-beta in two; IFN-omega only in nine patients). Seven children (3.8%) had Abs neutralizing at least 10 ng/ml of one IFN, whereas the other 12 (6.6%) had Abs neutralizing only 100 pg/ml. The auto-Abs neutralized both unglycosylated and glycosylated IFNs. We also detected auto-Abs neutralizing 100 pg/ml IFN-alpha 2 in 4 of 2,267 uninfected children (0.2%) and auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-omega in 45 children (2%). The odds ratios (ORs) for life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia were, therefore, higher for auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-alpha 2 only (OR [95% CI] = 67.6 [5.7-9,196.6]) than for auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-. only (OR [95% CI] = 2.6 [1.2-5.3]). ORs were also higher for auto-Abs neutralizing high concentrations (OR [95% CI] = 12.9 [4.6-35.9]) than for those neutralizing low concentrations (OR [95% CI] = 5.5 [3.1-9.6]) of IFN-omega and/or IFN-alpha 2

    The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar and APOGEE-2 Data

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    This paper documents the seventeenth data release (DR17) from the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys; the fifth and final release from the fourth phase (SDSS-IV). DR17 contains the complete release of the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey, which reached its goal of surveying over 10,000 nearby galaxies. The complete release of the MaNGA Stellar Library (MaStar) accompanies this data, providing observations of almost 30,000 stars through the MaNGA instrument during bright time. DR17 also contains the complete release of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 (APOGEE-2) survey which publicly releases infra-red spectra of over 650,000 stars. The main sample from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS), as well as the sub-survey Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey (TDSS) data were fully released in DR16. New single-fiber optical spectroscopy released in DR17 is from the SPectroscipic IDentification of ERosita Survey (SPIDERS) sub-survey and the eBOSS-RM program. Along with the primary data sets, DR17 includes 25 new or updated Value Added Catalogs (VACs). This paper concludes the release of SDSS-IV survey data. SDSS continues into its fifth phase with observations already underway for the Milky Way Mapper (MWM), Local Volume Mapper (LVM) and Black Hole Mapper (BHM) surveys

    Vaccine breakthrough hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia in patients with auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs

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    Life-threatening `breakthrough' cases of critical COVID-19 are attributed to poor or waning antibody response to the SARS- CoV-2 vaccine in individuals already at risk. Pre-existing autoantibodies (auto-Abs) neutralizing type I IFNs underlie at least 15% of critical COVID-19 pneumonia cases in unvaccinated individuals; however, their contribution to hypoxemic breakthrough cases in vaccinated people remains unknown. Here, we studied a cohort of 48 individuals ( age 20-86 years) who received 2 doses of an mRNA vaccine and developed a breakthrough infection with hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia 2 weeks to 4 months later. Antibody levels to the vaccine, neutralization of the virus, and auto- Abs to type I IFNs were measured in the plasma. Forty-two individuals had no known deficiency of B cell immunity and a normal antibody response to the vaccine. Among them, ten (24%) had auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs (aged 43-86 years). Eight of these ten patients had auto-Abs neutralizing both IFN-a2 and IFN-., while two neutralized IFN-omega only. No patient neutralized IFN-ss. Seven neutralized 10 ng/mL of type I IFNs, and three 100 pg/mL only. Seven patients neutralized SARS-CoV-2 D614G and the Delta variant (B.1.617.2) efficiently, while one patient neutralized Delta slightly less efficiently. Two of the three patients neutralizing only 100 pg/mL of type I IFNs neutralized both D61G and Delta less efficiently. Despite two mRNA vaccine inoculations and the presence of circulating antibodies capable of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2, auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs may underlie a significant proportion of hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia cases, highlighting the importance of this particularly vulnerable population
