42 research outputs found

    Hydrothermal Degradation of Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins in Sunflower Seeds after Treatment with Subcritical Water

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    In this study, the hydrothermal degradation of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in sunflower seeds after treatment with subcritical water was observed. Sunflower seeds were subjected to subcritical water in a wide temperature range (130–240 °C) for periods from 5 to 120 minutes. The oil- and water-soluble phases were analysed for products of hydrothermal degradation. Oil stability was investigated by analysing the content of free fatty acids using gas chromatography. The water-soluble phase was analysed for the presence of any formed amino acids, and the amount of carbohydrates remaining after treatment was determined. Total amino acids and carbohydrates were determined using the ninhydrin and phenol/sulphuric acid spectrophotometric methods, respectively. The results show that oils are the most stable macronutrient present in sunflower seeds. Only small amounts of free fatty acids had formed during processing but the amount drastically started to increase at 240 °C. Proteins seem to be less stable than oils, whereas carbohydrates have proven to be very susceptible to hydrothermal degradation

    Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain

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    Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain

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    The enormous quantity of food wastes discarded annually force to look for alternatives for this interesting feedstock. Thus, food bio-waste valorisation is one of the imperatives of the nowadays society. This review is the most comprehensive overview of currently existing technologies and processes in this field. It tackles classical and innovative physical, physico-chemical and chemical methods of food waste pre-treatment and extraction for recovery of added value compounds and detection by modern technologies and are an outcome of the COST Action EUBIS, TD1203 Food Waste Valorisation for Sustainable Chemicals, Materials and Fuels

    Subkritična voda kot zelen medij za ekstrakcijo in procesiranje naravnih materialov

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    In this doctoral dissertation, the application of subcritical water as a green medium for the extraction and processing of natural materials is presented. The work is divided into three main parts. In the first part, subcritical water is proposed as a solvent for the simultaneous extraction of oil- and water-soluble phase from oily seeds. The extraction parameters, such as temperature, time and material to solvent ratio that yield the highest amounts of both phases are examined. The quality of both obtained phases is examined. The characteristics of oils obtained using subcritical water is compared to that obtained using a conventional method. The second part of this work proposes subcritical water as an efficient solvent for the isolation of bioactive phenolic compounds from wood waste, that is produced by the forestry industry. Different wood fractions are firstly extracted in batch-mode and the fraction with the highest amounts of bioactive compounds is determined. Next, semi-continuous operation is applied, where the effects of different extraction parameters are studied on the extraction yield and quality of the extract. The effect of temperature and ethanol addition to the subcritical water on the content of single phenolic compounds identified in the extracts is observed. Lastly, the cost of manufacturing of such a product is estimated by evaluating the economics of different pilot- and industrial-scale processes operating at optimal conditions determined on the laboratory scale. The last part proposes the use of subcritical water as an efficient hydrolytic medium for glycoside bonded antioxidants, specifically those found in waste agro-industrial sources. Effect of temperature, treatment time, concentration and the atmosphere used for establishing the pressure in the reactor are first studied on a model glycoside compound - rutin and the optimal combination of reaction parameters are established for the batch-mode reactor. The degradation products of the model compound are identified and the concentration/time profiles of their degradation are observed. Furthermore, the reaction kinetics explaining the degradation of the rutin standard are evaluated. In the next step, the method is implemented on a real glycosides-containing extract. The extract is hydrolyzed at conditions obtained from the first step and the free aglycone is obtained at the highest yields possible. Lastly, the process is upgraded to continuous operation and the final hydrolyzed high-purity product is recovered.Glavni namen te doktorske disertacije je bilo raziskati uporabnost subkritične vode kot zelenega medija za izolacijo in procesiranje naravnih materialov. Delo sestoji iz treh delov. Prvi del se osredotoča na uporabnost subkritične vode kot topila za sočasno ekstrakcijo v olju in vodi topne faze iz oljnih semen. V ta namen smo študirali ekstrakcijske parametre, torej vpliv temperature, časa in razmerja material/topilo na izkoristek obeh faz. Kvaliteto obeh faz smo preverili. Kvaliteto olj pridobljenih s subkritično vodo smo primerjali z oljem pridobljenim s konvencionalno metodo. Drugi del te disertacije predlaga subkritično vodo kot efektivno topilo za izolacijo bioaktivnih fenolnih spojin iz odpadnega lesa. V prvem koraku smo ekstrahirali različne frakcije odpadnega lesa, ki nastanejo pri spravljenju lesa v gozdovih z uporabo šaržnega sistema, z namenom najti najprimernejšo frakcijo za izolacijo. V drugem koraku smo uporabili semi-kontinuirni ekstrakcijski postopek, kjer smo študirali vpliv ekstrakcijskih parametrov na ekstrakcijski izkoristek in kvaliteto ekstrakta. Določili smo vpliv temperature in dodatka etanola na hidrotemično degradacijo fenolnih spojin med samo ekstrakcijo. Na koncu smo ocenili še ekonomičnost pilotnih in industrijskih procesov z različnimi kapacitetami ekstraktorja, z namenom, približno ovrednotiti cene proizvodnje takšnega produkta. Zadnji del te doktorske disertacije predlaga subkritično vodo kot efektiven reakcijski medij za hidrolizo glikozidno vezanih antioksidantov najdenih v odpadkih živilskopridelovalne industrije. Preučili smo vpliv temperature, časa, koncentracije in atmosfere uporabljene za vzpostavitev tlaka v šaržnem reaktorju na potek hidrolize ter določili optimalno kombinacijo le-teh za modelni glikozid - rutin. Določili smo produkte hidroterminčnega razpada rutina ter degradacijske profile le-te v odvisnosti od časa. Poleg tega, smo razvili tudi kinetični model, ki matematično opisuje razgradnjo rutina v kvercetin. V naslednjem koraku smo metodo implementirali na realnem ekstraktu, ki vsebuje podobne glikozide kakor modelna komponenta in skušali dobiti proste aglikone v največjem možnem izkoristku. Na koncu smo izvedli hidrolizo tudi s kontinuirnim postopkom in skušali dobiti končni hidrolizirani produkt visoke čistosti


