783 research outputs found

    Consensus clustering approach to group brain connectivity matrices

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    A novel approach rooted on the notion of consensus clustering, a strategy developed for community detection in complex networks, is proposed to cope with the heterogeneity that characterizes connectivity matrices in health and disease. The method can be summarized as follows: (i) define, for each node, a distance matrix for the set of subjects by comparing the connectivity pattern of that node in all pairs of subjects; (ii) cluster the distance matrix for each node; (iii) build the consensus network from the corresponding partitions; (iv) extract groups of subjects by finding the communities of the consensus network thus obtained. Differently from the previous implementations of consensus clustering, we thus propose to use the consensus strategy to combine the information arising from the connectivity patterns of each node. The proposed approach may be seen either as an exploratory technique or as an unsupervised pre-training step to help the subsequent construction of a supervised classifier. Applications on a toy model and two real data sets, show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, which represents heterogeneity of a set of subjects in terms of a weighted network, the consensus matrix

    El papel de las T.I.C. en la animación a la lectura

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    En el presente trabajo los autores hacen un planteamiento sobre el maridaje de los libros y las tecnologías de la información la comunicación. Dado que las estadísticas están continuamente resaltando que en nuestra sociedad se lee poco y más aún los jóvenes y que por el contrario sí les interesa todo lo que esté relacionado con imagen y sonido, pensamos que aprovechando las TIC podemos llegar a la lectura de una manera más didáctica a la vez que afianzar a nuestros alumnos en el uso de estos medios que las tecnologías modernas nos ofertan.In the present work the authors make an exposition on the union of books and the technologies of the information and the communication. Since the statistics are continuously standing out that in our society read little still more and the young people and that on the contrary yes interests everything to them what it is related to image and sound, we thought that taking advantage of the TIC we can arrive simultaneously at the reading of one more a more didactic way than to strengthen to our students in the use of these means that the modern technologies supply to us

    Valutazione dell'efficacia del Gelclair® nella prevenzione e cura della stomatite nei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto di cellule staminali emopoietiche: Studio randomizzato

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    RIASSUNTOIntroduzione: La stomatite da farmaci chemioterapici è un importante effetto collaterale del trattamento. I protocolli per la cura del cavo orale, si basano su due livelli di intervento: senza e con uso di medicamenti . La letteratura descrive numerosi interventi di profilassi e terapia ma ad oggi non esiste ancora un intervento considerato gold standard. Obiettivo: Valutare l'efficacia del Gelclair® nella prevenzione e trattamento di pazienti sottoposti a trapianto di cellule staminali emopoietiche. Materiale metodi: 57 pazienti (28 gruppo di controllo e 29 gruppo sperimentale ) hanno utilizzato i colluttori 3 volte al giorno, la valutazione è stata effettuata con i seguenti strumenti: scala di valutazione della stomatite (WHO), scala VAS per dolore e Likert per gradimento. I pazienti sono stati osservati mediamente per 17 giorni. Risultati: 38/57 pazienti osservati (61%) hanno manifestato stomatiti .Non è stata rilevata differenza tra i due gruppi in termine di grado di stomatite p= 0.75 in tutto il periodo di osservazione. Il dolore è stato registrato in 31 soggetti su 57 (54%). Non si sono registrate differenze tra i due gruppi per quanto riguarda il valore medio di dolore riferito prima dell'utilizzo dei colluttori per tutti i giorni di osservazione p=0,06, gli utenti del gruppo sperimentale hanno dimostrato una riduzione del grado di dolore dopo l'utilizzo del collutorio p=0,04. Conclusioni: Gelclair® non influenza i tempi di insorgenza e l'andamento della stomatite. E' in grado di ridurre il dolore, sono necessari però ulteriori studi multicentrici per confermare la reale utilití  di utilizzo nei pazienti sottoposti a Trapianto.Parole chiave: Stomatite, trapianto di cellule staminali emopoietiche, infermieristicaAbstract Introduction: Chemotherapy-induced stomatitis is a major side effect of the treatment. Numerous approaches are described in the literature for the prevention and treatment of this complication. Objective: the aim was assess the effectiveness of Gelclair® in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in terms of reducing the incidence of stomatitis, stomatitis-pain and the severity of stomatitis Interventions/Methods: Fifty-seven patients (28 control group and 29 experimental group) used a mouthwash 3 times a day and were evaluated by means of a specially-tailored form containing the following assessment items:stomatitis evaluation scale (WHO), VAS for pain and Likert-Scale for agreement. Results: 61% of patients presented with stomatitis. No difference was observed between the two groups with regard to stomatitis grade throughout the observation period. Painful symptoms were observed in 54% subjects. No differences were observed in terms of average pain perception before the use of mouthwashes throughout the period of observation p=0.06. Results showed a pain-relieving effect in the experimental group after using the mouthwash p=0.04. Conclusions: Although Gelclair® had no influence on the onset and severity of stomatitis in transplanted patients, a significant benefit was observed in terms of pain control. Our study suggest the possibility to implementation the use of Gelclair® in clinical practice. However, further multicenter trials are needed to provide stronger evidence on the real usefulness of this product.Key words: stomatitis; Bone marrow transplantation; nursin

