984 research outputs found


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    La práctica de la Cirugía ha dado lugar a diversos problemas ̩técnicos que han exigido al Cirujano a desarrollar una elevada calidad moral. Para solucionar dichos conflictos ha sido necesario recurrir a códigos deontológicos, los cuales a través del tiempo han sufrido modificaciones, y que gracias a esto ha sido posible desarrollar una práctica quirúrgica en función de dos componentes: el técnico relativo a las acciones y a los hechos, y el moral, referente a los valores

    About intelligent maintenance and diagnosis techniques for mechatronic systems : case study using fractional order calculus

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    Orientadores: João Maurício Rosário, José António Tenreiro MachadoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: A competitividade no mercado global exige cada vez mais a fabricação de produtos de alta qualidade em curto tempo de fabricação, evitando tempos de parada para manutenção e reparo de máquinas e equipamentos, exigindo assim um eficiente controle de qualidade do processo e dos produtos para evitar a ocorrência de falhas de fabricação e utilização. A integração de novas tecnologias em produtos industriais (ex. tecnologias mecatrônicas) exige a utilização de técnicas avançadas para o diagnóstico de falhas, a partir de análise dos sinais obtidos a partir do sensoriamento dos equipamentos, minimizando assim os custos de utilização de mão de obra especializada para controle de qualidade do produto. Neste trabalho é apresentado inicialmente, um estudo sobre o estado da arte em técnicas de manutenção industrial, com ênfase nas estratégias utilizadas para manutenção corretiva, periódica e baseada no comportamento com ênfase no estudo das técnicas de processamento do sinal e identificação de sistemas, frequentemente utilizadas no diagnóstico de sistemas mecatrônicos, que exigem uma grande quantidade de informações, e forte dependência da análise criteriosa de um técnico especializado. Assim, neste trabalho são utilizados sistemas de ordem fracionária, que permite a aproximação do comportamento real do sistema por meio de modelos com menos coeficientes que o sistema real, simplificando a análise do sistema em estudo. Um estudo experimental de caso para validação do trabalho é realizado a partir de uma bancada experimental de um sistema de transmissão por engrenagens que permitiu introduzir falhas particulares no sistema e sua identificaçãoAbstract: The global market competitiveness requires to make high quality products in a short time of manufacturing, avoiding stop-times due to maintenance and repairing of machines and devices, therefore, demanding an efficient quality control of the manufacturing process, in order to shun failures in fabrication and utilization. The integration of new technologies into industrial products (e.g. mechatronics technologies) requires the use of advanced techniques to a precise failure diagnosis. They are typically based on signal analyses, which are obtained from the machines' instrumentation, and consequently, reduce the manpower costs associated to quality control of particular products. In this work it is introduced a literature review of industrial maintenance techniques, focusing in the strategies used into corrective, periodic and condition based maintenance, specially using signal processing and system identification. Those paradigms are frequently applied into the mechatronics systems diagnosis, but requires a huge amount of information and it is strongly dependent on the specialist criterion. In this sense, we introduced a fractional order system approach, which results in a better approximation of the actual system through an few parameters architecture, hence simplifying the analysis of the actual system. A real experimental setup was used to validate the strategies studied in this work. It consist in a gear transmission that lets to introduce particular failures for a posterior identificationDoutoradoMecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto MecanicoDoutor em Engenharia Mecânic

    Control de manipuladores teleoperados

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    This work is a bibliographical review about different models used to design teleoperated manipulator controllers, there is a quick description of some advantages and disadvantages to implement conventional or intelligent techniques (Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic) to develop control systems applied to these devices. In addition, here the teleoperation systems are descriptively presented; finally there is a specialized section that shows some control strategies in order to deal with signal delays, inherent to manipulator teleoperation. In the last section some important applications for these systems are described.Este trabajo presenta una revisión bibliográfica acerca de distintos modelos utilizados en el diseño de controladores para manipuladores teleoperados, se realiza una descripción tanto de las ventajas como de los problemas que se presentan al momento de implementar sistemas de control con técnicas convencionales e inteligentes (Redes Neuronales y Lógica Difusa) en estos dispositivos. También se abordan descriptivamente los sistemas teleoperados, para finalmente presentar una sección especializada en la que se muestran estrategias de control empleadas para tratar los retardos de señal inherentes a la teleoperación de manipuladores. En la última sección se citan algunas aplicaciones importantes para estos sistemas

    Clúster y Turismo: Modelos de Gestión y Competitividad de los Destinos Turísticos. Análisis del Clúster de Turismo de Nuevo León

