25 research outputs found


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    Budidaya sawi kailan sistem akuaponik diharapkan mendapat pertumbuhan dan produksi yang tinggi, oleh karena itu perlu didukung dengan memberikan media tanam yang baik. Salah satu media tanam yang bisa digunakan yaitu media substrat yang terdiri dari campuran antara pasir kerang, arang sekam padi, dan cocopeat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi media substrat dan untuk mengetahui komposisi media substrat yang terbaik untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil kailan sistem budidaya akuaponik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lahan pertanian yang terletak di Jalan Kalimas Tengah Desa Kalimas, Kecamatan Sungai Kakap, Kabupaten Kubu Raya, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ini berlangsung pada tanggal     16 Agustus – 12 Oktober 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 1 faktor yang terdiri dari 8 taraf perlakuan yang merupakan perbandingan persentase antara pasir kerang, arang sekam padi, dan cocopeat terdiri dari A = (5 : 75 : 20), B = (5 : 70 : 25),     C = (10 : 70 : 20), D = (10 : 65 : 25), E = (15 : 65 : 20), F = (15 : 60 : 25), G = (20 : 60 : 20), dan H = (20 : 55 : 25). Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, volume akar, berat segar bagian atas tanaman, dan berat kering bagian atas tanaman. Pelaksanaan penelitian meliputi persiapan tempat penelitian, persiapan instalasi akuaponik, persiapan media substrat, penyemaian, pindah tanam, pemeliharaan tanaman, dan pemanenan. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu diduga terdapat pengaruh komposisi media substrat dan diduga terdapat salah satu komposisi media substrat terbaik untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil kailan pada sistem budidaya akuaponik.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi media substrat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil sawi kailan. Komposisi media substrat 20% pasir kerang, 60% arang sekam dan 20% cocopeat merupakan komposisi yang memberikan pertumbuhan tanaman kailan yang lebih baik dibanding perlakuan lainnya.Kata Kunci   : Akuaponik, Kailan, Media Substra

    Off the wall: characterisation and exploitation of a cell wall-deficient life style in filamentous actinomycetes

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    Almost all bacteria are enveloped by a cell wall that provides cellular protection. In this thesis I show that some filamentous actinomycetes have a surprising natural ability to adopt a cell wall-deficient life style. The formation of these newly identified S-cells is a transient morphological adaptation in response to hyperosmotic stress conditions. In contrast, prolonged exposure to cell wall-targeting antibiotics or osmotic stress leads to the formation of so-called L-form cells, which are mutants that can proliferate indefinitely without their cell wall. The exciting properties of L-forms were used to discover a new cell-wall biosynthetic enzyme and to study enzyme secretion in the absence of a cell wall.Microbial Biotechnolog

    Stress-induced adaptive morphogenesis in bacteria

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    Bacteria thrive in virtually all environments. Like all other living organisms, bacteria may encounter various types of stresses, to which cells need to adapt. In this chapter, we describe how cells cope with stressful conditions and how this may lead to dramatic morphological changes. These changes may not only allow harmless cells to withstand environmental insults but can also benefit pathogenic bacteria by enabling them to escape from the immune system and the activity of antibiotics. A better understanding of stress-induced morphogenesis will help us to develop new approaches to combat such harmful pathogens.Microbial Biotechnolog

    Off the wall: characterisation and exploitation of a cell wall-deficient life style in filamentous actinomycetes

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    Almost all bacteria are enveloped by a cell wall that provides cellular protection. In this thesis I show that some filamentous actinomycetes have a surprising natural ability to adopt a cell wall-deficient life style. The formation of these newly identified S-cells is a transient morphological adaptation in response to hyperosmotic stress conditions. In contrast, prolonged exposure to cell wall-targeting antibiotics or osmotic stress leads to the formation of so-called L-form cells, which are mutants that can proliferate indefinitely without their cell wall. The exciting properties of L-forms were used to discover a new cell-wall biosynthetic enzyme and to study enzyme secretion in the absence of a cell wall

    Off the wall: characterisation and exploitation of a cell wall-deficient life style in filamentous actinomycetes

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    Almost all bacteria are enveloped by a cell wall that provides cellular protection. In this thesis I show that some filamentous actinomycetes have a surprising natural ability to adopt a cell wall-deficient life style. The formation of these newly identified S-cells is a transient morphological adaptation in response to hyperosmotic stress conditions. In contrast, prolonged exposure to cell wall-targeting antibiotics or osmotic stress leads to the formation of so-called L-form cells, which are mutants that can proliferate indefinitely without their cell wall. The exciting properties of L-forms were used to discover a new cell-wall biosynthetic enzyme and to study enzyme secretion in the absence of a cell wall

    Living without the cell wall

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    Genome Sequence of the Filamentous Actinomycete Kitasatospora viridifaciens

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    The vast majority of antibiotics are produced by filamentous soil bacteria called actinomycetes. We report here the genome sequence of the tetracycline producer "Streptomyces viridifaciens" DSM 40239. Given that this species has the hallmark signatures characteristic of the Kitasatospora genus, we previously proposed to rename this organism Kitasatospora viridifaciens.Microbial Biotechnolog

    Solución de Software para la Recopilación y análisis de Datos de Redes Sociales (inglés)

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    This project was developed in the winter semester of 2013, as an initiative of the Research and Development Group, KMU goes Mobile, from the IT Department of the FH Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, in Kapfenberg, Austria. Two main parts compose the project itself. First the research on Social Media Marketing for Small and Medium Enterprises and second: the development of a Web Based Adaptable Software Solution for Social Media Data Compilation and Analysis, both of them to be detailed in the current document. Este proyecto fue desarrollado en el semestre de invierno de 2013, como una iniciativa del Grupo de Investigación y Desarrollo, KMU goes Mobile, del departamento de TI de la FH Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, in Kapfenberg, Austria. Dos partes principales componen el proyecto. Primero la investigación sobre Social Media Marketing para Pequeña y Mediana Empresa y segundo: el desarrollo de una solución Web adaptable para la recopilación y análisis datos de Social Media, los cuales de detallan en este documento.

    Software Solution for Social Media Data Compilation and Analysis

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    Este proyecto fue desarrollado en el semestre de invierno de 2013, como una iniciativa del Grupo de Investigación y Desarrollo, KMU goes Mobile, del departamento de TI de la FH Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, in Kapfenberg, Austria. Dos partes principales componen el proyecto. Primero la investigación sobre Social Media Marketing para Pequeña y Mediana Empresa y segundo: el desarrollo de una solución Web adaptable para la recopilación y análisis datos de Social Media, los cuales de detallan en este documento. This project was developed in the winter semester of 2013, as an initiative of the Research and Development Group, KMU goes Mobile, from the IT Department of the FH Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, in Kapfenberg, Austria. Two main parts compose the project itself. First the research on Social Media Marketing for Small and Medium Enterprises and second: the development of a Web Based Adaptable Software Solution for Social Media Data Compilation and Analysis, both of them to be detailed in the current document.