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    Diplomska naloga opisuje razvoj Android aplikacije in strežnika ter vso uporabljeno tehnologijo. Predstavljen je koordiniran prenos GPS (ang. Global Positioning System) podatkov iz mobilne naprave do strežnika. Aplikacija pridobi GPS podatke naprave in jih pošlje strežniku, ki te podatke prejema. Strežnik bo tudi krmilil hitrost pošiljanja GPS podatkov s telefona na strežnik. Implementiran sistem tako omogoča uporabo GPS podatkov v različne namene.The thesis describes the development of an Android application and server, and all the technology used. Described is a coordinated transfer of GPS (Global Positioning System) data from mobile devices to the server. The application obtains GPS data from the device and sends it to a server that receives this data. The server also controls the speed at which the GPS data will be sent from the device to the server. The implemented system enables the use of GPS data for different purposes


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    Cilj diplomskega dela je bil razviti kinetični model in mehanizem monoesterifikacije, tipične reverzibilne reakcije. Kot primer smo uporabili monoesterifikacijo etilen glikola z benzojsko kislino. Reakcija je bila katalizirana v kislem mediju ob prisotnosti α-aluminijevega oksida. Vsi eksperimenti so bili izvedeni v avtomatiziranem reakcijskem kalorimetru, opremljenim z in-line IR spektrometrom. Na osnovi IR spektrov in metodologije umeritvene krivulje smo dobili koncentracijske profile produkta. Določili smo red reakcije, obe konstanti proizvodnosti in aktivacijsko energijo. Z uporabo kinetičnih in stehiometričnih podatkov smo ugotovili reakcijski mehanizem, ki pojasnjuje opažene značilnosti reakcije.The goal of this work was to develop the kinetic model and mechanism of monoesterification, a typical reversible reaction. As an example we used the ethylene glycol monoesterification with benzoic acid. The reaction was catalyzed in acidic medium supported with α-aluminum oxide. All experiments were carried out in an automated reaction calorimeter equipped with an in-line IR spectrometer. Based on the observed IR spectra and calibration curve methodology, product concentration profiles were obtained. Reaction order together with both reaction rate constants and activation energy have been determined. Using the obtained kinetic and stoichiometric data, the reaction mechanism was established which explains the observed reaction characteristics

