9,201 research outputs found

    Redox stress defines the small artery vasculopathy of hypertension: how do we bridge the bench-to-bedside gap?

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    Although convincing experimental evidence demonstrates the importance of vascular reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), oxidative stress, and perturbed redox signaling as causative processes in the vasculopathy of hypertension, this has not translated to the clinic. We discuss this bench-to-bedside disparity and the urgency to progress vascular redox pathobiology from experimental models to patients by studying disease-relevant human tissues. It is only through such approaches that the unambiguous role of vascular redox stress will be defined so that mechanism-based therapies in a personalized and precise manner can be developed to prevent, slow, or reverse progression of small-vessel disorders and consequent hypertension

    Invariant manifolds and equilibrium states for non-uniformly hyperbolic horseshoes

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    In this paper we consider horseshoes containing an orbit of homoclinic tangency accumulated by periodic points. We prove a version of the Invariant Manifolds Theorem, construct finite Markov partitions and use them to prove the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states associated to H\"older continuous potentials.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure

    The Trichoptera of Panama XIII. Further new country records for caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Republic of Panama

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    The Republic of Panama currently includes 414 recorded species of Trichoptera. Herein we add two new genera (Hydroptilidae: Angrisanoia Ozdikmen, 2008 and Mayatrichia Mosely, 1937) and 17 new country records (Philopotamidae: Chimarra (C.) tapanti Blahnik, Wormaldia bolivari Muñoz-Quesada and Holzenthal, and Wormaldia zunigae Muñoz-Quesada and Holzenthal; Hydropsychidae: Centromacronema pygmaeum Botosaneanu; Hydroptilidae: Brysopteryx esparta Harris and Holzenthal, Byrsopteryx solisi Harris and Holzenthal, Costatrichia falsa Santos, Takiya, and Nessimian, Mayatrichia illobia Harris and Holzenthal, Metrichia amplitudinis Bueno-Soria and Holzenthal, Ochrotrichia boquillas Moulton and Harris, O. conformalis Bueno-Soria and Holzenthal, O. quinealensis Bueno-Soria and Holzenthal, and O. unica Bueno-Soria and Santiago; Leptoceridae: Triaenodes morai Holzenthal and Andersen; Odontoceridae: Marilia kingsolveri Bueno-Soria and Rojas-Ascencio; and, Helicopsychidae: Helicopsyche alajuela Johanson and Holzenthal and Helicopsyche breviterga Flint) to Panama’s caddisfly fauna. The newly recorded taxa increase Panama’s total known caddisfly fauna to 431 species, distributed among 15 families and 55 genera. These results are part of an ongoing effort to characterize the caddisfly fauna of Panama, and to evaluate the aquatic insect diversity of the country’s major watersheds (cuencas). La República de Panamá actualmente incluye 414 especies registradas de Trichoptera. Aquí agregamos dos nuevos géneros (Hydroptilidae: Angrisanoia Ozdikmen, 2008 y Mayatrichia Mosely, 1937) y 17 nuevos registros para el país (Philopotamidae: Chimarra (C.) tapanti Blahnik, Wormaldia bolivari Muñoz-Quesada y Holzenthal, y Wormaldia zunigae Muñoz-Quesada y Holzenthal; Hydropsychidae: Centromacronema pygmaeum Botosaneanu; Hydroptilidae: Brysopteryx esparta Harris y Holzenthal, Byrsopteryx solisi Harris y Holzenthal, Costatrichia falsa Santos, Takiya, y Nessimian, Mayatrichia illobia Harris y Holzenthal, Metrichia amplitudinis Bueno-Soria y Holzenthal, Ochrotrichia boquillas Moulton y Harris, Ochrotrichia conformalis Bueno-Soria y Holzenthal, Ochrotrichia quinealensis Bueno-Soria y Holzenthal, y Ochrotrichia unica Bueno-Soria y Santiago; Leptoceridae: Triaenodes morai Holzenthal y Andersen; Odontoceridae: Marilia kingsolveri Bueno-Soria y Rojas- Ascencio; y, Helicopsychidae: Helicopsyche alajuela Johanson y Holzenthal y Helicopsyche breviterga Flint) a la fauna de Trichoptera de Panamá. Los taxones recien reportados aumentan el total de la fauna de Trichoptera de Panamá a 431 especies, distribuidas en 15 familias y 55 géneros. Estos resultados son parte de un esfuerzo continuo para caracterizar la fauna de Trichoptera y para evaluar la diversidad de insectos acuáticos de las principales cuencas hidrográficas (cuencas) de Panamá

    Consistency of cruise data of the CARINA database in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean

