7,567 research outputs found

    Evolution of the vertical profile and flux of large sea-salt particles in a coastal zone

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    Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 106, No. D11, pp. 12,039 - 12,053, June 16, 2001.In the vicinity of the North Carolina Outer Banks we observed both steady onshore flow conditions and a continental air mass transition into a marine boundary layer. Using the CIRPAS Twin Otter aircraft, we measuredc hangesin the columnb urden of sea salt as the air mass was advected out to sea. We also measured the flux of whitecap-generatesde a-saltp articlesi n neutrallys tablea tmospherea t wind speedso f 4, 8, and1 2r n s- •. Productioonf saltp articleass s malla s0 .27/•mi n diametewr aso bserved. Furthermore,w e measureds alt particle size distributionsa t variousw ind speedsd uring alongs horew ind and near steadys tate conditionsU. sing thesem easurementsa s a frame of reference,w e discussth e very large differencesi n the reported size and flux of sea salt presentedi n the literature. The disagreemenitn reported salt fluxesi s larger for smallersizedp articles( almosta n order of magnitude)a nd is most likely due to assumptionms ade when the fluxesw ere computed,e speciallyt he particle dry depositionv elocitya nd air mass history.H owever,f or giant salt particlesw ith short atmosphericli fetimes (>-10/•m in diameter),t here is generala greementb etweenf luxesa nd size distributionsm easuredi n this studya nd previouso nes.R eported salt particle size distributionsin the literature also vary considerablyu nder similar steadyw ind and stability conditions.F rom these and our results it is clear that no more than half of the variance in salt particle concentration can be explainedb y wind speeda lone, suggestingth at the idea of "steadys tate" in the marine boundary layer rarely exists at midlatitudes

    What is limiting near-infrared astrometry in the Galactic Center?

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    We systematically investigate the error sources for high-precision astrometry from adaptive optics based near-infrared imaging data. We focus on the application in the crowded stellar field in the Galactic Center. We show that at the level of <=100 micro-arcseconds a number of effects are limiting the accuracy. Most important are the imperfectly subtracted seeing halos of neighboring stars, residual image distortions and unrecognized confusion of the target source with fainter sources in the background. Further contributors to the error budget are the uncertainty in estimating the point spread function, the signal-to-noise ratio induced statistical uncertainty, coordinate transformation errors, the chromaticity of refraction in Earth's atmosphere, the post adaptive optics differential tilt jitter and anisoplanatism. For stars as bright as mK=14, residual image distortions limit the astrometry, for fainter stars the limitation is set by the seeing halos of the surrounding stars. In order to improve the astrometry substantially at the current generation of telescopes, an adaptive optics system with high performance and weak seeing halos over a relatively small field (r<=3") is suited best. Furthermore, techniques to estimate or reconstruct the seeing halo could be promising.Comment: accepted by MNRAS, 13 pages, 14 figure

    Reliability and validity of neurobehavioral function on the Psychology Experimental Building Language test battery in young adults

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    Background. The Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL) software consists of over one-hundred computerized tests based on classic and novel cognitive neuropsychology and behavioral neurology measures. Although the PEBL tests are becoming more widely utilized, there is currently very limited information about the psychometric properties of these measures. Methods. Study I examined inter-relationships among nine PEBL tests including indices of motor-function (Pursuit Rotor and Dexterity), attention (Test of Attentional Vigilance and Time-Wall), working memory (Digit Span Forward), and executive-function (PEBL Trail Making Test, Berg/Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Iowa Gambling Test, and Mental Rotation) in a normative sample (N = 189, ages 18–22). Study II evaluated test–retest reliability with a two-week interest interval between administrations in a separate sample (N = 79, ages 18–22). Results. Moderate intra-test, but low inter-test, correlations were observed and ceiling/floor effects were uncommon. Sex differences were identified on the Pursuit Rotor (Cohen’s d = 0.89) and Mental Rotation (d = 0.31) tests. The correlation between the test and retest was high for tests of motor learning (Pursuit Rotor time on target r = .86) and attention (Test of Attentional Vigilance response time r = .79), intermediate for memory (digit span r = .63) but lower for the executive function indices (Wisconsin/Berg Card Sorting Test perseverative errors = .45, Tower of London moves = .15). Significant practice effects were identified on several indices of executive function. Conclusions. These results are broadly supportive of the reliability and validity of individual PEBL tests in this sample. These findings indicate that the freely downloadable, open-source PEBL battery (http://pebl.sourceforge.net) is a versatile research tool to study individual differences in neurocognitive performance

    Evidence for Warped Disks of Young Stars in the Galactic Center

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    The central parsec around the super-massive black hole in the Galactic Center hosts more than 100 young and massive stars. Outside the central cusp (R~1") the majority of these O and Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars reside in a main clockwise system, plus a second, less prominent disk or streamer system at large angles with respect to the main system. Here we present the results from new observations of the Galactic Center with the AO-assisted near-infrared imager NACO and the integral field spectrograph SINFONI on the ESO/VLT. These include the detection of 27 new reliably measured WR/O stars in the central 12" and improved measurements of 63 previously detected stars, with proper motion uncertainties reduced by a factor of four compared to our earlier work. We develop a detailed statistical analysis of their orbital properties and orientations. Half of the WR/O stars are compatible with being members of a clockwise rotating system. The rotation axis of this system shows a strong transition as a function of the projected distance from SgrA*. The main clockwise system either is either a strongly warped single disk with a thickness of about 10 degrees, or consists of a series of streamers with significant radial variation in their orbital planes. 11 out of 61 clockwise moving stars have an angular separation of more than 30 degrees from the clockwise system. The mean eccentricity of the clockwise system is 0.36+/-0.06. The distribution of the counter-clockwise WR/O star is not isotropic at the 98% confidence level. It is compatible with a coherent structure such as stellar filaments, streams, small clusters or possibly a disk in a dissolving state. The observed disk warp and the steep surface density distribution favor in situ star formation in gaseous accretion disks as the origin of the young stars.Comment: ApJ in pres

    The impact of realistic models of mass segregation on the event rate of extreme-mass ratio inspirals and cusp re-growth

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    One of the most interesting sources of gravitational waves (GWs) for LISA is the inspiral of compact objects on to a massive black hole (MBH), commonly referred to as an "extreme-mass ratio inspiral" (EMRI). The small object, typically a stellar black hole (bh), emits significant amounts of GW along each orbit in the detector bandwidth. The slowly, adiabatic inspiral of these sources will allow us to map space-time around MBHs in detail, as well as to test our current conception of gravitation in the strong regime. The event rate of this kind of source has been addressed many times in the literature and the numbers reported fluctuate by orders of magnitude. On the other hand, recent observations of the Galactic center revealed a dearth of giant stars inside the inner parsec relative to the numbers theoretically expected for a fully relaxed stellar cusp. The possibility of unrelaxed nuclei (or, equivalently, with no or only a very shallow cusp) adds substantial uncertainty to the estimates. Having this timely question in mind, we run a significant number of direct-summation NN-body simulations with up to half a million particles to calibrate a much faster orbit-averaged Fokker-Planck code. We then investigate the regime of strong mass segregation (SMS) for models with two different stellar mass components. We show that, under quite generic initial conditions, the time required for the growth of a relaxed, mass segregated stellar cusp is shorter than a Hubble time for MBHs with M5×106MM_\bullet \lesssim 5 \times 10^6 M_\odot (i.e. nuclei in the range of LISA). SMS has a significant impact boosting the EMRI rates by a factor of 10\sim 10 for our fiducial models of Milky Way type galactic nuclei.Comment: Accepted by CQG, minor changes, a bit expande

    Simultaneous Multi-Wavelength Observations of Sgr A* during 2007 April 1-11

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    We report the detection of variable emission from Sgr A* in almost all wavelength bands (i.e. centimeter, millimeter, submillimeter, near-IR and X-rays) during a multi-wavelength observing campaign. Three new moderate flares are detected simultaneously in both near-IR and X-ray bands. The ratio of X-ray to near-IR flux in the flares is consistent with inverse Compton scattering of near-IR photons by submillimeter emitting relativistic particles which follow scaling relations obtained from size measurements of Sgr A*. We also find that the flare statistics in near-IR wavelengths is consistent with the probability of flare emission being inversely proportional to the flux. At millimeter wavelengths, the presence of flare emission at 43 GHz (7mm) using VLBA with milli-arcsecond spatial resolution indicates the first direct evidence that hourly time scale flares are localized within the inner 30×\times70 Schwarzschild radii of Sgr A*. We also show several cross correlation plots between near-IR, millimeter and submillimeter light curves that collectively demonstrate the presence of time delays between the peaks of emission up to three hours. The evidence for time delays at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths are consistent with the source of emission being optically thick initially followed by a transition to an optically thin regime. In particular, there is an intriguing correlation between the optically thin near-IR and X-ray flare and optically thick radio flare at 43 GHz that occurred on 2007 April 4. This would be the first evidence of a radio flare emission at 43 GHz delayed with respect to the near-IR and X-ray flare emission.Comment: replaced with revised version 57 pages, 28 figures, ApJ (in press

    Management dilemma; a woman with cystic fibrosis and severe lung disease presenting with colonic carcinoma: a case report

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    Introduction There are increasing reports of bowel cancer in cystic fibrosis, suggesting a possible causal link. Individuals with cystic fibrosis who have advanced lung disease present a high operative risk, limiting curative treatment options in early bowel malignancy. Case presentation We describe a 41-year-old Caucasian woman with cystic fibrosis and severe lung disease who had been considered for lung transplantation, who presented with rectal bleeding and was found to have a Stage I adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon. After considerable discussion as to the operative risks, she underwent a laparoscopic resection and remains relatively well 1 year postoperatively with no recurrence. Conclusion We discuss the complexity of the management decisions for cystic fibrosis patients with severe lung disease and early stage colonic malignancy, particularly in the context of potential need for lung transplantation. The case demonstrates that cystic fibrosis patients with very severe lung function impairment may undergo laparoscopic abdominal surgical interventions without compromising postoperative airway clearance

    Milky Way Disk-Halo Transition in HI: Properties of the Cloud Population

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    Using 21cm HI observations from the Parkes Radio Telescope's Galactic All-Sky Survey, we measure 255 HI clouds in the lower Galactic halo that are located near the tangent points at 16.9 < l < 35.3 degrees and |b| < 20 degrees. The clouds have a median mass of 700 Msun and a median distance from the Galactic plane of 660 pc. This first Galactic quadrant (QI) region is symmetric to a region of the fourth quadrant (QIV) studied previously using the same data set and measurement criteria. The properties of the individual clouds in the two quadrants are quite similar suggesting that they belong to the same population, and both populations have a line of sight cloud-cloud velocity dispersion of sigma_cc ~ 16 km/s. However, there are three times as many disk-halo clouds at the QI tangent points and their scale height, at h=800 pc, is twice as large as in QIV. Thus the observed line of sight random cloud motions are not connected to the cloud scale height or its variation around the Galaxy. The surface density of clouds is nearly constant over the QI tangent point region but is peaked near R~4 kpc in QIV. We ascribe all of these differences to the coincidental location of the QI region at the tip of the Milky Way's bar, where it merges with a major spiral arm. The QIV tangent point region, in contrast, covers only a segment of a minor spiral arm. The disk-halo HI cloud population is thus likely tied to and driven by large-scale star formation processes, possibly through the mechanism of supershells and feedback.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, to be published in ApJ (accepted August 3 2010