62 research outputs found

    Adaptación de los métodos de entrenamiento a las particularidades de la natación

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    The swimming has special circumstances when it comes to train and monitor physical activity. This has meant that over time have arisen research and resources that enable us to control the training process effectively with alternatives to the classic variables. In addition, the physiological behaviour in the aquatic environment varies from the exercise out of it, which also makes some methodological adaptations are necessary. Currently swimming is a growing sport for its great importance in the triathlon, and new technologies have also managed to offer new avenues for understanding and control of the training process and training. The correct handling of the variables that determine the training load is the key to the adaptations that bring us a better or help us counter the limiting factors of performance. This paper shows the main changes required volume programming, training intensity and density in the aquatic environment.La natación tiene unas circunstancias especiales a la hora de entrenar y monitorizar la actividad física que se lleva a cabo. Esto ha hecho que a lo largo del tiempo hayan surgido investigaciones y recursos que nos permitan controlar el proceso de entrenamiento de manera efectiva con alternativas a las variables clásicas. Además, el comportamiento fisiológico en el medio acuático varía respecto al ejercicio físico fuera de él, lo que también hace que sean necesarias algunas adaptaciones metodológicas. Actualmente la natación es un deporte creciente por su gran importancia dentro del triatlón, y las nuevas tecnologías también han logrado ofrecernos nuevas vías para el entendimiento y control del proceso formativo y de entrenamiento. El correcto manejo de las variables que determinan la carga de entrenamiento es la clave para conseguir las adaptaciones que nos aporten una mejora o nos ayude a contrarrestar los factores limitantes del rendimiento. Este trabajo muestra las principales modificaciones que requiere la programación del volumen, intensidad y densidad del entrenamiento en el medio acuático

    Análisis de la validez de las ecuaciones de estimación del 1RM con técnica de parada: una nueva propuesta

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    This study validates new regression equations to estimate the value of the absolute maximum dynamic strength (1RM) by means of a maximum number of repetitions test to muscular failure (nRM) executed with stop technique. Also, this study assesses the validity of the equations that are already stablished in the international publications to estimate the load (% 1RM) and the 1RM value from a nRM test in executions with stop technique. The results indicate that the new equations proposed in this research [Bench Press 1RM = weight lifted in kg (-0,01841*nRM)+0,981; Full Squat 1RM = weight lifted in kg (-0,01176*nRM)+0,975] show substantially better validity levels (SEM = 1,8-2,2 kg; R2 = 0,956-0,988), and therefore of greater predictive ability, than the rest of equations described in the international literature to date.El objetivo de esta investigación es validar nuevas ecuaciones de regresión para estimar el valor de fuerza dinámica máxima absoluta (1RM) mediante test de máximo número de repeticiones hasta el fallo muscular (nRM) ejecutados con técnica de parada o stop. Igualmente, se estudian los niveles de validez que presentan las ecuaciones que ya se encuentran actualmente definidas en la literatura internacional para estimar la magnitud de la carga (%1RM) y el valor de 1RM a partir de un test nRM en ejecuciones con técnica de parada. Los resultados indican que las nuevas ecuaciones propuestas en esta investigación [1RM en Press Banca = masa desplazada en kg (-0,01841*nRM)+0,981; 1RM en Sentadilla Completa = masa desplazada en kg (-0,01176*nRM)+0,975] muestran indicadores sustancialmente mejores de validez(ET = 1,8-2,2 kg; R2 = 0,956-0,988), y por lo tanto de mayor capacidad predictiva, que el resto de ecuaciones definidas en la literatura internacional hasta la fecha

