6 research outputs found

    Reworking the Gawler Craton: metamorphic and geochronologic constraints on palaeoproterozoic reactivation of the southern Gawler Craton, Australia.

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    The Gawler Craton in South Australia consists of an Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic core surrounded and intruded by a series of Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic metasediments and igneous suites. The region has experienced a protracted c. 1700 Myr tectonic history from the Archaean through to the Mesoproterozoic, experiencing numerous cycles of deformation, magmatism and basin development. Despite hosting a number of mineral deposits, including the immense Olympic Dam iron oxide-copper-gold deposit, the tectonothermal evolution of the Gawler Craton remains poorly constrained. A significant ambiguity in our current understanding of the geological framework of the Gawler Craton revolves around the timing and spatial distribution of the tectonic events within the craton and their metamorphic evolution. This study addresses some of this ambiguity by unravelling the timing and tectonothermal evolution of the reworked southern Gawler Craton, using a combination of structural and metamorphic analysis, coupled with targeted geochronology. These methods have been applied to three locations representing different lithologies across the southern Gawler Craton. Putting absolute time into structural and metamorphic analysis is a vital tool for unravelling the development of ancient and modern orogenic systems. Electron Probe Micro-Analysis (EPMA) chemical dating of monazite provides a useful method of obtaining good precision age data from monazite bearing assemblages. This technique was developed at the University of Adelaide in order to constrain the timing of reworked assemblages from the southern Gawler Craton. EPMA measurements carried out on samples of known age, from Palaeoproterozoic to Ordovician, produce ages which are within error of the isotopically determined ages, indicating the validity of the developed setup. This technique, together with SHRIMP monazite and titanite and garnet Sm-Nd geochronology, was used on selected samples from the southern Gawler Craton to determine the timing of high-grade metamorphism and deformation. The results show that the Sleaford Complex records evidence of an early Dā‚event during the c. 2450 Ma Sleaford Orogeny recorded within structural boudins. The majority of the data indicates that the region underwent subsequent reworking and thorough overprinting during the 1725ā€“1690 Ma Kimban Orogeny. In the Coffin Bay region, Palaeoproterozoic peraluminous granites of the Dutton Suite are reworked by a series of migmatitic and mylonitic shear zones during the Kimban Orogeny. Peak metamorphic conditions recorded in mafic assemblages indicate conditions of 10 kbar at 730Ā°C. The post-peak evolution is constrained by partial to complete replacement of garnet ā€“ clinopyroxene bearing mafic assemblages by hornblende ā€“ plagioclase symplectites, which record conditions of c. 6 kbar at 700Ā°C, implying a steeply decompressional exhumation path. The Shoal Point region consists of a series of reworked granulite-facies metapelitic and metaigneous units which belong to the late Archaean Sleaford Complex. Structural evidence indicates three phases of fabric development with Dā‚retained within boudins, Dā‚‚consisting of a series upright open to isoclinal folds producing an axial planar fabric and Dā‚ƒ, a highly planar vertical high-strain fabric which overprints the Dā‚‚ fabric. Geochronology constrains the Dā‚ event to the c. 2450 Ma Sleafordian Orogeny while the Dā‚‚the Dā‚ƒevents are constrained to the 1730ā€“1690 Ma Kimban Orogeny. P-T pseudosections constrain the metamorphic conditions for the Sleafordian Orogeny to between 4.5ā€“6 kbar and 750ā€“780 Ā°C. Subsequent Kimban-aged reworking reached peak metamorphic conditions of 8ā€“9 kbar at 820ā€“850 Ā°C during the Dā‚‚ event. Followed by near isothermal decompression to metamorphic conditions <6 kbar and 790ā€“850 Ā°C associated with the development of the Dā‚ƒhigh-strain fabric. The Pt Neill and Mine Creek regions are located in the core and on the flank of the crustal scale Kalinjala Shear Zone, which forms the main structural element of the poorly exposed Kimban Orogen. Samples record a similar structural development with a dextrally transpressive system resulting in a layer parallel migmatitic gneissic to mylonitic KSā‚ fabric which was subsequently deformed and reworked by upright folds and discrete KDā‚‚ east-side-down sub-solidus mylonitic shear zones during east-west compression. Geochronology constrains the timing of deformation and metamorphism to the Kimban Orogeny between 1720 and 1700 Ma. Metamorphic P-T analysis and pseudosections constrain the peak Mā‚ conditions in the core of the shear zone to 10ā€“11 kbar at c. 800 Ā°C reflecting lower crustal conditions at depths of up to 30 km. On the flank of the shear zone the Mā‚ conditions reached 6ā€“7 kbar at 750 Ā°C followed by sub-solidus reworking during KDā‚‚ at conditions of 3ā€“4 kbar at 600ā€“660 Ā°C, suggesting a maximum burial of <24 km. Cooling rates suggest that the core of the shear zone cooled at rates in excess of 40ā€“80 Ā°CMaā»Ā¹ while the flank underwent much slower cooling at < 10Ā°CMaā»Ā¹. The rapid cooling and inferred decompression in the core of the shear zone reflects rapid burial and exhumation of lower-crustal material into the mid-crust along the Kalinjala Shear Zone. The absence of evidence for extension indicates that differential exhumation and the extrusion of lower-crustal material into the mid-crust was driven by transpression along the shear zone and highlights the role of transpression in creating large variations in vertical exhumation over relatively short lateral extents. Garnet is a vital mineral for determining constrained P-T-t paths as it can give both the P-T and t information directly. However, estimates of the closure temperature of the Sm-Nd system in garnet vary considerably leading to significant uncertainties in the timing of peak conditions. Five igneous garnets of varying size from an undeformed 2414 Ā± 6 Ma garnet ā€“ cordierite bearing s-type granite from the Coffin Bay region, that were subjected to high-T reworking during the Kimban Orogeny, have been dated to examine their diffusional behaviour in the Sm-Nd system. Garnets were compositionally profiled and then dated. A direct correlation exists between grain size and amount of resetting highlighting the effect of grain size on closure temperature. Major element and REE traverses reveal homogonous major element profiles and relict igneous REE profiles. The retention of REE zoning and homogenisation of major element zoning suggests that diffusion rates of REEā€™s are considerably slower than that of the major cations, in disagreement with recent experimental determinations of the diffusion rates of REE in garnet. The retention of REE zoning and the lack of resetting in the largest grains suggests that Sm-Nd closure temperature in garnet is a function of grain-size, thermal history and REE zoning in garnet. The findings of this study provide the first temporally constrained tectonothermal model of the evolution of the southern Gawler Craton. The P-T conditions obtained from the earliest Dā‚ fabric provide the first quantitative constraints on the P-T conditions of the southern Sleafordian Orogeny. The P-T-t evolution determined for the 1725ā€“1690 Ma Kimban Orogeny indicate it developed along a clockwise P-T path, and dominates the structural and metamorphic character of the southern Gawler Craton. The large variations in exhumation over short lateral extents reflect the exhumation of lower crustal rocks during the Kimban Orogeny driven by transpression during the development of a regional transpressional ā€˜flower structureā€™.Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 200

