248 research outputs found

    Variables in Globular Cluster NGC 5024

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    We present the results of a commissioning campaign to observe Galactic globular clusters for the search of microlensing events. The central 10' X 10' region of the globular cluster NGC 5024 was monitored using the 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope in R-band for a period of about 8 hours on 24 March 2010. Light curves were obtained for nearly 10,000 stars, using a modified Difference Image Analysis (DIA) technique. We identified all known variables within our field of view and revised periods and status of some previously reported short-period variables. We report about eighty new variable sources and present their equatorial coordinates, periods, light curves and possible types. Out of these, 16 are SX Phe stars, 10 are W UMa-type stars, 14 are probable RR Lyrae stars and 2 are detached eclipsing binaries. Nine of the newly discovered SX Phe stars and two eclipsing binaries belong to the Blue Straggler Star (BSS) population.Comment: 29 pages, 22 figures, replaced with rewritten data reduction par

    Empresa del Ferrocarril de Isabel II, de Santander a Alar del Rey

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Las combinaciones fijas en hipertensión: análisis de impacto presupuestario para el Sistema Nacional de Salud Español de la comercialización de la combinación fija de olmesartan/amlodipino

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    ResumenObjetivoRealizar un análisis de impacto presupuestario (AIP) de la introducción en el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) de la combinación fija (CF) de olmesartan/amlodipino (20/5, 40/5 y 40/10mg) en la indicación aprobada.DiseñoModelo de árbol de decisión que refleja el algoritmo de tratamiento más habitual en la práctica clínica de la hipertensión junto con sus probabilidades de ocurrencia.EmplazamientoPerspectiva del SNS para un período de 3 años (2010-2012).ParticipantesPoblación española hipertensa mayor de 35 años.IntervencionesIntroducción de la CF olmesartan/amlodipino en el mercado español.Mediciones principalesCostes financiados por el SNS (a PVP-IVA) para la población de pacientes susceptibles de ser tratados con la CF frente a los asumidos con la combinación libre (CL) olmesartan y amlodipino.ResultadosLa estimación del gasto farmacéutico con olmesartan y amlodipino en CL era de 25,2 M€ (primer año), 26,4 M€ el segundo año y 27,6 M€ el tercero, totalizando 79,2 M€. Según el modelo, la población susceptible de ser tratada con la CF es de 71.283 pacientes (primer año), con una tasa de crecimiento cercana al 4,8% en los sucesivos años, lo que supone un coste anual de 21,2 M€ (2010), 21,8 M€ (2011) y 22,4 M€ (2012), totalizando 65,4 M€. El AIP muestra un ahorro de 13,8 M€, siendo unos resultados robustos confirmados por los análisis de sensibilidad univariantes de tipo umbral.ConclusiónEl AIP de la CF de olmesartan/amlodipino podría generar unos ahorros netos para el SNS en 3 años de 13,8 M€.AbstractObjectiveTo carry out a budget impact analysis (BIA) of olmesartan/amlodipine (20/5, 40/5 and 40/10mg) marketed as a fixed combination (FC) in its approved indication for the National Health System (NHS).DesigWe developed a decision tree model in order to estimate usual hypertension treatment algorithm in Spanish clinical practice.SettingsThe BIA has been developed from the perspective of the NHS for a period of 3 years (years 2010-2012).ParticipantsSpanish hypertensive population ≥ 35 years old.InterventionsIntroduction into the market of a fixed combination (FC) olmesartan/amlodipine in Spain.Primary measuresExpected costs to be assumed by the Spanish NHS (RRP-VAT) for hypertensive population able to be treated with the FC versus currently assumed costs by the NHS with free combination olmesartan and amlodipine.ResultsEstimated pharmaceutical costs in hypertensive population treated with olmesartan and amlodipine (2 pills) would be €25.2M (1st year), €26.4M (2011), €27.6M (2012), with a total 3-year period of €79.2M. According to patient tree model, the population able to be treated with FC would be 71,283 patients (2010), with a growth rate of 4.8% in the successive years, which supposes an annual cost of €21.2M (2010), €21.8M (2011) and €22.4M (2012), with a total 3-year period of €65.4M. The BIA shows savings of €13.8M in a total 3-year period.ConclusionThe BIA of FC olmesartan/amlodipine could generate net savings of €13.8M for the NHS in the period ranging from years 2010 to 2012

