749 research outputs found

    H2CO and CH3OH maps of the Orion Bar photodissociation region

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    A previous analysis of methanol and formaldehyde towards the Orion Bar concluded that the two molecular species may trace different physical components, methanol the clumpy material, and formaldehyde the interclump medium. To verify this hypothesis, we performed multi-line mapping observations of the two molecules to study their spatial distributions. The observations were performed with the IRAM-30m telescope at 218 and 241 GHz, with an angular resolution of ~11''. Additional data for H2CO from the Plateau de Bure array are also discussed. The data were analysed using an LVG approach. Both molecules are detected in our single-dish data. Our data show that CH3OH peaks towards the clumps of the Bar, but its intensity decreases below the detection threshold in the interclump material. When averaging over a large region of the interclump medium, the strongest CH3OH line is detected with a peak intensity of ~0.06K. Formaldehyde also peaks on the clumps, but it is also detected in the interclump gas. We verified that the weak intensity of CH3OH in the interclump medium is not caused by the different excitation conditions of the interclump material, but reflects a decrease in the column density of methanol. The abundance of CH3OH relative to H2CO decreases by at least one order of magnitude from the dense clumps to the interclump medium.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Hydrogen Fluoride in High-Mass Star-forming Regions

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    Hydrogen fluoride has been established to be an excellent tracer of molecular hydrogen in diffuse clouds. In denser environments, however, the HF abundance has been shown to be approximately two orders of magnitude lower. We present Herschel/HIFI observations of HF J=1-0 toward two high-mass star formation sites, NGC6334 I and AFGL 2591. In NGC6334 I the HF line is seen in absorption in foreground clouds and the source itself, while in AFGL 2591 HF is partially in emission. We find an HF abundance with respect to H2 of 1.5e-8 in the diffuse foreground clouds, whereas in the denser parts of NGC6334 I, we derive a lower limit on the HF abundance of 5e-10. Lower HF abundances in dense clouds are most likely caused by freeze out of HF molecules onto dust grains in high-density gas. In AFGL 2591, the view of the hot core is obstructed by absorption in the massive outflow, in which HF is also very abundant 3.6e-8) due to the desorption by sputtering. These observations provide further evidence that the chemistry of interstellar fluorine is controlled by freeze out onto gas grains.Comment: accepted in Ap

    Multiple Rieske/cytb complexes in a single organism

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    AbstractMost organisms contain a single Rieske/cytb complex. This enzyme can be integrated in any respiratory or photosynthetic electron transfer chain that is quinone-based and sufficiently energy rich to allow for the turnover of three enzymes — a quinol reductase, a Rieske/cytb complex and a terminal oxidase. Despite this universal usability of the enzyme a variety of phylogenetically distant organisms have multiple copies thereof and no reason for this redundancy is obvious. In this review we present an overview of the distribution of multiple copies among species and describe their properties from the scarce experimental results, analysis of their amino acid sequences and genomic context. We discuss the predicted redox properties of the Rieske cluster in relation to the nature of the pool quinone. It appears that acidophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria specialized one of their two copies for reverse electron transfer, archaeal Thermoprotei adapted their three copies to the interaction with different oxidases and several, phylogenetically unrelated species imported a second complex with a putative heme ci that may confer some yet to be determined properties to the complex. These hypothesis and all the more the so far completely unexplained cases call for further studies and we put forward a number of suggestions for future research that we hope to be stimulating for the field. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Respiratory complex III and related bc complexes

    OH emission from warm and dense gas in the Orion Bar PDR

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    As part of a far-infrared (FIR) spectral scan with Herschel/PACS, we present the first detection of the hydroxyl radical (OH) towards the Orion Bar photodissociation region (PDR). Five OH rotational Lambda-doublets involving energy levels out to E_u/k~511 K have been detected (at ~65, ~79, ~84, ~119 and ~163um). The total intensity of the OH lines is I(OH)~5x10^-4 erg s^-1 cm^-2 sr^-1. The observed emission of rotationally excited OH lines is extended and correlates well with the high-J CO and CH^+ J=3-2 line emission (but apparently not with water vapour), pointing towards a common origin. Nonlocal, non-LTE radiative transfer models including excitation by the ambient FIR radiation field suggest that OH arises in a small filling factor component of warm (Tk~160-220 K) and dense (n_H~10^{6-7} cm^-3) gas with source-averaged OH column densities of ~10^15 cm^-2. High density and temperature photochemical models predict such enhanced OH columns at low depths (A_V<1) and small spatial scales (~10^15 cm), where OH formation is driven by gas-phase endothermic reactions of atomic oxygen with molecular hydrogen. We interpret the extended OH emission as coming from unresolved structures exposed to far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation near the Bar edge (photoevaporating clumps or filaments) and not from the lower density "interclump" medium. Photodissociation leads to OH/H2O abundance ratios (>1) much higher than those expected in equally warm regions without enhanced FUV radiation fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters. Figure B.2. is bitmapped to lower resolutio

    Interpretation of radio continuum and molecular line observations of Sgr B2: free-free and synchrotron emission, and implications for cosmic rays

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    Recent ammonia (1,1) inversion line data on the Galactic star forming region Sgr B2 show that the column density is consistent with a radial Gaussian density profile with a standard deviation of 2.75 pc. Deriving a formula for the virial mass of spherical Gaussian clouds, we obtain a virial mass of 1.9 million solar masses for Sgr B2. For this matter distribution, a reasonable magnetic field and an impinging flux of cosmic rays of solar neighbourhood intensity, we predict the expected synchrotron emission from the Sgr B2 giant molecular cloud due to secondary electrons and positrons resulting from cosmic ray interactions, including effects of losses due to pion production collisions during diffusive propagation into the cloud complex. We assemble radio continuum data at frequencies between 330 MHz and 230 GHz. From the spectral energy distribution the emission appears to be thermal at all frequencies. Before using these data to constrain the predicted synchrotron flux, we first model the spectrum as free-free emission from the known ultra compact HII regions plus emission from an envelope or wind with a radial density gradient. This severely constrains the possible synchrotron emission by secondary electrons to quite low flux levels. The absence of a significant contribution by secondary electrons is almost certainly due to multi-GeV energy cosmic rays being unable to penetrate far into giant molecular clouds. This would also explain why 100 MeV--GeV gamma-rays (from neutral pion decay or bremsstrahlung by secondary electrons) were not observed from Sgr B2 by EGRET, while TeV energy gamma-rays were observed, being produced by higher energy cosmic rays which more readily penetrate giant molecular clouds.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. New section on diffusion of primary and secondary cosmic ray electrons into and within the Sgr B2 Giant Molecular Cloud added. Main corrections to proofs made in this versio

    Herschel HIFI observations of O2_2 toward Orion: special conditions for shock enhanced emission

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    We report observations of molecular oxygen (O2_2) rotational transitions at 487 GHz, 774 GHz, and 1121 GHz toward Orion Peak A. The O2 lines at 487 GHz and 774 GHz are detected at velocities of 10-12 km/s with line widths 3 km/s; however, the transition at 1121 GHz is not detected. The observed line characteristics, combined with the results of earlier observations, suggest that the region responsible for the O2_2 emission is 9" (6e16 cm) in size, and is located close to the H2 Peak 1position (where vibrationally-excited H2_2 emission peaks), and not at Peak A, 23" away. The peak O2 column density is 1.1e18/cm2. The line velocity is close to that of 621 GHz water maser emission found in this portion of the Orion Molecular Cloud, and having a shock with velocity vector lying nearly in the plane of the sky is consistent with producing maximum maser gain along the line-of-sight. The enhanced O2_2 abundance compared to that generally found in dense interstellar clouds can be explained by passage of a low-velocity C-shock through a clump with preshock density 2e4/cm3, if a reasonable flux of UV radiation is present. The postshock O2_2 can explain the emission from the source if its line of sight dimension is ~10 times larger than its size on the plane of the sky. The special geometry and conditions required may explain why O2_2 emission has not been detected in the cores of other massive star-forming molecular clouds.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure

    Molecular line survey of the high-mass star-forming region NGC 6334I with Herschel/HIFI and the SMA

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    We aim at deriving the molecular abundances and temperatures of the hot molecular cores in the high-mass star-forming region NGC 6334I and consequently deriving their physical and astrochemical conditions. In the framework of the Herschel guaranteed time key program CHESS, NGC 6334I is investigated by using HIFI aboard the Herschel Space Observatory. A spectral line survey is carried out in the frequency range 480-1907 GHz, and auxiliary interferometric data from the SMA in the 230 GHz band provide spatial information for disentangling the different physical components contributing to the HIFI spectrum. The spectral lines are identified with the aid of former surveys and spectral line catalogs. The observed spectrum is then compared to a simulated synthetic spectrum with XCLASS, assuming local thermal equilibrium, and best fit parameters are derived using the model optimization package MAGIX. A total of 46 molecules are identified, with 31 isotopologues, resulting in about 4300 emission and absorption lines. High- energy levels of the dominant emitter methanol and vibrationally excited HCN are detected. The number of unidentified lines remains low with 75, or less than 2 percent of the lines detected. The modeling suggests that several spectral features need two or more components to be fitted properly. Other components could be assigned to cold foreground clouds or to outflows, most visible in the SiO emission. A chemical variation between the two embedded hot cores is found, with more N-bearing molecules identified in SMA1 and O-bearing molecules in SMA2. Spectral line surveys give powerful insights into the study of the interstellar medium. Different molecules trace different physical conditions like the inner hot core, the envelope, the outflows or the cold foreground clouds. The derived molecular abundances provide further constraints for astrochemical models.Comment: 30 pages including appendix, 49 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    HERSCHEL-HIFI spectroscopy of the intermediate mass protostar NGC7129 FIRS 2

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    HERSCHEL-HIFI observations of water from the intermediate mass protostar NGC7129 FIRS 2 provide a powerful diagnostic of the physical conditions in this star formation environment. Six spectral settings, covering four H216O and two H218O lines, were observed and all but one H218O line were detected. The four H2 16 O lines discussed here share a similar morphology: a narrower, \approx 6 km/s, component centered slightly redward of the systemic velocity of NGC7129 FIRS 2 and a much broader, \approx 25 km/s component centered blueward and likely associated with powerful outflows. The narrower components are consistent with emission from water arising in the envelope around the intermediate mass protostar, and the abundance of H2O is constrained to \approx 10-7 for the outer envelope. Additionally, the presence of a narrow self-absorption component for the lowest energy lines is likely due to self-absorption from colder water in the outer envelope. The broader component, where the H2O/CO relative abundance is found to be \approx 0.2, appears to be tracing the same energetic region that produces strong CO emission at high J.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted by A&

    Response of a soil bacterial community to grassland succession as monitored by 16S rRNA levels of the predominant ribotypes

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    The composition of predominant soil bacteria during grassland succession was investigated in the Dutch Drentse A area. Five meadows, taken out of agricultural production at different time points, and one currently fertilized plot represented different stages of grassland succession. Since fertilization and agricultural production were stopped, the six plots showed a constant decline in the levels of nutrients and vegetation changes. The activity of the predominant bacteria was monitored by direct ribosome isolation from soil and temperature gradient gel electrophoresis of reverse transcription (RT)-PCR products generated from bacterial 16S rRNA. The amounts of 16S rRNA of 20 predominant ribosome types per gram of soil were monitored via multiple competitive RT-PCR in six plots at different succession stages. These ribosome types mainly represented Bacillus and members of the Acidobacterium cluster and the subclass of the class Proteobacteria. The 20 16S rRNA molecules monitored represented approximately half of all bacterial soil rRNA which was estimated by dot blot hybridizations of soil rRNA with the Bacteria probe EUB338. The grasslands showed highly reproducible and specific shifts of bacterial ribosome type composition. The total bacterial ribosome level increased during the first years after agricultural production and fertilization stopped. This correlated with the collapse of the dominant Lolium perenne population and an increased rate of mineralization of organic matter. The results indicate that there is a true correlation between the total activity of the bacterial community in soil and the amount of bacterial ribosomes

    Water in massive star-forming regions: HIFI observations of W3 IRS5

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    We present Herschel observations of the water molecule in the massive star-forming region W3 IRS5. The o-H17O 110-101, p-H18O 111-000, p-H2O 22 202-111, p-H2O 111-000, o-H2O 221-212, and o-H2O 212-101 lines, covering a frequency range from 552 up to 1669 GHz, have been detected at high spectral resolution with HIFI. The water lines in W3 IRS5 show well-defined high-velocity wings that indicate a clear contribution by outflows. Moreover, the systematically blue-shifted absorption in the H2O lines suggests expansion, presumably driven by the outflow. No infall signatures are detected. The p-H2O 111-000 and o-H2O 212-101 lines show absorption from the cold material (T ~ 10 K) in which the high-mass protostellar envelope is embedded. One-dimensional radiative transfer models are used to estimate water abundances and to further study the kinematics of the region. We show that the emission in the rare isotopologues comes directly from the inner parts of the envelope (T > 100 K) where water ices in the dust mantles evaporate and the gas-phase abundance increases. The resulting jump in the water abundance (with a constant inner abundance of 10^{-4}) is needed to reproduce the o-H17O 110-101 and p-H18O 111-000 spectra in our models. We estimate water abundances of 10^{-8} to 10^{-9} in the outer parts of the envelope (T < 100 K). The possibility of two protostellar objects contributing to the emission is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in the A&A HIFI special issu