849 research outputs found

    Evaluación de las producciones de fruto del año 2019 vs 2020 de los lotes 09-10 siembra 2011 del cultivo de palma de aceite de la finca las Montoyas, después de la implementación de las buenas prácticas agrícolas (manejo del MIP, pasada de cincel y aplicación de biomasa (tusa)) en el municipio de Puerto Parra Santander

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    Este estudio se realizó en el municipio de Puerto Parra- Santander en la finca las Montoyas, donde se evaluó los rendimientos productivos en el cultivo de Palma de aceite luego de la implementación de las buenas prácticas agrícolas como el manejo del MIP, pasada de cincel y aplicación de biomasa tusa, se identificaron 2 lotes de la finca con Siembras 2011, Lote 9 con material ASD Costa Rica con un número de Palmas 69 con un área de 0.49 hectáreas y Lote 10 material ASD Costa Rica con un numero de palmas 504 con un área de 3,53 hectáreas Teniendo en cuenta que las plagas con mayor incidencia en los lotes observados fueron Leptopharsa gibbicarina, Opsiphanes cassina, se realizó un Manejo integrado de plagas con el fin de disminuir los daños ocasionados en área foliar la cual es de vital importancia para la obtención de una buena producción, en efecto el crecimiento de un cultivo como la palma de aceite depende, fundamentalmente, del desarrollo progresivo de su área foliar, lo cual le permite utilizar más eficientemente la energía solar para la fotosíntesis. La producción está influenciada por el tamaño, forma, edad, ángulo de inserción, separación vertical y arreglo horizontal de las hojas. Sin embargo, la producción final no depende sólo de la capacidad de realizar fotosíntesis que tienen las plantas, sino también de la habilidad de transportar y almacenar los carbohidratos y otros compuestos en los frutos, granos u otros recipientes de la producción. (Índice de cosecha) (Gifford y Evans 1981,P.5). Como manejo para mejorar la estructura del suelo se realizó la labor de pasada de cincel para que las raíces del cultivo se desarrollen adecuadamente, que circule bien el aire y el agua, y mejorar la vida microbiana. Una de las estrategias para el mejoramiento de los suelos en el cultivo es el reciclaje de la biomasa. En la palma de aceite una de las alternativas de reciclaje de nutrientes, es el uso de las tusas como complemento de la fertilización y el acondicionamiento de los suelos, trabajos 7 realizados en Malasia, donde se hace seguimiento al efecto de la tusa en el suelo durante 17 años, relacionan los beneficios tanto para el cultivo, como para el suelo y los micro, meso y macro organismos (Liew Voon y Zaharah 2010,P.10); de este modo permiten mejorar las condiciones del suelo, la eficiencia en la nutrición y mitigar daños ambientales. Palabras claves: palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq); buenas prácticas agrícolas; fertilización orgánica; biomasa, tusa, evaluación, rendimientos, manejo de cultivo.This study was carried out in the municipality of Puerto Parra- Santander on the Las Montoyas farm, where the productive yields in the oil palm cultivation were evaluated after the implementation of good agricultural practices such as IPM management, chisel passing and application of tusa biomass, 2 lots of the farm were identified with Siembras 2011, Lot 9 with material ASD Costa Rica with a number of palms 69 with an area of 0.49 hectares and Lot 10 material ASD Costa Rica with a number of palms 504 with a 3.53 hectare area. Taking into account that the pests with the highest incidence in the observed batches were Leptopharsa gibbicarina, Opsiphanes cassina, an Integrated Pest Management was carried out in order to reduce the damage caused in the foliar area, which is of vital importance for obtaining a good production, in fact the growth of a crop such as oil palm depends, fundamentally, on the progressive development of its foliar area, which allows it to use solar energy more efficiently for photosynthesis. Production is influenced by size, shape, age, insertion angle, vertical spacing, and horizontal arrangement of the leaves. However, the final production does not depend only on the capacity to carry out photosynthesis that plants have, but also on the ability to transport and store carbohydrates and other compounds in the fruits, grains or other containers of production. (harvest index) (Gifford and Evans 1981, P.5). As a management to improve the structure of the soil, the work of a chisel was carried out so that the roots of the crop develop properly, that air and water circulate well, and improve microbial life. One of the strategies for the improvement of soils in cultivation is the recycling of biomass. In oil palm, one of the nutrient recycling alternatives is the use of cobs as a complement to fertilization and soil conditioning, work carried out in Malaysia, where the effect of cobs on the soil is monitored during 17 years, relate the benefits both for the crop, as for the soil and the 9 micro, meso and macro organisms (Liew Voon and Zaharah 2010, P.10); in this way, they improve soil conditions, nutrition efficiency and mitigate environmental damage. Keywords: oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq); good farming practices; organic fertilization; biomass, tusa, evaluation, yields, crop managemen

    Alwyn h. gentry (enero 6, 1945 - agosto 3, 1993)

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    Las contribuciones de Al Gentry al conocimiento de la flora y la vegetación neotropicales marcaron un hito significativo en las áreas de la taxonomía, sistemática, ecología vegetal, biodiversidad y conservación. Al se caracterizó por ser un investigador incansable, un maestro como pocos y un devoto del conocimiento de la biología tropical, sobre la cual, de manera excelente, volcó todos los esfuerzos de procedimientos tradicionales

    A violência obstétrica e a possibilidade jurídica de reparação civil

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    O presente trabalho objetiva analisar um tipo específico de violação ao corpo e à autonomia da mulher, que pode ocorrer em seu período gestacional, durante e após o parto ou, ainda, nos casos de abortamento. A este ato de violência denomina-se violência obstétrica. Para tanto, propõe-se uma discussão referente à prática deste tipo de violência a fim de contribuir com uma análise jurídica acerca do tema. Como metodologia, empenhou-se uma revisão bibliográfica a cerca do tema, articulando o tema da violência obstétrica com o conceito de responsabilidade civil existente pela prática de ato ilícito. Ademais, consta neste estudo uma breve análise comparada entre o marco regulatório referente à violência obstétrica existente no Brasil e em outros quatro países da América Latina, a saber: Paraguai, Argentina, Venezuela e Equador. À guisa de conclusão, considera-se que o Brasil é frágil no que tange à legislação que proteja as vítimas desse tipo de violência

    Assessing the land- and seascape determinants of recreational diving: evidence for Portugal’s south coast

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    Scuba diving is one of the most popular coastal recreational activities, and one of the few that are allowed in multiple-use marine protected areas. Nevertheless, like many other coastal activities, if in excess, it may harm coastal ecosystems and their sustainable use. This paper focuses on the seascape and landscape characteristics that are most associated with the existence of dive sites, aiming to identify other suitable locations along the coast to potentially reduce environmental pressure (e.g., overcrowding and physical damage) on the existing dive sites. Logistic regressions were employed to model the suitability for dive sites existence in the Portuguese south coast (Algarve), one of the most popular Summer destinations in mainland Europe. Results suggest that closeness to waterlines and piers and the presence of rock structures in the coastal strip are the most important attributes that positively influence dive sites’ existence, whereas the beach environment and the presence of muddy sediments are negatively associated with it. In this study, we suggest the application of a logistic model to find alternatives for the explored dive sites as a quick and easily applied coastal management tool. Moreover, we find it useful for the implementation of coastal conservation strategies extended to other coastal activities.FCT: PD/BD/143087/2018/ SFRH/BPD/116307/2016; MCTES for the financial support to CESAM UIDB/50017/2020; CCMAR: UIDB/04326/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Computing Image Descriptors from Annotations Acquired from External Tools

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    Visual descriptors are widely used in several recognition and classification tasks in robotics. The main challenge for these tasks is to find a descriptor that could represent the image content without losing representative information of the image. Nowadays, there exists a wide range of visual descriptors computed with computer vision techniques and different pooling strategies. This paper proposes a novel way for building image descriptors using an external tool, namely: Clarifai. This is a remote web tool that allows to automatically describe an input image using semantic tags, and these tags are used to generate our descriptor. The descriptor generation procedure has been tested in the ViDRILO dataset, where it has been compared and merged with some well-known descriptors. Moreover, subset variable selection techniques have been evaluated. The experimental results show that our descriptor is competitive in classification tasks with the results obtained with other kind of descriptors.Visual descriptors are widely used in several recognition and classification tasks in robotics. The main challenge for these tasks is to find a descriptor that could represent the image content without losing representative information of the image. Nowadays, there exists a wide range of visual descriptors computed with computer vision techniques and different pooling strategies. This paper proposes a novel way for building image descriptors using an external tool, namely: Clarifai. This is a remote web tool that allows to automatically describe an input image using semantic tags, and these tags are used to generate our descriptor. The descriptor generation procedure has been tested in the ViDRILO dataset, where it has been compared and merged with some well-known descriptors. Moreover, subset variable selection techniques have been evaluated. The experimental results show that our descriptor is competitive in classification tasks with the results obtained with other kind of descriptors

    Estimation of effective diffusion coefficient and its effect on effectiveness factor for hds catalytic process: a multi-scale approach

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    Effectiveness factors have great relevance in multiphase reactors modeling since they are the conventional way of incorporating the effects of intra-particle resistance reaction rate. This work determines the description level effect of catalytic pellet microstructure on mass and energy effective transport coefficients prediction, isothermal and no isothermal. For such a purpose some results about on evaluation of the effective diffusivity and conductivity with the methodology of volume averaging were applied. The obtained results along with a Langmuir–Hinshelwood/Hougen–Watson kinetic expression were applied to establish the concentration and temperature fields in a catalytic particle. The evaluation of concentration field and effectiveness factors were developed using two different models: pseudohomogeneous mass and energy transport model for a catalytic particle with reaction in all domain, and heterogeneous mass and energy transport model with fluid-catalytic surface interphase reaction for a realistic porous structure model. The results show the differences in concentration and temperature profiles between both models and consequently in effectiveness factors. This could be ascribed to the form of evaluation of effective transport coefficients used in the pseudo-homogeneous model, and presumably to the simple shape of the unit cells used for the solution of the closure problem for the average transport equations with homogeneous reaction

