407 research outputs found

    Access Control for the Pepys Internet-Wide File-System

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    This paper describes the Access Control Model realized for the novel Pepys distributed, Internet-wide, file-system. The model design has been widely inspired to various existing standards and best practices about access control and security in file-system access, but it also echoes peculiar basic principles characterizing the design of Pepys, as well as the ΠP protocol, over which Pepys itself relies. The paper also provides technical details about how the model has been realized on a Linux port of Pepys

    Sharecropping and Production Risk of Rice Farming

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    Sharecropping is a form of cooperation between landowners and tenants. Two types of sharecropping systems for rice farming in Bone District, South Sulawesi, impact income and production risks. This study aims to (1) analyze the implementation of the sharecropping system and (2) analyze income and production risk. This study used primary data from 117 Berebbo sub-district, Bone district farmers. Data were analyzed using income analysis and production risk. The results showed that the sharecropping system has been implemented traditionally according to customs and is not guided by Law No. 2 of 1960 about the sharecropping system. The sharecropping system has survived to this day because, in addition to improving the economy, it also strengthens farmers' social relations through honesty, trust, and helping each other.  There are two types of sharecropping of grain; type 1 is 1:2, and type 2 is 1:1. In type 1, the landowner only provides the land, while in type 2, the landowner provides the land and shares the cost of fertilizers, pesticides, and transportation. The profit of farming using type 2 is higher than type 1, but the risk level of type 2 is also higher than type 1. But the landowner gets a higher profit than tenants because the output distribution is grain without considering farming costs. The output should share the profits to provide justice for both parties. The results of this study can become literature for future researchers to study production risks in sharecropping systems

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Risiko Produksi Padi Pada Sistem Bagi Hasil Di Kabupaten Bone

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    Sistem bagi hasil telah digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia secara turun-temurun. Perjanjian bagi hasil dilakukan untuk memperluas lahan yang digarap petani guna meningkatkan produksi pertanian. Khusus di Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan, ada dua jenis bagi hasil, yaitu Tipe 1 dan Tipe 2. Pada Tipe 1, penggarap mendapat 2 bagian dan pemilik mendapat 1 bagian output, sedangkan biaya input produksi hampir semua ditanggung oleh penggarap. Pada Tipe 2, pemilik lahan dan penggarap mendapatkan bagian output yang sama banyak karena kedua belah pihak berbagi biaya input produksi. Selain berbagi input dan output produksi, bagi hasil juga melibatkan berbagi risiko produksi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi risiko produksi padi sistem bagi hasil pada tipe 1 dan tipe 2. Penentuan sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan metode snowball sampling dengan jumlah sampel 65 petani Tipe 1 dan 15 petani Tipe 2. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi linear berganda dengan model OLS menggunakan software SPP. Model fungsi risiko produksi menggunakan fungsi risiko Just and Pope dengan model produksi Cobb Douglas. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada Tipe 1 dan Tipe 2 terdapat perbedaan faktor yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap risiko produksi. Pada tipe 1, faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap risiko produksi yaitu pestisida dan umur sebagai pengurang risiko (risk reducing faktor) sedangkan luas lahan sebagai peningkat risiko (risk inducing factor). Adapun pada tipe 2, pestisida dan tenaga kerja berpengaruh nyata dalam meningkatkan risiko produksi (risk inducing factor) dan tidak terdapat factor yang berpengaruh signifikan dalam mengurangi risiko produksi.The sharecropping system has been used by Indonesian people for generations. Sharecropping agreements are made to expand the land cultivated by farmers to increase agricultural production. Specifically in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, there are two sharecropping types: Type 1 and Type 2. In Type 1, the tenant gets two shares, and the landowner receives one share of output, while the tenant bears almost all production input costs. In Type 2, the landowner and tenant get an equal share of the output because both parties share the costs of production inputs. In addition to sharing production inputs and outputs, sharecropping also involves sharing production risks. This study aimed to analyze the factors that affect the risk of sharecropping systems in type 1 and type 2. The research sample was determined using the snowball sampling method with a sample size of 65 type 1 farmers and 15 type 2 farmers. The data analysis method used was multiple linear regression analysis with the OLS model using SPP software. The production risk function model uses the Just and Pope risk model with the Cobb-Douglas production function. The results of this study concluded that in Type 1 and Type 2, there are differences in factors that significantly affect production risk. In type 1, the factors that significantly influence production risk are pesticides and age as a risk-reducing factor, while land area is a risk-inducing factor. As for type 2, pesticides and labour have a significant effect on inducing production risk, and there are no factors that have a significant impact on reducing production risk. The results of this study suggest that the use of type 1 can be done if tenants have capital, whereas if tenants do not have capital and only rely on their ability, they should choose type 2

    The accuracy analysis of lidar-derived elevation data for the geometric description of the cross-sections of a riverbed

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    The work stems from a joint study between the Laboratory ASTRO (Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering - University of Pisa), the municipality of Pisa and the province of Arezzo on the advanced analysis and use of digital elevation data. Besides, it is framed in the research carried on by ASTRO about the definition of the priority informative layers for emergency management in the territory, as of PRIN 2008. Specifically, this work is in continuity with other already published results concerning rigorous accuracy checks of LIDAR data and testing of the procedures to transform raw data in formats consistent with the CTR and survey data. The analysis of sections of riverbed, obtained by interpolation DTMs featuring different grid density with those detected topographically, is presented. Validation by differential GNSS methodology of the DTMs used showed a good overall quality of the model for open, low-sloping areas. Analysis of the sections, however, has shown that the representation of small or high-sloping (ditches, embankments) morphological elements requires a high point density such as in laser scanner surveys, and a small mesh size of the grid. In addition, the correct representation of riverside structures is often hindered by the presence of thick vegetation and poor raw LIDAR data filtering