    Calidad percibida en una prueba de triatlón

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    The interest in knowing participant perceptions regarding the quality and value of the service, has moved to sports events popular character. Knowing what are the determining factors for achieving the overall participant satisfaction, the organizers will favor greater loyalty and improved planning of upcoming events. Through a questionnaire, this study analyzes the different dimensions of quality, which has a triathlon, the perceived value and future intentions as perceived by the participant broker in the "XXVI National Triathlon Villa de Fuente Álamo". The results show that the logistics infrastructure dimension as the most valued factor in quality and communication the worse punctuation. The participants with greater experience obtained lower scores than the other groups.El interés por conocer las percepciones del participante respecto a la calidad y el valor del servicio, se ha trasladado a los eventos deportivos de carácter popular. Conocer los elementos determinantes para alcanzar la satisfacción general del participante, propiciará a los organizadores una mayor fidelización y mejora enpróximos eventos. A través de un cuestionario, este estudio analiza las distintas dimensiones de la calidad que presenta una prueba de triatlón sobre valor percibido y las intenciones futuras según la percepción del corredor participante en el “XXVI Triatlón nacional Villa de Fuente Álamo”. Los resultados mostraron la dimensióninfraestructura logística como la mejor valorada dentro de los factores de calidad y la dimensión comunicación como la peor valorada. Los participantes con una mayor experiencia obtuvieron puntuaciones más bajas

    Diseño y validación de contenido de un cuestionario sobre Pérdida de Peso en Deportes de Combate (PPDC)

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    El sistema de categorías por peso que rige los deportes de comba- te fomenta en estos atletas la puesta en práctica de determinados métodos y estrategias para reducir su masa corporal antes del pesaje ocial, así como otros hábitos y protocolos de rápida rehidratación y rellenado de las reser- vas energéticas en el lapso de tiempo (6-20 h) que separa este pesaje ocial del comienzo del torneo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue diseñar y validar por primera vez un instrumento que permita estudiar los hábitos que están llevando a cabo los deportistas de combate durante las fases de pérdida de peso y su posterior recuperación antes del torneo. Tras el diseño original del cuestionario, se vericó la validez de contenido y la validez estructural del instrumento a través del acuerdo y consenso de 12 jueces expertos. En segundo lugar, se realizó un estudio de la validez de compresión de los ítems que compone el instrumento con una muestra de 46 deportistas de combate experimentados. Así mismo, se calculó la abilidad mediante la aplicación de la prueba test-retest en una muestra de 28 deportistas. Los resultados indicaron que el cuestionario sobre pérdida de peso en deportes de combate presenta óptimos niveles de validez de contenido así como de re- producibilidad en las respuestas para identicar y monitorizar los métodos, las frecuencias y las estrategias con las que estos deportistas acometen las fases de pérdida de peso antes del pesaje y su posterior recuperación antes del comienzo del torneo.

    Efecto de la bajada de peso y la competición sobre el perfil de estado de ánimo en deportes de combate

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    El propósito de este estudio ha sido describir los cambios que sufre el estado de ánimo que presentan los deportistas de combate durante las fases de bajada de peso y su posterior recuperación antes del comienzo de los eventos competitivos prioritarios de la temporada. Un total de 105 hombres y mujeres especialistas en las modalidades de combate de luchaolímpica, taekwondo y boxeo fueron pesados y contestaron la versión abreviada del Perfil de Estados de Ánimo (POMS) entre 30 y 60 minutos antes del pesaje oficial (PRE) y entre 30 y 60 minutos antes del comienzo del primer combate (POST) de sus respectivos campeonatos nacionales. Los resultados demostraron que las hubo mejoras significativas (p < .05) en lasdimensiones de Cólera, Fatiga y Depresión, aunque estos cambios no parecen estar relacionados con la variación porcentual de la masa corporal que experimentan los deportistas durante este mismo periodo (r < .261). Estos hallazgos nos indican que las 12-18 horas que separan el pesaje oficial y el comienzo del torneo en deportes de combate propician mejoras sustanciales en sus estados de ánimo, aunque estos cambios parecen ser independientesde sus fluctuación de la masa corporal

    New regulations regarding Postgraduate Medical Training in Spain: perception of the tutor's role in the Murcia Region