    Composición florística del bosque tropical seco del santuario "Los besotes" y fenología de especies arbóreas dominantes (Valledupar, Cesar, Colombia)

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    Based on the floristic composition and structural aspects, the formation tropical dry forest of the reserve "Los Besotes" (Valledupar, Cesar; 248 y 1046m of altitude) was characterized. In 35 individuals from nine dominant tree species in two forest types, the phenological characteristics were assessed. Seven monitoring were performed along one year according to the scheme of distribution of rainfall. The leaf fall in the forests of Myrcianthes aff. fragrans and Brosimum alicastrum did not exceed 20% regardless of the climatic period (drought or rainy seasons). In others dominant understory species the leaf fall was less than 40%, thus species of the canopy are classified as evergreen while those of the understory as semideciduous. Blooming peaked during the dry season while fruit production peaked during the two rainy seasons. In the forest ofBursera simaruba and Pterocarpus acapulcensis the leaf fall exceeded 60% in the dry season, while in the rainy season was only 30%. The leaf fall increased to 60% in others dominant understory species. Both canopy as well as understory species are deciduous. Blooming was observed during the dry season (December to March, and July), but it is also likely to occur in October; fruit production was observed at the end of the rainy season. In the tropical dry forest formation evergreen plant communities with low values of leaf fall (40%) and deciduous communities with values greater than 60% are recognized.Se caracterizó la vegetación de la formación bosque seco tropical del santuario “Los Besotes” (Valledupar, Cesar) entre 248 y 1046 m de altitud con base en la composición florística y en aspectos de la estructura. En 35 individuos pertenecientes a nueve especies arbóreas dominantes en dos tipos de bosque se valoraron características fenológicas, para lo cual se realizaron siete monitoreos durante un año de acuerdo con el régimen de distribución de la lluvia. En las especies de los bosques de Myrcianthes aff. fragrans y Brosimum alicastrum la caída foliar no superó el 20% independientemente de la época climática (sequía o lluvias), otras especies dominantes del sotobosque presentaron una caída foliar menor al 40%, con lo cual se puede considerar que las especies del dosel son siempreverdes y las del sotobosque son brevicaducifolias. La floración tuvo mayor expresión en las épocas de sequía y la fructificación en las dos épocas de lluvias. En las especies de los bosques de Bursera simaruba y Pterocarpus acapulcensis la caída foliar superó el 60% en las épocas de sequía y otras especies dominantes del sotobosque presentaron una caída foliar mayor al 60%; tanto las especies del dosel como las del sotobosque son caducifolias. La floración se observó en las épocas de sequía (diciembre-marzo; julio) y es probable que se presente en octubre, la fructificación en la época más lluviosa. En la formación bosque seco tropical, se diferencian comunidades vegetales siempreverdes con valores de caída foliar menores al 40% y comunidades caducifolias con valores mayores al 60%.

    Diversidad florística de la Serranía de las Quinchas, Magdalena medio (Colombia)

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    En la serranía de Las Quinchas, en sectores del municipio de Puerto Boyacá (Boyacá) y de Yacopí (Cundinamarca), entre 380 m en las riberas del río Magdalena y 1450 m de altitud, se registraron 1036 especies, distribuidas en 496 géneros y 118 familias; el 76.4% corresponde a dicotiledóneas, el 16.8% a monocotiledóneas, el 6.8% a pteridófitos y el 0.1 % a gimnospermas. Lasfamilias que presentan el mayor número de especies son: Polypodiaceae entre los teridófitos; Araceae, Arecaceae y Poaceae entre las monocotiledóneas, y Rubiaceae, Melastomataceae. Euphorbiaceae, Mimosaceae, Piperaceae y Moraceae entre las dicotiledóneas. Las familias más ricas en especies en la región Tropical son igualmente importantes en la región de vida Subandina. Entre las familias más ricas en las dos regiones de vida figuran: Rubiaceae, Araceae, Polypodiaceae, Melastomataceae, Euphorbiaceae y Piperaceae. Los géneros más ricos en especies son Philodendron, Piper, Anthurium, Psychotria, Inga y Miconia, patrón que se repite en las dos regiones de vida.An alphabetical list of vascular herborized plants is presented along with the diversity analysis of the called "Las Quinchas" mountain ridge placed on Puerto Boyacá (Boyacá) and Yacopí (Cundinamarca), between 380 m (on the Magdalena river shores) and 1450 m. 1036 species belonging to 496 genera and 118 families were recorded. 76.4% of this amount are dicots, 16.8% monocots, 6.8% pteridophytes and 0.1% gymnosperms. The families that show the highest number of species are: Polypodiaceae (Pteridophytes); Araceae, Arecaceae, and Poaceae (monocots) and Rubiaceae, Melastomataceae, Euphorbiaceae, Mimosaceae, Piperaceae, and Moraceae (dícots). It has been observed that the richest families in species number on the tropical region are also important on the Subandean life region. Among the richest families on both life regions figure: Rubiaceae, Araceae, Polypodiaceae, Melastomataceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Piperaceae. The richest genera are: Philodendron, Piper, Anthurium, Psychotria, Inga, and Miconie, This pattern is repeated on both life regions