    A Chess Rating System for the Comparison of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Evolucijski algoritmi večkriterijske optimizacije so bili uspešno uporabljeni za reševanje realnih večkriterijskih problemov, kar pojasnjuje tudi njihovo popularnost. Ocenjevanje in primerjava evolucijski algoritmi večkriterijske optimizacije je pomembno vprašanje. Vendar izvajanje primerjav evolucijskih algoritmov ni trivialna naloga. Algoritmi imajo številne kontrolne parametre, ki jih je potrebno konfigurirati. Izbrati je treba primerne testne probleme in rezultate analizirati z uporabo statistične metode. Poleg tega lahko rezultate evolucijskih algoritmov večkriterijske optimizacije ocenimo z različnimi indikatorji kakovosti, kar še dodatno otežuje primerjavo. Da bi olajšali proces primerjave smo, v doktorski disertaciji predstavili metodo za primerjavo in uglaševanje evolucijskih algoritmov večkriterijske optimizacije. Najprej je bila opravljena analiza indikatorjev kakovosti, ki je pokazala, da lahko z indikatorji, ki merijo enake aspekte kakovosti, dobimo statistično značilne razlike. Dobili smo tudi nabor robustnih in konsistentnih indikatorjev. Za primerjavo algoritmov smo uporabili šahovski sistem rangiranja, ki je bil prilagojen za algoritme večkriterijske optimizacije z ansamblom indikatorjev kakovosti. V ansambel smo vključili najprimernejše indikatorje iz predhodne analize. Rezultati so pokazali, da je predlagana metoda dosegla primerljive rezultate s primerljivimi metodami z manjšim številom zagonov posameznega algoritma. Ker je uspešnost evolucijskih algoritmov lahko zelo odvisna od konfiguracije kontrolnih parametrov, smo predlagano metodo nadgradili tako, da omogoča uglaševanje. Rezultati eksperimenta so pokazali veliko izboljšanje algoritmov po izvedenem uglaševanju s predlagano metodo. Z uporabo uglaševanja zagotovimo, da imajo algoritmi primernejše kontrolne parametre in posledično je tudi primerjava bolj poštena.Evolucijski algoritmi večkriterijske optimizacije so bili uspešno uporabljeni za reševanje realnih večkriterijskih problemov, kar pojasnjuje tudi njihovo popularnost. Ocenjevanje in primerjava evolucijski algoritmi večkriterijske optimizacije je pomembno vprašanje. Vendar izvajanje primerjav evolucijskih algoritmov ni trivialna naloga. Algoritmi imajo številne kontrolne parametre, ki jih je potrebno konfigurirati. Izbrati je treba primerne testne probleme in rezultate analizirati z uporabo statistične metode. Poleg tega lahko rezultate evolucijskih algoritmov večkriterijske optimizacije ocenimo z različnimi indikatorji kakovosti, kar še dodatno otežuje primerjavo. Da bi olajšali proces primerjave smo, v doktorski disertaciji predstavili metodo za primerjavo in uglaševanje evolucijskih algoritmov večkriterijske optimizacije. Najprej je bila opravljena analiza indikatorjev kakovosti, ki je pokazala, da lahko z indikatorji, ki merijo enake aspekte kakovosti, dobimo statistično značilne razlike. Dobili smo tudi nabor robustnih in konsistentnih indikatorjev. Za primerjavo algoritmov smo uporabili šahovski sistem rangiranja, ki je bil prilagojen za algoritme večkriterijske optimizacije z ansamblom indikatorjev kakovosti. V ansambel smo vključili najprimernejše indikatorje iz predhodne analize. Rezultati so pokazali, da je predlagana metoda dosegla primerljive rezultate s primerljivimi metodami z manjšim številom zagonov posameznega algoritma. Ker je uspešnost evolucijskih algoritmov lahko zelo odvisna od konfiguracije kontrolnih parametrov, smo predlagano metodo nadgradili tako, da omogoča uglaševanje. Rezultati eksperimenta so pokazali veliko izboljšanje algoritmov po izvedenem uglaševanju s predlagano metodo. Z uporabo uglaševanja zagotovimo, da imajo algoritmi primernejše kontrolne parametre in posledično je tudi primerjava bolj pošten


