3,504 research outputs found

    Magnetic pinning of flux lattice in superconducting- nanomagnet hybrids

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    Strong superconducting pinning effects are observed from magnetic landscapes produced by arrays of circular rings with varying magnetic remanent states. The collective and the background pinning of superconducting Nb films is strongly enhanced by the stray magnetic field produced by an array of circular Ni rings magnetized to form “onion” (bidomain) states. On the other hand, when the same rings are magnetized into vortex (flux-closed) states, or are randomly magnetized, the superconducting pinning is much smaller. The greatest pinning is produced when the superconducting vortex lattice motion is along a direction in which there is a strong magnetic field variation

    Paleogeografía sísmica de zonas costeras en la Península Ibérica: su impacto en el análisis de terremotos antiguos e históricos en España

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    This paper presents three examples of ancient earthquakes occurring in coastal areas of the S and SE of the Iberian Peninsula (218 BC, AD 40-60 and AD 1048) with the aim of illustrating the use of geological and archaeological data in their macroseismic characterization. Historical information for ancient earthquakes that occurred in Spain prior to the 10th century is scarce or non-existent. This paper shows that the current state of knowledge on palaeoseismology and archaeoseismology on these ancient events clearly exceeds the existing historical information allowing the increase of macroseismic information points by using the ESI-07 scale (Environmental Seismic Intensity). Consequently, the geologic analyses of ancient earthquakes contribute to their understanding and parametric evaluations, and improve further advances in seismic hazard assessments. The most significant issue outlined in the present paper is the analysis of the ancient palaeogeography of the affected areas. The studied examples analysed were located in open estuarine areas that have been filled by fluvial sediments or anthropogenic fills over time. The effects of the 218 BC earthquake-tsunami event in the Gulf of Cadiz are analysed in estuarine areas, and especially in the ancient Roman Lagus Ligustinus (Guadalquivir Depression marshes); the effects of the earthquake in AD 40-60 is analysed in the old Roman city of Baelo Claudia located in the Bolonia Bay (Strait of Gibraltar); and the effects of the earthquake of AD 1048on the ancient Sinus Ilicitanus (Bajo Segura Depression) during Muslim times. Descriptions from Roman and Arabic geographers are cross-checked with existing palaeogeographic models based on geological data. This type of analysis results in ancient macroseismic scenarios for the interpretation of theoretical distributions of intensities and environmental effects supporting the concept of “seismic palaeogeography” proposed in this paperEl presente trabajo recoge tres ejemplos de terremotos antiguos (218 AC, 40-60 AD y 1048 AD) ocurridos en zonas litorales del S y SO de la Península Ibérica con la intención de ilustrar el uso de datos geológicos y ar¬queológicos en la caracterización macrosísmica de los mismos. En la mayor parte de los sísmos ocurridos con anterioridad al siglo X d.C. la información documental histórica que se posee es muy escasa o inexistente. El presente trabajo muestra que el actual estado de conocimiento en paleosismología y arqueosismologia sobre este tipo de terremotos sobrepasa con creces la información documental histórica, permitiendo la multiplica¬ción de los puntos de información macrosísmica mediante el uso de la escala ESI-07 (Environmental Seismic Intensity). Consecuentemente, el análisis geológico de los terremotos antiguos mejora su conocimiento y análisis paramétrico, permitiendo avanzar la evaluación de la peligrosidad sísmica de las zonas afectadas. El aspecto que se pone de especial relieve en este trabajo es el análisis de la paleogeografía existente en la antigüedad, ya que todas las zonas (afectadas) analizadas en este trabajo corresponden a zonas estuarinas abiertas que se han ido rellenado por aportes fluviales o de forma artificial con el tiempo. Se analizan los efectos del terremoto de 218 AC en las zonas estuarinas del Golfo de Cádiz y muy especialmente en el antiguo Lacus Ligustinus (marismas del Guadalquivir) durante época romana; los efectos del terremoto de 40-60 AD en la antigua Bahía de Baelo Claudia (Estrecho de Gibraltar); y los efectos del terremoto de 1048 AD en el antiguo Sinus ilicitanus (Depresión del Bajo Segura) durante época musulmana. Se han cotejado descripciones de geógrafos romanos y árabes con modelos basados en datos geológicos. Este tipo de análisis ha permitido generar antiguos escenarios macrosísmicos basados en la paleogeografía y reinterpretar las distribuciones teóricas de intensidades y los efectos ambientales de los terremotos estudiados que es a lo que se refiere el concepto de “paleogeografía sísmica” propuesto en este trabajoThis work has been funded by the Spanish-FEDER research projects CGL2012-37281 C02.01 (QTECTBETICA-USAL), CGL2012-33430 (CSIC) and CGL2013-42847-R (UNED

