81 research outputs found

    Obtaining cyclopentanone from acidic wastewater of caprolactam production

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    It has been shown that adipic acid released from the by-products of caprolactam production is a promising raw material for the production of cyclopentanone. The thermal stability of calcium adipate was investigated by the derivatographic method and the conditions were selected that ensure the yield of at least 50% of the target cyclopentanone with a purity of at least 99%


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    The process of oxidation of cyclohexane with atmospheric oxygen, carried out as a separate stage in the production of caprolactam, is characterized by a large amount of oxygen-containing compounds, which are concentrated in acidic wastewater. One of these compounds is adipic acid. The resulting calcium salt of adipic acid decomposes during high-temperature processing to cyclopentanone. Cyclopentanone is an important intermediate in the production of insecticides, biologically active pharmaceuticals. Ketocyclopentane is an intermediate in the synthesis of jasmon. In the pharmaceutical industry it is a precursor in the production of cyclopentobarbital, which is a sedative. Cyclopentanone is also used to produce cyclopentamine, which is an intermediate in the synthesis of fungicides such as pencycuron. The solid concentrate of acidic wastewater was diazomethylated to obtain methyl esters of carboxylic acids

    Taymyr Reindeer Herding as a Branch of the Economy and a Fundamental Social Identification Practice for Indigenous Peoples of the Siberian Arctic

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    There are two factors affecting the way that Nenets and Dolgan people of Taymyr define their regional identity: 1) their traditional trade (reindeer herding); 2) ethnic art-making where the reindeer acts as an image and a symbol of ethnic traditions, touchstones, and values found among the indigenous peoples of Taymyr. Field research was conducted in Taymyr settlements (such as Nosok, Karaul, and Khatanga) from 2010 to 2014. The researchers interviewed Nenets and Dolgan people who belong to non-governmental organizations representing Taymyr indigenous peoples, run businesses or work in government agencies, schools, and other organizations implementing cultural policies. Indigenous peoples have very low economic and social activity. The Dolgans also have a very poor standard of living due to lack of reindeer. The Post-Soviet era has seen an income gap growing between the Dolgans and the Nenets and unequal economic groups being formed. Reviving reindeer herding is essential. Nenets and Dolgan reindeer herding is an economically inefficient subsidized branch of agriculture, but its role is symbolic rather than economic. Nenets and Dolgan reindeer herding is an ethnicity-forming and ethnicity-sustaining factor. Today’s reindustrialization of Taymyr may end up exterminating its indigenous peoples’ unique economic, environmental, and cultural practices. Taymyr’s political establishment must pay due attention to the threat of ruining these unique practices. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s5p22

    Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares: new clues from the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor

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    In the last four decades it has been observed that solar flares show quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) from the lowest, i.e. radio, to the highest, i.e. gamma-ray, part of the electromagnetic spectrum. To this day, it is still unclear which mechanism creates such QPPs. In this paper, we analyze four bright solar flares which show compelling signatures of quasi-periodic behavior and were observed with the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (\gbm) onboard the Fermi satellite. Because GBM covers over 3 decades in energy (8 keV to 40 MeV) it can be a key instrument to understand the physical processes which drive solar flares. We tested for periodicity in the time series of the solar flares observed by GBM by applying a classical periodogram analysis. However, contrary to previous authors, we did not detrend the raw light curve before creating the power spectral density spectrum (PSD). To assess the significance of the frequencies we made use of a method which is commonly applied for X-ray binaries and Seyfert galaxies. This technique takes into account the underlying continuum of the PSD which for all of these sources has a P(f) ~ f^{-\alpha} dependence and is typically labeled red-noise. We checked the reliability of this technique by applying it to a solar flare which was observed by the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) which contains, besides any potential periodicity from the Sun, a 4 s rotational period due to the rotation of the spacecraft around its axis. While we do not find an intrinsic solar quasi-periodic pulsation we do reproduce the instrumental periodicity. Moreover, with the method adopted here, we do not detect significant QPPs in the four bright solar flares observed by GBM. We stress that for the purpose of such kind of analyses it is of uttermost importance to appropriately account for the red-noise component in the PSD of these astrophysical sources.Comment: accepted by A&

    Transition Region Emission from Solar Flares during the Impulsive Phase

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    There are relatively few observations of UV emission during the impulsive phases of solar flares, so the nature of that emission is poorly known. Photons produced by solar flares can resonantly scatter off atoms and ions in the corona. Based on off-limb measurements by SOHO/UVCS, we derive the O VI λ\lambda1032 luminosities for 29 flares during the impulsive phase and the Lyα\alpha luminosities of 5 flares, and we compare them with X-ray luminosities from GOES measurements. The upper transition region and lower transition region luminosities of the events observed are comparable. They are also comparable to the luminosity of the X-ray emitting gas at the beginning of the flare, but after 10-15 minutes the X-ray luminosity usually dominates. In some cases we can use Doppler dimming to estimate flow speeds of the O VI emitting gas, and 5 events show speeds in the 40 to 80 kms1\rm km s^{-1} range. The O VI emission could originate in gas evaporating to fill the X-ray flare loops, in heated chromospheric gas at the footpoints, or in heated prominence material in the coronal mass ejection. All three sources may contribute in different events or even in a single event, and the relative timing of UV and X-ray brightness peaks, the flow speeds, and the total O VI luminosity favor each source in one or more events.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 3 table


