218 research outputs found

    Polydopamine and collagen coated micro-grated polydimethylsiloxane for human mesenchymal stem cell culture

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    Natural tissues contain highly organized cellular architecture. One of the major challenges in tissue engineering is to develop engineered tissue constructs that promote cellular growth in physiological directionality. To address this issue, micro-patterned polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrates have been widely used in cell sheet engineering due to their low microfabrication cost, higher stability, excellent biocompatibility, and most importantly, ability to guide cellular growth and patterning. However, the current methods for PDMS surface modification either require a complicated procedure or generate a non-uniform surface coating, leading to the production of poor-quality cell layers. A simple and efficient surface coating method is critically needed to improve the uniformity and quality of the generated cell layers. Herein, a fast, simple and inexpensive surface coating method was analyzed for its ability to uniformly coat polydopamine (PD) with or without collagen on micro-grated PDMS substrates without altering essential surface topographical features. Topographical feature, stiffness and cytotoxicity of these PD and/or collagen based surface coatings were further analyzed. Results showed that the PD-based coating method facilitated aligned and uniform cell growth, therefore holds great promise for cell sheet engineering as well as completely biological tissue biomanufacturing

    Alk2/ACVR1 and Alk3/BMPR1A Provide Essential Function for Bone Morphogenetic Protein–Induced Retinal AngiogenesisHighlights

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    OBJECTIVE: Increasing evidence suggests that bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling regulates angiogenesis. Here, we aimed to define the function of BMP receptors in regulating early postnatal angiogenesis by analysis of inducible, endothelial-specific deletion of the BMP receptor components Bmpr2 (BMP type 2 receptor), Alk1 (activin receptor-like kinase 1), Alk2, and Alk3 in mouse retinal vessels. APPROACH AND RESULTS: Expression analysis of several BMP ligands showed that proangiogenic BMP ligands are highly expressed in postnatal retinas. Consistently, BMP receptors are also strongly expressed in retina with a distinct pattern. To assess the function of BMP signaling in retinal angiogenesis, we first generated mice carrying an endothelial-specific inducible deletion of Bmpr2. Postnatal deletion of Bmpr2 in endothelial cells substantially decreased the number of angiogenic sprouts at the vascular front and branch points behind the front, leading to attenuated radial expansion. To identify critical BMPR1s (BMP type 1 receptors) associated with BMPR2 in retinal angiogenesis, we generated endothelial-specific inducible deletion of 3 BMPR1s abundantly expressed in endothelial cells and analyzed the respective phenotypes. Among these, endothelial-specific deletion of either Alk2/acvr1 or Alk3/Bmpr1a caused a delay in radial expansion, reminiscent of vascular defects associated with postnatal endothelial-specific deletion of BMPR2, suggesting that ALK2/ACVR1 and ALK3/BMPR1A are likely to be the critical BMPR1s necessary for proangiogenic BMP signaling in retinal vessels. CONCLUSIONS: Our data identify BMP signaling mediated by coordination of ALK2/ACVR1, ALK3/BMPR1A, and BMPR2 as an essential proangiogenic cue for retinal vessels

    Multipotent Embryonic Isl1+ Progenitor Cells Lead to Cardiac, Smooth Muscle, and Endothelial Cell Diversification

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    SummaryCardiogenesis requires the generation of endothelial, cardiac, and smooth muscle cells, thought to arise from distinct embryonic precursors. We use genetic fate-mapping studies to document that isl1+ precursors from the second heart field can generate each of these diverse cardiovascular cell types in vivo. Utilizing embryonic stem (ES) cells, we clonally amplified a cellular hierarchy of isl1+ cardiovascular progenitors, which resemble the developmental precursors in the embryonic heart. The transcriptional signature of isl1+/Nkx2.5+/flk1+ defines a multipotent cardiovascular progenitor, which can give rise to cells of all three lineages. These studies document a developmental paradigm for cardiogenesis, where muscle and endothelial lineage diversification arises from a single cell-level decision of a multipotent isl1+ cardiovascular progenitor cell (MICP). The discovery of ES cell-derived MICPs suggests a strategy for cardiovascular tissue regeneration via their isolation, renewal, and directed differentiation into specific mature cardiac, pacemaker, smooth muscle, and endothelial cell types

    Generation of Induced Cardiospheres via Reprogramming of Skin Fibroblasts for Myocardial Regeneration

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    © 2016 The Authors STEM CELLS published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of AlphaMed PressRecent pre-clinical and clinical studies have suggested that endogenous cardiospheres (eCS) are potentially safe and effective for cardiac regeneration following myocardial infarction (MI). Nevertheless the preparation of autologous eCS requires invasive myocardial biopsy with limited yield. We describe a novel approach to generate induced cardiospheres (iCS) from adult skin fibroblasts via somatic reprogramming. After infection with Sox2, Klf4, and Oct4, iCS were generated from mouse adult skin fibroblasts treated with Gsk3β inhibitor-(2′Z,3′E)- 6-Bromoindirubin-3′-oxime and Oncostatin M. They resembled eCS, but contained a higher percentage of cells expressing Mesp1, Isl1, and Nkx2.5. They were differentiated into functional cardiomyocytes in vitro with similar electrophysiological properties, calcium transient and contractile function to eCS and mouse embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Transplantation of iCS (1 × 106 cells) into mouse myocardium following MI had similar effects to transplantation of eCS but significantly better than saline or fibroblast in improving left ventricular ejection fraction, increasing anterior/septal ventricular wall thickness and capillary density in the infarcted region 4 weeks after transplantation. No tumor formation was observed. iCS generated from adult skin fibroblasts by somatic reprogramming and a cocktail of Gsk3β inhibitor-6-Bromoindirubin-3′-oxime and Oncostatin M may represent a novel source for cell therapy in MI. Stem Cells 2016;34:2693–2706.published_or_final_versioncsl 17020

