40 research outputs found

    Propuesta de evaluación del aprendizaje en materias científico-técnicas

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    El presente trabajo pretende mostrar un sistema de evaluación que se lleva acabo en materias científico-técnicas donde el contenido práctico es considerable. Se pretende considerar los distintos instrumentos y formas de evaluación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El objetivo principal de este trabajo pretende entender que examinar y calificar no son actos de menor importancia, sino que suponen una gran influencia en todo el proceso y pueden o no, ayudar y animar a los estudiantes en su principal tarea del aprendizaje y su progreso. La propuesta permite desarrollar las siguientes técnicas docentes: sesiones académicas teóricas, prácticas, exposición y debate, seminarios y jornadas, tutorías colectivas y además visitas facultativas


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    El presente trabajo aborda la cartografía de la susceptibilidad y la peligrosidad a los movimientos de ladera, en un ambiente montañoso, con información limitada sobre su actividad. El análisis y validación de la susceptibilidad se realizada mediante un modelo elaborado a partir del ModelBuilder™ de ArcGIS basado en el Método de la Matriz en un SIG. Dicho modelo necesita una cartografía previa de los movimientos, un MDE y un análisis discriminante de los factores determinantes de la estabilidad. Los datos del análisis reflejan que el 15% de la zona estudiada muestra una susceptibilidad a los movimientos de moderada a muy alta que, a su vez, coincide con lugares donde se encuentran la mayoría de las infraestructuras públicas de la región. Además, los valores registrados en la validación mediante el grado de ajuste están por encima del 83% para las zonas de susceptibilidad alta y muy alta. Estas zonas que presentan un mayor grado de susceptibilidad y, por tanto, una mayor exposición potencial al riesgo, son las seleccionadas para el análisis detallado de la peligrosidad. El principal problema, que, por otra parte, suele ser generalizado en este tipo de áreas para la estimación de la frecuencia con la que se suceden movimientos de ladera, es la falta de información sobre su ocurrencia. Por tanto, y con el objetivo de obtener la mayor información posible, los datos relativos a la actividad de los movimientos se extraen de diversas fuentes y técnicas, de forma que interactivamente solventen sus correspondientes limitaciones. Estos datos se extraen de una documentación previa, tanto en prensa como bibliografía específica, donde se presentan trabajos sobre DInSAR, fotogrametría aérea y LIDAR, y TLS. Además, se realiza de forma específica un análisis dendrogeomorfológico de árboles en movimientos de ladera y se revisa la ortofotografía aérea histórica de la zona de estudio. Posteriormente, con los datos de actividad, se realiza un análisis de los factores desencadenantes, que refleja que los movimientos de ladera están relacionados con episodios de precipitaciones intensas y prolongadas, y no tanto con la actividad sísmica del área. Por último, de forma indirecta, se estima la peligrosidad de la zona de estudio a los movimientos de ladera, asociando los resultados obtenidos de actividad con los factores desencadenantes; esto es, con periodos de precipitaciones intensas. Así, se establece un periodo de retorno que se extrapola a toda el área, con la asunción de que los grandes deslizamientos se generan o reactivan, conjuntamente con movimientos superficiales, tras periodos lluviosos intensos y prolongados, y que las lluvias torrenciales generan movimientos de ladera superficiales tipo flujo y desprendimientos. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la frecuencia con la que se generan los movimientos es de 5 años para los flujos superficiales y desprendimientos (F=0,2), y de 18 años para los deslizamientos y movimientos complejos (F=0,06). La zona, en términos generales, presenta determinados sectores con susceptibilidad moderada a muy alta, sin embargo la peligrosidad a los movimientos de ladera es de moderada a muy baja. En términos de probabilidad temporal, los flujos y desprendimientos son los movimientos con mayor peligrosidad

    Propuesta de evaluación del aprendizaje en materias científico-técnicas

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    El presente trabajo pretende mostrar un sistema de evaluación que se lleva acabo en materias científico-técnicas donde el contenido práctico es considerable. Se pretende considerar los distintos instrumentos y formas de evaluación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El objetivo principal de este trabajo pretende entender que examinar y calificar no son actos de menor importancia, sino que suponen una gran influencia en todo el proceso y pueden o no, ayudar y animar a los estudiantes en su principal tarea del aprendizaje y su progreso. La propuesta permite desarrollar las siguientes técnicas docentes: sesiones académicas teóricas, prácticas, exposición y debate, seminarios y jornadas, tutorías colectivas y además visitas facultativas


