327 research outputs found

    Skapande aktiviteters betydelse för den mentala hälsan

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    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att genom en forskningsöversikt synliggöra skapande aktiviteters användning i ergoterapin samt dess betydelse för att främja mentala hälsan. Detta examensarbete görs inom ramen för livskvalitetsprojektet. Målet är att genom denna forskningsöversikt för att stödja ergoterapeuter i ett mer evidensbaserat arbetssätt. Artiklarna granskades enligt Forsbergs & Wengströms 2008 checklista och en innehålls-analys valdes. Ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv användes som den teoretiska referensramen för detta arbete. Forskningsfrågorna är: 1) Vilka skapande aktiviteter används i ergoterapin för personer med mental ohälsa? 2) Hur beskrivs betydelsen av att använda skapande aktiviteter i ergoterapin för personer med mental ohälsa? I forskningsöversikten inkluderades 10 artiklar. Resultaten sammanställdes och blev indelade i sex olika kategorier: ”Interventioner vid skapande aktiviteter”, ”Förbättrad själv-känsla”, ”Hitta nya vägar för kommunikation”, ”Uttryck av känslor”, ”Hälsosamma relationer” och ”Skapande aktiviteter innebär mod och risktagande”. Resultaten visar att skapande aktiviteter har en hälsofrämjande aspekt och har positiva effekter för personer med mental ohälsa. I många studier kom det fram att skapande aktiviteter främjade förmågor och egenskaper som behövs i vardagen; såsom risktagande, mod att pröva på nya saker och en förbättrad självkänsla

    Immobilised artificial membrane liquid chromatography vs liposome electrokinetic capillary chromatography: Suitability in drug/bio membrane partitioning studies and effectiveness in the assessment of the passage of drugs through the respiratory mucosa

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    This study pioneers a comparison of the application of biomimetic techniques, immobilised artificial membrane liquid chromatography (IAM LC) and liposome electrokinetic capillary chromatography (LEKC), for the prediction of pulmonary drug permeability. The pulmonary absorption profiles of 26 structurally unrelated drug-like molecules were evaluated using their IAM hydrophobicity index (CHI IAM) measured in IAM LC, and the logarithm of distribution constants (log KLEKC) derived from the LEKC experiments. Lipophilicity (phospholipids) parameters obtained from IAM LC and most LEKC analyses were linearly related to the n-octanol/water partitioning coefficients of the neutral forms (i.e., log Po/w values) to a moderate extent. However, the relationship with distribution coefficients at the experimental pH (7.40) (i.e., log D7.4) were weaker overall for IAM LC data and sigmoidal for some liposome compositions (phosphatidyl choline (PC): phosphatidyl inositol (PI) 85:15 mol% and 90:10 mol%) and concentrations (4 mM) in LEKC. This suggests that phospholipid partitioning supports both hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions occurring between ionised drugs and charged phospholipid moieties. The latter interactions are original when compared to those taking place in the more established n-octanol/water partitioning systems.A stronger correlation (R2 > 0.65) was identified between the LEKC retention parameters, and the experimental apparent lung permeability (i.e., log Papp values) as opposed to the values obtained by IAM LC. Therefore, LEKC offers unprecedented advantages over IAM LC in simulating cell membrane partitioning processes in the pulmonary delivery of drugs. Although LEKC has the advantage of more effectively simulating the electrostatic and hydrophobic forces in drug/pulmonary membrane interactions in vitro, the technique is unsuitable for analysing highly hydrophilic neutral or anionic compounds at the experimental pH. Conversely, IAM LC is useful for analysing compounds spanning a wider range of lipophilicity. Its simpler and more robust implementation, and propensity for high-throughput automation make it a favourable choice for researchers in drug development and pharmacological studies

    Oral Health Status of Patients with Mental Disorders in Southwest Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Psychiatric disorders are known to be a risk factor for the development of different oral health problems especially for dental caries and periodontal diseases. In spite of this fact, no study has been conducted to reveal its magnitude in Ethiopia. Hence, this study was conducted to determine the oral health status of psychiatric patients at Jimma University Specialized Hospital (JUSH), Psychiatric Clinic. METHODS: A hospital based cross- sectional study was used from January to May 2011. A total of 240 participants were included in the study. Dental examination was done to measure indices of oral health: decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index and community periodontal index (CPI). Oral examination was performed using mirror, probe and explorer by experienced dental doctors. A simple random sampling technique was implemented to collect data. ANOVA test, binary logistic and multinomial logistic regression analyses were done using SPSS 16.0 statistical software. RESULTS: The mean DMFT score among the psychiatric patients was 1.94 ± 2.12 (mean ± SD) with 1.28 ± 1.69, 0.51 ± 1.19 and 0.14 ± 0.48 (mean ± SD) for decayed, missed and filled teeth respectively. Only about 24% of the psychiatric patients had a healthy CPI score. Incorrect tooth brushing technique was significantly associated with a DMFT score greater than 2 (AOR = 3.58; 95% CI: 1.65, 7.79). The habit of sweet intake was also associated with dental caries (AOR = 2.91; 95% CI: 1.43, 5.95). Similarly, patients with a smoking habit also demonstrated statistically significant association with dental caries (AOR = 18.98; 95% CI: 5.06, 71.24). CONCLUSION: The oral health status of the psychiatric patients was poor. Thus, health education about oral hygiene should be given for psychiatric patients so they can avoid the frequent intake of sweets, smoking and learn correct tooth brushing technique