    Study of Globular Cluster M53: new variables, distance, metallicity

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    We study the variable star content of the globular cluster M53 to compute the physical parameters of the constituting stars and the distance of the cluster. Covering two adjacent seasons in 2007 and 2008, new photometric data are gathered for 3048 objects in the field of M53. By using the OIS method and subsequently TFA, we search for variables in the full sample by using DFT and BLS methods. We select variables based on the statistics related to these methods combined with visual inspections. We identified 12 new variables (2 RR Lyrae stars, 7 short periodic stars - 3 of them are SX Phe stars - and 3 long-period variables). No eclipsing binaries were found in the present sample. Except for the 3 (hitherto unknown) Blazhko RR Lyrae stars, no multiperiodic variables were found. We showed that after proper period shift, the PLC relation for the first overtone RR Lyrae sample tightly follows the one spanned by the fundamental stars. Furthermore, the slope is in agreement with the one derived from other clusters. Based on the earlier Baade-Wesselink calibration of the PLC relations, the derived reddening-free distance modulus of M53 is 16.31 +/- 0.04 mag, corresponding to a distance modulus of 18.5 mag for the Large Magellanic Cloud. From the Fourier parameters of the RRab stars we obtained an average iron abundance of -1.58 +/- 0.03. This is ~0.5 dex higher than the overall abundance of the giants as given in the literature and derived in this paper from the three-color photometry of giants. We suspect that the source of this discrepancy (observable also in other, low-metallicity clusters) is the want of sufficient number of low-metallicity objects in the calibrating sample of the Fourier method.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. The paper contains 5 tables and 13 figure

    Recent Research in Ocular Cystinosis: Drug Delivery Systems, Cysteamine Detection Methods and Future Perspectives

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    Cystinosis is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the accumulation of cystine crystals in different tissues and organs. Although renal damage prevails during initial stages, the deposition of cystine crystals in the cornea causes severe ocular manifestations. At present, cysteamine is the only topical effective treatment for ocular cystinosis. The lack of investment by the pharmaceutical industry, together with the limited stability of cysteamine, make it available only as two marketed presentations (Cystaran® and Cystadrops®) and as compounding formulations prepared in pharmacy departments. Even so, new drug delivery systems (DDSs) need to be developed, allowing more comfortable dosage schedules that favor patient adherence. In the last decades, different research groups have focused on the development of hydrogels, nanowafers and contact lenses, allowing a sustained cysteamine release. In parallel, different determination methods and strategies to increase the stability of the formulations have also been developed. This comprehensive review aims to compile all the challenges and advances related to new cysteamine DDSs, analytical determination methods, and possible future therapeutic alternatives for treating cystinosisThis research was funded by Fundación Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria (FEFH 18-19), Fundación Mutua Madrileña (XVI Convocatoria de Ayudas a la Investigación en Salud) and “Asociación La Lucha de Iker”. C.M.-G. and A.F.-F. have funding research grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (C.M.-G.-Río Hortega CM18/00090 and A.F.-F.-Juan Rodés JR18/0004)S

    Valores e tensões na política cultural ibérica: um estudo de casos

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    Este artigo centra-se nos principais contributos do projeto europeu Uncharted sobre os valores emergentes na administração cultural europeia, apoiando-se numa vasta análise documental, em grupos focais e entrevistas a uma plêiade de atores. Analisando quatro estudos de caso ibéricos, procura-se identificar a diversidade de valores que moldam as decisões e práticas de política cultural, com foco nas tensões e conflitos entre os atores envolvidos e as suas valorações. Demonstrar-se-á que os atores se mobilizam em torno de disputas sobre a hierarquia de valores, o que exige uma compreensão dos contextos em que cada reportório se estabelece, ainda que a conflitualidade se exerça dentro de um mesmo modelo de política cultural, prevalecente nos dois países ibéricos.This article focuses on the main contributions of the European project Uncharted on emerging values in European cultural governance, relying on a wide document analysis, focus groups and interviews with a plethora of actors. By analyzing four Iberian case studies we seek to identify the diversity of values that shape cultural policy decisions and practices, focusing on the tensions and conflicts between the actors involved and their valuations. It will be shown that actors mobilize around disputes over the hierarchy of values, which requires an understanding of the contexts in which each repertoire is established, even if the conflictuality is exercised within the same model of cultural policy, prevalent in the two Iberian countries

