5,199 research outputs found

    Mounier i "Esprit" al mig del segle XX

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    Memòria, història i oblit

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    Reproduïm aquest article de Paul Ricoeur on l’autor duu a terme una de relectura crítica del seu darrer llibre, relectura nascuda d’un canvi del punt de vista: de l’escriptura com a fil conductor de la història conforme a la seva definició lèxica com a historiografia, es passa a la lectura o, des d’una perspectiva més àmplia, de l’elaboració literària del treball històric a la seva recepció, tant si és pública com privada, segons les línies d’una hermenèutica de la recepció

    Architecture et narrativité

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    La ciudad y la arquitectura son relatos que se conjugan en el pasado, el presente y el futuro. ¿Quién mejor que Paul Ricoeur, filósofo atento al «trabajo de la memoria», para abrir este debate y acompañarnos en ese camino que lleva a un claro en un bosque, como diría Heidegger? Pero el relato sobreentiende la narración, que se define a sí misma como interpretación. ¿Habla la memoria de las piedras igual de claro que la de los textos? Paul Ricoeur nos propone su lectura de esas memorias, que vivifican para siempre el pasado del nuestro presente.La ville et l’architecture sont des récits qui se conjuguent au passé, présent et futur. Qui d’autre que Paul Ricoeur, philosophe attentif au « travail de la mémoire », pouvait ouvrir ce débat ; « ouvrir », c’est-à-dire nous accompagner sur ce chemin qui mène à une clairière, comme le dirait Heidegger. Mais le récit sous-entend la narration, qui elle-même appelle l’interprétation. La mémoire des pierres parle-t-elle aussi bien que celle des textes? Paul Ricoeur nous propose sa lecture de ces mémoires; qui à jamais vivifient le passé de notre présent.Peer Reviewe

    Narratividad, fenomenología y hermenéutica

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    El filósofo Paul Ricoeur, considerado como uno de los más importantes pensadores de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, propone en este texto una mirada retrospectiva a sus fecundas contribuciones a la comprensión del papel que la narratividad juega en la vida individual y en la historia colectiva. Se trata, en efecto, de una auténtica recapitulación de sus cruciales aportaciones en este campo, desarrolladas durante décadas a través de varias obras que han devenido clásicas: un lugar de referencia inexcusable para teóricos e investigadores de toda especie. Entre sus numerosas obras pueden destacarse las siguientes: Temps et récit (1983-1985), Le conflit des interprétations (1969) y La méthapore vive (1975).The philosopher Paul Ricoeur, considered one of the most important thinkers of the second half of the twentieth century, offers in this text a retrospective look at his prolific contributions to the understanding of the role played by the narrative in individual lives and in collective history. In fact, it is an authentic recapitulation of his crucial contributions in this field carried out over decades in various works that have become classics: a necessary reference point for all types of theoreticians and researchers. Among his numerous works the following stand out: Temps et récit (1983-85), Le conflit des interprétations (1969), La méthaphore vive (1975)

    El paradigma de la traducción

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    Architecture and Narrativity

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    Ricoeur's text (english version)Texte de Paul Ricoeur (version anglaise

    El escándalo del mal.

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    Sin resume

    Narrative as re-fusion: making sense and value from sickle cell and thalassaemia trait

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    The moral turn within sociology suggests that we need to be attentive to values and have a rapprochement with philosophy. The study of illness narratives is one area of sociology that has consistently addressed itself to moral domains but has tended to focus on stories of living with genetic or chronic illness per se rather than liminal states such as genetic traits. This article takes the case of genetic carriers within racialized minority groups, namely, those with sickle cell or thalassaemia trait, and takes seriously the notion that their narratives are ethical practices. In line with the work of Paul Ricoeur, such storied practices are found to link embodiment, social relationships with significant others and wider socio-cultural and socio-political relations. At the same time, such practices are about embodying values. These narratives may be considered as practices that re-fuse what genetic counselling has de-fused, in order to make sense of a life in its entirety and to strive ethically and collectively towards preferred social realities

    Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Crack Parameter Identification in Elastic Plate Structures based on Remote Strain Fields

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    AbstractIn this work two different methods for the detection of cracks in plate structures are presented. In fact, the methods exploit strains measured at different locations on the surface of a structure. Solving the inverse problem, this allows both the identication of crack position parameters, such as length, location and angles with respect to a reference coordinate system and the calculation of stress intensity factors (SIF). First, the solution of the direct problem is obtained e.g. by using the BFM (body force method), substituting the crack by distributed point loads leading to strain fields by superposition of fundamental solutions. On the other hand, the dislocation technique is applied particularly to bounded structures and inclined crack paths. The inverse problem is solved applying the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Experiments are performed under cyclic loading using pre- cracked plates made of the aluminum alloy Al-7075
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