27 research outputs found

    Decidual Neutrophil Infiltration Is Not Required for Preterm Birth in a Mouse Model of Infection-Induced Preterm Labor

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    Parturition is associated with a leukocyte influx into the intrauterine tissues; however, the exact role these leukocytes play in the onset of labor remains unclear. Neutrophil infiltration of the uteroplacental tissues has been particularly associated with infection-associated preterm labor (PTL) in both women and mouse models. In this study, we investigated the role of neutrophils in a mouse model of infection-induced PTL. Intrauterine administration of LPS on day 17 of gestation resulted in a 7-fold increase in the number of decidual neutrophils compared with control mice receiving PBS (p < 0.01; n = 8–11). We hypothesized that neutrophil influx is necessary for PTL and that neutrophil depletion would abolish preterm birth. To test this hypothesis, mice were depleted of neutrophils by treatment with anti–Gr-1, anti–Ly-6G, or the appropriate IgG control Ab on day 16 of gestation prior to LPS on day 17 (n = 6–7). Successful neutrophil depletion was confirmed by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Neutrophil depletion with Gr-1 resulted in reduced uterine and placental Il-1β expression (p < 0.05). Neutrophil depletion with Ly-6G reduced uterine Il-1β and Tnf-α expression (p < 0.05). However, neutrophil depletion with either Ab did not delay LPS-induced preterm birth. Collectively, these data show that decidual neutrophil infiltration is not essential for the induction of infection-induced PTL in the mouse, but that neutrophils contribute to the LPS-induced inflammatory response of the uteroplacental tissues

    Hypoxia and Prostaglandin E Receptor 4 Signalling Pathways Synergise to Promote Endometrial Adenocarcinoma Cell Proliferation and Tumour Growth

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    The prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PTGS) pathway is a potent driver of tumour development in humans by enhancing the biosynthesis and signalling of prostaglandin (PG) E2. PTGS2 expression and PGE2 biosynthesis is elevated in endometrial adenocarcinoma, however the mechanism whereby PTGS and PGE2 regulate endometrial tumour growth is unknown. Here we investigated (a) the expression profile of the PGE synthase enzymes (PTGES, PTGES-2, PTGES-3) and PGE receptors (PTGER1–4) in endometrial adenocarcinomas compared with normal endometrium and (b) the role of PTGER4 in endometrial tumorigenesis in vivo. We found elevated expression of PTGES2 and PTGER4 and suppression of PTGER1 and PTGER3 in endometrial adenocarcinomas compared with normal endometrium. Using WT Ishikawa endometrial adenocarcinoma cells and Ishikawa cells stably transfected with the full length PTGER4 cDNA (PTGER4 cells) xenografted in the dorsal flanks of nude mice, we show that PTGER4 rapidly and significantly enhances tumour growth rate. Coincident with enhanced PTGER4-mediated tumour growth we found elevated expression of PTGS2 in PTGER4 xenografts compared with WT xenografts. Furthermore we found that the augmented growth rate of the PTGER4 xenografts was not due to enhanced angiogenesis, but regulated by an increased proliferation index and hypoxia. In vitro, we found that PGE2 and hypoxia independently induce expression of PTGER4 indicating two independent pathways regulating prostanoid receptor expression. Finally we have shown that PGE2 and hypoxia synergise to promote cellular proliferation of endometrial adenocarcinoma cells

    Prokineticin 1 Induces Inflammatory Response in Human Myometrium: A Potential Role in Initiating Term and Preterm Parturition

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    The infiltration of human myometrium and cervix with leukocytes and the formation of a pro-inflammatory environment within the uterus have been associated with the initiation of both term and preterm parturition. The mechanism regulating the onset of this pro-inflammatory cascade is not fully elucidated. We demonstrate that prokineticin 1 (PROK1) is up-regulated in human myometrium and placenta during labor. The expression of PROK1 receptor remains unchanged during labor and is abundantly expressed in the myometrium. Gene array analysis identified 65 genes up-regulated by PROK1 in human myometrium, mainly cytokines and chemokines, including IL-1β, chemokine C-C motif ligand 3, and colony-stimulating factor 3. In addition, we demonstrate that PROK1 increases the expression of chemokine C-C motif ligand 20, IL-6, IL-8, prostaglandin synthase 2, and prostaglandin E2 and F2α secretion. The treatment of myometrial explants with 100 ng/mL of lipopolysaccharide up-regulates the expression of PROK1, PROK1 receptor, and inflammatory mediators. The infection of myometrial explants with lentiviral microRNA targeting PROK1, preceding treatment with lipopolysaccharide, reduces the expression of inflammatory genes. We propose that PROK1 is a novel inflammatory mediator that can contribute to the onset of human parturition at term and partially mediate premature onset of inflammatory pathways during bacterial infection

    Prokineticin 1 induces a pro-inflammatory response in murine fetal membranes but does not induce preterm delivery

