417 research outputs found

    tomo3d: a new 3-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography code for active-source seismic data

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    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 22-27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria.-- 1 pageWe present the development state of tomo3d, a code for three-dimensional refraction and reflection travel-time tomography of wide-angle seismic data based on the previous two-dimensional version of the code, tomo2d. The core of both forward and inverse problems is inherited from the 2-D version. The ray tracing is performed by a hybrid method combining the graph and bending methods. The graph method finds an ordered array of discrete model nodes, which satisfies Fermat’s principle, that is, whose corresponding travel time is a global minimum within the space of discrete nodal connections. The bending method is then applied to produce a more accurate ray path by using the nodes as support points for an interpolation with beta-splines. Travel time tomography is formulated as an iterative linearized inversion, and each step is solved using an LSQR algorithm. In order to avoid the singularity of the sensitivity kernel and to reduce the instability of inversion, regularization parameters are introduced in the inversion in the form of smoothing and damping constraints. Velocity models are built as 3-D meshes, and velocity values at intermediate locations are obtained by trilinear interpolation within the corresponding pseudo-cubic cell. Meshes are sheared to account for topographic relief. A floating reflector is represented by a 2-D grid, and depths at intermediate locations are calculated by bilinear interpolation within the corresponding square cell. The trade-off between the resolution of the final model and the associated computational cost is controlled by the relation between the selected forward star for the graph method (i.e. the number of nodes that each node considers as its neighbors) and the refinement of the velocity mesh. Including reflected phases is advantageous because it provides a better coverage and allows us to define the geometry of those geological interfaces with velocity contrasts sharp enough to be observed on record sections. The code also offers the possibility of including water-layer multiples in the modeling, whenever this phase can be followed to greater offsets than the primary phases. This increases the quantity of useful information in the data and yields more extensive and better constrained velocity and geometry models. We will present results from benchmark tests for forward and inverse problems, as well as synthetic tests comparing an inversion with refractions only and another one with both refractions and reflectionPeer Reviewe

    Transient conditions for biogenesis on low-mass exoplanets with escaping hydrogen atmospheres

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    Exoplanets with lower equilibrium temperatures than Earth and primordial hydrogen atmospheres that evaporate after formation should pass through transient periods where oceans can form on their surfaces, as liquid water can form below a few thousand bar pressure and H2-H2 collision-induced absorption provides significant greenhouse warming. The duration of the transient period depends on the planet size, starting H2 inventory and star type, with the longest periods typically occurring for planets around M-class stars. As pre-biotic compounds readily form in the reducing chemistry of hydrogen-rich atmospheres, conditions on these planets could be favourable to the emergence of life. The ultimate fate of any emergent organisms under such conditions would depend on their ability to adapt to (or modify) their gradually cooling environment.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Icaru

    Lower plate structure and upper plate deformational segmentation at the Sunda-Banda arc transition, Indonesia

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    The Sunda‐Banda arc transition at the eastern termination of the Sunda margin (Indonesia) represents a unique natural laboratory to study the effects of lower plate variability on upper plate deformational segmentation. Neighboring margin segments display a high degree of structural diversity of the incoming plate (transition from an oceanic to a continental lower plate, presence/absence of an oceanic plateau, variability of subducting seafloor morphology) as well as a wide range of corresponding fore‐arc structures, including a large sedimentary basin and an accretionary prism/outer arc high of variable size and shape. Here, we present results of a combined analysis of seismic wide‐angle refraction, multichannel streamer and gravity data recorded in two trench normal corridors located offshore the islands of Lombok (116°E) and Sumba (119°E). On the incoming plate, the results reveal a 8.6–9.0 km thick oceanic crust, which is progressively faulted and altered when approaching the trench, where upper mantle velocities are reduced to ∼7.5 km/s. The outer arc high, located between the trench and the fore‐arc basin, is characterized by sedimentary‐type velocities (Vp < 5.5 km/s) down to the top of the subducting slab (∼13 km depth). The oceanic slab can be traced over 70–100 km distance beneath the fore arc. A shallow serpentinized mantle wedge at ∼16 km depth offshore Lombok is absent offshore Sumba, where our models reveal the transition to the collisional regime farther to the east and to the Sumba block in the north. Our results allow a detailed view into the complex structure of both the deeper and shallower portions of the eastern Sunda margin