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    Vascular dementia is quite common diagnosis in elderly patients (5–10% of all dementia cases). Despite that, where is no reliable neuroimaging diagnostic marker like patterns of cerebral glucose metabolism changes in positron emission tomography (PET) in Alzheimer’s disease and some other types of dementia. The purpose of this research was to study cerebral glucose metabolism peculiarities with PET and to compare findings with metabolic changes in normal aging. Two groups of subjects were examined: patients suffered from vascular dementia and age-matching control group without cognitive and neurological disorders. Cerebral glucose hypometabolism in vascular dementia was heterogeneous and differed in different patients. Besides that, comparison with the control group demonstrated larger volume of hypometabolism and statistically significant decrease of cerebral metabolism in parietal, frontal and cingular cortex. Сосудистые деменции составляют 5–10% всех известных случаев деменции. При этом для нее не существует надежного диагностического маркера, основанного на применении методов нейровизуализации, как, например, паттерны нарушений церебрального метаболизма при болезни Альцгеймера и некоторых других видов деменции по данным позитронно-эмиссионной томографии (ПЭТ). Целью данного исследования было изучение особенностей церебрального метаболизма у больных сосудистой деменцией по данным ПЭТ и сравнение их с наблюдающимися при нормальном старении возрастными изменениями. Обследовано две группы: группа больных сосудистой деменцией и контрольная группа «возрастной нормы», сопоставимая по возрасту. При сосудистой деменции выявлялся неоднородный рисунок гипометаболизма, различавшийся у разных больных. Вместе с тем сравнение с контрольной группой обнаружило при сосудистой деменции больший объем гипометаболизма и статистически значимое снижение церебрального метаболизма глюкозы в ассоциативной теменной, лобной и поясной коре.

    Multiwavelength studies of MHD waves in the solar chromosphere: An overview of recent results

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    The chromosphere is a thin layer of the solar atmosphere that bridges the relatively cool photosphere and the intensely heated transition region and corona. Compressible and incompressible waves propagating through the chromosphere can supply significant amounts of energy to the interface region and corona. In recent years an abundance of high-resolution observations from state-of-the-art facilities have provided new and exciting ways of disentangling the characteristics of oscillatory phenomena propagating through the dynamic chromosphere. Coupled with rapid advancements in magnetohydrodynamic wave theory, we are now in an ideal position to thoroughly investigate the role waves play in supplying energy to sustain chromospheric and coronal heating. Here, we review the recent progress made in characterising, categorising and interpreting oscillations manifesting in the solar chromosphere, with an impetus placed on their intrinsic energetics.Comment: 48 pages, 25 figures, accepted into Space Science Review

    An Inside Look at Sunspot Oscillations with Higher Azimuthal Wavenumbers

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    Solar chromospheric observations of sunspot umbrae offer an exceptional view of magneto-hydrodynamic wave phenomena. In recent years, a wealth of wave signatures related to propagating magneto-acoustic modes have been presented, which demonstrate complex spatial and temporal structuring of the wave components. Theoretical modelling has demonstrated how these ubiquitous waves are consistent with an m=0 slow magneto-acoustic mode, which are excited by trapped sub-photospheric acoustic (p-mode) waves. However, the spectrum of umbral waves is broad, suggesting that the observed signatures represent the superposition of numerous frequencies and/or modes. We apply Fourier filtering, in both spatial and temporal domains, to extract chromospheric umbral wave characteristics consistent with an m=1 slow magneto-acoustic mode. This identification has not been described before. Angular frequencies of 0.037 +/- 0.007 rad/s (2.1 +/- 0.4 deg/s), corresponding to a period approximately 170 s for the m=1 mode are uncovered for spatial wavenumbers in the range of 0.45<k<0.90 arcsec^-1 (5000-9000 km). Theoretical dispersion relations are solved, with corresponding eigenfunctions computed, which allows the density perturbations to be investigated and compared with our observations. Such magnetohydrodynamic modelling confirms our interpretation that the identified wave signatures are the first direct observations of an m=1 slow magneto-acoustic mode in the chromospheric umbra of a sunspot

    The detection of upwardly propagating waves channeling energy from the chromosphere to the low corona

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    There have been ubiquitous observations of wave-like motions in the solar atmosphere for decades. Recent improvements to space- and ground-based observatories have allowed the focus to shift to smaller magnetic structures on the solar surface. In this paper, high-resolution ground-based data taken using the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope is combined with co-spatial and co-temporal data from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite to analyze running penumbral waves (RPWs). RPWs have always been thought to be radial wave propagation that occurs within sunspots. Recent research has suggested that they are in fact upwardly propagating field-aligned waves (UPWs). Here, RPWs within a solar pore are observed for the first time and are interpreted as UPWs due to the lack of a penumbra that is required to support RPWs. These UPWs are also observed co-spatially and co-temporally within several SDO/AIA elemental lines that sample the transition region and low corona. The observed UPWs are traveling at a horizontal velocity of around 17 ± 0.5 km s–1 and a minimum vertical velocity of 42 ± 21 km s–1. The estimated energy of the waves is around 150 W m–2, which is on the lower bound required to heat the quiet-Sun corona. This is a new, yet unconsidered source of wave energy within the solar chromosphere and low corona