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recently introduced regulatory changes have expanded the Tutor role to include their primary responsibility for Postgraduate Medical Training (PMT). However, accreditation and recognition of that role has been devolved to the autonomic regions. The opinions of the RT may be relevant to future decisions;</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A comprehensive questionnaire, including demographic characteristics, academic and research achievement and personal views about their role, was sent to 201 RTs in the Murcia Region of Spain. The responses are described using median and interquartile ranges (IQR);</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 147 replies (response rate 73%), 69% male, mean age 45 ± 7 yrs. RTs perception of the residents' initial knowledge and commitment throughout the program was 5 (IQR 4-6) and 7 (IQR 5-8), respectively. As regards their impact on the PMT program, RTs considered that their own contribution was similar to that of senior residents. RTs perception of how their role was recognised was 5 (IQR 3-6). Only 16% did not encounter difficulties in accessing specific RT training programs. Regarding the RTs view of their various duties, supervision of patient care was accorded the greatest importance (64%) while the satisfactory completion of the PMT program and supervision of day-to-day activities were also considered important (61% and 59% respectively). The main RT requirements were: a greater professional recognition (97%), protected time (95%), specific RT training programs (95%) and financial recognition (86%);</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This comprehensive study, reflecting the feelings of our RTs, provides a useful insight into the reality of their work and the findings ought to be taken into consideration in the imminent definitive regulatory document on PMT.</p

    The PAU survey: classifying low-z SEDs using Machine Learning clustering

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society following peer review. The version of record Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524.3 (2023): 3569-3581 is available online at: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article-abstract/524/3/3569/7225529?redirectedFrom=fulltextWe present an application of unsupervised Machine Learning clustering to the PAU survey of galaxy spectral energy distribution (SED) within the COSMOS field. The clustering algorithm is implemented and optimized to get the relevant groups in the data SEDs. We find 12 groups from a total number of 5234 targets in the survey at 0.01 < z < 0.28. Among the groups, 3545 galaxies (68 per cent) show emission lines in the SEDs. These groups also include 1689 old galaxies with no active star formation. We have fitted the SED to every single galaxy in each group with CIGALE. The mass, age, and specific star formation rates (sSFR) of the galaxies range from 0.15 < age/Gyr <11; 6 < log (M/M⊙) <11.26, and -14.67 < log (sSFR/yr-1) <-8. The groups are well-defined in their properties with galaxies having clear emission lines also having lower mass, are younger and have higher sSFR than those with elliptical like patterns. The characteristic values of galaxies showing clear emission lines are in agreement with the literature for starburst galaxies in COSMOS and GOODS-N fields at low redshift. The star-forming main sequence, sSFR versus stellar mass and UVJ diagram show clearly that different groups fall into different regions with some overlap among groups. Our main result is that the joint of low- resolution (R ∼50) photometric spectra provided by the PAU survey together with the unsupervised classification provides an excellent way to classify galaxies. Moreover, it helps to find and extend the analysis of extreme ELGs to lower masses and lower SFRs in the local UniverseThis work has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, project PID2019-107408GB-C43 (ESTALLIDOS), and the Government of the Canary Islands through EU FEDER funding, projects PID2020010050 and PID2021010077. This article is based on observations made in the Observatorios de Canarias of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) with the WHT operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING) in the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos. The PAU Survey is partially supported by MINECO under grants CSD2007-00060, AYA2015-71825, ESP2017-89838, PGC2018-094773, PGC2018-102021, PID2019-111317GB, SEV-2016-0588, SEV-2016-0597, MDM-2015-0509 and Juan de la Cierva fellowship and LACEGAL and EWC Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant No 734374 and no.776247 with ERDF funds from the EU Horizon 2020 Programme, some of which include ERDF funds from the European Union. IEEC and IFAE are partially funded by the CERCA and Beatriu de Pinos program of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Funding for PAUS has also been provided by Durham Univer sity (via the ERC StG DEGAS-259586), ETH Zurich, Leiden University (via ERC StG ADULT-279396 and Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Vici grant 639.043.512), University College London and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 776247 EWC. The PAU data center is hosted by the Port d’Información Científica (PIC), maintained through a collaboration of CIEMAT and IFAE, with additional support from Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona and ERDF. We acknowledge the PIC services department team for their support and fruitful discussion