    Cambrian reworking of the southern Australian Proterozoic Curnamona Province: constraints from regional shear-zone systems

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    <p>Palaeoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic metamorphic rocks of the Curnamona Province, southern Australia, are crosscut by a system of regional-scale shear zones that locally dominate the terrain. Combined metamorphic and geochronological data from localities across the southern Curnamona Province indicate that the peak metamorphic shear-zone assemblages formed during the Cambrian (<em>c</em>. 500 Ma) Delamerian Orogeny, and not during the waning stages of the <em>c</em>. 1600 Ma Olarian Orogeny as has been previously asserted. A combination of monazite chemical Uā€“Thā€“Pb and garnet Smā€“Nd geochronology indicates that shear-zone fabrics formed between 497 and 517 Ma. Peak metamorphic conditions obtained from prograde garnetā€“stauroliteā€“biotiteā€“muscoviteā€“chloriteā€“quartz assemblages are between 530 and 600 Ā°C at pressures of around 5 kbar. The apparent absence of significant up-pressure prograde paths recorded by the mineral assemblages, together with modest (10ā€“20%) Delamerian shortening, suggests that attainment of burial to depths of around 18 km was largely a function of pre-Delamerian sedimentation over the interval from <em>c</em>. 700 to 530 Ma. The spatial association between the pattern of basement metamorphism and reactivation during the Delamerian Orogeny is interpreted to reflect in part the distribution of pre-Delamerian sedimentation, and highlights the potential importance of pre-orogenic processes such as basin development in controlling the style and pattern of later terrain reactivation and reworking. </p

    Retention of Sm-Nd isotopic ages in garnets subjected to high-grade thermal reworking: implications for diffusion rates of major and rare earth elements and the Sm-Nd closure temperature in garnet

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    Accepted: 21 June 2009. Published online: 10 July 2009Garnet is a vital mineral for determining constrained Pā€“Tā€“t paths as it can give both the Pā€“T and t information directly. However, estimates of the closure temperature of the Smā€“Nd system in garnet vary considerably leading to significant uncertainties in the timing of peak conditions. In this study, five igneous garnets from an early Proterozoic 2414 Ā± 6 Ma garnetā€”cordierite bearing s-type graniteā€”which was subjected to high-T reworking have been dated to examine their diffusional behaviour in the Smā€“Nd system. Garnets 8, 7, 6 and 2.5 mm in diameter were compositionally profiled and then dated, producing two-point Smā€“Nd isochron ages of 2412 Ā± 10, 2377 Ā± 5, 2370 Ā± 5 and 2365 Ā± 8 and 2313 Ā± 11 Ma, respectively. A direct correlation exists between grain size and amount of resetting highlighting the effect of grain size on closure temperature. Major element EMPA and LA-ICPMS REE traverses reveal homogenous major element profiles and relict igneous REE profiles. The retention of REE zoning and homogenisation of major element zoning suggest that diffusion rates of REEs are considerably slower than that of the major cations. The retention of REE zoning and the lack of resetting in the largest grains suggest that Smā€“Nd closure temperature in garnet is a function of grain size, thermal history and REE zoning in garnetRian Dutch and Martin Han