    Seismic Structure of the Carnegie Ridge and the nature of the Galapagos hotspot

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    The Galápagos volcanic province (GVP) includes several aseismic ridges resulting from the interaction between the Galápagos hotspot (GHS) and the Cocos–Nazca spreading centre (CNSC). The most prominent are the Cocos, Carnegie and Malpelo ridges. In this work, we investigate the seismic structure of the Carnegie ridge along two profiles acquired during the South American Lithospheric Transects Across Volcanic Ridges (SALIERI) 2001 experiment. Maximum crustal thickness is ∼19 km in the central Carnegie profile, located at ∼85°W over a 19–20 Myr old oceanic crust, and only ∼13 km in the eastern Carnegie profile, located at ∼82°W over a 11–12 Myr old oceanic crust. The crustal velocity models are subsequently compared with those obtained in a previous work along three other profiles over the Cocos and Malpelo ridges, two of which are located at the conjugate positions of the Carnegie ones. Oceanic layer 2 thickness is quite uniform along the five profiles regardless of the total crustal thickness variations, hence crustal thickening is mainly accommodated by layer 3. Lower crustal velocities are systematically lower where the crust is thicker, thus contrary to what would be expected from melting of a hotter than normal mantle. The velocity-derived crustal density models account for the gravity and depth anomalies considering uniform and normal mantle densities (3300 kg m−3), which confirms that velocity models are consistent with gravity and topography data, and indicates that the ridges are isostatically compensated at the base of the crust. Finally, a two-dimensional (2-D) steady-state mantle melting model is developed and used to illustrate that the crust of the ridges does not seem to be the product of anomalous mantle temperatures, even if hydrous melting coupled with vigorous subsolidus upwelling is considered in the model. In contrast, we show that upwelling of a normal temperature but fertile mantle source that may result from recycling of oceanic crust prior to melting, accounts more easily for the estimated seismic structure as well as for isotopic, trace element and major element patterns of the GVP basalts

    Galactic Effects on Habitability

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    The galactic environment has been suspected to influence planetary habitability in many ways. Very metal-poor regions of the Galaxy, or those largely devoid of atoms more massive than H and He, are thought to be unable to form habitable planets. Moreover, if such planets do form, the young system is subjected to close stellar passages while it resides in its stellar birth cluster. Various potential hazards remain after clusters disperse. For instance, central galactic regions may present risks to habitability via nearby supernovae, gamma ray bursts (GRBs), and frequent comet showers. In addition, planets residing within very wide binary star systems are affected by the Galaxy, as local gravitational perturbations from the Galaxy can increase the binary's eccentricity until it destabilizes the planets it hosts. Here we review the most recent work on the main galactic influences over planetary habitability. Although there must be some metallicity limit below which rocky planets cannot form, recent exoplanet surveys show that they form around stars with a very large range of metallicities. Once formed, the probability of star clusters destabilizing planetary systems only becomes high for rare, extremely long-lived clusters. Regarding threats to habitability from supernovae, GRBs, and comet showers, many recent studies suggest that their hazards are more limited than originally thought. Finally, denser regions of the Galaxy enhance the threat that very wide binary companions pose to planetary habitability, but the probability that a very wide binary star disrupts habitability will always be substantially below 100% for any environment. While some Milky Way regions must be more hospitable to habitable planets than others, it is difficult to state that habitable planets are confined to any well-defined region of the Galaxy or that any other particular region of the Galaxy is uninhabitable.Comment: Invited review chapter, accepted for publication in the "Handbook of Exoplanets"; 19 pages; 2 figure

    Seismic reflection images of a near-axis melt sill within the lower crust at the Juan de Fuca ridge

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature 460 (2009): 89-93, doi:10.1038/nature08095.The oceanic crust extends over two thirds of the Earth’s solid surface and is generated along mid-ocean ridges from melts derived from the upwelling mantle. The upper and mid crust are constructed by dyking and seafloor eruptions originating from magma accumulated in mid-crustal lenses at the spreading axis, but the style of accretion of the lower oceanic crust is actively debated. Models based on geological and petrological data from ophiolites propose that the lower oceanic crust is accreted from melt sills intruded at multiple levels between the Moho transition zone (MTZ) and the mid-crustal lens, consistent with geophysical studies that suggest the presence of melt within the lower crust. However, seismic images of molten sills within the lower crust have been elusive. To date only seismic reflections from mid-crustal melt lenses and sills within the MTZ have been described, suggesting that melt is efficiently transported through the lower crust. Here we report deep crustal seismic reflections off the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge that we interpret as originating from a molten sill presently accreting the lower oceanic crust. The sill sits 5-6 km beneath the seafloor and 850-900 m above the MTZ, and it is located 1.4-3.2 km off thespreading axis. Our results provide evidence for the existence of low permeability barriers to melt migration within the lower section of modern oceanic crust forming at intermediate-to-fast spreading rates, as inferred from ophiolite studies.This research was supported by grants form the US NSF

