226 research outputs found

    La gouvernance nodale de la sécurité locale

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    Le présent travail de recherche se propose d’analyser les dispositifs de gouvernance nodale de la sécurité locale en France, alors que le paradigme a vu le jour et s’est développé dans les pays anglo-saxons fortement décentralisés. C’est qu’en France les dispositifs de gouvernance nodale s’apparentent bien plus à un dialogue entre central et local qu’entre secteur public et privé. La recherche identifie ainsi les caractéristiques de la gouvernance nodale au cœur des dispositifs partenariaux de la sécurité locale, supportés par le Contrat Local de Sécurité (CLS), le Conseil Local de Sécurité et de Prévention de la Délinquance (CLSPD) ou encore le Groupe Local de Traitement de la Délinquance (GLTD). La recherche identifie ainsi les stratégies de décentrage de l’État et de transfert de la production de sécurité vers une diversité d’acteurs locaux, dont les maires et les services municipaux. Une diversité de politiques publiques locales de sécurité de pertinences différentes voit alors le jour. Le premier enseignement de cette recherche est l’importance du rôle joué par le node super-structurel, que nous appelons super-node et qui regroupe le maire ou l’élu local à la sécurité, le responsable de la police d’État, celui de la police municipale et le représentant de l’État. Il apparaît que dans le dispositif de gouvernance nodale, ce groupe informel génère la dynamique collective qui permet de regrouper, tant les producteurs que les consommateurs de sécurité locale gravitant au sein du réseau local de sécurité. La quarantaine d’entrevues qualitatives permet également d’identifier que la Justice, productrice de sécurité comme peut l’être aussi la sécurité privée ou la médiation sociale, apparaît plus distante que ce que pouvait laisser penser l’étude des textes réglementaires organisant le partenariat. Les bailleurs sociaux, les transporteurs et l’Éducation nationale apparaissent clairement comme des acteurs importants, mais périphériques de sécurité, en intégrant cette « famille élargie » de la sécurité locale. Le deuxième enseignement est relatif au fonctionnement même du dispositif nodal ainsi que du super-node, la recherche permettant d’identifier les ressources mutualisées par l’ensemble des nodes. Cela permet également d’identifier les mécanismes de répartition des tâches entre les différents acteurs et plus particulièrement entre les deux organisations policières d’État et municipale, travaillant autant en compétition, qu’en complémentarité. Cette recherche explore également le rôle joué par l’information dans le fonctionnement du super-node ainsi que l’importance de la confiance dans les relations interpersonnelles des représentants des nodes au sein du super-node. Enfin, l’étude permet également de mettre en perspective les limites du dispositif actuel de gouvernance nodale : le défaut avéré d’outils performants permettant d’informer convenablement le super-node quant aux phénomènes de violence ainsi que d’évaluer l’efficience du dispositif. Cela permet également de questionner l’autonomie des dispositifs de gouvernance nodale, la confiance pouvant ouvrir à la déviance et la collégialité au défaut de la traçabilité de la responsabilité. La fracture avec la société civile apparaît clairement et ne facilite pas le contrôle sur un mode de production de sécurité qui se développe en parallèle des dispositifs traditionnels de démocratie locale.This study proposes an analysis of nodal local security governance measures in France, in a context where the paradigm was developed in highly decentralized Anglo-Saxon countries, but in France resembles more a dialogue between the central and the local than between public and private sectors. The research identifies the characteristics of nodal governance at the heart of local security partnership measures, supported by the Local Security Contract (Conseil Local de Sécurité, CLS), the Council for Local Security and the Prevention of Delinquency (Conseil Local de Sécurité et Prévention de la Délinquence, CLSPD), or still the Local Group for the Management of Delinquency (Groupe Local de Traitement de la Délinquance, GLTD). The research thus identifies the decentering strategies of the State and the transfer of the production of security towards a diversity of local actors, including mayors and municipal services. As a result, a wide array of local public policies regarding security, with varying relevance, has emerged. The first lesson brought out by the research is the importance of the role played by the super-structural node, which we call super-node, and which brings together the mayor or local elected official in charge of security, the head of State police, the head of municipal police and the representative of the State. It is found that in the nodal governance mechanism, this informal group generates a collective dynamic that allows for bringing together both producers and consumers of local security, revolving within local security networks. The roughly forty qualitative interviews conducted also allows for identifying that the Justice sector, a producer of security in the same vein as private security or social mediation, appears more distant than the study of the regulatory legislation organizing partnerships would have indicated. Social landlords, transporters, and public national education appear clearly as important, but peripheral actors in terms of security, integrating this “extended family” of local security. The second lesson relates to the functioning of the nodal apparatus itself, as well as the super-node, as the research allows for identifying those resources that are shared across all nodes. This further allows for the identification of mechanisms for the distribution of tasks between different actors, and more specifically between the two organizations of state and municipal police, who work as much in competition, as in complementarity, with one another. This research explores the role played by information in the workings of the super-node, as well as the importance of trust in the interpersonal relations of representatives of the nodes within the super-node. Finally, the study allows for gaining perspective on the limitations of current nodal governance measures: the recognized faults in otherwise reliable tools allows for properly informing the super-node regarding phenomena of violence, as well as evaluating the efficiency of the measure. This further allows for questioning the autonomy of nodal governance measures, as trust can open avenues for deviancy and collegiality can become detrimental to the traceability of responsibility. The fracture with civil society is clear, and does not facilitate control in a mode of production of security that is developing in parallel to traditional local democracy mechanisms

