257 research outputs found

    The British Lower Palaeozoic Crinoidea

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    A full survey is given of all known Crinoidea from the Lower Palaeozoic rocks in Britain (including Ireland), but consideration of crinoid stem fragments is omitted, with a few exceptions. In the Ordovician 28 species are described or referred to, 16 being named as new 5 species were previously known, the remainder are too inadequately preserved for detailed naming. The Ordovician species belong to 17 genera, two of which are new. It is found that there are two faunal provinces - one covering the Anglo-Weleh area, and the other the Soots-Irish area. Crinoids of pre middle Caradoc age in the Scots-Irish area are closely related to contemporary forms in north America, while those in the Anglo-Welsh area belong to different genera, some being related to forms found in Bohemia. In the upper Caradoc and Ashgill the faunas are moro uniform, nearly all being of American affinities, and there appears to have been a mixing of forms from both faunal provinces. An especially noteworthy occurrence of crinoids is in the Ashgill Starfish Bed near Girvan, where nine genera (one new) are found, none of which has previously been recorded in Britain. In the Silurian 88 species are described or referred to; 10 of these are too inadequately known for detailed naming, but 11 others are described as new species. The Silurian species belong to 42 genera. No faunal provinces have been detected, the fauna being more or less uniform over the British area, so far as the records permit such a generalisation. This uniformity seems to be world wide. The Llandovery has 7 new species (2 named), only 1 having been previously recorded. 16 species (3 named as new) are present in the Wenlock Shale, though they are often poorly preserved. Reef conditions in the Wenlock Limestone favoured both crinoid growth and preservation and some 65 species are recorded from this horizon, mainly at Dudley. 10 species are recorded from the Ludlow formation (3 new), hut only one of these is found in the Upper Ludlow. In general it is considered that the faunas of the different Silurian formations are distinct enough to be recognised individually

    Observations of the Crab Nebula and its pulsar in the far-ultraviolet and in the optical

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    We present HST/STIS far-UV observations of the Crab nebula and its pulsar. Broad, blueshifted absorption arising in the nebula is seen in C IV 1550, reaching about 2500 km/s. This can be interpreted as evidence for a fast outer shell, and we adopt a spherically symmetric model to constrain the properties of this. We find that the density appears to decrease outward in the shell. A lower limit to the mass is 0.3 solar masses with an accompanying kinetic energy of 1.5EE{49} ergs. A massive 10^{51} erg shell cannot be excluded, but is less likely if the density profile is much steeper than R^{-4} and the velocity is <6000 km/s. The observations cover the region 1140-1720 A. With the time-tag mode of the spectrograph we obtain the pulse profile. It is similar to that in the near-UV, although the primary peak is marginally narrower. Together with the near-UV data, and new optical data from NOT, our spectrum of the pulsar covers the entire region from 1140-9250 A. Dereddening the spectrum gives a flat spectrum for E(B-V)=0.52, R=3.1. This dereddened spectrum of the Crab pulsar can be fitted by a power law with spectral index alpha_{\nu} = 0.11 +/- 0.04. The main uncertainty is the amount and characteristics of the interstel- lar reddening, and we have investigated the dependence of \alpha_{\nu} on E(B-V) and R. In the extended emission covered by our 25" x 0.5" slit in the far-UV, we detect C IV 1550 and He II 1640 emission lines from the Crab nebula. Several interstellar absorption lines are detected toward the pulsar. The Ly alpha absorption indicates a column density of 3.0+/-0.5\EE{21} cm^{-2} of neutral hydrogen, which agrees well with our estimate of E(B-V)=0.52 mag. Other lines show no evidence of severe depletion of metals in atomic gas.Comment: 18 pages emulateapj style, including 10 figures. ApJ, accepte