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    La globalización económica, ha requerido que las empresas sean cada vez más competitivas en un entorno cambiante. Por ello, para mantenerse en el mercado, se ha observado que las empresas han optado por el desarrollo de clústers, lo que les ha permitido, en diversos sectores económicos de un estado o región, nuevas oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo mediante la cooperación, generando un mayor dinamismo y competitividad empresarial en el que se fomenta la innovación en cada una de ellas. Las empresas del sector turístico no han sido indiferentes a estos cambios y nuevos modelos de gestión, por ello, se han desarrollado los clústers turísticos, como una herramienta competitiva de la cadena productiva del turismo, en el que un conglomerado de empresas de una zona determinada busca alcanzar altos estándares de competitividad e innovación, que permitan la promoción y el desarrollo de los destinos turísticos maximizando su potencial económico. El presente ensayo, aborda una revisión teórica documental sobre las definiciones de ¿qué entendemos por un clúster?, así como aproximaciones a partir de la revisión teórica sobre la importancia del desarrollo de un clúster para los destinos turísticos. En este sentido, el objetivo del este trabajo se ocupa de un análisis general de la contribución del Clúster de Turismo de Nuevo León, para el posicionamiento y desarrollo turístico del estado

    Identification and Visualization of the Conceptual Structure and Main Research Themes of Studies in Informatics and Control Journal from 2008 to 2019

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    Studies in Informatics and Control journal is a quarterly publication for all those involved in the field of Information Technology (IT). Studies in Informatics and Control journal provides important perspectives on topics relevant to IT, with an emphasis on useful applications in the most important areas of IT, and it is aimed at advanced practitioners and researchers in the field of IT. The core subjects covered by Studies in Informatics and Control journal are relating to innovative research and practice in Information Technology: IT use in control and management systems; integration of IT with control; application of IT in socio-economic systems and manufacturing processes, mainly. The current research conducts a bibliometric performance and conceptual structure analysis of Studies in Informatics and Control journal from 2008 to 2019. Firstly, the journal performance is analysed according to the data retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection, putting the focus on the productivity of the authors, citations, countries, organizations and most relevant publications. Finally, the conceptual structure of the journal is analysed with bibliometric software tool SciMAT, identifying the main thematic areas that have been the object of research, their composition, relationship and evolution during the period analysed

    Intelligent maintenance of complex systems: a fractional order approach

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    Compete in the global market requires high quality of products with short time of manufacture, so it needs to minimize the time that the machinery is stopped, as well as a rapid quality control of manufactured products. These process are achieved by maintenance strategies that are strongly based on the subjective knowledge of an expert. In this work we use the proficiency of the fractional order calculus to approximate complex behavior with a few parameter, providing a new tool for quickly health evaluation.N/

    Modelo prolab: Altoque, una propuesta sostenible para los mercados de Lima Metropolitana

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    La presente investigación consiste en la solución de un problema social relevante sobre una nueva alternativa para incrementar las ventas en los mercados de los barrios de Lima Metropolitana a través de la idea “cómprale a tu barrio”, donde los dueños de los puestos del mercado realizarán sus actividades comerciales de una forma novedosa y, como valor agregado, el reparto se realizará mediante distribuidores a múltiples clientes; los cuales son comunidades de ciclistas que están asociados al mercado, toman la lista de compras de los vecinos y hacen la distribución de productos en horarios establecidos. En el contenido de esta tesis se desarrollará una investigación a detalle sobre todo el proceso de pedido, reparto y pago que se deben realizar a través de una plataforma virtual que permitiría una solución completa y sencilla de usar, permitiendo a los dueños de puestos de mercado cumplir sus metas de ventas, elevar la conexión con sus clientes y optimizar su proceso de reparto. Se validarán las hipótesis sobre la deseabilidad, factibilidad y viabilidad del modelo de negocio, donde los compradores están dispuestos a pagar la comisión por el servicio, la comunidad de ciclistas asociados a repartir los pedidos y los dueños de puestos mercado están dispuestos a entregar sus productos a los distribuidores, quienes harán la recaudación a cada uno de los compradores y al final del día recibirán el depósito de todas las ventas realizadas. Se concluye que, el modelo de negocio propuesto tiene un enfoque a largo plazo para su desarrollo en el país y en sus fronteras más cercanas. El proyecto se encuentra alineado con el ODS #8 de la ONU incrementando las ventas de los negocios de barrio en más de 20% en el quinto año de operación. Se proyecta un VAN de S/ 3.1 millones, una TIR de 243.9%; asimismo, un VAN Social de S/ 1.7 millones.The present investigation consists of the solution of a relevant social problem on a new alternative to increase sales in the markets of the neighborhoods of Metropolitan Lima through the idea "buy from your neighborhood", where the owners of the market stalls will carry out its commercial activities in a new way and, as an added value, the distribution will be made through distributors to multiple clients; which are communities of cyclists who are associated with the market, take the shopping list from the neighbors and distribute products at established times. In the content of this thesis, a detailed investigation will be developed on the entire process of ordering, distribution and payment that must be carried out through a virtual platform that would allow a complete and easy-to-use solution, allowing market stall owners meet your sales goals, increase the connection with your customers and optimize your delivery process. The hypotheses about the desirability, feasibility and viability of the business model will be validated, where the buyers are willing to pay the commission for the service, the community of cyclists associated with distributing the orders and the owners of market stalls are willing to deliver their products to the distributors, who will make the collection to each one of the buyers and at the end of the day they will receive the deposit of all the sales made. It is concluded that the proposed business model has a long-term approach for its development in the country and its closest borders. The project is aligned with SDG #8 of United Nations, increasing sales of neighborhood businesses by more than 20% in the fifth year of operation. A NPV of S/ 3.1 million is projected, an IRR of 243.9%; likewise, a Social NPV of S/ 1.7 million