    Revealing importance of particles’ surface functionalization on the properties of magnetic alginate hydrogels

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    Iron/silica core-shell microparticles (IMPs) were functionalized by different functional groups including amine, glycidoxy, phenyl, and thiocyanate. Many of the IMPs modifications are reported for the first time. The resulting surface chemistry turned out to affect the properties of magnetic alginate hydrogels fabricated from sodium alginate and dispersed IMPs. Differences in magnetorheological properties of the obtained magnetic hydrogels can be at least partially attributed to the interactions between alginate and surface functionalities of IMPs. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations were carried out to get detailed insight into those interactions in order to link them with the observed macroscopic properties of the obtained hydrogels. For example, amine groups on the IMPs surface resulted in well-formed hydrogels while the presence of thiocyanate or phenyl groups – in poorly formed ones. This observation can be used for tuning the properties of various carbohydrate-based hydrogels.Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) for supporting the research and his stay at the University of Granada in the frame of the Bekker programme fellowship no. PPN/BEK/2018/1/00235/U/00001FIS2017-85954-R (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, MINECO, and Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI, Spain, cofunded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, European Union

    Salivary changes and dental caries as potential oral markers of autoimmune salivary gland dysfunction in primary Sjögren's syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: the classification criteria for primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) include a number of oral components. In this study we evaluated if salivary flow and composition as well as dental caries are oral markers of disease severity in pSS. METHODS: in 20 patients fulfilling the American-European Consensus criteria for pSS and 20 age-matched healthy controls whole and parotid saliva flow rates and composition, measures of oral dryness, scores of decayed, missing and filled tooth surfaces (DMFS), periodontal indices, oral hygiene, and dietary habits were examined. RESULTS: in pSS, salivary flow rates, pH, and buffer capacities were lower, and DMFS, salivary sodium and chloride concentrations higher than in the healthy controls. DMFS also correlated inversely to salivary flow rates and positively to oral dryness. Apart from slightly increased gingival index, and more frequent dental visits in pSS, the periodontal condition, oral hygiene or sugar intake did not differ between these two groups. In pSS, findings were correlated to labial salivary gland focus score (FS) and presence of serum-autoantibodies to SSA/SSB (AB). The patients having both presence of AB and the highest FS (>2) also had the highest salivary sodium and chloride concentrations, the lowest salivary phosphate concentrations, lowest salivary flow rates, and highest DMFS compared to those with normal salivary concentrations of sodium and chloride at a given flow rate. CONCLUSION: the salivary changes observed in some pSS patients reflect impaired ductal salt reabsorption, but unaffected acinar transport mechanisms, despite low salivary secretion. Our results suggest that changes in salivary flow and composition as well as dental caries may serve as potential markers of the extent of autoimmune-mediated salivary gland dysfunction in pSS. The study also indicates that the ductal epithelium is functionally affected in some pSS patients, which calls for future pathophysiological studies on the mechanisms underlying this impaired salt reabsorption

    Gene expression of bacterial collagenolytic proteases in root caries

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    Objective: It is unknown whether bacteria play a role in the collagen matrix degradation that occurs during caries progression. Our aim was to characterize the expression level of genes involved in bacterial collagenolytic proteases in root biofilms with and without caries. Method: we collected samples from active cavitated root caries lesions (RC, n = 30) and from sound root surfaces (SRS, n = 10). Total microbial RNA was isolated and cDNA sequenced on the Illumina Hi-Seq2500. Reads were mapped to 162 oral bacterial reference genomes. Genes encoding putative bacterial collagenolytic proteases were identified. Normalization and differential expression analysis was performed on all metatranscriptomes (FDR8) but none in SRS were Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus [HMPREF0721_RS02020; HMPREF0721_RS04640], Scardovia inopinata [SCIP_RS02440] and Olsenella uli DSM7084 [OLSU_RS02990]. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the U32 proteases may be related to carious dentine. The contribution of a small number of species to dentine degradation should be further investigated. These proteases may have potential in future biotechnological and medical applications, serving as targets for the development of therapeutic agents

    Análise de dados de reclamações em empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social: estudo no Programa de Arrendamento Residencial

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    O gerenciamento de reclamações é uma prática difundida em muitas emmpresas do setor de manufatura, a fim de proporcionar a melhoria da ualidade de produtos e serviços. No que tange à construção civil, bservam-se poucos estudos sobre a utilização desse tipo de gestão de empreendimentos, sendo poucas as empresas que percebem a utilidade das informações sobre reclamações. O presente trabalho apresenta uma análise de dados de reclamações de usuários de uma amostra de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social, com o objetivo de investigar sua utilidade para a retroalimentação do processo de desenvolvimento do produto nesse segmento. Foram analisadas 6.956 reclamações de usuários de 42 empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social do Programa de Arrendamento Residencial, localizados no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O trabalho envolveu um tratamento inicial dos dados de reclamações para a montagem de um banco de dados, seguido da aplicação de diversos testes estatísticos. As principais contribuições estão relacionadas com a utilidade dos dados de reclamações, incluindo a geração de indicadores que podem apoiar a tomada de decisão por parte de diferentes agentes envolvidos na produção habitacional, tais como projetistas, construtoras, agentes financiadores e empresas envolvidas na gestão da operação e manutenção. Os indicadores, se bem utilizados, podem contribuir para a melhoria de produtos e serviços que compreendem os empreendimentos habitacionais, possibilitando um aumento na satisfação dos usuários finais