    ARL3 mutations cause Joubert syndrome by disrupting ciliary protein composition

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    Joubert syndrome (JBTS) is a genetically heterogeneous autosomal recessive neurodevelopmental ciliopathy. We investigated further the underlying genetic etiology of Joubert syndrome by studying two unrelated families in whom JBTS was not associated with pathogenic variants in known JBTSrelated genes. Combined autozygosity mapping of both families highlighted a candidate locus on chromosome 10 (chr10: 101569997-109106128 (hg 19)), and exome sequencing revealed two missense variants in ARL3 within the candidate locus. The encoded protein, ADP Ribosylation Factor-Like GTPase 3, ARL3, is a small GTP-binding protein that is involved in directing lipid-modified proteins into the cilium in a GTP-dependent manner. Both missense variants replace the highly conserved Arg149 residue, which we show to be necessary for the interaction with its guanine nucleotide exchange factor ARL13B, such that the mutant protein is associated with reduced INPP5E and NPHP3 localisation in cilia. We propose that ARL3 provides a potential hub in the network of encoded ciliopathy genes, whereby perturbation of ARL3 results in the mislocalisation of multiple ciliary proteins due to abnormal displacement of lipidated protein cargo

    Quantum-mechanical calculation of Stark widths of Ne VII n=3, Δn=0\Delta n=0 transitions

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    The Stark widths of the Ne VII 2s3s-2s3p singlet and triplet lines are calculated in the impact approximation using quantum-mechanical Convergent Close-Coupling and Coulomb-Born-Exchange approximations. It is shown that the contribution from inelastic collisions to the line widths exceeds the elastic width contribution by about an order of magnitude. Comparison with the line widths measured in a hot dense plasma of a gas-liner pinch indicates a significant difference which may be naturally explained by non-thermal Doppler effects from persistent implosion velocities or turbulence developed during the pinch implosion. Contributions to the line width from different partial waves and types of interactions are discussed as well.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Spitzer reveals what's behind Orion's Bar

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope observations of 11 regions SE of the Bright Bar in the Orion Nebula, along a radial from the exciting star theta1OriC, extending from 2.6 to 12.1'. Our Cycle 5 programme obtained deep spectra with matching IRS short-high (SH) and long-high (LH) aperture grid patterns. Most previous IR missions observed only the inner few arcmin. Orion is the benchmark for studies of the ISM particularly for elemental abundances. Spitzer observations provide a unique perspective on the Ne and S abundances by virtue of observing the dominant ionization states of Ne (Ne+, Ne++) and S (S++, S3+) in Orion and H II regions in general. The Ne/H abundance ratio is especially well determined, with a value of (1.01+/-0.08)E-4. We obtained corresponding new ground-based spectra at CTIO. These optical data are used to estimate the electron temperature, electron density, optical extinction, and the S+/S++ ratio at each of our Spitzer positions. That permits an adjustment for the total gas-phase S abundance because no S+ line is observed by Spitzer. The gas-phase S/H abundance ratio is (7.68+/-0.30)E-6. The Ne/S abundance ratio may be determined even when the weaker hydrogen line, H(7-6) here, is not measured. The mean value, adjusted for the optical S+/S++ ratio, is Ne/S = 13.0+/-0.6. We derive the electron density versus distance from theta1OriC for [S III] and [S II]. Both distributions are for the most part decreasing with increasing distance. A dramatic find is the presence of high-ionization Ne++ all the way to the outer optical boundary ~12' from theta1OriC. This IR result is robust, whereas the optical evidence from observations of high-ionization species (e.g. O++) at the outer optical boundary suffers uncertainty because of scattering of emission from the much brighter inner Huygens Region.Comment: 60 pages, 16 figures, 10 tables. MNRAS accepte

    CHIANTI - an Atomic Database for Emission Lines. Paper VI: Proton Rates and Other Improvements

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    The CHIANTI atomic database contains atomic energy levels, wavelengths, radiative transition probabilities and electron excitation data for a large number of ions of astrophysical interest. Version 4 has been released, and proton excitation data is now included, principally for ground configuration levels that are close in energy. The fitting procedure for excitation data, both electrons and protons, has been extended to allow 9 point spline fits in addition to the previous 5 point spline fits. This allows higher quality fits to data from close-coupling calculations where resonances can lead to significant structure in the Maxwellian-averaged collision strengths. The effects of photoexcitation and stimulated emission by a blackbody radiation field in a spherical geometry on the level balance equations of the CHIANTI ions can now be studied following modifications to the CHIANTI software. With the addition of H I, He I and N I, the first neutral species have been added to CHIANTI. Many updates to existing ion data-sets are described, while several new ions have been added to the database, including Ar IV, Fe VI and Ni XXI. The two-photon continuum is now included in the spectral synthesis routines, and a new code for calculating the relativistic free-free continuum has been added. The treatment of the free-bound continuum has also been updated.Comment: CHIANTI is available at http://wwwsolar.nrl.navy.mil/chianti.htm