    Análisis arqueosismológico del conjunto arqueológico romano de Mulva- Munigua (Sevilla, España). Resultados preliminares

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    El conjunto arqueológico romano de Mulva-Munigua (Sevilla, España) presenta daños en las edificaciones que pueden ser interpretadas como resultado de la ocurrencia de un evento sísmico (Efectos Arqueológicos de los Terremotos: EAEs) a finales del siglo III A.D., fecha coincidente con el inicio del periodo de declive económico de este asentamiento romano. Para intentar establecer el posible origen sísmico de las deformaciones, se ha procedido al inventario y análisis de las estructuras deformadas presentes en el yacimiento. No obstante, algunas de estas deformaciones también se pueden interpretar como resultado de procesos gravitaciones asociados a la ladera Este de la colina sobre la que se sitúa parte del yacimiento. Las direcciones de máxima deformación (ey) obtenidas del análisis de EAEs indica dos direcciones preferentes de la deformación (o movimiento preferente del terreno): NNO-SSE y ENEOSO. Aunque los datos presentan una dispersión importante, se puede establecer que la orientación principal NNO-SSE es compatible con un evento sísmico situado en el borde norte del Valle del Guadalquivir. La orientación ENE-OSO podría relacionarse con un evento posterior, o más seguramente con procesos de ladera de carácter cosísmico o no.The Roman archaeological site of Mulva-Munigua (Sevilla, Spain) displays building damage features suggesting a seismic origin (Earthquake Archaeological Effects: EAEs). The proposed seismic event could be tentatively dated in the late 3rd century AD, coinciding with the beginning of the economic fall of the Roman Empire at Iberia. However, some of the recorded EAEs can be also interpreted as a result of intervening slope movements in the eastern hillslope of this roman site. The inventory and analysis of the proposed EAEs make possible to discern between seismic oriented damage and other causes. In spite of the data show a significant dispersion, their analysis result in two different orientations of maximum deformation (ey) or preferential ground movement: NNW-SSE and ENE-WSW. The main ey orientation (NNW-SSE) can be tentatively related to a seismic event occurred in the environs of the northern border of the Guadalquivir Depression. The secondary orientation (ENE-WSW) can be interpreted as a consequence of latter slope movements triggered (or not) by other ancient earthquakes

    Coarse graining ππ scattering

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    We carry out an analysis of ππ scattering in the I J = 00, 11 and 20 channels in configuration space up to a maximal center-of-mass energy √ s = 1.4 GeV. We separate the interaction into two regions marked by an elementarity radius of the system; namely, a long distance region above which pions can be assumed to interact as elementary particles and a short distance region where many physical effects cannot be disentangled. The long distance interaction is described by chiral dynamics, where a two-pionexchange potential is identified, computed and compared to lattice calculations. The short distance piece corresponds to a coarse grained description exemplified by a superposition of delta-shell potentials sampling the interaction with the minimal wavelength. We show how the so constructed nonperturbative scattering amplitude complies with the proper analytic structure, allowing for an explicit N/D type decomposition in terms of the corresponding Jost functions and fulfilling dispersion relations without subtractions. We also address renormalization issues in coordinate space and investigate the role of crossing when fitting the scattering amplitudes above and below threshold to Roy-equation results. At higher energies, we show how inelasticities can be described by one single complex and energy dependent parameter. A successful description of the data can be achieved with a minimal number of fitting parameters, suggesting that coarse graining is a viable approach to analyze hadronic processes.Work partially supported by Spanish MINEICO and European FEDER funds (grants FIS2014-59386-P, FIS2017-85053-C2-1-P and FPA2015- 64041-C2-1-P), Junta de Andalucía (grant FQM-225) and the Swiss National Science Foundation

    Herbaceous plants in the understory of a pitch canker-affected Pinus radiata plantation are endophytically infected with Fusarium circinatum

