307 research outputs found


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    Propuesta de intervención psicopedagógica en resiliencia con hijas e hijos de víctimas de violencia de género

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    Ante la preocupación actual y personal sobre la violencia de género como principal obstáculo en el camino hacia la plena igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, este trabajo se centrará en la intervención con las personas que sufren este tipo de violencia. Una de las debilidades encontradas en esta meta global, es la atención que se presta a las niñas y niños que viven esta violencia en sus hogares. Por ello, este trabajo se apoya en documentación relevante sobre la violencia de género, con el fin de comprender las consecuencias de la convivencia de los menores en un contexto familiar de violencia de género, tratarlos como un colectivo en el que existen una serie de necesidades a analizar y encontrar recursos y herramientas que les ayuden a su recuperación y su continuidad vital de una forma sana y positiva. En el camino, se verá como la promoción de la Resiliencia es una de las formas más completas para poder intervenir en sus necesidades y abrir diversas vías para continuar con su vida, sin que el trauma condicione su desarrollo. Con esta fundamentación como base, se propone una intervención a través de un programa, que por su variabilidad, puede llegar a un gran grupo de niñas y niños y por su generalidad permite amoldarse a las necesidades individuales de cada grupo y de cada niña y niño.Because of the current concern about gender-based violence as the main obstacle on the way to full equality between men and women. This work focuses of the intervention with all those suffering this type of violence. One of the weak points found in this global goal is the attention paid to those girls and boys who experience this type of violence in their homes. Therefore, this End-of-Master’s Project collects relevant documentation on gender-based violence in order to reach its the consequences in those children, to treat them as a group in which there are a series of specific needs and finally to analyze and find resources and tools that help minors to their recovery and to ensure the continuity of their lives in a healthy and positive way Along the way, it will see how the promotion of Resilience is one of the most complete ways to intervene directly in those children’s needs and helps to create other open diverse paths to support themselves in order to continue with their life without trauma conditions their development. With this basis and foundation, this project proposes an intervention through an action plan that, due to its variability, can reach a large group of children and, due to its general nature, allows to be adapted to the individual needs of each group and of each child.Departamento de PsicologíaMáster en Psicopedagogí

    Digital storytelling using videos in early childhood education

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    Este artículo pretende presentar las experiencias desarrolladas en varios cursos académicos entre el alumnado de 2º de Magisterio de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Murcia (España) y niños y niñas de Educación Infantil del CEIP Cierva Peñafiel (Murcia, España) en torno a la elaboración de storytelling digital a través de vídeos en el marco de un proyecto telecolaborativo. Partiendo de la metodología del aprendizaje por tareas, el alumnado universitario ha tenido que diseñar un storytelling de manera grupal haciendo uso del vídeo. Las historias se plantean a partir de una temática general propuesta por el alumnado de Educación Infantil, que al mismo tiempo también elaboran su historia digital. Todos los recursos son publicados en Internet y difundidos a través de las redes sociales. La experiencia ha sido valorada positivamente por el alumnado, en relación a las competencias técnicas y pedagógicas que se desarrollan en la misma.This article aims to present the experiences developed in several academic years between Early Childhood Education students (University of Murcia. Spain) and children from Cierva Peñafiel school (Murcia. Spain). The goal of this experience is the development of digital storytelling using videos as a part of a tellecolaborative project. Based on the methodology of task-centered learning, university students have to design storytelling (in groups) with video. The stories arise from a general topic proposed by schoolchildren. All resources are published online and disseminated through social networks. The experience has been highly valued by students in relation to the technical and pedagogical skills they developed inside this collaborative project

    Perceptual learning in flavor preference conditioning: restricting generalization of acquired preferences between flavors

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    Two experiments with rats investigated perceptual learning using a conditioned preference procedure. Experiment 1 used a between-subject procedure in which rats received either intermixed preexposure (AX, BX, AX, BX…) or blocked preexposure (AX, AX…, BX, BX…) to flavor compounds before a conditioned preference was established to AX by pairing it with sucrose. During a test, rats given intermixed preexposure showed a greater preference for AX over BX than those given blocked preexposure. Experiment 2 showed that after intermixed preexposure to AX and BX, and a block of preexposure to CX, a preference established to AX was less likely to generalize to BX than to CX. These results represent the first demonstration of the impact of the schedule of preexposure on perceptual learning using a flavor preference procedure, and they parallel those previously observed using flavor aversion procedures

    Human pressures on two estuaries of the Iberian Peninsula are reflected in food web structure

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    As a result of the increased urban and agricultural development in coastal environments, estuaries are among the most modified and threatened aquatic ecosystems. This study used stable isotopes to examine the effects of human impacts by contrasting the food web structures of two Iberian estuaries exposed to different degrees of human pressure. More complex feeding pathways were found in the more altered estuary (Guadalquivir). Greater spread among species along the carbon axis suggests that the primary consumers exploit organic matter with various origins, whereas different nitrogen signals of the secondary consumers suggest that they feed on different suites of prey. In contrast, the similar isotopic signals of secondary consumers in the relatively little influenced estuary (Guadiana) suggests similarity in diet composition and feeding on the same organic matter sources. Understanding trophic interactions in estuaries is vital for defining proper management and conservation, and the preliminary data provided here are one step in this direction