    Radiative transfer with scattering for domain-decomposed 3D MHD simulations of cool stellar atmospheres

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    We present the implementation of a radiative transfer solver with coherent scattering in the new BIFROST code for radiative magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations of stellar surface convection. The code is fully parallelized using MPI domain decomposition, which allows for large grid sizes and improved resolution of hydrodynamical structures. We apply the code to simulate the surface granulation in a solar-type star, ignoring magnetic fields, and investigate the importance of coherent scattering for the atmospheric structure. A scattering term is added to the radiative transfer equation, requiring an iterative computation of the radiation field. We use a short-characteristics-based Gauss-Seidel acceleration scheme to compute radiative flux divergences for the energy equation. The effects of coherent scattering are tested by comparing the temperature stratification of three 3D time-dependent hydrodynamical atmosphere models of a solar-type star: without scattering, with continuum scattering only, and with both continuum and line scattering. We show that continuum scattering does not have a significant impact on the photospheric temperature structure for a star like the Sun. Including scattering in line-blanketing, however, leads to a decrease of temperatures by about 350\,K below log tau < -4. The effect is opposite to that of 1D hydrostatic models in radiative equilibrium, where scattering reduces the cooling effect of strong LTE lines in the higher layers of the photosphere. Coherent line scattering also changes the temperature distribution in the high atmosphere, where we observe stronger fluctuations compared to a treatment of lines as true absorbers.Comment: A&A, in pres

    The prospectivity of a potential shale gas play: An example from the southern Pennine Basin (central England, UK)

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    During the Serpukhovian (late Mississippian) Stage, the Pennine Basin, now underlying much of northern England, consisted of a series of interlinked sub-basins that developed in response to the crustal extension north of the Hercynic orogenic zone. For the current study, mudstone samples of the Morridge Formation from two sub-basins located in the south-eastern part of the Pennine Basin were collected from the Carsington Dam Reconstruction C3 Borehole (Widmerpool Gulf sub-basin) and the Karenight 1 Borehole (Edale Gulf sub-basin). Detailed palynological analyses indicate that aside from the dominant (often 90% or more) heterogeneous amorphous organic matter (AOM), variable abundances of homogeneous AOM and phytoclasts are present. To complement the palynological dataset, a suite of geochemical and mineralogical techniques were applied to evaluate the prospectivity of these potentially important source rocks. Changes in the carbon isotope composition of the bulk organic fraction (δ13COM) suggest that the lower part (Biozone E2a) of Carsington DR C3 is markedly more influenced by terrigenous kerogen than the upper part of the core (Biozones E2a3–E2b1). The Karenight 1 core yielded more marine kerogen in the lower part (Marine Bands E1–E2b) than the upper part (Marine Band E2b). Present day Rock-Eval™ Total Organic Carbon (TOC) surpasses 2% in most samples from both cores, a proportion suggested by Jarvie (2012) that defines prospective shale gas reservoirs. However, when the pyrolysable component that reflects the generative kerogen fraction is considered, very few samples reach this threshold. The kerogen typing permits for the first time the calculation of an original hydrogen index (HIo) and original total organic carbon (TOCo) for Carboniferous mudstones of the Pennine Basin. The most prospective part of Carsington DR C3 (marine bands E2b1–E2a3) has an average TOCo of 3.2% and an average HIo of 465 mg/g TOCo. The most prospective part of Karenight 1 (242.80–251.89 m) is characterized by an average TOCo of 9.3% and an average HIo of 504 mg/g TOCo. Lastly, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirms that the siliceous to argillaceous mudstones contain a highly variable carbonate content. The palynological, geochemical and mineralogical proxies combined indicate that marine sediments were continuously being deposited throughout the sampled intervals and were punctuated by episodic turbiditic events. The terrestrial material, originating from the Wales-Brabant High to the south of the Pennine Basin, was principally deposited in the Widmerpool Gulf, with much less terrigenous organic matter reaching the Edale Gulf. As a consequence, the prospective intervals are relatively thin, decimetre-to meter-scale, and further high resolution characterization of these intervals is required to understand variability in prospectivitiy over these limited intervals