    Travail Ă©lectoral et pratiques administratives dans le cadre du suffrage censitaire. EnquĂŞte sur un refus

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    À partir d’un rapport du préfet de la Côte-d’or, Achille Chaper, relatif aux élections législatives de 1839 dans l’arrondissement de Beaune, cet article propose une analyse du travail électoral et des pratiques administratives sous la Monarchie de Juillet inspirée des travaux de Norbert Elias. C’est par l’analyse d’une configuration électorale singulière et des trajectoires biographiques des acteurs, qu’il est en effet possible de comprendre les logiques du « refus » d’un préfet exemplaire à une injonction banale mais révélatrice des tensions à l’œuvre dans la construction de l’État parlementaire.Electoral work and administrative practices within the context of suffrage based on property qualification. An inquiry on a refusal. From a reading of Norbert Elias’s sociological work, this article offers an analysis of electoral work and administrative practices under the July Monarchy, based on a report from the prefect of Côte-d’or, Achille Chaper, about the general elections in the district of Beaune in 1839. To understand the reasons for this refusal, and beyond the tensions in the process of the construction of the parliamentary State, it is necessary to analyse both the biographical trajectories of the protagonists and the electoral configuration

    The fishes of ascension Island, central Atlantic Ocean - new records and an annotated checklist

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    A checklist of the fishes of Ascension Island is presented. The species Rhincodon typus, Alopias superciliosus, Isurus oxyrinchus, Carcharhinus obscurus, Galeocerdo cuvier, Sphyrna lewini, Hexanchus griseus, Manta birostris, Gymnothorax vicinus, Hippocampus sp., Epinephelus itajara, Cookeolus japonicus, Apogon pseudomaculatus, Phaeoptyx pigmentaria, Remora albescens, Caranx bartholomaei, Carangoides ruber, Decapterus tabl, Seriola dumerili, Thalassoma sanctaehelenae, Cryptotomus sp., Ruvettus pretiosus, Acanthocybium solandri, Auxis rochei, Auxis thazard, Euthynnus alletteratus, Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus obesus, Xiphias gladius, Istiophorus platypterus, Kajikia albida, Makaira nigricans, Tetrapturus pfluegeri, Hyperoglyphe perciformis, Schedophilus sp., Cantherhines macrocerus, Sphoeroides pachygaster and Diodon eydouxii are recorded for the first time from Ascension Island. We have recognized two previous records as identification errors and indicate 11 other records as doubtful. Including the 40 new records, we now list 173 fish species from Ascension Island, of which 133 might be considered 'coastal fish species'. Eleven of these (8.3%) appear to be endemic to the island and a further 16 species (12%) appear to be shared endemics with St Helena Island.Darwin Initiative [EIDCF012]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New records of Chondrichthycians species caught in the Cantabrian Sea (southern Bay of Biscay)