    How to fit the distribution of apex scavengers into land-abandonment scenarios? The Cinereous vulture in the Mediterranean biome

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    Aim Farmland abandonment or “ecological rewilding” shapes species distribution and ecological process ultimately affecting the biodiversity and functionality of ecosystems. Land abandonment predictions based on alternative future socioeconomic scenarios allow foretell the future of biota in Europe. From here, we predict how these forecasts may affect large‐scale distribution of the Cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus), an apex scavenger closely linked to Mediterranean agro‐grazing systems. Location Iberian Peninsula. Methods Firstly, we modelled nest‐site and foraging habitat selection in relation to variables quantifying physiography, trophic resources and human disturbance. Secondly, we evaluate to what extent land abandonment may affect the life traits of the species and finally we determined how potential future distribution of the species would vary according to asymmetric socioeconomic land‐abandonment predictions for year 2040. Results Cinereous vultures selected breeding areas with steep slopes and low human presence whereas foraging areas are characterized by high abundance of European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and wild ungulates. Liberalization of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) could potentially transform positively 66% of the current nesting habitat, favouring the recovery of mature forest. Contrarily, land abandonment would negatively affect the 63% of the current foraging habitat reducing the availability of preferred food resources (wild European rabbit). On the other hand, the maintenance of the CAP would determine lower frequencies (24%–22%) of nesting and foraging habitat change. Main conclusions Land abandonment may result into opposite effects on the focal species because of the increase in nesting habitats and wild ungulates populations and, on the other hand, lower availability of open areas with poorer densities of European rabbits. Land‐abandonment models’ scenarios are still coarse‐grained; the apparition of new human uses in natural areas may take place at small‐sized and medium‐sized scales, ultimately adding complexity to the prediction on the future of biota and ecosystems.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Grant/Award Number: BES-2014-070597Juan de la Cierva Incorporación, Grant/Award Number: IJCI-2014-20744;Programa Viçent Mut of Govern Balear, Spain, Grant/Award Number: PD/039/2017;Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía, Grant/Award Number: RNM-1925;MINECO/FEDER EU, Grant/Award Number: CGL2015-66966-C2-1-2-R;Severo Ochoa Excellence Award from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Grant/Award Number: SEV-2012-0262;CEAUL; FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, Grant/Award Number: UID/MAT/00006/201

    Hindcasting the impacts of land-use changes on bird communities with species distribution models of Bird Atlas data

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    Habitat loss and degradation induced by human development are among the major threats to biodiversity worldwide. In this study, we tested our ability to predict the response of bird communities (128 species) to land-use changes in southern Quebec (~483,100 km2) over the last 30 yr (between 1984–1989 and 2010–2014) by using species distribution models (299,302 occurrences in 30,408 locations) from a hindcasting perspective. Results were grouped by functional guilds to infer potential impacts on ecosystem services, and to relate model transferability (i.e., ability of our models to be generalized to other times and scales) to specific functional and life-history traits. Overall, our models were able to accurately predict, both in space and time, habitat suitability for 69% of species, especially for granivorous, nonmigrant, tree-nesting species, and species that are tied to agricultural areas under intensive use. These findings indicate that model transferability depends upon specific functional and life-history traits, providing further evidence that species’ ecologies affect the ability of models to accurately predict bird distributions. Declining bird species were mostly short-distance migrants that were associated with open habitats (agricultural and nonproductive forest) with aerial insectivorous or granivorous diets, which may be related to agricultural intensification and land abandonment. Land-use changes were positive for some forest bird species that were mainly associated with mixed and deciduous forests, generalist diets and tree-nesting strategies. Yet cavity-nesting birds have suffered substantial reductions in their distributions, suggesting that cumulative effects of intensive logging and wildfires on mature forests pose a threat for forest-specialist species. Habitat suitability changes predicted by our coarse-scale species distribution models partially agreed with the long-term trends reported by the North American Breeding Bird Survey. Our findings confirm land-use change as a key driving force for shaping bird communities in southern Quebec, together with the need to explicitly incorporate it into global change scenarios that better inform decision-makers on conservation and management