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    The Rif is among the areas of Morocco most susceptible to landslides, because of the existence of relatively young reliefs marked by a very important dynamics compared to other regions. These landslides are one of the most serious problems on many levels: social, economic and environmental. The increase in the frequency and impact of landslides over the past decade has demonstrated the need for an in-depth study of these phenomena, allowing the identification of areas susceptible to landslides. The main objective of this study is to identify the optimal method for the mapping of the area susceptible to landslides in municipality of Oudka. This area has been marked by the largest landslide in the region, caused by heavy rainfall in 2013. Two Statistical Methods i) Regression Logistics (LR) ii) Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), were used to create a landslide susceptibility map. The realization of this susceptibility map required, first, the mapping of old landslides by the aerial photography, the data of the geological map and by the data obtained using field surveys using GPS. A total of 105 landslides were mapped from these various sources. 50% of this database was used for model building and 50% for validation. Eight independent landslide factors are exploited to detect the most sensitive areas: altitude, slope, aspect, distance of faults, distance streams, distance from roads, lithology and vegetation index (NDVI). The results of the landslide susceptibility analysis were verified using success and prediction rates. The success rate (AUC&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.918) and the prediction rate (AUC&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.901) of the LR model is higher than that of the ANN model (success rate (AUC&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.886) and prediction rate (AUC&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.877). These results indicate that the Regression Logistic (LR) model is the best model for determining landslide susceptibility in the study area.</p

    Health in times of uncertainty in the eastern Mediterranean region, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013

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    Background: The eastern Mediterranean region is comprised of 22 countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Since our Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010), the region has faced unrest as a result of revolutions, wars, and the so-called Arab uprisings. The objective of this study was to present the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors in the eastern Mediterranean region as of 2013. Methods: GBD 2013 includes an annual assessment covering 188 countries from 1990 to 2013. The study covers 306 diseases and injuries, 1233 sequelae, and 79 risk factors. Our GBD 2013 analyses included the addition of new data through updated systematic reviews and through the contribution of unpublished data sources from collaborators, an updated version of modelling software, and several improvements in our methods. In this systematic analysis, we use data from GBD 2013 to analyse the burden of disease and injuries in the eastern Mediterranean region specifically. Findings: The leading cause of death in the region in 2013 was ischaemic heart disease (90·3 deaths per 100 000 people), which increased by 17·2% since 1990. However, diarrhoeal diseases were the leading cause of death in Somalia (186·7 deaths per 100 000 people) in 2013, which decreased by 26·9% since 1990. The leading cause of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) was ischaemic heart disease for males and lower respiratory infection for females. High blood pressure was the leading risk factor for DALYs in 2013, with an increase of 83·3% since 1990. Risk factors for DALYs varied by country. In low-income countries, childhood wasting was the leading cause of DALYs in Afghanistan, Somalia, and Yemen, whereas unsafe sex was the leading cause in Djibouti. Non-communicable risk factors were the leading cause of DALYs in high-income and middle-income countries in the region. DALY risk factors varied by age, with child and maternal malnutrition affecting the younger age groups (aged 28 days to 4 years), whereas high bodyweight and systolic blood pressure affected older people (aged 60–80 years). The proportion of DALYs attributed to high body-mass index increased from 3·7% to 7·5% between 1990 and 2013. Burden of mental health problems and drug use increased. Most increases in DALYs, especially from non-communicable diseases, were due to population growth. The crises in Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria have resulted in a reduction in life expectancy; life expectancy in Syria would have been 5 years higher than that recorded for females and 6 years higher for males had the crisis not occurred. Interpretation: Our study shows that the eastern Mediterranean region is going through a crucial health phase. The Arab uprisings and the wars that followed, coupled with ageing and population growth, will have a major impact on the region's health and resources. The region has historically seen improvements in life expectancy and other health indicators, even under stress. However, the current situation will cause deteriorating health conditions for many countries and for many years and will have an impact on the region and the rest of the world. Based on our findings, we call for increased investment in health in the region in addition to reducing the conflicts

    Health in times of uncertainty in the eastern Mediterranean region, 1990�2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013

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    Background The eastern Mediterranean region is comprised of 22 countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Since our Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010), the region has faced unrest as a result of revolutions, wars, and the so-called Arab uprisings. The objective of this study was to present the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors in the eastern Mediterranean region as of 2013. Methods GBD 2013 includes an annual assessment covering 188 countries from 1990 to 2013. The study covers 306 diseases and injuries, 1233 sequelae, and 79 risk factors. Our GBD 2013 analyses included the addition of new data through updated systematic reviews and through the contribution of unpublished data sources from collaborators, an updated version of modelling software, and several improvements in our methods. In this systematic analysis, we use data from GBD 2013 to analyse the burden of disease and injuries in the eastern Mediterranean region specifically. Findings The leading cause of death in the region in 2013 was ischaemic heart disease (90·3 deaths per 100�000 people), which increased by 17·2 since 1990. However, diarrhoeal diseases were the leading cause of death in Somalia (186·7 deaths per 100�000 people) in 2013, which decreased by 26·9 since 1990. The leading cause of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) was ischaemic heart disease for males and lower respiratory infection for females. High blood pressure was the leading risk factor for DALYs in 2013, with an increase of 83·3 since 1990. Risk factors for DALYs varied by country. In low-income countries, childhood wasting was the leading cause of DALYs in Afghanistan, Somalia, and Yemen, whereas unsafe sex was the leading cause in Djibouti. Non-communicable risk factors were the leading cause of DALYs in high-income and middle-income countries in the region. DALY risk factors varied by age, with child and maternal malnutrition affecting the younger age groups (aged 28 days to 4 years), whereas high bodyweight and systolic blood pressure affected older people (aged 60�80 years). The proportion of DALYs attributed to high body-mass index increased from 3·7 to 7·5 between 1990 and 2013. Burden of mental health problems and drug use increased. Most increases in DALYs, especially from non-communicable diseases, were due to population growth. The crises in Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria have resulted in a reduction in life expectancy; life expectancy in Syria would have been 5 years higher than that recorded for females and 6 years higher for males had the crisis not occurred. Interpretation Our study shows that the eastern Mediterranean region is going through a crucial health phase. The Arab uprisings and the wars that followed, coupled with ageing and population growth, will have a major impact on the region's health and resources. The region has historically seen improvements in life expectancy and other health indicators, even under stress. However, the current situation will cause deteriorating health conditions for many countries and for many years and will have an impact on the region and the rest of the world. Based on our findings, we call for increased investment in health in the region in addition to reducing the conflicts. Funding Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY licens

    Propuesta de evaluación del aprendizaje en materias científico-técnicas

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    El presente trabajo pretende mostrar un sistema de evaluación que se lleva acabo en materias científico-técnicas donde el contenido práctico es considerable. Se pretende considerar los distintos instrumentos y formas de evaluación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El objetivo principal de este trabajo pretende entender que examinar y calificar no son actos de menor importancia, sino que suponen una gran influencia en todo el proceso y pueden o no, ayudar y animar a los estudiantes en su principal tarea del aprendizaje y su progreso. La propuesta permite desarrollar las siguientes técnicas docentes: sesiones académicas teóricas, prácticas, exposición y debate, seminarios y jornadas, tutorías colectivas y además visitas facultativas

    Slope Movements and Active Tectonics in the Izbor River Basin (Granada, Spain)

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    6 páginas.-- Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Landslides held in Cardiff on 26-30 June 2000.-- Edited by E. Bromhead, N. Dixon and M. L. Ibsen.In this paper an inventory of landslides and its relationships to the Quaternary active tectonics are analysed taking in account geomorphic indexes and field observations. The terrain affected by landslides represents a 7.4% of the total surface of the study area and most of the movements are incipient slides on Nevado-Filábride and Alpujárride metapelites, or advanced earth flows on Neogene silts and sand deposits. Also, there are debris flows and rock falls developed on Alpujarride marbles and calcareous schists. In general, the observed unstable zones are related with very steep slopes in the margins of rapidly incised river channels, resulting from environmental processes and the recent active tectonics. A comparison of the landslide inventory and the distribution of geomorphic indexes, related to the river channels network, is made. From this, different areas of increasing active tectonics are distinguished: the Southern margin of Sierra Nevada and Northern slopes of Sierra Los Guajares, where a relatively high degree of tectonic activity is established and the landslides are abundant, in one side, and the Northern slopes of Sierra de Albunuelas and the SW of the Padul basin, where the tectonic activity is relatively lower and the slope instability is not frequent.Peer reviewe