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    Seventeen chondrichthyan species were caught in the Cantabrian Sea (southern Bay of Biscay) during a multidisciplinary survey carried out in the Avile´s canyon system in May 2011. This survey provided the first records of three species (Galeus murinus, Neoraja iberica, and Neoraja caerulea) in these waters, and a further record of Rajella kukujevi. To confirm the identity of these species, the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) of the specimens was sequenced. Genetic analyses revealed that the DNA sequences of the two Neoraja species were identical in all the specimens analysed. Morphometric analyses, based on 40 characters, showed 3.66% dissimilarity between the two species. The morphometric character that contributed most to this discrepancy was disc width.Versión del editor1,023

    New evidence of marine fauna tropicalization off the Southwestern Iberian Peninsula (Southwest Europe)

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    Climate change and the overall increase of seawater temperature are causing a poleward shift in species distribution, which includes a phenomenon described as the tropicalization of temperate regions. This work aims to report the first records of four species off the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, namely, the oceanic puffer Lagocephalus lagocephalus (Linnaeus, 1758), the Madeira rockfish Scorpaena maderensis Valenciennes, 1833, the ornate wrasse Thalassoma pavo (Linnaeus, 1758), and the bearded fireworm Hermodice carunculata (Pallas, 1766). These last three species, along with other occurrences of aquatic fauna and flora along the Portuguese coast, reveal an ongoing process of poleward expansion of several species, which urgently necessitates a comprehensive survey along the entire Iberian Peninsula. The putative origins of these subtropical and tropical species off continental Portugal are discussed, as well as the potential public health problems that two of the four reported species may cause.Agência financiadora Fundação para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) SFRH/BD/140556/2018 SFRH/BD/104209/2014 Delta Stewardship Council 1167 Delta Science Program 1167 Fundação para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) UID/Multi/04326/2013 European Regional Development Fund (COMPETE Program, Operational Competitiveness Program)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diplodus levantinus (Teleostei: Sparidae), una nueva especie de sargo del Mediterráneo sudeste frente a Israel, con una lista de especies y una clave de clasificación de las especies del grupo Diplodus sargus

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    The sea bream Diplodus levantinus n. sp. is described from off the coasts of Israel in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, where it replaces Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758). The new species is characterized by 11-12 spines and 10-16 soft rays in the dorsal fin, 3 spines and 11-13 soft rays in the anal fin, 15-17 pectoral fin rays, 6-9 + 8-12 gill rakers on the first gill arch, upper and lower jaws with a single row of 4 incisors on each side, followed by a total of 16-19 molariform teeth in the upper jaw and 12-14 molariform teeth in the lower jaw, with the molariforms of the upper jaw separated from the incisors by a wide, toothless gap, and the sides of the body in adults with 8 vertical bars of equal width which are present even in large adults, followed by a broad bar on the caudal peduncle which usually nearly reaches the ventral margin of the caudal peduncle. An updated checklist of the species of the genus Diplodus, and a key to species of the Diplodus sargus species group from the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, are presented.El sargo levantino Diplodus levantinus n. sp. se describe a partir de ejemplares de las costas de Israel, en el Mediterráneo oriental, donde reemplaza a Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758). La nueva especie se caracteriza por: 11-12 espinas y 10-16 radios blandos en la aleta dorsal, 3 espinas y 11-13 radios blandos en la aleta anal, 15-17 radios en las pectorales, 6-9 + 8-12 branquispinas en el primer arco branquial; las mandíbulas superior e inferior con una sola fila de 4 incisivos en cada lado, seguidos por un total de 16-19 molares en la mandíbula superior y 12-14 molares en la mandíbula inferior, con los molares de la mandíbula superior separados de los incisivos por una gran distancia sin dientes; los lados del cuerpo, en los adultos, con 8 bandas verticales de igual anchura, presentes incluso en adultos de gran tamaño, seguidas de una amplia banda en el pedúnculo caudal que, por lo general, casi alcanza el margen ventral del pedúnculo caudal. Se diferencia principalmente de D. sargus por el menor número de dientes molares en las mandíbulas superior e inferior, y por la amplia separación, sin dientes, entre molares e incisivos de la mandíbula superior. Se presenta una lista actualizada de las especies del género Diplodus y una clave para las especies del grupo de especies Diplodus sargus del Atlántico este y el Mediterráneo
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