    Magmatic processes in developing oceanic crust revealed in a cumulate xenolith collected at the East Pacific Rise, 9°50′N

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 7 (2006): Q12O04, doi:10.1029/2006GC001316.The petrology and geochemistry of a xenolith, a fragment of a melt-bearing cumulate, within a recently erupted mid-ocean ridge (MOR) lava flow provide information on petrogenetic processes occurring within the newly forming oceanic crust beneath the northern East Pacific Rise (NEPR). The xenolith reveals important petrologic information about MOR magmatic systems concerning (1) melt distribution in a crystal-dominated mush; (2) melt-crystal reactions within the mush; (3) the chemistry of melts that have contributed to the cumulate lithology; and (4) the chemistry of axial melts that enter the axial magma system. The xenolith was enclosed within a moderately primitive, normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (NMORB) erupted in 1991 within the neovolcanic zone of the NEPR, at approximately 9°50′N. The sample is a matrix-dominated, cumulate olivine anorthosite, composed of anorthite (An94-90) and bytownite (An89-70), intergranular olivine (Fo86±0.3), minor sulfide and spinel, and intergranular glass. Marginal corrosion of plagioclase, and possibly olivine, and internal remelting of plagioclase indicate syntexis. It is surmised that the pore volume was eviscerated several times with moderately primitive basaltic melts and reduced by intergranular crystallization of forsteritic olivine. The presence of anorthite as a cumulate phase in the xenolith and the observation of anorthite xenocrysts in NMORB lavas, and as a cumulate phase in ophiolite gabbros, indicate that Ca-rich melts that are not a part of the NMORB lineage play an important role in the construction of the oceanic crust.The Mineral Resources Program, USGS, provided support to W.I.R. for this research. Field and laboratory research was supported by NSF grants OCE-9402360, 9403773, and 0138088 to M.R.P. and NSF grants OCE-9819261 and OCE-0525863 to D.J.F

    Frozen magma lenses below the oceanic crust

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature 436 (2005): 1149-1152, doi:10.1038/nature03944.The Earth's oceanic crust crystallizes from magmatic systems generated at mid-ocean ridges. Whereas a single magma body residing within the mid-crust is thought to be responsible for the generation of the upper oceanic crust, it remains unclear if the lower crust is formed from the same magma body, or if it mainly crystallizes from magma lenses located at the base of the crust. Thermal modelling, tomography, compliance and wide-angle seismic studies, supported by geological evidence, suggest the presence of gabbroic-melt accumulations within the Moho transition zone in the vicinity of fast- to intermediate-spreading centres. Until now, however, no reflection images have been obtained of such a structure within the Moho transition zone. Here we show images of groups of Moho transition zone reflection events that resulted from the analysis of approximately 1,500 km of multichannel seismic data collected across the intermediate-spreading-rate Juan de Fuca ridge. From our observations we suggest that gabbro lenses and melt accumulations embedded within dunite or residual mantle peridotite are the most probable cause for the observed reflectivity, thus providing support for the hypothesis that the crust is generated from multiple magma bodies

    Sunda-Banda arc transition: incipient continent-island arc collision (Northwest Australia)

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    The eastern Sunda arc represents one of the few regions globally where the early stages of continent-arc collision can be studied. We studied along the western limit of the collision zone at the Sunda-Banda arc transition, where the Australian margin collides with the Banda island arc, causing widespread back arc thrusting. We present integrated results of a refraction/wide-angle reflection tomography, gravity modeling, and multichannel reflection seismic imaging using data acquired in 2006 southeast of Sumba Island. The composite structural model reveals the previously unresolved deep geometry of the collision zone. Changes in crustal structure encompass the 10 - 12 km thick Australian basement in the south and the 22 - 24 kmthick Sumba ridge in the north, where backthrusting of the 130 km wide accretionary prism is documented. The structural diversity along this transect could be characteristic of young collisional systems at the transition from oceanic subduction to continent-arc collision. Citation: Shulgin, A., H. Kopp, C. Mueller, E. Lueschen, L. Planert, M. Engels, E. R. Flueh, A. Krabbenhoeft, and Y. Djajadihardja (2009), Sunda-Banda arc transition: Incipient continent-island arc collision (northwest Australia), Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L10304, doi: 10.1029/2009GL037533