    Structural Damage detection and Reliability Estimation using a Multidimensional Monitoring Approach

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    Many structural elements are exposed to load conditions that are difficult to model during the design stage, such as environmental uncertainties, random impacts and overloading amongst others, thus, increasing un programmed maintenance and reducing confidence in the reliability of the structure in question -- One way to deal with this problem is to monitor the structural condition of the element -- This approach requires supervising several signals coming from critical locations and then, performing an accurate condition estimation of the element based on the data collected -- Herein, this paper implements a method to diagnosis and evaluate the reliability of the bolster beam structure of the railway-vehicle during a fatigue test -- The results show that multidimensional monitoring not only provides an accurate diagnosis of the element, but also that this technique allows to estimate reliability correctl

    Integrating curriculum-based dynamic assessment in computerized adaptive testing: Development and predictive validity of the EDPL-BAI battery on reading competence

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    In recent decades, there have been significant changes in the conceptualization of reading as well as in the perception of how this activity should be assessed. Interest in the analysis of reading processes has led to the emergence of new explanatory models based primarily on the contributions of cognitive psychology. In parallel, there have been notable advances in measurement procedures, especially in models based on Item Response Theory (IRT), as well as in the capacity and performance of specific software programs that allow data to be managed and analyzed. These changes have contributed significantly to the rise of testing procedures such as computerized adaptive tests (CATs), whose fundamental characteristic is that the sequence of items presented in the tests is adapted to the level of competence that the subject manifests. Likewise, the incorporation of elements of dynamic assessment (DA) as the prompts are gradually offered allows for obtaining information about the type and degree of support required to optimize the subject’s performance. In this sense, the confluence of contributions from DA and CATs offers a new possibility for approaching the assessment of learning processes. In this article, we present a longitudinal research developed in two phases, through which a computerized dynamic adaptive assessment battery of reading processes (EDPL-BAI) was configured. The research frame involved 1,831 students (46% girls) from 13 public schools in three regions of Chile. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differential contribution on reading competence of dynamic scores obtained in a subsample composed of 324 (47% girls) students from third to sixth grade after the implementation of a set of adaptive dynamic tests of morpho-syntactic processes. The results achieved in the structural equation modeling indicate a good global fit. Individual relationships show a significant contribution of calibrated score that reflects estimated knowledge level on reading competence, as well as dynamic scores based on the assigned value of graduated prompts required by the students. These results showed significant predictive values on reading competence and incremental validity in relation to predictions made by static criterion tests

    Analytical Solution for Electrical Problem Forced by a Finite-Length Needle Electrode: Implications in Electrostimulation