    Wnt5a Increases Cardiac Gene Expressions of Cultured Human Circulating Progenitor Cells via a PKC Delta Activation

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    Background: Wnt signaling controls the balance between stem cell proliferation and differentiation and body patterning throughout development. Previous data demonstrated that non-canonical Wnts (Wnt5a, Wnt11) increased cardiac gene expression of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and bone marrow-derived stem cells cultured in vitro. Since previous studies suggested a contribution of the protein kinase C (PKC) family to the Wnt5a-induced signalling, we investigated which PKC isoforms are activated by non-canonical Wnt5a in human EPC. Methodology/Principal Findings: Immunoblot experiments demonstrated that Wnt5a selectively activated the novel PKC isoform, PKC delta, as evidenced by phosphorylation and translocation. In contrast, the classical Ca2+-dependent PKC isoforms, PKC alpha and beta2, and one of the other novel PKC isoforms, PKC epsilon, were not activated by Wnt5a. The PKC delta inhibitor rottlerin significantly blocked co-culture-induced cardiac differentiation in vitro, whereas inhibitors directed against the classical Ca2+-dependent PKC isoforms or a PKC epsilon-inhibitory peptide did not block cardiac differentiation. In accordance, EPC derived from PKC delta heterozygous mice exhibited a significant reduction of Wnt5a-induced cardiac gene expression compared to wild type mice derived EPC. Conclusions/Significance: These data indicate that Wnt5a enhances cardiac gene expressions of EPC via an activation of PKC delta

    Active Wnt signaling in response to cardiac injury

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    Although the contribution of Wnt signaling in infarct healing is suggested, its exact role after myocardial infarction (MI) still needs to be unraveled. We evaluated the cardiac presence of active Wnt signaling in vivo following MI, and investigated in which cell types active Wnt signaling was present by determining Axin2 promoter-driven LacZ expression. C57BL/6 Axin2-LacZ reporter mice were sacrificed at days 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 after LAD ligation. Hearts were snap-frozen for immunohistochemistry (IHC) or enzymatically digested to obtain a single cell suspension for flow cytometric analysis. For both FACS and IHC, samples were stained for β-galactosidase and antibodies against Sca-1, CD31, ckit, and CD45. Active Wnt signaling increased markedly in the myocardium, from 7 days post-MI onwards. Using Sca-1 and CD31, to identify progenitor and endothelial cells, a significant increase in LacZ+ cells was found at 7 and 14 days post-MI. LacZ+ cells also increased in the ckit+ and CD45+ cell population. IHC revealed LacZ+ cells co-expressing Sca, CD31, CD45, vWF, and αSMA in the border zone and the infarcted area. Wnt signaling increased significantly after MI in Sca+- and CD31+-expressing cells, suggesting involvement of Wnt signaling in resident Sca+ progenitor cells, as well as endothelial cells. Moreover, active Wnt signaling was present in ckit+ cells, leukocytes, and fibroblast. Given its broad role during the healing phase after cardiac injury, additional research seems warranted before a therapeutic approach on Wnt to enhance cardiac regeneration can be carried out safely

    DNA Demethylation and USF Regulate the Meiosis-Specific Expression of the Mouse Miwi

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    Miwi, a member of the Argonaute family, is required for initiating spermiogenesis; however, the mechanisms that regulate the expression of the Miwi gene remain unknown. By mutation analysis and transgenic models, we identified a 303 bp proximal promoter region of the mouse Miwi gene, which controls specific expression from midpachytene spermatocytes to round spermatids during meiosis. We characterized the binding sites of transcription factors NF-Y (Nuclear Factor Y) and USF (Upstream Stimulatory Factor) within the core promoter and found that both factors specifically bind to and activate the Miwi promoter. Methylation profiling of three CpG islands within the proximal promoter reveals a markedly inverse correlation between the methylation status of the CpG islands and germ cell type–specific expression of Miwi. CpG methylation at the USF–binding site within the E2 box in the promoter inhibits the binding of USF. Transgenic Miwi-EGFP and endogenous Miwi reveal a subcellular co-localization pattern in the germ cells of the Miwi-EGFP transgenic mouse. Furthermore, the DNA methylation profile of the Miwi promoter–driven transgene is consistent with that of the endogenous Miwi promoter, indicating that Miwi transgene is epigenetically modified through methylation in vivo to ensure its spatio-temporal expression. Our findings suggest that USF controls Miwi expression from midpachytene spermatocytes to round spermatids through methylation-mediated regulation. This work identifies an epigenetic regulation mechanism for the spatio-temporal expression of mouse Miwi during spermatogenesis