    Buenas prácticas en violencia de género en coordinación interinstitucional. El caso de Aragón

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    Las estrategias de coordinación interinstitucional como la desarrollada en Aragón posibilitan agilizar y garantizar una AI segura en casos de VG. Pese a todas las actividades de sensibilización y formación realizadas en los centros sanitarios, la cumplimentación de PL sigue siendo baja. Son necesarias sesiones de formación continuada y sensibilización especializada en VG para garantizar en el correcto abordaje de la VG a través del conocimiento de los recursos asistenciales, así como una adecuada coordinación y derivación a los servicios asistenciales correspondientes, junto con el establecimiento de un plan de seguridad efica

    Population screening for liver fibrosis: Toward early diagnosis and intervention for chronic liver diseases

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    Population screening; Liver fibrosis; Early diagnosisCribratge de població; Fibrosi hepàtica; Diagnòstic precoçCribado de población; Fibrosis hepática; Diagnóstico precozCirrhosis, highly prevalent worldwide, develops after years of hepatic inflammation triggering progressive fibrosis. Currently, the main etiologies of cirrhosis are non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcohol-related liver disease, although chronic hepatitis B and C infections are still major etiological factors in some areas of the world. Recent studies have shown that liver fibrosis can be assessed with relatively high accuracy noninvasively by serological tests, transient elastography, and radiological methods. These modalities may be utilized for screening for liver fibrosis in at-risk populations. Thus far, a limited number of population-based studies using noninvasive tests in different areas of the world indicate that a significant percentage of subjects without known liver disease (around 5% in general populations and a higher rate −18% to 27%-in populations with risk factors for liver disease) have significant undetected liver fibrosis or established cirrhosis. Larger international studies are required to show the harms and benefits before concluding that screening for liver fibrosis should be applied to populations at risk for chronic liver diseases. Screening for liver fibrosis has the potential for changing the current approach from diagnosing chronic liver diseases late when patients have already developed complications of cirrhosis to diagnosing liver fibrosis in asymptomatic subjects providing the opportunity of preventing disease progression.LiverScreen Consortium and the European Commission under the H20/20 program (847989); AGAUR (2017SGR-01281); Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Enfermedades Hepaticas y Digestivas; Fundación de Investigación Sanitaria, cofunded by Instituto Carlos III–Subdirección General de Evaluación and the European Regional Development Fund (PI18/01330, PI18/00662, and PI18/00862); and Gilead’s Investigator–sponsored research program (IN-ES-989-5309

    Whole rumen metagenome sequencing allows classifying and predicting feed efficiency and intake levels in cattle

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    The current research was carried out to determine the associations between the rumen microbiota and traits related with feed efficiency in a Holstein cattle population (n = 30) using whole metagenome sequencing. Improving feed efficiency (FE) is important for a more sustainable livestock production. The variability for the efficiency of feed utilization in ruminants is partially controlled by the gastrointestinal microbiota. Modulating the microbiota composition can promote a more sustainable and efficient livestock. This study revealed that most efficient cows had larger relative abundance of Bacteroidetes (P = 0.041) and Prevotella (P = 0.003), while lower, but non-significant (P = 0.119), relative abundance of Firmicutes. Methanobacteria (P = 0.004) and Methanobrevibacter (P = 0.003) were also less abundant in the high-efficiency cows. A de novo metagenome assembly was carried out using de Bruijn graphs in MEGAHIT resulting in 496,375 contigs. An agnostic pre-selection of microbial contigs allowed high classification accuracy for FE and intake levels using hierarchical classification. These microbial contigs were also able to predict FE and intake levels with accuracy of 0.19 and 0.39, respectively, in an independent population (n = 31). Nonetheless, a larger potential accuracy up to 0.69 was foreseen in this study for datasets that allowed a larger statistical power. Enrichment analyses showed that genes within these contigs were mainly involved in fatty acids and cellulose degradation pathways. The findings indicated that there are differences between the microbiota compositions of high and low-efficiency animals both at the taxonomical and gene levels. These differences are even more evident in terms of intake levels. Some of these differences remain even between populations under different diets and environments, and can provide information on the feed utilization performance without information on the individual intake level.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Beneficial effect of shikonin on experimental colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium in Balb/C mice.

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    The naphthoquinone shikonin, a major component of the root of Lithospermum erythrorhizon, now is studied as an antiinflammatory agent in the treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC). Acute UC was induced in Balb/Cmice by oral administration of 5% dextran sodium sulfate (DSS). The disease activity index was evaluated, and a histologic study was carried out. Orally administered shikonin reduces induced UC in a dose-dependent manner, preventing the shortening of the colorectum and decreasing weight loss by 5% while improving the appearance of feces and preventing bloody stools. The disease activity index score was much lower in shikonin-treated mice than in the colitic group, as well as the myeloperoxidase activity. The expression of cyclooxygenase-2 was reduced by 75%, activation of NF-κB was reduced by 44%, and that of pSTAT-3 by 47%, as well as TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 production. Similar results were obtained in primary macrophages culture. This is the first report of shikonin¿s ability to attenuate acute UC induced by DSS. Shikonin acts by blocking the activation of two major targets: NF-κB and STAT-3, and thus constitutes a promising potential therapeutic agent for the management of the inflammatory bowel disease