14 research outputs found

    Biorealistic Response in Optoelectrically-Driven Flexible Halide-Perovskite Single-Crystal Memristors

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    The transition to smart wearable and flexible optoelectronic devices communicating with each other and performing neuromorphic computing at the edge is a big goal in next-generation optoelectronics. These devices should perform their regular tasks supported by energy-efficient in-memory calculations. Here, we study the response of the CsPbBr3_3 halide-perovskite single crystal fabricated on the flexible polymer substrate and integrated with the single-walled carbon nanotube thin film electrodes in a lateral geometry. We show both photodetection functions combined with the synaptic functionality in our device under the application of hybrid optoelectrical stimuli. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our device exhibits frequency-dependent bidirectional modification of synaptic weight with a sliding threshold similar to biologically plausible Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro learning. The demonstrated optoelectronic synaptic behavior in halide-perovskite single-crystals opens the opportunity for the development of hybrid organic-inorganic artificial visual systems

    Conversion of biomass platform molecules into fuel additives and liquid hydrocarbon fuels

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    [EN] In this work some relevant processes for the preparation of liquid hydrocarbon fuels and fuel additives from cellulose, hemicellulose and triglycerides derived platform molecules are discussed. Thus, it is shown that a series of platform molecules such as levulinic acid, furans, fatty acids and polyols can be converted into a variety of fuel additives through catalytic transformations that include reduction, esterification, etherification, and acetalization reactions. Moreover, we will show that liquid hydrocarbon fuels can be obtained by combining oxygen removal processes (e.g. dehydration, hydrogenolysis, hydrogenation, decarbonylation/descarboxylation etc.) with the adjustment of the molecular weight via C C coupling reactions (e.g. aldol condensation, hydroxyalkylation, oligomerization, ketonization) of the reactive platform molecules.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government-MINECO through Consolider Ingenio 2010-Multicat and CTQ.-2011-27550, ITQ thanks the "Program Severo Ochoa" for financial support.Climent Olmedo, MJ.; Corma Canós, A.; Iborra Chornet, S. (2014). Conversion of biomass platform molecules into fuel additives and liquid hydrocarbon fuels. Green Chemistry. 16(2):516-547. https://doi.org/10.1039/c3gc41492bS51654716

    Bioindication using Scots pine for assessing environmental pollution

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    The paper contains information on the fluctuating asymmetry of Scots pine in important recreational areas of the north of St. Petersburg - Sosnovka park, Novoorlovsky zakaznik, Udelny park. A comparative assessment of the quality of the environment in these locations is being carried out

    Orientation-controlled, low-temperature plasma growth and applications of h-BN nanosheets

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    Dimensionality and orientation of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) nanosheets are promising to create and control their unique properties for diverse applications. However, low-temperature deposition of vertically oriented h-BN nanosheets is a significant challenge. Here we report on the low-temperature plasma synthesis of maze-like h-BN nanowalls (BNNWs) from a mixture of triethylamine borane (TEAB) and ammonia at temperatures as low as 400 °C. The maze-like BNNWs contained vertically aligned stacks of h-BN nanosheets. Wavy h-BN nanowalls with randomly oriented nanocrystalline structure are also fabricated. Simple and effective control of morphological type of BNNWs by the deposition temperature is demonstrated. Despite the lower synthesis temperature, thermal stability and oxidation resistivity of the maze-like BNNWs are higher than for the wavy nanowalls. The structure and oxidation of the nanowalls was found to be the critical factor for their thermal stability and controlled luminescence properties. Cytotoxic study demonstrated significant antibacterial effect of both maze-like and wavy h-BN nanowalls against E. coli. The reported results reveal a significant potential of h-BN nanowalls for a broad range of applications from electronics to biomedicine. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].</p

    A Complex of Marine Geophysical Methods for Studying Gas Emission Process on the Arctic Shelf

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    The Russian sector of the arctic shelf is the longest in the world. Quite a lot of places of massive discharge of bubble methane from the seabed into the water column and further into the atmosphere were found there. This natural phenomenon requires an extensive complex of geological, biological, geophysical, and chemical studies. This article is devoted to aspects of the use of a complex of marine geophysical equipment applied in the Russian sector of the arctic shelf for the detection and study of areas of the water and sedimentary strata with increased saturation with natural gases, as well as a description of some of the results obtained. This complex contains a single-beam scientific high-frequency echo sounder and multibeam system, a sub-bottom profiler, ocean-bottom seismographs, and equipment for continuous seismoacoustic profiling and electrical exploration. The experience of using the above equipment and the examples of the results obtained in the Laptev Sea have shown that these marine geophysical methods are effective and of particular importance for solving most problems related to the detection, mapping, quantification, and monitoring of underwater gas release from the bottom sediments of the shelf zone of the arctic seas, as well as the study of upper and deeper geological roots of gas emission and their relationship with tectonic processes. Geophysical surveys have a significant performance advantage compared to any contact methods. The large-scale application of a wide range of marine geophysical methods is essential for a comprehensive study of the geohazards of vast shelf zones, which have significant potential for economic use