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    [EN] Fusarium circinatum was recently detected as an endophyte in grasses causing no apparent damage. Our goal was to describe the endophytic colonization of herbaceous host plants growing in a plantation of Pinus radiata with symptoms of pitch canker disease, which may act as a reservoir of inoculum. We detected the fungus in five species of dicot families (Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae), in addition to two species in the Poaceae. The fungus was found in the aerial part of non-symptomatic hosts, so we describe E circinatum as an endophyte that is mainly transmitted by spores through the air. It was also detected in Hypochaeris radicata seeds, suggesting the potential occurrence of vertical transmission. An analysis of microsatellite markers showed a unique haplotype regardless of whether the isolates' origin was pine cankers or non-symptomatic herbaceous plants. Thus, the same genotype can adopt a pathogenic or endophytic lifestyle. We conclude that non -symptomatic plants can act as reservoirs of inoculum: pine seedlings can be infeded from senescent tissue of non-symptomatic hosts colonized by the fungus. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd and British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.We acknowledge Maite Morales Clemente for her excellent technical assistance and Inigo Zabalgogeazcoa for his helpful suggestions. Laura Hernandez was supported by a fellowship from INIA (FPI-INIA). Financial support for this research was provided by projects RTA2012-00015-C02-01 and RTA2013-00048-C03-01 (Programa Estatal I + D + i, INIA, Spain).Hernandez-Escribano, L.; Iturritxa, E.; Elvira-Recuenco, M.; Berbegal Martinez, M.; Campos, J.; Renobales, G.; García, I.... (2018). Herbaceous plants in the understory of a pitch canker-affected Pinus radiata plantation are endophytically infected with Fusarium circinatum. Fungal Ecology. 32:65-71. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2017.12.001S65713

    Measurement of the semileptonic charge asymmetry in B0 meson mixing with the D0 detector

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    We present a measurement of the semileptonic mixing asymmetry for B0 mesons, a^d_{sl}, using two independent decay channels: B0 -> mu+D-X, with D- -> K+pi-pi-; and B0 -> mu+D*-X, with D*- -> antiD0 pi-, antiD0 -> K+pi- (and charge conjugate processes). We use a data sample corresponding to 10.4 fb^{-1} of ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV, collected with the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We extract the charge asymmetries in these two channels as a function of the visible proper decay length (VPDL) of the B0 meson, correct for detector-related asymmetries using data-driven methods, and account for dilution from charge-symmetric processes using Monte Carlo simulation. The final measurement combines four signal VPDL regions for each channel, yielding a^d_{sl} = [0.68 \pm 0.45 \text{(stat.)} \pm 0.14 \text{(syst.)}]%. This is the single most precise measurement of this parameter, with uncertainties smaller than the current world average of B factory measurements.Comment: Version includes minor textual changes following peer review by journal, most notably the updating of Ref. [21] to reflect the most recent publicatio

    Precise measurement of the top quark mass in the dilepton channel at D0

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    We measure the top quark mass (mt) in ppbar collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV using dilepton ttbar->W+bW-bbar->l+nubl-nubarbbar events, where l denotes an electron, a muon, or a tau that decays leptonically. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 5.4 fb-1 collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We obtain mt = 174.0 +- 1.8(stat) +- 2.4(syst) GeV, which is in agreement with the current world average mt = 173.3 +- 1.1 GeV. This is currently the most precise measurement of mt in the dilepton channel.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Direct measurement of the mass difference between top and antitop quarks

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    We present a direct measurement of the mass difference between top and antitop quarks (dm) in lepton+jets top-antitop final states using the "matrix element" method. The purity of the lepton+jets sample is enhanced for top-antitop events by identifying at least one of the jet as originating from a b quark. The analyzed data correspond to 3.6 fb-1 of proton-antiproton collisions at 1.96 TeV acquired by D0 in Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The combination of the e+jets and mu+jets channels yields dm = 0.8 +/- 1.8 (stat) +/- 0.5 (syst) GeV, which is in agreement with the standard model expectation of no mass difference.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Spanish sound system and intonation in contact with Galician

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    This exploratory study presents an approach to the phonetic models of Galician Spanish (GS) by means of a small sample of six female speakers with different linguistic profiles. We analyze the production of stressed vowels, final unstressed vowels, and some intonation contours. Unlike earlier descriptions, we do not find direct transfer from Galician to the GS phonetic system. Our results show: 1) The disappearance of the Galician seven vowel system and some examples of hybridization in wh-question intonation, both of which could be seen as signs of change in GS; and 2) The reduction of the final vowels and direct transfer from Galician to GS in yes-no questions, both of which could suggest preservation of the covert prestige of Galician.This study has received financial support from the Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (under the grant ED431C 2017134) and from the project Contacto y cambio lingüístico en gallego (FFI2015-65208-P), financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes