20 research outputs found

    Major issues in the origins of ray‐finned fish ( A ctinopterygii) biodiversity

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    Ray‐finned fishes ( A ctinopterygii) dominate modern aquatic ecosystems and are represented by over 32000 extant species. The vast majority of living actinopterygians are teleosts; their success is often attributed to a genome duplication event or morphological novelties. The remainder are ‘living fossils’ belonging to a few depauperate lineages with long‐retained ecomorphologies: P olypteriformes (bichirs), H olostei (bowfin and gar) and C hondrostei (paddlefish and sturgeon). Despite over a century of systematic work, the circumstances surrounding the origins of these clades, as well as their basic interrelationships and diagnoses, have been largely mired in uncertainty. Here, I review the systematics and characteristics of these major ray‐finned fish clades, and the early fossil record of A ctinopterygii, in order to gauge the sources of doubt. Recent relaxed molecular clock studies have pushed the origins of actinopterygian crown clades to the mid‐late P alaeozoic [ S ilurian– C arboniferous; 420 to 298 million years ago ( M a)], despite a diagnostic body fossil record extending only to the later M esozoic (251 to 66 M a). This disjunct, recently termed the ‘ T eleost G ap’ (although it affects all crown lineages), is based partly on calibrations from potential P alaeozoic stem‐taxa and thus has been attributed to poor fossil sampling. Actinopterygian fossils of appropriate ages are usually abundant and well preserved, yet long‐term neglect of this record in both taxonomic and systematic studies has exacerbated the gaps and obscured potential synapomorphies. At the moment, it is possible that later P alaeozoic‐age teleost, holostean, chondrostean and/or polypteriform crown taxa sit unrecognized in museum drawers. However, it is equally likely that the ‘ T eleost G ap’ is an artifact of incorrect attributions to extant lineages, overwriting both a post‐ P alaeozoic crown actinopterygian radiation and the ecomorphological diversity of stem‐taxa.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109271/1/brv12086.pd

    Clinical measurement of the thoracic kyphosis : a study of the intra-rater reliability in subjects with and without shoulder pain

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical sagittal plane assessment of the thoracic kyphosis angle is considered an essential component of the postural examination of patients presenting with upper body pain syndromes. Cervical headaches and conditions involving the shoulder, such as subacromial pain syndrome, have all been associated with an increase in the thoracic kyphosis. Concomitantly a decrease in the thoracic kyphosis as a result of a stretching and strengthening rehabilitation programme is believed to be associated with a reduction in symptoms and pain and improvement in function. Clinicians generally measure the sagittal plane kyphosis angle visually. There is no certainty that this method is reliable or is capable of measuring angular changes over time or in response to intervention. As such a simple and reliable clinical method of measuring the thoracic kyphosis would enable clinicians to record this information. The aim of this investigation was to determine the intra-tester reliability of measuring the thoracic kyphosis angle using a clinical method METHODS: Measurements were made in 45 subjects with and 45 subjects without upper body symptoms. Measurements were made with the subjects in relaxed standing. Two gravity dependent inclinometers were used to measure the kyphosis. The first was placed over the region of the 1st and 2nd thoracic spinous processes. The other, over the region of the 12th thoracic and 1st lumbar spinous processes. The angle produced by each inclinometer was measured 3 times in succession. Each set of 3 measurements was made on two occasions (separated by a minimum of 30 minutes and additional data collection involving 46 further measurements of posture and movement on the same and an additional subject before the thoracic kyphosis measurements were re-measured) by one rater. The reliability of the measurements was analyzed using 2-way ANOVA intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), 95% confidence intervals (CI) and standard error of measurement (SEM) for precision, for a single measurement [ICC(single)] and the average of 3 measures [ICC(average)]. The assessor remained 'blinded' to data input and the measurements were staggered to reduce examiner bias. RESULTS: The measurement of the thoracic kyphosis as used in this investigation was found to have excellent intra-rater reliability for both subjects with and without symptoms. The ICC(single) results for the subjects without symptoms were, .95; (95% CI .91-.97). The corresponding ICC(average) results were; .97; (95% CI .95-.99). The results for the subjects with symptoms were; 93; (95% CI .88-.96), for ICC(single) and for ICC(average); .97; (95% CI .94-.98). The SEM results for subjects without and with symptoms were 1.0 degrees and 1.7 degrees , respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this immediate test-retest reliability study suggest that the clinical measurement of the thoracic kyphosis using gravity dependent inclinometers demonstrates excellent intra-rater reliability. Additional research is required to determine the inter-rater reliability of this method

    Índices de fiabilidad del análisis del ángulo poplíteo mediante fotogrametría ensaio clínico

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    Introduction:The assessment and objective measurement of joint range of motion are of fundamental importance for the diagnosis, planning and monitoring treatment. With the advancement of technology, photogrammetry is beginning to be used with greater frequency in the physical therapy practice, measuring the amount of joint motion. The popliteal angle was chosen because it provides an indirect measure of flexibility of the hamstring muscles. The retraction of the hamstrings can result in significant postural problems and produce a continuous posterior tilt of the pelvis, affecting the gait and sports movements, as well as causing muscle or joint pain.Objectives:To confirm the reliability intra- and inter-examiner analysis of popliteal angle through computerized photogrammetry using the Postural Assessment Software (SAPO), to establish the repeatability and reproducibility of the method.Methods:Twenty-three patients (46 knees) were evaluated. Volunteers were positioned supine with hip and knee of the evaluated leg flexed at 90 degrees, keeping the contralateral limb in extension. Next, the knee of the tested limb was passively extended until the point at which the first resistance to stretching was perceived. At this point, the popliteal angle was recorded. Statistical analysis of inter- and intra-examiner reliability was determined by the results of the coefficient of intra-class correlation (ICC) of types 1.1 and 3.1 in the Pearson correlation test, considering a significance level of p<0.05.Results:The measurement of the popliteal angle by photogrammetry showed strong intra-examiner reliability (ICC=0.786) and very strong inter-examiner reliability (ICC=0.920).Conclusion:The photogrammetry is an appropriate method for the evaluation of the popliteal angle since the coefficient of intra-class correlation and intra and inter- examiners reached strong and very strong levels, respectively, confirming the reproducibility and repeatability of this assessment technique.Introducción:La evaluación y la medición objetiva de la amplitud articular son de fundamental importancia para el diagnóstico, planificación y acompañamiento de un tratamiento. Con el avance de la tecnología, la fotogrametría está empezando a ser utilizada con mayor frecuencia en la práctica de fisioterapia para mensurar la cuantidad de movimiento articular. El ángulo poplíteo fue elegido porque proporciona una medida indirecta de la flexibilidad de la musculatura isquiotibial. La retracción de los isquiotibiales puede resultar en problemas de postura significativos y producir una inclinación posterior continua de la pelvis, afectando la marcha y el gesto deportivo, siendo también una de las causas de dolores musculares o articulares.Objetivos:Verificar la fiabilidad intra e inter-examinador de la análisis de ángulo poplíteo mediante fotogrametría computarizada, utilizando el software de evaluación postural (SAPo) para establecer la repetibilidad y la reproducibilidad del método.Métodos:Fueron evaluados 23 individuos (46 rodillas). Los voluntarios fueron posicionados en decúbito dorsal, con la cadera y la rodilla del miembro inferior evaluado flexionados a 90 grados, manteniendo el miembro contralateral en extensión. A continuación, la rodilla del miembro testado se extendió pasivamente hasta el punto en que se percibió la primera resistencia al estiramiento. En este punto, fue hecho el registro del ángulo poplíteo. El análisis estadístico de la fiabilidad inter e intra-examinador fue determinado por los resultados del coeficiente de correlación intra-clase (ICC) de los tipos 1.1 y 3.1 en la prueba de correlación de Pearson, considerando un nivel de significación de p < 0,05.Resultados:La medición del ángulo poplíteo por fotogrametría mostró fuerte fiabilidad intra-examinador (ICC = 0,786) y muy fuerte fiabilidad inter-examinador (ICC = 0,920).Conclusión:La fotogrametría es un método apropiado para evaluación del ángulo poplíteo una vez que los valores del coeficiente de correlación intra-clase, intra e inter-examinador llegaron a niveles fuerte y muy fuerte, respectivamente, confirmando la reproducibilidad y la repetibilidad de esta técnica de evaluación.Introdução:A avaliação e a mensuração objetiva da amplitude articular são de fundamental importância para o diagnóstico, planejamento e acompanhamento de um tratamento. Com o avanço da tecnologia, a biofotogrametria começa a ser utilizada com maior frequência no meio fisioterapêutico, mensurando a quantidade de movimento articular. O ângulo poplíteo foi escolhido por ser uma medida indireta da flexibilidade da musculatura ísquiossural. A retração dos isquiossurais pode resultar em problemas posturais significativos e produzir uma inclinação posterior contínua da pelve, afetando a marcha e o gesto esportivo, sendo também uma das causas de dores musculares ou articulares.Objetivos:Verificar as confiabilidades intra e inter-examinador da análise de ângulo poplíteo através a fotogrametria computadorizada, utilizando o software para avaliação postural (SAPo), buscando estabelecer a repetibilidade e a reprodutibilidade do método.Métodos:Foram avaliados 23 indivíduos (46 joelhos). Os voluntários foram posicionados em decúbito dorsal, com quadril e joelho do membro inferior avaliado fletidos a 90 graus, mantendo o membro contralateral em extensão. A seguir, o joelho do membro testado era estendido passivamente, até o ponto no qual se percebia primeira resistência dos músculos ao alongamento. Neste ponto, foi feito o registro do ângulo poplíteo. A análise estatística da confiabilidade inter e intra-examinador foi averiguada pelos resultados do coeficiente de correlação intra-classe (ICC) dos tipos 1,1 e 3,1 no teste de correlação de Pearson, considerando um nível de significância de p<0,05.Resultados:O método de avaliação do ângulo poplíteo pela biofotogrametria apresentou confiabilidade forte (ICC = 0,786) intra-examinador e confiabilidade muito forte (ICC = 0,920) inter-examinador.Conclusão:A biofotogrametria é um método apropriado para a avaliação do ângulo poplíteo uma vez que os valores do coeficiente de correlação intra-classe intra e inter-examinadores atingiram níveis forte e muito forte, respectivamente, confirmando a reprodutibilidade e a repetibilidade desta técnica de avaliação