    Identidad e inmigración. Discursos sobre identidades y alteridades

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    De la literatura sociológica, antropológica y de ciencias políticas centrada en el estudio de la inmigración parece desprenderse la idea de que el impacto de la inmigración extracomunitaria ha sido eminentemente urbana y, especialmente, focalizada en las grandes ciudades. No siendo esto falso, lo que también es cierto es que el fenómeno migratorio está influyendo de forma decisiva en localidades de menor tamaño, que pueden hasta vivirlo de forma más acusada. El estudio que presentamos, realizado en una comarca de Lleida que ha vivido un notable incremento de la inmigración en los últimos diez años, ha consistido en la realización de 9 grupos de discusión y 1.086 encuestas que nos ha permitido, entre otras cuestiones, analizar el impacto que ha tenido la inmigración en la identidad, concretamente diferenciando entre los discursos reificador, reivindicativo, proactivo y ensimismado e intentando presentar que en las identidades colectivas son múltiples, complejas e, incluso, contradictorias.«Identity and immigration. Speeches on identities and alteridades».The sociological, anthropological political science literature centered on the study of immigration seem to transmit the idea that the impact of non-EU immigration has been eminently urban and, especially, focused in the large cities. Although not false, it is also true that the migratory phenomenon is having a decisive influence in smaller places, which can even experience it more acutely. The study we present here, carried out in a district near Lleida that has undergone a notable increase in immigration in the last ten years, consisted of 9 discussion groups and 1,086 interviews that enabled us, among other questions, to analyze the impact immigration has had on identity, specifically differentiating between the reificating, assertive, proactive and inward-looking discourses to show that the collective identities are multiple, complex and, even, contradictory

    Structure Formation during an early period of matter domination

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    In this work we show that modifying the thermal history of the Universe by including an early period of matter domination can lead to the formation of astronomical objects. However, the survival of these objects can only be possible if the dominating matter decays to a daughter particle which is not only almost degenerate with the parent particle but also has an open coannihilation channel. This requirement translates in an upper bound for the coupling of such a channel and makes the early structure formation viable

    Problemática sociológica de las mujeres inmigrantes víctimas de delitos en la C.A.E.

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    [ES] La inmigración femenina es también significativa en nuestro territorio: mujeres de nacionalidades, religiones y culturas diversas son protagonistas de su propio proyecto migratorio. Son mujeres emprendedoras pero también vulnerables, víctimas no sólo de los estereotipos y prejuicios de la sociedad de acogida y de una ley de extranjería que las hace aún más vulnerables, sino también de delitos que atentan contra sus derechos y libertades fundamentales, doblemente discriminadas, subordinadas y sometidas a diferentes formas de violencia. Ante esta realidad, es imprescindible una respuesta eficaz e integral de todas las instituciones y agentes sociales para promover la igualdad de género y garantizar el respeto a los derechos de todas las mujeres.[EU] Emakume inmigrazioa esanguratsua da gure lurraldean. Kultura, erlijio eta naziotasun ezberdineko emakumeak, beren proiektu migratzailearen protagonista dira. Ekintzaileak dira baina baita kalteberak ere, biktima, ez soilik harrera egiten dien gizartearen eta atzerritarrei buruzko legearen estereotipo eta aurreritziekin, baizik eta beraien oinarrizko eskubide eta askatasunen kontrako delituekin, era bikoitzean baztertuak, menpekotuak, eta biolentzia mota ezberdinetara oinperatuak. Errealitate honen aurrean, emakume guztien eskubideak errespetatzeko eta genero berdintasuna sustatzeko, beharrezkoa da erakunde eta gizarte eragile guztien erantzun bateratua eta eraginkorra.[FR] L’immigration féminine est aussi signifi cative dans notre territoire: des femmes de nationalités, religions et cultures différentes sont les protagonistes de leur propre projet migratoire. Ce sont des femmes entreprenantes mais aussi vulnérables, victimes non seulement des stéréotypes, des préjugés de la société d’accueil et d’une loi sur les étrangers qui les rend plus vulnérables, mais aussi d’infractions qui violent leurs droits et libertés fondamentaux, doublement discriminés, subordonnés et soumis à différentes formes de violence. Face à cette réalité, une réponse efficace et intégrale est indispensable de la part des institutions et des agents sociaux pour promouvoir l’égalité de genre et garantir le respect des droits de toutes les femmes.[EN] Women’s immigration is a significant phenomenon in our country: women of diverse nationalities, religions and cultures are the protagonists of their own migratory project. They are entrepreneur but also vulnerable women, victims of social stereotypes and prejudices, victims of a foreigners’ Law that makes them more vulnerable, and also victims of crimes against their fundamental rights and liberties, doubly discriminated, subordinate and subjected to different forms of violence. Faced with this reality, we need an effective and overall response from social institutions and agents, in order to promote gender equality and to guarantee the respect to women’s rights

    Electroweak baryogenesis window in non standard cosmologies

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    In this work we show that the new bounds on the Higgs mass are more than difficult to reconcile with the strong constraints on the physical parameters of the Standard Model and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model imposed by the preservation of the baryon asymmetry. This bound can be weakened by assuming a nonstandard cosmology at the time of the electroweak phase transition, reverting back to standard cosmology by BBN time. Two explicit examples are an early period of matter dominated expansion due to a heavy right handed neutrino (see-saw scale), or a nonstandard braneworld expansion

    Dual and broadband power dividers at microwave frequencies based on composite right/left handed (CRLH) lattice networks

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    CIMITECThis paper proposes a dual-band power divider operating at GHz frequencies and implemented by means of impedance transformers (also called inverters) based on lattice networks and transmission line sections. The dual-band functionality of the proposed device is achieved thanks to the composite right/left handed (CRLH) behavior of the impedance transformers, able to provide −90° and +90° phase shift at the first and second design frequencies, respectively, of the divider. By using such combination of transmission line sections and lattice networks, the characteristic impedance of the impedance transformers is roughly constant over wide bandwidths, with the results of broad operating bands. To demonstrate the possibilities of the approach, a prototype device is designed, fabricated and characterized
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