    Access control in distributed file systems: design and realization on Pepys fs

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    This theis describes the Access Control Model realized for the novel Pepys distributed, Internet-wide, file-system. The model design has been widely inspired to various existing standards and best practices about access control and security in file-system access, but it also echoes peculiar basic principles characterizing the design of Pepys, as well as the ΠP protocol, over which Pepys itself relies. Technical details about how the model has been realized on a Linux port of Pepys are also provided

    TRAIL receptor signaling and therapeutic option in bone tumors: the trap of the bone microenvironment

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    Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (TRAIL/TNFSF10) has been reported to specifically induce malignant cell death being relatively nontoxic to normal cells. Since its identification 15 years ago, the antitumor activity and therapeutic value of TRAIL have been extensively studied. Five receptors quickly emerged, two of them being able to induce programmed cell death in tumor cells. This review takes a comprehensive look at this ligand and its receptors, and its potential role in primary bone tumors (osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma) therapy. The main limit of clinical use of TRAIL being the innate or acquired resistance mechanisms, different possibilities to sensitize resistant cells are discussed in this review, together with the impact of bone microenvironment in the regulation of TRAIL activity


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    Tendency of Fraud Accounting is a fraudulent act committed by a person or group for the sake of personal and group gain at the expense of many other parties. This study aims to determine the effect of the bystander effect, the suitability of compensation and individual morality on the tendency of accounting fraud at Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) in Penebel district. The population in this study were all employees of the LPD’s in Penebel District, the respondents used were 104 people consisting of the Head of the LPD and the LPD Treasurer. The method of.determining the sample using purposive sampling technique. From the results of this study, the bystander effect has a positive effect and significant on the tendency of accounting fraud, while the suitability of compensation and individual morality does.not have a significant effect on the tendency of accounting.fraud

    Osteosarcoma: Current status of immunotherapy and future trends (Review)

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    Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumor and represents a major therapeutic challenge in medical oncology. While the use of aggressive chemotherapy has drastically improved the prognosis of the patients with non-metastatic osteosarcomas, the very poor prognosis of patients with metastasis have led to the exploration of new, more effective and less toxic treatments, such as immunotherapy for curing osteosarcoma. Compared to the numerous reports describing successful immunotherapy for other solid tumors, the number of reports concerning immunotherapy for osteosarcoma is low. However, this therapeutic strategy opens new areas for the treatment of osteosarcoma. In this review, the reasons for delay and all elements essential to develop immunotherapy concerning osteosarcoma are defined. Several pieces of evidence strongly support the potential capability of new therapies such as cellular therapy and gene therapy to eradicate osteosarcoma. Thus, clinical human trials using peptides, cytokines and dendritic cells have been performed. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and some tumor antigens have been identified in osteosarcoma and resulted in an important breakthrough in cellular immunotherapy. Also, RANKL/RANK/OPG, the key regulator of bone metabolism, is a hot spot in this field as therapeutic tools. Immunotherapy for osteosarcomas has great potential, promising improvement in the survival rate and better quality of life for the patients

    Clusterin inhibition using OGX-011 synergistically enhances zoledronic acid activity in osteosarcoma

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    Purpose: Despite recent improvements in therapeutic management of osteosarcoma, ongoing challenges in improving the response to chemotherapy warrants new strategies still needed to improve overall patient survival. Among new therapeutic approaches, zoledronic acid (ZOL) represents a promising adjuvant molecule to chemotherapy to limit the osteolytic component of bone tumors. However, ZOL triggers the elevation of heat shock proteins (Hsp), including Hsp27 and clusterin (CLU), which could enhance tumor cell survival and treatment resistance. We hypothesized that targeting CLU using siRNA or the antisense drug, OGX-011, will suppress treatment-induced CLU induction and enhance ZOL-induced cell death in osteosarcoma (OS) cells. Methods: The combined effects of OGX-011 and ZOL were investigated in vitro on cell growth, viability, apoptosis and cell cycle repartition of ZOL-sensitive or -resistant human OS cell lines (SaOS2, U2OS, MG63 and MNNG/HOS). Results: In OS cell lines, ZOL increased levels of HSPs, especially CLU, in a dose- and time-dependent manner by mechanism including increased HSF1 transcription activity. The OS resistant cells to ZOL exhibited higher CLU expression level than the sensitive cells. Moreover, CLU overexpression protects OS sensitive cells to ZOL-induced cell death by modulating the MDR1 and farnesyl diphosphate synthase expression. OGX-011 suppressed treatment-induced increases in CLU and synergistically enhanced the activity of ZOL on cell growth and apoptosis. These biologic events were accompanied by decreased expression of HSPs, MDR1 and HSF1 transcriptional activity. In vivo, OGX-011, administered 3 times a week (IP, 20mg/kg), potentiated the effect of ZOL (s.c; 50µg/kg), significantly inhibiting tumor growth by 50% and prolonging survival in MNNG/HOS xenograft model compared to ZOL alone. Conclusion: These results indicate that ZOL-mediated induction of CLU can be attenuated by OGX-011, with synergistic effects on delaying progression of osteosarcoma

    Sujetos al capital : Estrategias de disciplinamiento en una industria de software argentina

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    Nos proponemos indagar en una industria argentina de software, cuáles son los mecanismos y estrategias en la gestión del trabajo con el fin de alinearlos al proceso de valorización del capital en las condiciones específicas en que este se desarrolla. En una primera instancia presentaremos lo que entendemos son las condiciones de aparición de la industria de software en Argentina y delinearemos las especificidades en que se desarrolla ese capital, para luego interpretar las estrategias que efectivamente despliega la empresa en el espacio de trabajo para lograr el disciplinamiento de los trabajadores informáticos.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació
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