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    Magistrsko delo obravnava primerjavo evolucijskih algoritmov večkriterijske optimizacije z uporabo šahovskega rangiranja. Na začetku je opisano šahovsko rangiranje in osnovni pojmi večkriterijske optimizacije. Prikazana je nadgradnja orodja EARS (ang. Evolutionary Algorithms Rating System), ki omogoča ocenjevanje uspešnosti evolucijskih algoritmov za enokriterijsko optimizacijo. Predstavljena je implementacija primernih primerjalnih funkcij in nabora preizkusnih problemov. Prav tako so predstavljeni tudi nekateri bolj znani evolucijski algoritmi večkriterijske optimizacije, ki smo jih vključili v orodje EARS. Na koncu so prikazani rezultati in primerjava rezultatov orodja EARS z drugimi metodami.In this thesis the comparison of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms using chess ranking is presented. First, the chess ranking and the basic concepts of multi-objective optimization are described. Then the upgrade of EARS (Evolutionary Algorithms Rating System), which enables the assessment of the performance of evolutionary algorithms for single-objective optimization is presented. The implementation of appropriate comparator functions and a set of test problems is also presented. Some of more well-known evolutionary algorithms of multi-objective optimization which were included in EARS are shown. Finally, the results and the comparison of EARS results with other methods are outlined

    Tuning Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms on Different Sized Problem Sets

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    Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) have been applied successfully for solving real-world multi-objective problems. Their success can depend highly on the configuration of their control parameters. Different tuning methods have been proposed in order to solve this problem. Tuning can be performed on a set of problem instances in order to obtain robust control parameters. However, for real-world problems, the set of problem instances at our disposal usually are not very plentiful. This raises the question: What is a sufficient number of problems used in the tuning process to obtain robust enough parameters? To answer this question, a novel method called MOCRS-Tuning was applied on different sized problem sets for the real-world integration and test order problem. The configurations obtained by the tuning process were compared on all the used problem instances. The results show that tuning greatly improves the algorithms’ performance and that a bigger subset used for tuning does not guarantee better results. This indicates that it is possible to obtain robust control parameters with a small subset of problem instances, which also substantially reduces the time required for tuning

    From Grammar Inference to Semantic Inference—An Evolutionary Approach

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    This paper describes a research work on Semantic Inference, which can be regarded as an extension of Grammar Inference. The main task of Grammar Inference is to induce a grammatical structure from a set of positive samples (programs), which can sometimes also be accompanied by a set of negative samples. Successfully applying Grammar Inference can result only in identifying the correct syntax of a language. With the Semantic Inference a further step is realised, namely, towards inducing language semantics. When syntax and semantics can be inferred, a complete compiler/interpreter can be generated solely from samples. In this work Evolutionary Computation was employed to explore and exploit the enormous search space that appears in Semantic Inference. For the purpose of this research work the tool LISA.SI has been developed on the top of the compiler/interpreter generator tool LISA. The first results are encouraging, since we were able to infer the semantics only from samples and their associated meanings for several simple languages, including the Robot language