    Valores y tensiones en la política cultural ibérica: un estudio de casos

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    [Resumo]: Este artigo centra-se nos principais contributos do projeto europeu Uncharted sobre os valores emergentes na administração cultural europeia, apoiando-se numa vasta análise documental, em grupos focais e entrevistas a uma plêiade de atores. Analisando quatro estudos de caso ibéricos, procura-se identificar a diversidade de valores que moldam as decisões e práticas de política cultural, com foco nas tensões e conflitos entre os atores envolvidos e as suas valorações. Demonstrar-se-á que os atores se mobilizam em torno de disputas sobre a hierarquia de valores, o que exige uma compreensão dos contextos em que cada reportório se estabelece, ainda que a conflitualidade se exerça dentro de um mesmo modelo de política cultural, prevalecente nos dois países ibéricos.[Abstract]: This article focuses on the main contributions of the European project Uncharted on emerging values in European cultural governance, relying on a wide document analysis, focus groups and interviews with a plethora of actors. By analyzing four Iberian case studies we seek to identify the diversity of values that shape cultural policy decisions and practices, focusing on the tensions and conflicts between the actors involved and their valuations. It will be shown that actors mobilize around disputes over the hierarchy of values, which requires an understanding of the contexts in which each repertoire is established, even if the conflictuality is exercised within the same model of cultural policy, prevalent in the two Iberian countries.[Résumé]: Cet article se concentre sur les principales contributions du projet européen Uncharted sur les valeurs émergentes dans la gouvernance culturelle européenne, en s’appuyant sur une large analyse documentaire, des groupes de discussion et des entretiens avec une pléthore d’acteurs. En analysant quatre études de cas ibériques, nous cherchons à identifier la diversité des valeurs qui façonnent les décisions et les pratiques de la politique culturelle, en nous concentrant sur les tensions et les conflits entre les acteurs impliqués et leurs valorisations. On montrera que les acteurs se mobilisent autour de conflits sur la hiérarchie des valeurs, ce que nécessite une compréhension des contextes dans lesquels chaque répertoire est établi, même si la conflictualité s’exerce au sein d’un même modèle de politique culturelle, prévalant dans les deux pays ibériques.[Resumen]: Este artículo se centra en las principales aportaciones del proyecto europeo Uncharted sobre los valores emergentes en la gobernanza cultural europea, basándose en un amplio análisis documental, grupos de discusión y entrevistas con una gran cantidad de actores. Mediante el análisis de cuatro estudios de caso ibéricos se pretende identificar la diversidad de valores que conforman las decisiones y prácticas de política cultural, centrándose en las tensiones y conflictos entre los actores implicados y sus valoraciones. Se demostrará que los actores se movilizan en torno a las disputas sobre la jerarquía de valores, lo que exige comprender los contextos en los que se establece cada repertorio, aunque la conflictividad se ejerza dentro del mismo modelo de política cultural, predominante en los dos países ibéricos

    Situación actual de la laparoscopía de estadificación en pacientes con cáncer gástrico en Colombia: ¿Cómo lo estamos haciendo?

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    Introducción. La laparoscopía de estadificación permite identificar con gran precisión el compromiso locorregional avanzado y metastásico a peritoneo en los pacientes con cáncer gástrico. Las guías internacionales aún difieren en las indicaciones para incluir este procedimiento como parte del proceso de estadificación. Métodos. Se diseñó una encuesta dirigida a cirujanos residentes en Colombia, sobre el uso de la laparoscopía de estadificación en los pacientes con cáncer gástrico. Se analizaron los resultados y con base en la evidencia disponible se proponen algunas pautas en las indicaciones y técnica del procedimiento. Resultados. Respondieron la encuesta 74 cirujanos; el 43,8 % considera que el objetivo de la laparoscopía de estadificación es descartar la carcinomatosis peritoneal. El 54,1 % realiza el procedimiento en estadios tempranos, sin embargo, el 48,6 % considera realizarla solo en pacientes con sospecha de carcinomatosis por imágenes. Las áreas evaluadas con mayor frecuencia por los cirujanos (más del 85 %) son la superficie hepática, las cúpulas diafragmáticas, los recesos parietocólicos y la pelvis. Las zonas evaluadas en menor frecuencia son la válvula ileocecal (40,5 %) y el ligamento de Treitz (39 %). El 33 % de los cirujanos no toma rutinariamente citología peritoneal. Conclusión. Este trabajo muestra la tendencia de los cirujanos en el uso de la laparoscopía de estadificación en pacientes con cáncer gástrico. A pesar de encontrar resultados muy positivos en relación con las indicaciones y técnica del procedimiento, es necesario analizar la evidencia disponible para su uso según cada escenario y mejorar la sistematización del procedimiento

    Ecoepidemiology of Alphaviruses and Flaviviruses

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    Within the ecosystems, the balance is important since the populations maintain their size and the food habits that are constant over time; in contrast, the disappearance of natural sources or the alteration of habitat at different levels can cause major changes in the very structure of the ecosystem. Alterations in the habitats produced by human activity result in global warming, climatic changes, which together with globalization, increased trade, the shortening of distances thanks to transport, the increase in population and the socioeconomic activities of human cause imbalances. In many cases the vectors and hosts have adapted to the changes and have risen to higher latitudes and altitudes, which could contribute to the appearance of outbreaks or new outbreaks of new arboviruses of public health importance. Different cohabiting species can be reservoirs or vectors of arboviruses such as alphaviruses and flaviviruses. Currently, some viruses transmitted by mosquito vectors, such as dengue virus, Zika virus, and chikungunya virus, have caused epidemic outbreaks with important effects on human populations. It is possible that the expansion of vectors and their diseases reaches developed countries such as the United States and the European Union with a great impact on public health. The clinical signs of the diseases produced by arboviruses can vary from nonspecific febrile syndrome, encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever, and even death. Vectors and reservoirs in some cases are insects, such as mosquitoes and ticks; wild birds are reservoirs for the West Nile virus, small wild mammals such as rodents, bats, and domestic animals involved in food production can potentially harbor arboviruses, and the ecoepidemiological role of these is unknown. © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved