245 research outputs found

    Animal Agricultural Exceptionalism in the 21st Century

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    36 pagesAgriculture has always played a huge role in the American economy and way of life. Many laws today illustrate the singular importance of the agriculture industry and the government’s willingness to create legal carve-outs for agriculture. This Article focuses on two significant examples of agricultural exceptionalism as it applies to animal agriculture specifically. First, it explores state ag-gag laws, which facilitate and protect rampant unsound practices within the animal agriculture industry. Second, this Article explores federal law exempting animal agriculture facilities from greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting requirements that apply to other industries. These two examples illustrate a deeply rooted and pervasive approach to the agriculture industry

    Identifying Key Steps for Developing Mobile Applications and Mobile Websites for Libraries

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    Mobile applications and mobile websites (MAMW) represent information systems that are increasingly being developed by libraries to better serve their patrons. Due to a lack of in-house IT skills and the knowledge necessary to develop MAMW, a majority of libraries are forced to rely on external IT professionals, who may or may not help libraries meet patron needs but instead may deplete libraries’ scarce financial resources. This paper applies a system analysis and design perspective to analyze the experience and advice shared by librarians and IT professionals engaged in developing MAMW. This paper identifies key steps and precautions to take while developing MAMW for libraries. It also advises library and information science (LIS) graduate programs to equip their students with the specific skills and knowledge needed to develop and implement MAMW

    Le Projet PIE : une stratégie prometteuse de dépistage des aînés qui présentent des problèmes de santé mentale

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    Environ 50 % des aînés qui ont un problème de santé mentale ne reçoivent pas les services en lien avec leur situation. Le Projet PIE (Prévention-Intervention-Éducation), une stratégie de dépistage proactif mise sur l’implication des sources de référence non traditionnelles, nommées liaisons communautaires, pour identifier et référer les aînés vers le CSSS. Les auteurs présentent l’évaluation de ce projet qui démontre des résultats encourageants. En plus d’être utile, pertinent et efficace pour dépister ces aînés et leur offrir l’aide nécessaire, le projet PIE semble aussi un moyen d’accroître le sentiment de solidarité sociale.Approximately fifty percent of older adults with a mental health problem do not receive services. A proactive outreach strategy, Project PIE (Prevention-Intervention-Education) relies upon the assistance of non-traditional referral sources, namely community liaisons, to identify and refer to the CSSS vulnerable or isolated elders with a mental health problem. An evaluation of this project reveals encouraging results. The project appears useful, relevant and efficient to detect elders with a mental health problem and offer the required assistance. This project also appears to be a means to foster social solidarity,Alrededor de 50% de los ancianos que tienen un problema de salud mental no reciben los servicios relacionados con su situación. El Proyecto PIE (Prevención-Intervención-Educación) es una estrategia de diagnóstico proactivo que se apoya en la implicación de las fuentes de referencia no tradicionales, tales como los miembros de la comunidad, para identificar y referir a los ancianos a los Centros de Salud y Servicios Sociales (CSSS). Los autores presentan la evaluación de este proyecto que demuestra resultados alentadores. Además de ser útil, pertinente y eficaz para diagnosticar a estos ancianos y ofrecerles la ayuda necesaria, el proyecto PIE parece además un medio de aumentar el sentimiento de solidaridad social.Cerca de 50% das pessoas idosas que sofrem problemas de saúde mental não recebem os serviços de acordo com sua situação. O Projeto PIE (Prevenção-Intervenção-Educação), uma estratégia de identificação proativa, concentra-se no envolvimento das fontes de referência não tradicionais, como membros da comunidade, para identificar e encaminhar as pessoas idosas para o CSSS. Os autores apresentam a avaliação deste projeto que demonstra resultados encorajadores. Além de ser útil, pertinente e eficaz para identificar estas pessoas idosas, e lhes oferecer a ajuda necessária, o projeto PIE também é um meio de aumentar o sentimento de solidariedade social

    The Electronic Learning Center in the Library

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    In 1961 the University of Michigan published in the Language Laboratory Technical Report #12 an article by this author entitled "The Electronic Study Center." Outlined in this article were the reasons and methodology for expanding the ordinary language laboratory into an installation which would serve as a teaching aid for all subjects. The term "electronic study center" is rather cumbersome, and since I am addressing a group which is library -oriented, I shall refer to the same concept in this report as the "audio-library." In preparing this report for an institute sponsored by a school of library science, one of my major endeavors has been to try to see the problems involved through the eyes of the librarian. Being woefully ignorant of those finer points of library science which go beyond the Dewey Decimal System and the card catalog, I hope I have not oversimplified or overlooked too many all-important details. Most universities, colleges, high schools, and quite a few junior high schools have installed language laboratories. These installations are being used with varying amounts of success by foreign language teachers as a tool for teaching the spoken foreign language. Quite naturally, these language laboratories are controlled by, and under the direction of, the language teachers. At this time I should like to question seriously the wisdom of having these installations under the control of the foreign language department in the respective schools. I believe, rather, that that collection of teaching aids and the concepts which we at present call the language laboratory should be viewed as one of the several components of a modern well-equipped library and so operated.published or submitted for publicatio

    The CERN proton synchrotron, 1

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