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    [EN] Needle electrodes, widely used in clinical procedures, are responsible for creating an electric field in the treated biological tissue. This is achieved by setting a constant voltage along the length of their metallic section. In accordance with Laplace's equation, the electric field is spatially non-uniform around the electrode surface. Mathematical modelling can provide useful information on the spatial distribution of electrical fields. Indeed, exact solutions for the electrical problem are indispensable for validating numerical codes. All the analytical models developed to date to solve the needle electrode electrical problem have been one-dimensional models, which assumed an electrode of infinite length. We here propose the first analytical solution based on a two-dimensional model that considers the real length of the electrode in which the Laplace equation is solved through the method of separation of variables, dealing with the nonhomogeneous source term and boundary conditions by Green's functions. On assuming a needle electrode of given length, the problem combines boundary conditions on the electrode boundary (of the first and second kind). Since this rules out using the Sturm-Liouville Theorem, the problem is decomposed into two different problems and the principle of superposition is used. The solution obtained can reproduce a reasonable electric field around the electrode, especially the edge effect characterized by an extremely high gradient around the electrode tip.This work was supported by the Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi (Mexico), which granted R. Romero-Mendez who is on a sabbatical leave to do research in the field of biomedical engineering. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades under "Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad" (grant number: RTI2018-094357-B-C21).Romero-Méndez, R.; Pérez-Gutiérrez, FG.; Oviedo-Tolentino, F.; Berjano, E. (2019). Analytical Solution for Electrical Problem Forced by a Finite-Length Needle Electrode: Implications in Electrostimulation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/2404818S110Mulier, S., Miao, Y., Mulier, P., Dupas, B., Pereira, P., de Baere, T., … Ni, Y. (2005). Electrodes and multiple electrode systems for radiofrequency ablation: a proposal for updated terminology. European Radiology, 15(4), 798-808. doi:10.1007/s00330-004-2584-xMerrill, D. R., Bikson, M., & Jefferys, J. G. R. (2005). Electrical stimulation of excitable tissue: design of efficacious and safe protocols. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 141(2), 171-198. doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2004.10.020Cogan, S. F. (2008). Neural Stimulation and Recording Electrodes. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 10(1), 275-309. doi:10.1146/annurev.bioeng.10.061807.160518Kwon, H., Rutkove, S. B., & Sanchez, B. (2017). Recording characteristics of electrical impedance myography needle electrodes. Physiological Measurement, 38(9), 1748-1765. doi:10.1088/1361-6579/aa80acBurdío, F., Berjano, E. J., Navarro, A., Burdío, J. M., Güemes, A., Grande, L., … de Gregorio, M. A. (2007). RF tumor ablation with internally cooled electrodes and saline infusion: what is the optimal location of the saline infusion? BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 6(1), 30. doi:10.1186/1475-925x-6-30Zhang, B., Moser, M. A. J., Zhang, E. M., Luo, Y., Liu, C., & Zhang, W. (2016). A review of radiofrequency ablation: Large target tissue necrosis and mathematical modelling. Physica Medica, 32(8), 961-971. doi:10.1016/j.ejmp.2016.07.092Samoudi, A. M., Kampusch, S., Tanghe, E., Széles, J. C., Martens, L., Kaniusas, E., & Joseph, W. (2017). Numerical modeling of percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation: a realistic 3D model to evaluate sensitivity of neural activation to electrode position. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 55(10), 1763-1772. doi:10.1007/s11517-017-1629-7Samoudi, A. M., Vermeeren, G., Tanghe, E., Van Holen, R., Martens, L., & Josephs, W. (2016). Numerically simulated exposure of children and adults to pulsed gradient fields in MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 44(5), 1360-1367. doi:10.1002/jmri.25257Trujillo, M., Bon, J., José Rivera, M., Burdío, F., & Berjano, E. (2016). Computer modelling of an impedance-controlled pulsing protocol for RF tumour ablation with a cooled electrode. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 32(8), 931-939. doi:10.1080/02656736.2016.1190868Ewertowska, E., Mercadal, B., Muñoz, V., Ivorra, A., Trujillo, M., & Berjano, E. (2017). Effect of applied voltage, duration and repetition frequency of RF pulses for pain relief on temperature spikes and electrical field: a computer modelling study. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 34(1), 112-121. doi:10.1080/02656736.2017.1323122Zhang, B., Moser, M. A. J., Zhang, E. M., Luo, Y., & Zhang, W. (2016). A new approach to feedback control of radiofrequency ablation systems for large coagulation zones. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 33(4), 367-377. doi:10.1080/02656736.2016.1263365Haemmerich, D., Chachati, L., Wright, A. S., Mahvi, D. M., Lee, F. T., & Webster, J. G. (2003). Hepatic radiofrequency ablation with internally cooled probes: effect of coolant temperature on lesion size. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 50(4), 493-500. doi:10.1109/tbme.2003.809488López Molina, J. A., Rivera, M. J., & Berjano, E. (2017). Analytical transient-time solution for temperature in non perfused tissue during radiofrequency ablation. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 42, 618-635. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2016.10.044Romero-Méndez, R., & Berjano, E. (2017). An Analytical Solution for Radiofrequency Ablation with a Cooled Cylindrical Electrode. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, 1-12. doi:10.1155/2017/9021616Verhey, J., Nathan, N., Rienhoff, O., Kikinis, R., Rakebrandt, F., & D’Ambra, M. (2006). BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 5(1), 17. doi:10.1186/1475-925x-5-1