    Stream and slope weathering effects on organic-rich mudstone geochemistry and implications for hydrocarbon source rock assessment: a Bowland Shale case study

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    This study contributes to the exploration and quantification of the weathering of organic-rich mudstones under temperate climatic conditions. Bowland Shales, exposed by a stream and slope, were sampled in order to develop a model for the effects of weathering on the mudstone geochemistry, including major and trace element geochemistry, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and δ13Corg. Four weathering grades (I – IV) are defined using a visual classification scheme; visually fresh and unaltered (I), chemically altered (II, III) and ‘paper shale’ that typifies weathered mudstone on slopes (IV). Bedload abrasion in the stream exposes of visually fresh and geochemically unaltered mudstone. Natural fractures are conduits for oxidising meteoric waters that promote leaching at the millimetre scale and/or precipitation of iron oxide coatings along fracture surfaces. On the slope, bedding-parallel fractures formed (and may continue to form) in response to chemical and/or physical weathering processes. These fractures develop along planes of weakness, typically along laminae comprising detrital grains, and exhibit millimetre- and centimetre-scale leached layers and iron oxide coatings. Fracture surfaces are progressively exposed to physical weathering processes towards the outcrop surface, and results in disintegration of the altered material along fracture surfaces. Grade IV, ‘paper shale’ mudstone is chemically unaltered but represents a biased record driven by initial heterogeneity in the sedimentary fabric. Chemically weathered outcrop samples exhibit lower concentrations of both ‘free’ (S1) (up to 0.6 mgHC/g rock) and ‘bound’ (S2) (up to 3.2 mgHC/g rock) hydrocarbon, reduced total organic carbon content (up to 0.34 wt%), reduced hydrogen index (up to 58 mgHC/gTOC), increased oxygen index (up to 19 mgCO + CO2/gTOC) and increased Tmax (up to 11 °C) compared with unaltered samples. If analysis of chemically weathered samples is unavoidable, back-extrapolation of Rock-Eval parameters can assist in the estimation of pre-weathering organic compositions. Combining Cs/Cu with oxygen index is a proxy for identifying the weathering progression from fresh material (I) to ‘paper shale’ (IV). This study demonstrates that outcrop samples in temperate climates can provide information for assessing hydrocarbon potential of organic-rich mudstones

    A CEP104-CSPP1 Complex Is Required for Formation of Primary Cilia Competent in Hedgehog Signaling

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    CEP104 is an evolutionarily conserved centrosomal and ciliary tip protein. CEP104 loss-of-function mutations are reported in patients with Joubert syndrome, but their function in the etiology of ciliopathies is poorly understood. Here, we show that cep104 silencing in zebrafish causes cilia-related manifestations: shortened cilia in Kupffer's vesicle, heart laterality, and cranial nerve development defects. We show that another Joubert syndrome-associated cilia tip protein, CSPP1, interacts with CEP104 at microtubules for the regulation of axoneme length. We demonstrate in human telomerase reverse transcriptase-immortalized retinal pigmented epithelium (hTERT-RPE1) cells that ciliary translocation of Smoothened in response to Hedgehog pathway stimulation is both CEP104 and CSPP1 dependent. However, CEP104 is not required for the ciliary recruitment of CSPP1, indicating that an intra-ciliary CEP104-CSPP1 complex controls axoneme length and Hedgehog signaling competence. Our in vivo and in vitro analyses of CEP104 define its interaction with CSPP1 as a requirement for the formation of Hedgehog signaling-competent cilia, defects that underlie Joubert syndrome
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