420 research outputs found

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    La tomografía computarizada en cardiopatía isquémica: de la calcificación coronaria a la caracterización tisular miocárdica

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    ResumenDurante las últimas 2 décadas las técnicas de imagen han alcanzado un papel indispensable en prácticamente todas las enfermedades cardiovasculares. La tomografía computarizada cardiaca, en el campo de la cardiopatía isquémica, proporciona información irreemplazable para la investigación clínica y básica, y se ha convertido también en imprescindible para guiar la actitud terapéutica de los pacientes con enfermedad coronaria en la práctica diaria. Revisamos su estado actual desde la mirada de su utilidad quirúrgica.AbstractDuring the past 2 decades, imaging techniques have come to play an indispensable role in practically all cardiovascular illnesses.Cardiac computerized axial tomography, in the field of ischemic cardiopathy, provides irreplaceable information for clinical and basic investigations, but it has also become indispensable for guiding the therapeutic approach to treating patients with heart disease in daily practice. We review your current status in the view of its surgical utility

    El clergat a Catalunya durant la Guerra de Successió. Primera aproximació

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    En una primera aproximació, es presenta una sèrie d’exemples que mostren l’actitud dels eclesiàstics catalans al llarg de la Guerra de Successió, a partir de les dades de dos dels bisbats catalans, sobretot: Barcelona i Vic. Fent un aplec de la diversa bibliografia existent que parla fragmentàriament del tema i de la recerca en els arxius dels dos bisbats esmentats, així com de diverses informacions procedents d’arxius eclesiàstics i notarials, es vol fer un repàs sota un cert ordre cronològic dels eclesiàstics significats abans, durant i després de la guerra, inclòs l’exili. En el conjunt, es veu un decantament més gran cap a la significació dels clergues catalans en el bàndol austriacista, i, en canvi, un posicionament obertament filipista d’una part de l’alt clergat català, sobretot en aquells càrrecs ocupats per clergues no catalans, llevat d’alguns casos concrets. S’hi entreveu també un paral· lelisme amb l’actitud del braç militar


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    Design of Machine Learning Models for the Prediction of Transcription Factor Binding Regions in Bacterial DNA

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    Presented at the 4th XoveTIC Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 7–8 October 2021.[Abstract] Transcription Factors (TFs) are proteins that regulate the expression of genes by binding to their promoter regions. There is great interest in understanding in which regions TFs will bind to the DNA sequence of an organism and the possible genetic implications that this entails. Occasionally, the sequence patterns (motifs) that a TF binds are not well defined. In this work, machine learning (ML) models were applied to TF binding data from ChIP-seq experiments. The objective was to detect patterns in TF binding regions that involved structural (DNAShapeR) and compositional (kmers) characteristics of the DNA sequence. After the application of random forest and Glmnet ML techniques with both internal and external validation, it was observed that two types of generated descriptors (HelT and tetramers) were significantly better than the others in terms of prediction, achieving values of more than 90%.This work has received financial support from the Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European Social Fund (ESF)). This project was also supported by the General Directorate of Culture, Education and University Management of Xunta de Galicia (Ref. ED431G/01, ED431D 2017/16).Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/1

    Dispersal and regulation of an adaptive mutagenesis cassette in the bacteria domain

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    Recently, a multiple gene cassette with mutagenic translation synthesis activity was identified and shown to be under LexA regulation in several proteobacteria species. In this work, we have traced down instances of this multiple gene cassette across the bacteria domain. Phylogenetic analyses show that this cassette has undergone several reorganizations since its inception in the actinobacteria, and that it has dispersed across the bacterial domain through a combination of vertical inheritance, lateral gene transfer and duplication. In addition, our analyses show that LexA regulation of this multiple gene cassette is persistent in all the phyla in which it has been detected, and suggest that this regulation is prompted by the combined activity of two of its constituent genes: a polymerase V homolog and an alpha subunit of the DNA polymerase III

    Differential effects of scopolamine and chlorpromazine on REM and NREM sleep in normal male subiects

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/117236/1/cpt1969104522.pd

    Application of Jurisprudence to the Judicial Review Authority in Constitutional Court Decisions

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    The validity of jurisprudence as one of the recognized legal sources in Indonesia has drawn broad attention and has emerged as an area for attention to conduct research. Indonesia heavily influenced by the civil law system basically does not commit to jurisprudence. However, if there are considerably contrary decisions with prior decisions, it becomes a debate about how the validity of existing jurisprudence. The Constitutional Court as one of the actors of judicial power has the authority to conduct judicial review of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. In line with such authority, the Constitutional Court is sometimes conflicted with a previous decision which has presented a landmark yet it is not followed. In other words, there is contrary between the previous and the present decisions. To investigate the matter, the present study focuses on how the jurisprudence applies to judicial review in the Constitutional Court decisions. The analytical method adopted literature study through a case study approach. The conclusion obtained in this line of research is that jurisprudence refers to source of legislation that can be a reference in deciding a case for judicial review yet it does not bind judges to deviate it based on logical reasons in accordance with the principles of the judicial independence and accountability and the living constitution


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