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    The mechanisms that regulate the induction of term or preterm delivery (PTD) are not fully understood. Infection is known to play a role in the induction of pro-inflammatory cascades in uteroplacental tissues associated with preterm pathological parturition. Similar but not identical cascades are evident in term labour. In the current study, we used a mouse model to evaluate the role of prokineticins in term and preterm parturition. Prokineticins are multi-functioning secreted proteins that signal through G-protein-coupled receptors to induce gene expression, including genes important in inflammatory responses. Expression of prokineticins (Prok1 and Prok2) was quantified in murine uteroplacental tissues by QPCR in the days preceding labour (days 16-19). Prok1 mRNA expression increased significantly on D18 in fetal membranes (compared with D16) but not in uterus or placenta. Intrauterine injection of PROK1 on D17 induced fetal membrane mRNA expression of the pro-inflammatory mediators Il6, Il1b, Tnf, Cxcl2 and Cxcl5, which are not normally up-regulated until D19 of pregnancy. However, intrauterine injection of PROK1 did not result in PTD. As expected, injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced PTD, but this was not associated with changes in expression of Prok1 or its receptor (Prokr1) in fetal membranes. These results suggest that although Prok1 exhibits dynamic mRNA regulation in fetal membranes preceding labour and induces a pro-inflammatory response when injected into the uterus on D17, it is insufficient to induce PTD. Additionally, prokineticin up-regulation appears not to be part of the LPS-induced inflammatory response in mouse fetal membranes.Tamsin R M Lannagan, Martin R Wilson, Fiona Denison, Jane E Norman, Rob D Catalano and Henry N Jabbou

    Prokineticin 1 signaling and gene regulation in early human pregnancy

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    Prokineticin 1 (PROK1) is a recently described protein with a wide range of functions including tissue-specific angiogenesis, modulation of inflammatory responses, and regulation of hematopoiesis. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of PROK1 and prokineticin receptor 1 (PROKR1) in human endometrium during early pregnancy. PROK1 and PROKR1 expression is significantly elevated in first-trimester decidua, compared with nonpregnant endometrium. Expression of PROK1 and PROKR1 was localized in glandular epithelial and various cellular compartments within the stroma. To investigate the signaling pathways and target genes activated by PROK1, we generated an endometrial epithelial cell line stably expressing PROKR1 (Ishikawa PROKR1 cells). PROK1-PROKR1 interaction induced inositol phosphate mobilization and sequential phosphorylation of c-Src, epidermal growth factor receptor, and ERK 1/2. Gene microarray analysis on RNA extracted from Ishikawa PROKR1 cells treated with 40 nm PROK1 for 8 h revealed 49 genes to be differentially regulated. A number of these genes, including cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, leukemia inhibitory factor, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-11 are regulated in the endometrium during implantation and early pregnancy. We subsequently investigated the effect of PROK1 on expression of COX-2 in Ishikawa PROKR1 cells and first-trimester decidua. COX-2 mRNA and protein expression, and prostaglandin synthesis, were elevated in response to treatment with PROK1. Moreover, expression of COX-2 by PROK1 was dependent on activation of the Gq-phospholipase C-β-cSrc-epidermal growth factor receptor-MAPK/ERK kinase pathway. These data demonstrate that PROK1 and PROKR1 expression is elevated in human decidua during early pregnancy and that PROK1-PROKR1 interaction regulates expression of a host of implantation-related genes

    Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: an advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma-ray astronomy

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    Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has had a major breakthrough with the impressive results obtained using systems of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy has a huge potential in astrophysics, particle physics and cosmology. CTA is an international initiative to build the next generation instrument, with a factor of 5-10 improvement in sensitivity in the 100 GeV-10 TeV range and the extension to energies well below 100 GeV and above 100 TeV. CTA will consist of two arrays (one in the north, one in the south) for full sky coverage and will be operated as open observatory. The design of CTA is based on currently available technology. This document reports on the status and presents the major design concepts of CTA

    Prokineticin 1 mediates fetal-maternal dialogue regulating endometrial leukemia inhibitory factor

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    Implantation requires communication between a receptive endometrium and a healthy blastocyst. This maternal-embryonic crosstalk involves local mediators within the uterine microenvironment. We demonstrate that a secreted protein, prokineticin 1 (PROK1), is expressed in the receptive endometrium and during early pregnancy. PROK1 induces expression of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in endometrial epithelial cells and first trimester decidua via a Gq-Ca2+-cSrc-mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase-mediated pathway. We show that human embryonic chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) induces sequential mRNA expression of PROK1 and LIF in an in vivo baboon model, in human endometrial epithelial cells, and in first-trimester decidua. We have used micro RNA constructs targeted to PROK1 to demonstrate that hCG-mediated LIF expression in the endometrium is dependent on prior induction of PROK1. Dual immunohistochemical analysis colocalized expression of the luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptor, PROK1, PROKR1, and LIF to the glandular epithelial cells of the first trimester decidual tissue. PROK1 enhances adhesion of trophoblast cells to fibronectin and laminin matrices, which are mediated predominantly via LIF induction. These data describe a novel signaling pathway mediating maternal-embryonic crosstalk, in which embryonic hCG via endometrial PROK1 may play a pivotal role in enhancing receptivity and maintaining early pregnancy.—Evans, J., Catalano, R. D., Brown, P., Sherwin, R., Critchley, H. O. D., Fazleabas, A. T., Jabbour, H. N. Prokineticin 1 mediates fetal-maternal dialogue regulating endometrial leukemia inhibitory factor