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    Initially a North Atlantic project, the CARINA carbon synthesis was extended to include the Southern Ocean. Carbon and relevant hydrographic and geochemical ancillary data from cruises all across the Arctic Mediterranean Seas, Atlantic and Southern Ocean were released to the public and merged into a new database as part of the CARINA synthesis effort. Of a total of 188 cruises, 37 cruises are part of the Southern Ocean, including 11 from the Atlantic sector. The variables from all Southern Ocean cruises, including dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2), total alkalinity, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and silicate, were examined for cruise-to-cruise consistency in one collective effort. Seawater pH and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are also part of the database, but the pH quality control (QC) is described in another Earth System Science Data publication, while the complexity of the Southern Ocean physics and biogeochemistry prevented a proper QC analysis of the CFCs. The area-specific procedures of quality control, including crossover analysis between stations and inversion analysis of all crossover data (i.e. secondary QC), are briefly described here for the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Data from an existing, quality controlled database (GLODAP) were used as a reference for our computations – however, the reference data were included into the analysis without applying the recommended GLODAP adjustments so the corrections could be independently verified. The outcome of this effort is an internally consistent, high-quality carbon data set for all cruises, including the reference cruises. The suggested corrections by the inversion analysis were allowed to vary within a fixed envelope, thus accounting for natural variability. The percentage of cruises adjusted ranged from 31% (for nitrate) to 54% (for phosphate) depending on the variable

    Morphological features and mucin expression profile of breast carcinomas with signet-ring cell differentiation

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    Signet-ring cells are relatively common in breast cancers but are frequently overlooked. Although previously defined as a subtype of mucin producing carcinomas, breast carcinomas with signet-ring cell (SRC) differentiation nowadays are not considered a distinct entity.The objective of the present study was to characterize the morphological features and mucin expression profile of breast carcinomas with SRC differentiation. All breast carcinomas diagnosed at Centro Hospitalar S. Joao between 1996 and 2006 in which the pathology report mentioned the presence of SRCs (n= 11) and four mucinous carcinomas were included in the study. The frequency of SRCs and immunohistochemistry expression of MUC1/MUC2/MUC5AC/MUC6 were evaluated.We confirmed that SRC differentiation can occur in different histological types, including ductal, lobular, mucinous and metaplastic carcinomas. The proportion of SRCs was highly variable (range: 8-70%). Tumors encompassed SRCs of intracytoplasmic lumina and goblet-cell type. A higher percentage of SRCs was associated with lymphovascular invasion (p= 0.047). All tumors expressed cytoplasmic and membranous MUC1. Secretory mucins were more frequent in mucinous carcinomas and in carcinomas with extensive SRC differentiation.We conclude that besides the usefulness of mucin immunodetection for the differential diagnosis of carcinomas with SRC differentiation of breast origin, it is important to report SRC differentiation regardless of histological type because of its intrinsic prognostic value.We especially thank Professor Sobrinho-Simões for the careful review of the manuscript. IPATIMUP integrates the i3S Research Unit, which is partially supported by FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. This work is funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors-COMPETE and National Funds through the FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology , under the projects: PEst-C/SAU/LA0003/2013 and PTDC/BBB-EBI/0786/2012

    Caracterização de compósitos de poliolefinas recicladas com fibras de açaí.

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    Uso de águas amarelas como fonte alternativa de nutrientes em cultivo hidropônico da alface (Lactuca Sativa)

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    Buscou-se na presente pesquisa avaliar o uso de Águas Amarelas como fonte alternativa de nutrientes em cultivo hidropônico da Alface (Lactuca sativa). Para a utilização das Águas Amarelas como fonte de nutriente agrícola, é necessário estocá-la por um período de 6 meses em temperatura ambiente (30°C), para que ocorra a estabilização físico-química e biológica. Foram realizados dois cultivos hidropônicos: por meio do sistema NFT (técnica do fluxo lamina de nutrientes). O sistema NFT foi realizado em dois períodos: primeiro no verão e o segundo no inverso. Os tratamentos utilizados para os dois sistemas foram: solução nutritiva convencional de Furlani (T1), solução com 5% de Urina Humana e 95% com água (T2), solução com 10% de Urina Humana e 90% com água (T3), solução com 15% de Urina Humana e 85% com água (T4), solução com 20% de Urina Humana e 80% com água (T5). No cultivo de inverso por meio do sistema NFT, os tratamentos T1, T2 e T3 obtiveram maior produção em relação a T4 e T5, que apresentaram reduzido desenvolvimento radicular e foliar; vale ressaltar que o T2 obteve as maiores médias nas análises agronômicas durante o período de inverno. No cultivo de verão os tratamentos T1 e T2 obtiveram maior produção em relação a T3, T4 e T5, que apresentaram menores valores da massa da matéria úmida e reduzido desenvolvimento radicular, que ocorreu devido ao alto valor da temperatura dentro dos reservatórios, com temperaturas médias superiores a 30°. Com relação às análises microbiológicas, os níveis de contaminação encontrados nas alfaces, nos cultivos do sistema NFT, foram inferiores aos estabelecidos pela ANVISA. Em ambos os cultivos, os teores de macronutrientes detectados na parte aérea da alface assemelham-se aos citados na literatura, para estudos semelhantes, enquanto alguns micronutriente encontram-se acima dos teores referenciados, entretanto causando possíveis efeitos fitotóxicos

    Comportamento interfacial de compósitos de poli(Tereftalato de Etileno) reciclado (PETr) com fibras de bagaço de cana.

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